I Am In Marvel

Chapter 2


The young man seemed not to notice the cards surrounding him, and was still worriedly asking questions.

Four white cards

As if he had encountered a ray of hope that could save him, Lu Ming's attention immediately shifted to the cards on the other party.

[American Soldier Training Uniform Set]

[Bicycle Driving]

[Street Fighting Techniques]

[English Basics]

Except for the first card which is annotated as "item card", which cannot be extracted, the other three "ability cards" are all extractable.

Without thinking, Lu Ming ignored the rest of the cards and focused on the last [Basic English Proficiency] ability card.

[Basic English proficiency]:

You can master common English speaking and writing skills. White ability card.

Current status: Extractable.

Do you want to extract

Chapter 2 Card Drawing Ability

Ability cards, can they be drawn

Is this my golden finger as a soul traveler

Lu Ming did not investigate further and immediately extracted the [Basic English Proficiency] from the young man.

In fact, it was just a thought in my mind. After three seconds of extraction, the words of the young man beside the bed reached my ears, "Are you really okay? You look very bad. Do you want to go to the military doctor's office for another checkup?"

"Uh, I'm fine. I just didn't wake up yet." Lu Ming tried to reply. His English sounded like his mother tongue and he spoke it fluently with the local accent.

"I'm glad you're okay." The young man breathed a sigh of relief, handed over the cup of water and medicine in his hand, and said with a smile: "You should take the medicine first."

Lu Ming nodded, swallowed the pill, drank a few sips of water, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Huh, I feel alive again. By the way, I'm still a little dizzy now, I want to confirm with you, where am I?"

Seeing Lu Ming's serious expression, the young man was stunned for a moment, and then quickly laughed and scolded as a joke: "Kyle, you are not dizzy, are you? This is a US military training base."

"Kyle, military training base?" Lu Ming pondered. He knew that his original body's name was Kyle, so he tacitly accepted Kyle as his new name.

From now on, there is no more Lu Ming; there is only a brand new Kyle.

After all, no matter how cruel reality is, life must go on.

The young man continued, "Yes, at the training base. We are new recruits and have only been here for one day. Maybe the weather was too hot and you fainted from heat stroke during the high-intensity running training."

Heatstroke, it seems that the physical condition is not very good.

Kyle secretly complained, as if he suddenly remembered something, and quickly put his hands on the thin shoulders of the young man and asked hurriedly, "By the way, let me ask you another question: Have you heard of 'Avengers'? This is very important, tell me quickly."

The most urgent task is to confirm whether this is the Marvel world.

“Kyle, stop shaking so hard.” The young man rolled his eyes. His thin and malnourished body seemed to be almost broken apart.

After Kyle stopped, he took a breath and replied, "I really don't know what alliance you are talking about. What is that?"

"Don't you know him..." Kyle frowned, then quickly seemed to remember something and asked with wide eyes, "Wait, what time is it now? I'm asking for the year, month, and day."

"Kyle, you didn't really hit your head, did you?" the young man said in surprise.

"Tell me now."

"It's September 1943."

"1943, it's actually the period of World War II..." Kyle fell silent. Even in the Marvel world, the Avengers did not exist during World War II.

Oh, and there’s another iconic character.

"One last question." Kyle took a deep breath and asked anxiously, "Is there a person named 'Steve' in the training camp here?"

"Steve?" The young man's expression turned strange.

"Yes, Steve Rogers." Kyle quickly confirmed that the Avengers' earliest hero appeared during World War II in the Marvel world.

Captain America, he should also be Marvel's earliest superhero.

"Kyle, what are you talking about? That person, we both know each other." The young man blinked, and under Kyle's puzzled gaze, he pointed at his nose and said with a smile: "I am Steve Rogers."

Hearing this, Kyle opened his eyes wide in shock and looked at the young man in front of him from head to toe again.

Compared to a normal young man, he is thin and petite, with simple blond hair and a face that looks weak but upright. Well, no wonder he feels a little familiar, isn't this Captain America before he was injected with the super soldier potion

Since he is here, this is indeed the Marvel world.

Kyle was in no mood to pay attention to the real idol in front of him. He didn't know whether he was happy or scared. He was excited when he thought about being able to touch the black technology of superheroes living in the movies. But he got a headache when he thought about the powerful villains in the Marvel world.

But this is Marvel during World War II. It's hard to say whether I'll have the chance to live to the 21st century. It's too early to worry about Thanos's snap.

Besides, Captain America himself is right next to him, so how can this be considered a big leg? (A mosquito leg is still a leg)

When Kyle thought of this, the look in his eyes when he looked at Steve changed, which made Steve shudder and he subconsciously took a half step back.

"Oh, right." Steve seemed to have remembered something important and said worriedly, "Captain Brandt asked me to inform you that when you wake up, you can go see him."

"Oh, the officer who trains new recruits?" Kyle nodded. Having seen the movie Captain America, he had some impression of the role of the training officer.

I remember that before Steve became Captain America, he was targeted by his superiors and teammates because of his frail body.

Maybe it was the original owner of his body that caused him trouble. As a new recruit, he fainted from heatstroke on the first day of training, which probably gave his superiors a very bad impression.

Kyle pondered for a moment and said calmly: "I don't quite remember how to get to the commander's office. Please take me there."

"Okay, come with me." Steve nodded.

Steve took Kyle out of the barracks dormitory and the two walked on the internal road of the base.

The sunlight was glaring outside the door. On the training ground of the huge base, teams of young soldiers wearing only white short-sleeved shirts and with bare arms were running under slogans.

"Hey. Look, isn't that Kyle and Steve?"

"He got heat stroke on the first day of training. What a pretty boy."

"A pretty boy and a skinny boy, these two are a perfect match."