I Am In Marvel

Chapter 30: Section 30


Outside the factory, a large number of American prisoners were liberated. After looting the factory's new energy weapons and tanks, they had already defeated the German troops stationed there.

Seeing the factory spontaneously explode, all the American soldiers fled.

At that moment, with the accompaniment of a burst of fire and the roar of the engine, a stylish and exquisite luxury car that looked like a work of art suddenly rushed out.

"Follow my instructions and break out in the direction of our base!" Kyle shouted from the driver's seat, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and led the charge, smashing the factory's iron net directly, as if he was driving Red Skull's precious vehicle like a tank.

"Follow me! Everyone, follow me!!"

When the American soldiers saw Steve and Bucky in the car, who were wearing conspicuous clothes, and realized that they were their own people, they immediately jumped for joy and followed the car, rushing into the endless wilderness in the dark night.

A night passed.

In the early morning, when the sky was just getting light, Carter couldn't wait to go to the communications office of the training base to inquire about the news.

"Captain Kyle and Steve Rogers disappeared in the third post-war area last night. The factory there has lost all signs of life. The search team has returned and is now preparing to officially report them as dead."

Commander Brandt received the telegram in person and said to Carter coldly, "Because of you, we not only lost an outstanding officer and a propaganda captain, but also the lives of hundreds of soldiers!"

"If this is the result, I am willing to take all responsibility." Carter responded calmly. She didn't believe that the two men would die so easily on the battlefield.

"No matter what you say now..." Brandt paused halfway through his words and turned his eyes to the side and behind him.

It was the sound of a car, faintly coming from the wilderness outside the base.

"Look, what is that?"

"Oh My God!"

The soldiers who were preparing for training in the base gathered around the back door of the base in surprise, and soon separated to both sides to make way for the empty space.

All they saw was a damaged luxury car leading the way. Kyle was sitting in the driver's seat and driving slowly, while Steve and the awakened Bucky were sitting in the back seat with their arms around each other's shoulders.

Behind the luxury car were hundreds of American soldiers armed with new energy weapons. Although they had been fighting all night and their faces were full of fatigue, they took every step with great determination.

They are back!

"This kid is really--" When Commander Brandt saw the enemy tanks being driven back behind the team, he was completely speechless.

Is this the looting of the enemy's factory

"Please give me a chance to show my talent as a soldier!"

The young man's firm words are still echoing in my ears. I don't know when, the new recruit who had just entered the base has quickly become a hero who has repeatedly created miracles.

"It's really amazing!"

Commander Brandt continued the unfinished words and led the applause, and the soldiers in the training base followed suit.

The thunderous applause could not be calmed for a long time above the base.

Chapter 30 Stark Industries

Kyle and Steve's battle to rescue the prisoners ended in complete victory.

On that day, Kyle handed over the battle report and intelligence map to Chief Brandt for submission. He did not even personally confirm the military merits. After taking a shower and changing into a formal shirt with Steve, he immediately went to meet up with Howard Carter and others.

After all, before rescuing the hostages, Howard promised to treat them to cheese hotpot, and he couldn't just do that casually.

Howard is a wealthy local tycoon! You can't be polite to him!

So at Kyle's strong suggestion, several people boarded Stark's plane that day and flew to the nearest city to attend the banquet and have dinner.

Howard is not only rich, but also very gentlemanly and romantic. The place he invited the three people to was naturally not an ordinary restaurant.

The hotel's entrance is decorated with luxurious golden lights that are dazzling, the ground is covered with a clean red carpet, the security guards are dressed in gentlemen's suits, and the receptionists are all beautiful women in short skirts.

"Howard, you really know how to live life." Kyle commented. Howard kept smiling without commenting and led the three of them into the hotel.

Howard was obviously a frequent visitor here. The customer service receptionist didn't even confirm his identity. When he saw him coming, he came forward and flirted with him, offering all kinds of VIP services.

The dining hall on the first floor was much more low-key and luxurious than the outside. Under the gentle glow of classical lamps, musicians played violins, and guests had their meals elegantly to the music. Most of the people here were either rich or noble, and they had no worries or troubles about the war in the outside world.

However, when Howard was about to ask the front desk staff to find a four-seater, Kyle spoke up first and asked the customer service staff to find two two-seaters each.

Howard smiled when he heard this: "Two people sitting together? Captain Kyle, you understand what I mean. Let me and beautiful Carter have dinner together tonight."

"You think too much." Kyle rolled his eyes and looked at Carter beside Steve. Tonight, she was finally no longer dressed in the military suit that she had been wearing for years.

Carter wore a strapless long dress that matched the occasion, and with a little makeup on her already beautiful face, she looked even more beautiful.

Her perfectly fitting red dress also highlighted the curves of her mature figure that had been hidden before.

"I promised you that I would bring Steve back safely. I didn't break my promise." Kyle said to Carter, and without waiting for her response, he patted Steve's shoulder again: "Take Carter to dinner first."

"Ah!" Steve exclaimed in surprise, then nodded quickly: "Oh, I see."

I'm creating an opportunity for you, so seize it, brother.

Kyle chuckled secretly. He didn't have any feelings towards Carter, so it didn't matter whether he felt sorry or not.

More importantly, the purpose of tonight is not as simple as having a sumptuous dinner.

"Please follow me." The receptionist bowed warmly, gestured towards the dining area with his hand, and took Steve and Carter to sit down first.

"Ah. Carter just left like that?" Howard's face was full of disappointment. He glanced at Kyle and said hesitantly, "Are we two grown men going to have a meal? Or a meal for two?"

"It's up to you whether you want to have dinner or not. To be honest, I have something else I want to discuss with you tonight." Kyle shrugged.

"Something else?" Howard looked at Kyle puzzledly.

Kyle said meaningfully: "Let's find a place to sit down and discuss the details first."

The basement level of the hotel building.

The style here is different from that of the lobby on the first floor. Under the dim lights, gentlemen and women of all identities let themselves go and dance to their heart's content to the music.

The receptionist holding the wine glass was dressed even more revealingly, in a bunny maid outfit with scant fabric. Her white tube top and long legs were very attractive.

Howard took Kyle to sit at the bar, and during the process he openly pinched the buttocks of a few bunny girls passing by, being both romantic and gentlemanly.

The Stark family is indeed a playboy family.

Kyle complained secretly and ordered a vodka from the waiter, while Howard ordered a cocktail.

"Well, let's have a toast to World War II." Howard raised his glass elegantly and said something unexpected.

Kyle looked at him in surprise and asked, "Is there something to be happy about when a war breaks out?"