I Am In Marvel

Chapter 18: Section 18


The officer in charge of the base patrol said this and waved his hand to signal the two soldiers ahead who were standing close to the warehouse door to open it.

The soldiers slowly pushed the warehouse door open, and it was pitch black inside. Several patrol teams quickly entered with guns. The lights on their helmets cast beams of light inside, sweeping left and right, up and down.

"Tap tap tap—"

Hearing the frequent footsteps coming from the ground above, Kyle knew that the enemy soldiers had already broken into the arsenal, and happened to be extracting the last energy block in the box into a card.

A total of twenty-five energy blocks, or twenty-five blue item cards, were obtained.

"Now, start the breakout." Kyle calmly glanced at the enemy commander who had turned into a pile of rotten meat, and turned the vicious dog beside him that was panting with its tongue hanging out into a card again.

The next occasion is not suitable for it.

However, most biological cards can be recycled, except for special biological cards such as the highly toxic hornet's nest. This also greatly increases the use value of biological cards.

"I wonder what creature cards of green quality or higher will look like. Will I draw monster cards like creatures from another world, King Kong, or Godzilla?"

This ridiculous idea only flashed through Kyle's mind, and he quickly left the basement and prepared to break out. He didn't know that this would become a reality in the near future.

At this time, a large number of German soldiers had already checked the upper space of Warehouse No. 2 and turned their attention to the final basement passage.

"Throw a smoke bomb in there."

One soldier held the prepared smoke bomb in his hand, while another soldier placed his hand at the door to the dark floor of the basement.

Just as they opened the door of the basement and were about to throw a smoke bomb downstairs, a cloud of black fog rushed out of the basement first, causing the opened smoke bomb to fall outside the basement.

"Ahem, what the hell is this?"

One of the German soldiers coughed and pointed his flashlight at the black fog. When the patrol team saw what was in front of them, they gasped with a tingling scalp and their faces turned pale with fear.

It was obviously not black fog, but hundreds of dark brown hornets, each of which was half a time larger than a marble, densely packed together.

"Hornet! There's a poisonous wasp in there!"

"Oh my God! Run! Get out of here!"

The German soldiers in the warehouse rushed out in fear, hoping against hope that they had not disturbed them. However, after leaving the basement, the poisonous hornets seemed to be organized and purposeful, chasing after them madly and attacking the soldiers' unprotected faces with their stingers.

In just a short moment, dozens of soldiers fled out of the warehouse in defeat. Many soldiers who were stung by hornets fell to the ground in pain, holding their faces and rolling around wailing.

Kyle came out of the basement at the tail end of the swarm. Seeing this scene, he was also surprised and whispered to himself: "It's just a rare green creature card, but this is really amazing."

"But the raid time for the mission has come. I don't have time to play with you. I must leave here as soon as possible."

Ignoring the German soldiers, Kyle, holding the Nepalese knife in his hand, quickly disappeared in the darkness.

Stealth starts.

Kyle, in Night Walker mode, took advantage of the huge commotion inside and outside the warehouse, flexibly weaving between the hornets and soldiers, and began to return to the area where the military vehicle had just stopped.

Due to the hustle and bustle of Warehouse No. 2 in the central area of the base, there are not many patrol teams in the parking lot outside the base.

Kyle sneaked and ran unhindered all the way and easily returned to the military vehicle he had stolen from the enemy.

He opened the iron door of the rear compartment and saw that there were only six bodies inside. He quickly jumped into the rear compartment and breathed a sigh of relief when he found the girl sleeping in the wooden box.

"Don't sleep. Get up quickly, I'll take you away from here!" Kyle stepped forward and pushed her, but the girl not only did not wake up, but her weak body completely collapsed.


Kyle put his finger under the girl's nostrils and could still feel a faint breath, proving that she was not dead yet, but just fainted from weakness.

But bringing an unconscious person with you in this situation would double the danger.

Kyle hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "You're lucky to have met me. Since I promised to take you away, then—"

He carried the girl on his back and tied her securely to his back with a rope made from local materials. The girl's body was soft, like a large quilt of high-quality.

"This weight is not even as heavy as a package."

Kyle complained behind the girl's back and turned to leave the bloody back of the car.

However, just as his front foot reached the edge of the rear compartment, he quickly retreated and closed the iron door in the process.

'Da da da!!!'

The next moment, the iron door of the car's rear compartment was riddled with bullets!

Kyle, who was clinging to the iron wall of the rear compartment of the car, frowned. There were actually three or four patrol teams outside the car. The combat quality was worthy of the German army.

"I can't be trapped here to death!" Kyle thought, and quickly picked up a body in the car, kicked the iron door half open with his foot, and then threw the body out with force.

'Da da da!'

Mistaking the corpse for an escaping enemy, the German soldiers immediately launched a fierce fire, and the corpse was shot into pieces in the air.

This is just the beginning.

Soon, the second body was thrown out, and the German gunfire was once again concentrated on it.

As if to not give the German soldiers a chance to restock their bullets, the third body was thrown out shortly afterwards!

This time, the bullets hitting the corpse were obviously more than half weaker. At the moment when the corpse was about to fall to the ground, a figure suddenly sprinted away in the opposite direction from behind the corpse!

It's Kyle!

He used the first two corpses to consume the enemy's ammunition and used the third corpse as a shield to successfully stop the gunfire, which was a brief opportunity for the enemy to change magazines!

Chapter 18: Grand Fireworks of War


Kyle ran at full speed with the person on his back, weaving in and out between the various parked military vehicles and sprinting towards the iron fence area at the edge of the base.

"Chase him! Don't let him get away!"

Behind him, more than twenty German soldiers were chasing him with guns, and all their bullets hit the vehicle shelter.

After collecting physical ability cards, Kyle's body was already tall and strong, and the girl's body was very petite, so it looked like he was carrying a doll-style backpack, which did not affect his movements.

Kyle dodged a wave of bullets and crouched behind a dirt bike. At this moment, the girl behind him made a "hmm" sound and woke up from her coma.

"What, what is going on?" The girl realized something was wrong as soon as she opened her eyes. She was obviously tied up with ropes like before, but this time she was tied to a sturdy man.

With legs and arms spread apart, chest and crotch completely defenseless, they cling shamefully to each other's backs like an octopus.

"You're awake." Kyle responded with a breath of hot air. Due to the continuous high-intensity combat, his whole body was sweating. His combat uniform had already been soaked with sweat, so that the two people with their backs pressed against each other could almost feel each other's body temperature.