I Am In Marvel

Chapter 37: Section 37


"The iron-blooded officer who has won every battle and turned the tide of the war will explain to you today the glorious path of Major Kyle, who is an enemy of thousands of people!"

During this time, newspapers were basically the first to print and publish battle reports from the front lines, not to mention reports of victory. Once published, they would be snapped up by the public.

Look, the newspaper boy with a red face due to the frost sold two stacks of newspapers in the cold and windy street in just half an hour.

It turns out that even if World War II did not appear to affect New York, it was enough to make people worry about the American troops on the front lines, hoping and praying that they could end the war as soon as possible.

"Can you give me one?" A blonde girl wearing a purple scarf smiled and waved gently to the newspaper boy running on the street.

The boy immediately trotted over, took the change, and put the last newspaper in his hand into the girl's basket.

He opened his eyes wide, looked at the girl's delicate face like an angel, and couldn't help but praise her: "Big sister, you are so beautiful."

"You're quite sweet." The blonde girl's beautiful eyes curved into a smile, and her warm smile seemed to melt the snow around her, which caused countless gentlemen passing by on the street to bump into the street lights frequently.

"It's time to go home." Luxi breathed in the cold air, elegantly carried the food and newspapers in the basket, and started walking back home.

Although it is called home, it is actually just the house where Kyle used to live. Located at No. 199 Hailan Street, it is a classic European and American style duplex villa with a balcony garden.

Lucy took off her boots and went in. There was a heater in the house, and the temperature was much warmer than outside, so she took off her cotton coat, revealing her graceful figure that could not be concealed by the sweater underneath.

After placing the basket on the table, Lucy changed her elegant and dignified demeanor outside, and with excitement on her face, she quickly took out several newspapers from the basket and spread them out on the table.

Newspapers all have headlines and picture sections, and the protagonists in the pictures on the headlines of these newspapers are very different. They are either a stern young man holding a round shield and waving his arms to command, or a cold-blooded young man dressed in black and holding a long sword and rushing towards the enemy.

Below the pictures in the newspaper, there are detailed notes about the characters.

'Steve Rogers, 23 years old, Captain America, Lieutenant Officer.'

(Captain Steve's first battle in life was to go deep into the third enemy-behind area with Major Kyle, destroy the factory base, rescue 500 American soldiers trapped in the cage, and break out successfully.

He called himself Captain America, always rushing to the front with a shield, leading a team of soldiers to capture five German factory bases within a month and minimize the casualties of his own personnel.

He is a patriot, a super soldier, and a heroic embodiment of American justice!

Lucy quickly glanced at Steve's profile, and her beautiful eyes anxiously fell on the longer and more cumbersome profile on the other side.

'Kyle Dove, 23 years old, the youngest major officer in history.'

Seeing this, Lucy showed a sweet smile of satisfaction, opened her lips slightly, and read out loud the following brief introduction of Kyle's personal deeds:

"Major Kyle is the youngest major in American history. He was the first to infiltrate the enemy base in a counterattack operation, with a one-to-one ratio, and annihilated the German commander and the main force, thus successfully winning the opportunity to turn the tide of the battle on the front line.

So far, all the battles that Major Kyle has led have ended in complete victory, often with one man fighting against a whole group of enemy troops. According to incomplete statistics, the number of enemies killed by him has exceeded 10,000, making him a true enemy of 10,000!

He is a hero who represents the symbol of American power! He is a war maniac that the German army is terrified of, nicknamed "Devil" and "Dicide".

The latest news is that the President of the United States has awarded Major Kyle the Medal of Honor. "

After reading it smoothly in one breath, Lucy's face became rosy with joy. Although such reports praising Kyle were frequently published in newspapers during this period, she would buy such newspapers every time and read them day after day.

"A few months ago, he was just a rookie who broke into an enemy base, but now he's become a major. He's also a hero representing American power, huh!"

Lucy pouted her pink lips. She was under a lot of pressure right now. Not only in New York City, but all the young women in the United States were obsessed with the cold-blooded young man in the newspaper.

After all, movie theaters in some big cities would occasionally show combat documentary promotional videos from the battlefield.

Kyle and Steve have been like the protagonists in a war documentary over the past few months. Their perfect postures of bravely killing the enemy and charging into battle, their strong personal strength in fighting against many enemies, and their young and handsome faces have all been revealed.

On the projection screen, just waving their arms to direct or looking towards the camera is enough to trigger wild screams from some teenage girls.

"Anyway, I knew Kyle first."

"Little Lucy, you have to cheer up. There's no reason for you to lose to those women."

Lucy cheered herself up secretly, curled up on the sofa, a bit like a woman waiting for her husband to return, and finally muttered sadly: "The New Year is coming soon, I don't know when Kyle will be able to come back..."

At this time, hundreds of miles away from New York, in the glacial mountains behind enemy lines.

Below, a rugged railway track extends from the waist of the snow-capped mountain to the distance. Everywhere there are snow-capped mountain peaks, biting cold winds, and drifting snowflakes.

On the top of one of the snowy mountains, a team of dozens of American soldiers wrapped in military coats were lurking, listening to intelligence messages from the rear base through monitoring equipment.

Fury said confidently, "It has been confirmed that on the train that is about to pass is an important figure from the Hydra organization, a newly appointed middle-aged German scientist, Warner Tours."

"Okay, let's get on the train. This time we're just going to get the prisoners, so we don't need to go with so many people." Kyle said quickly, looking at Steve beside him.

Steve nodded. "Just me, you, and Bucky. The three of us are good at individual combat. We are not afraid of any number of guards on the train."

"OK." Kyle nodded in agreement. In fact, he was going alone and was not afraid of danger.

Kyle, Steve, Bucky.

The three of them were ready, standing side by side on the edge of the peak in the cold wind, looking down at the hundreds of meters of drop on the hillside, patiently waiting for the arrival of the enemy train.

Chapter 38: Runaway Train

'Woo woo woo, kuan la kuan la—'

On the railway surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the whistle of an old train came from far away, faintly echoing in the sky above the snow-capped peaks.

A long steel cable hangs down from the peak, spanning a drop of one hundred meters. The other end is tied to the hillside of the opposite snow-capped mountain, with the bottom of the cable facing the sky above the railway tracks.

"It should feel like swinging on a swing." Kyle shrugged, stood on the edge of the peak, and held on to the iron ring device that slid down the iron chain with both hands.

Steve warned: "Be careful, if we miss the ten-second gap, we will all be hit by the train."

"Okay, I'll find the right time." Bucky nodded. He obviously didn't have the extraordinary physique of a super soldier, and he carried an energy gun as a weapon to kill the enemy.

"Guys, get ready!"

Fury had been watching through a telescope. When he saw the traces of an enemy train on the rails below the lens, he raised his voice and said, "It's going very fast. Get ready—"

“3, 2, 1, GO!”

As soon as Fury gave the order, Kyle jumped off the peak first, grabbed the iron ring and slid quickly down the cableway. Steve and Bucky followed quickly behind him.


The cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew in his face, and Kyle, dressed in black, broke through the wind and snow.

He looked at the front of the train passing by the tracks below him at high speed, then he loosened his hands and landed easily on the roof in the middle of the train.

'Tap tap!'

Steve and Bucky also landed on the top of the train one after another. The train was running at high speed. Next to the railway track was the bottom of the snowy valley. The difference of hundreds of meters was terrifying.