I Am In Marvel

Chapter 15: Section 15


Large base in Germany.

The three-meter-high iron net surrounds the large base as firmly and reliably as a bucket. The main gate, the only one without iron net protection, also has a battery fortress and is guarded by nearly thirty well-equipped German soldiers.

It was late at night and many guards were yawning slightly. At this moment, with the sound of an engine, a German military vehicle drove towards the main gate from a distance.

“Stop, stop!”

Even though they could see it was their own car, the guard soldier still lowered the barrier at the main gate and stopped the military car.

"What's going on?" The bearded captain of the security guard came forward with a team of armed soldiers, knocking on the car window to inquire.

The window of the military vehicle rolled down quickly, and the driver inside, wearing a flat leather hat, handed the soldier's ID through the window and responded hoarsely in German, "Uh, military supplies."

"Routine inspection." The captain of the guard waved his hand, and three or four soldiers immediately stepped forward to check the supplies in the rear compartment of the vehicle.

In less than half a moment, the soldiers returned to the captain of the guard in a panic and whispered a few words into his ear.

Noticing the captain of the security guards' gaze returning to him, Kyle, who was pretending to be the driver, raised his eyebrows and subconsciously lowered the brim of his hat, leaving a shadow covering most of his young face.

Is it exposed

Kyle's face was expressionless, but his body was secretly tense. As long as the German guards realized his identity, he would immediately use the forced teleportation that came with stealth to escape.

The captain of the guard waved his hand, asking the inspecting soldiers to step back, and he walked forward alone to the window of the military vehicle.

Just as Kyle was secretly on guard, the captain of the security guards suddenly smiled from his serious face. He cheerfully took out a rolled cigarette from his trouser pocket and handed it to Kyle: "Brother, you are still helping the commander with his mission so late at night. You are really working hard."

Kyle took the cigarette naturally and responded coldly: "You're welcome. This is what I should do."

"Okay. Let us pass!" the captain of the guard shouted, and the barrier at the main gate of the base was immediately opened. Kyle did not hesitate, and stepped deeply with his right foot, and the military vehicle roared into the base.

Large bases are not as simple as temporary combat territories, especially German bases known for their strict military discipline. Inside, there are driveways that can accommodate two cars in parallel, and various wooden or tent-built camp houses are lined up on both sides.

Even inside the base, there were lights at regular intervals, and patrol teams of six German soldiers were wandering around.

Kyle glanced at the distribution of the patrol team while driving the car deep into the base, to the supply storage area where a large number of vehicles were parked.

The supply garage area was quiet and empty, so Kyle took the opportunity to shut off his car and stop.

He was not in a hurry to enter stealth mode, but went straight to the back of the car.

"I was careless just now and forgot to check what was transported in the robbed military vehicle. How could the captain of the base's guard offer a cigarette and compliment a mere driver like me..." Kyle muttered to himself, quietly grasping the card-like Nepalese military knife in his right hand, and pulling down the gate of the rear iron door of the vehicle with the other hand.


The iron door of the rear compartment of the car opened, and at the same time, a faint whimpering sound was heard from inside.

"What is this?" Kyle frowned and leaped lightly into the rear warehouse. The dark vision inside gradually became clear, and the so-called military supplies turned out to be a young girl.

Yes. She was a white girl who looked only about sixteen years old, with a head of brilliant golden curly hair wet with sweat. Even in the dim light, it was difficult to hide her delicate face like a porcelain doll.

She was only wearing a thin white dress, her immature figure was already beginning to show its gracefulness. She was tied up with military ropes all over her body, with tape on her mouth, and was curled up in a large wooden box.

There was a white paper label on the large wooden box, which read in German: "Supplies collected from Europe, to Commander Leo."

“These beasts.”

Seeing this, Kyle gritted his teeth, and an uncontrollable fire of anger surged in his heart.

Although he did not hate war, he was never impressed by the criminal acts of invading land and homes and snatching young girls as supplies.

When the blonde girl in the box saw someone coming in, her beautiful blue eyes were filled with tears and fear. As her mouth was taped, she couldn't speak and could only make "wuwuwu" sounds of struggle.

"Don't be afraid." Kyle said, moving closer, but the girl became even more panicked and frightened.

"Uh." Kyle suddenly realized something, smiled bitterly, and changed his words back to authentic English: "Don't worry. I'm an American soldier. I won't hurt you."

Worried that this was not enough, Kyle took off his hat, revealing his young and handsome European face. This time, the girl finally calmed down.

Sure enough, no matter what era it is, it is an era that values appearance.

"Don't make a sound, I will rescue you." Kyle picked up the Nepalese machete and cut the ropes on the girl. When even the tape was torn off, the blonde girl could no longer bear it and hugged his waist, crying weakly.

"You're safe." Kyle said with a smile, stroking the girl's beautiful blonde hair soothingly.

Suddenly, a question was heard in German from outside the car, "Who's in there?"

The girl in Kyle's arms suddenly stopped crying and her whole body began to tremble.

"Don't make any noise, I'll deal with them." Kyle whispered, then raised his head. The gentleness on his face quickly turned into indifference, and a cold light condensed in his eyes.

He answered in a hoarse German voice: "My name is Bern. There are supplies in the car for Chief Leo. Can you come over and help carry them?"

"Understood." The patrol team leader outside the car had no doubts. He responded quickly and led five soldiers to the back compartment of the military vehicle.

The patrol leader and two soldiers entered the back warehouse first. When they shone their flashlights inside, they saw only the blonde girl lying huddled and shivering in the box.

"Huh?" The patrol captain's puzzled voice had just fallen when a figure suddenly rolled down from the top of the rear warehouse.


The Nepalese machete cut through the air in the darkness, quickly, accurately and sharply, the blade brushed across the throats of the three people in the back compartment of the car, and warm scarlet blood splashed everywhere.

Kyle killed the three soldiers in the car in an instant. Without even taking a breath, he leaped towards the other three soldiers outside the car like a murderous cheetah.

A distance of four or five meters is only less than half a second under the explosive attack of the top human physique.

Kyle raised his knife and slashed, and the fourth German soldier's head flew high. The sharp knife combined with the powerful force of the knife even cut off the cervical vertebrae in the neck!

There were two other German soldiers with their eyes wide open, and the extreme fear made their bodies' reactions much slower.

They wanted to fight back with guns, to shout, to run, but all of these were just "thoughts". The actual actions were simply wiped out the next moment.

Kyle stabbed one of the soldiers' heart with his saber in one hand, and with his other arm, he clamped the last soldier's neck tightly and rubbed him hard on the ground.


The two soldiers could only struggle a little, but they soon lost their vitality and turned into cold corpses in the hands of Kyle who killed them directly.

Chapter 15 Hidden Basement


Thick blood dripped onto the ground along the slightly curved blade of the Nepali army knife. The bodies of six German soldiers moved from the back compartment of the vehicle to the outside of the vehicle, and one by one they collapsed to the ground, becoming corpses.

"Huh~" Kyle let out a long breath, his heart still beating in an excited state, adrenaline and blood flowing through his body, and a lot of sweat overflowing from his forehead.