I Am In Marvel

Chapter 17: Section 17



The above is the card message displayed by the square-shaped blue light energy body.

"Oh my God..." Kyle's face was filled with shock, and his usually calm state of mind could not help but waver. He didn't expect to be dealing with god-level items from the Marvel world so soon.

The Cosmic Cube! A truly divine item, it is the container of the Space Stone that first appeared on Earth. The Space Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones and is a cosmic artifact.

"That's right. During World War II, the Cosmic Cube was found by the Hydra organization, and they used it to develop and produce endless energy for use in the war."

Kyle looked at the energy block in front of him with shock, and broke out in a cold sweat for himself and the US troops in the temporary combat zone.

To this day, this energy source has not yet been used on the front lines. Apparently, the German army has just manufactured it and has not yet officially put it into use.

If they were unaware of this news, facing the German army that suddenly had new energy gains, it is very likely that the front lines in Europe would suffer a devastating disaster!

But now it happens to be a good deal for me.

Kyle picked up an energy block with a little excitement. One energy block could act as a blue item card. This kind of high-quality item was simply the best material for sacrifice!

"This box has about twenty bucks, right?"

Kyle was about to start drawing a card when a slight sound suddenly came from behind him. His face changed, and before he could react, the back of his head was hit by a cold metal object.

"Don't move, or I'll blow your head off." The man with the gun behind him said in German. With a mechanical click, the safety of the pistol in his hand was already released.

I was careless.

Kyle tensed up and sighed inwardly. He didn't expect that he had let down his guard when he drew the card, and he didn't expect that there was someone in this hidden basement.

"Put what you're holding back and raise your hands." The man continued in a commanding, firm tone.

"Don't shoot." Kyle said as he put the energy block in his hand back into the box and raised his hands high.

In this life-and-death situation, Kyle was calmly thinking about countermeasures.

The simplest way is to use stealth forced transfer to leave the enemy base, but this is the last resort.

"Very good. I didn't expect you could speak German. You are worthy of being a rat in the American army who could sneak into my base." The man said coldly. He didn't mean to shoot immediately, which made Kyle give up the idea of forced transfer.

"What do you want to do by sneaking in here?" the man continued to ask. This time Kyle remained silent and did not answer.

"Oh, I'll find a way to make you talk." The man snorted coldly, holding the pistol against the back of Kyle's head, and took out the intercom with his other hand: "Hello, this is Commander Leo. Send soldiers to the basement of Warehouse No. 2. There is a little mouse of the US Army here..."

It turns out that this guy is Commander Leo who asked people to provide the girls with supplies, and he should also be the supreme commander of this large base.

Kyle still held his hands up motionlessly, but at some point, a card had quietly turned from virtual to real and was sandwiched between his fingers.

"Captain Leo."

Without waiting for the man behind him to finish his call, Kyle suddenly said indifferently, "Do you know there is a saying in our hometown?"

Commander Leo was slightly stunned, hung up the intercom, and asked coldly: "What?"

He held the pistol tightly against the back of Kyle's head, ready to pull the trigger if there was any movement.

Kyle replied softly: "That sentence is - villains die because they talk too much."


Commander Leo frowned. Before he understood the meaning of this sentence, a vicious dog suddenly emerged from the darkness. Its ferocious fangs flashed coldly and it bit his wrist holding the gun.

[Evil Dog]: Summons a rabid and ferocious vicious dog to fight for you.

Green bio card.

"Ahh!" Commander Leo fell to the ground holding his hands and wailing. The vicious dog seemed to be a large Tibetan Mastiff. Its eyes were glowing green, and its amazing bite force tore a large piece of flesh from his wrist, revealing the white bones.

"I am the protagonist tonight, so of course you are the villain."

Kyle curved his lips and stroked the furry fur on the vicious dog.

"Please, don't kill me. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to leave here alive!" Under the strong desire to survive, Commander Leo, who had just looked majestic and iron-blooded, begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Kyle said with a smile. Before Commander Leo could show any joy on his face, the next sentence made him pale: "I hate it most when someone points a gun at my head. So, just feed it to the dog."

As soon as the words fell, as if the vicious dog next to him understood Kyle's instructions, it growled and pounced, biting Captain Leo directly on the neck.

Ignoring the other party's screams and the hellish scene of vicious dogs gnawing at people, Kyle began to extract the energy blocks in the basement.

After all, even if it was once every three seconds, more than twenty energy blocks would take more than a minute. After receiving the call from the commander, the German soldiers in the base should have gathered here.

"In one minute, we must destroy the base's defense mechanism and break out of the enemy base. Time is running out!"

Kyle raised his eyebrows, but did not stop drawing the energy item card. Instead, he took out another creature card from the card space.

[Toxic Wasp Nest]: Summons a beehive with hundreds of wasps. The wasps are extremely poisonous and can kill people within half an hour. Rare green item card.

Current status: One-time summon only, lasts half an hour. Do you want to use it

"Now is when you can be of greatest use." Kyle said meaningfully.

At this time, in the mountain forest next to the large base.

Hundreds of American soldiers were hiding with solemn faces. Sergeant Fury, the leader of the team, clenched his fists impatiently, anxiously waiting for something.

"Captain Fury, the scheduled raid time is almost here. What should we do?" George couldn't help but ask.

"Wait a little longer." Fury said in a deep voice. Even he didn't know what he was waiting for.

Maybe Kyle was killed before he even sneaked into the base.

Even if Kyle could sneak into the base by chance, how could he destroy the defense mechanism composed of thousands of soldiers and sophisticated equipment with his ability alone

"Wait five more minutes. If there is no movement in the large base after five minutes, cancel the raid mission immediately and return." Fury took a deep breath. At this moment, he heard exclamations from many soldiers around him.

"Captain Fury! There seems to be movement in the enemy's large base!"

Chapter 17: Thrilling Breakout

A large German military base, in front of Warehouse No. 2.

Nearly a hundred German soldiers, holding sophisticated German-made rifles, gathered in the open space in front of the warehouse with solemn faces. This movement also attracted more patrolling soldiers to gather.

"Unable to contact Commander Leo. I repeat, the intercom cannot contact Commander Leo."

"Sir, do we need to force our way into the warehouse and search it?"

"Of course! There may only be one enemy. We have no reason to be afraid of him in our territory. But be careful. The warehouse is full of flammable and high-risk ammunition. Don't let them fire accidentally. If you see the enemy, suppress them with bayonets first."