I Am In Marvel

Chapter 29: Section 29


Although the super soldier he injected was only an initial incomplete sample, and had the horrific flaw of being disfigured into a red skull face, his strength should not be that much different.

The Red Skull didn't think much about it, and calmly turned on all the self-destruct switches in the factory. The old doctor behind him asked in shock: "What are you doing?!"

Red Skull pointed indifferently at a surveillance screen where Kyle could be seen quickly passing through the camera. "He can't be stopped. Not to mention the soldiers here, even I may not be able to stop him."

"Retreat immediately!" said the Red Skull, and quickly walked to the wall of the hub room. After opening the secret compartment, a square Rubik's cube object emitting blue light appeared.

Cosmic Cube! Not to mention this factory, even ten factories would not be even one ten-thousandth of the item in front of me.

"It should be just ahead!" Kyle sped up and turned around the wall. What appeared in his field of vision was a straight corridor, and in the middle of the corridor was the hub room.

It happened that at this moment, at the door of the hub control room, a German officer carrying a bag and an old doctor came out, and the two were about to leave.

"Want to run? Leave the Cosmic Cube behind!" Kyle snorted coldly and rushed over quickly.

"Stop him!" The Red Skull had no intention of fighting. He glared at the Doctor fiercely and evacuated to the end of the corridor with the bag.

“Damn it.”

The old doctor's face turned pale with fright. Knowing that he was abandoned, his legs went limp and he sat down in front of the door.

"I've told you, don't even think about running away!" Kyle pursued him mercilessly. He was sure that the bag in the other officer's hand most likely contained the Cosmic Cube.

"What a waste." The Red Skull glanced back at the old doctor, but he had no intention of relying on an old man to hold back the decisive super soldier.

“Try this.”

At some point, Red Skull had a new energy block in his hand and threw it towards Kyle with force.

"Residual energy from gems?" Kyle looked at the energy block thrown to him in surprise. This thing was the raw material for making energy magazines, which was also the blue quality item drawn from the large base last time.

This thing has a stable energy state and can be used directly as a weapon

Kyle's doubts were answered in the next moment. The Red Skull took out a pistol, aimed at the energy block that was still in the air, and pulled the trigger.

"This bastard is fucking crazy!" Kyle roared, quickened his pace, grabbed the old doctor on the floor of the corridor, and used him as a meat shield in front of him.

At the same time, bullets are shot at the energy blocks.

The next moment, even the air froze and stagnated.


The explosion of the energy block was like a tidal wave, sweeping around inch by inch and destroying everything in its path!

Chapter 29: Triumphant Return

The dazzling blue energy tide spread and covered everything, and no matter if it was walls, floors, or steel doors, they were all destroyed into nothingness without a single blow.


The screams of the bespectacled old doctor seemed insignificant, and his body gradually turned into nothingness until it evaporated completely.

The walls of the corridor shattered and collapsed, and the dust continued to form a shock wave that blew Kyle away!

After a few seconds, everything began to calm down.

At the end of the corridor, the Red Skull tore off the mask on his face, revealing a scarlet and terrifying skull face.

He looked indifferently at the damaged corridor in front of him that had suffered a devastating blow, and after coldly saying "See you later, super soldier", he turned around and left without looking back.

After another half a moment, a dishevelled figure stood up from the pile of rubble in the corridor. It was Kyle who had escaped the disaster.


Kyle brushed off the dust on his body and looked at the torn human skin hood on the ground at the end of the corridor. His tone was extremely cold, "Red Skull, next time... I promise that next time, if I run into you again, you will die a very ugly death!"

Let me remember this grudge in a little notebook!

Fortunately, there was a meat shield in front that blocked most of the energy waves, and with the blocking of the vibranium arm guards, Kyle only had the sleeves of his hands burned, and his clothes were torn from top to bottom.

"However, we still lost the best opportunity to seize the Cosmic Cube." Kyle sighed secretly. He really suffered a loss this time. He underestimated the villain Red Skull.

After all, he is the founder of the Hydra organization. Even if his strength is slightly inferior to Steve and not as good as himself, his insidious methods are still hard to guard against.

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded in the hub control room, which only had half of its space intact. Kyle came to his senses and rushed in as if he had sensed something.

Black smoke was seen coming out of the control console in the hub control room, and the main screen showed a message in red German: 'Countdown to factory self-destruction: 61 seconds', and the number of seconds was still decreasing.

Directly opposite the screen in the control room, an unconscious young man was tied to a laboratory table with his upper body naked. On the side wall, there was a large map with six flags scattered on the map.

Kyle's attention was sharply focused on the map, and immediately a card drawing message popped into his mind.

[German military factory distribution map]:

It contains the distribution map of six German weapon manufacturing factories and bases. White item card.


"Another map. This is to unlock the level." Kyle blinked and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Red Skull, you can run away as much as you want, but I will destroy your nests one by one first.

Kyle had just extracted the distribution map on the wall into a card when suddenly a tall figure rushed into the room. The two looked at each other, both slightly stunned.



After a long journey, Kyle and Steve met again in the factory control room.

"What happened here?" Steve looked around the dilapidated control room in confusion.

"It's simple - the commander of this factory got impatient and threw an energy bomb to stop me." Kyle shrugged and pointed his chin towards the young man lying in the room: "That's the person you want to save this time."

"It's Bucky!" Steve was overjoyed when he saw the young man, and hurried over to wake him up.

"Just carry it away with your shoulders. This place is about to explode." Kyle said, pointing to the main screen. There was only half a minute left in the countdown.

Steve nodded and did as he was told, carrying his unconscious friend on his shoulders. Kyle was about to lead the way to escape, but out of the corner of his eye he saw something on the table at the console.

[car key]:

The key to the Red Skull's exclusive car, a four-wheel drive vehicle built with top German craftsmanship and amazing horsepower. White item card.

"Got it, come with me!" Kyle grabbed the car keys and took Steve to the factory garage.

The half-minute countdown ended. Explosions occurred simultaneously in various parts of the factory, and the new energy materials triggered a series of bombings. The flames illuminated the wilderness at night.