I Am In Marvel

Chapter 42: Section 42


Under the card drawing system, all creatures on the creature card must obey the card holder's orders. Even if the creatures on the creature card do not obey the card holder's orders, the card holder has a last resort - forced card drawing!

For all creatures summoned from creature cards, Kayle can forcibly extract them into cards and re-card them within a certain distance.

"You are just the product of my sacrifice and card drawing. You will always be inferior to me and there will be no day for you to turn the tables and become the master." Kyle made the decision and without any hesitation, he directly summoned the card in his hand into a physical creature.

The next moment, a ball of elastic black liquid appeared on his palm.


Initial Venom seemed like a newborn creature, treating Kyle as its mother. It covered his palms with warm black liquid and moved them back and forth to express its excitement.

It used a part of its own liquid to transform into black lines, which intimately touched Kyle's chest, abdomen, and face, and extended further outside the bed, touching his military boots, bedspread, chair, mirror, and combat uniform on the hanger.

Venom is like a baby, curious about everything in this world.

"From now on you will be called 'Venom', okay?" Kyle asked tentatively, and the liquid creature on his hand immediately secreted more liquid, happily extending to cover his arm.

Kyle didn't want to be wrapped up in a black mass, so he pointed to the combat uniform on the hanger and gave an order, "Try to transform into that."


Venom seemed to understand Kyle's words. A black line extended and wrapped around the combat suit. After the main body paused for a few seconds, the liquid body quickly covered Kyle's entire body below the neck.

Under Kyle's gaze, Venom then transformed into the black combat suit set by Howard at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no discernible difference from the outside.

"This feeling..." Kyle suddenly stood up from the bed, stretched his arms and tried to exercise. The combat suit transformed by Venom was not only more close-fitting and comfortable, but also gave him an exciting feeling of increased strength.

Strength increased by nearly one-fifth.

Kyle pondered, and clenched his fist covered with the venom glove, and could clearly feel the obvious increase in his strength.

This is still the original venom. After following him into the battlefield and adapting to the host's body and growing continuously, the venom will become more and more powerful.

"In the future, you need to maintain the illusion of combat uniform when you are outside. You can't show your liquid prototype in front of other people, understand?" Kyle warned, pulling down the cross logo on his chest. The Venom combat suit seemed to be made of highly fibrous material and was rich in stretchability, and it playfully bounced back.

The original combat uniform was actually of good quality, but the blood stains had to be cleaned every time he came back, and Kyle was used to using the vibranium arm guard on his right hand to block energy lasers, which often resulted in Howard having to repair the right sleeve of the combat uniform after returning from the battle.

To some extent, Venom, which has the ability to learn, self-repair, and amplify abilities, is the best combat suit in the world.

Chapter 43 Making Trouble

It was late at night and the disciplined U.S. military base was silent in the darkness, but subtle noises continued to be heard in a certain officer's single room.

Under the dim light, Kyle, wearing the Venom-transformed battle suit, did warm-up exercises in the single room - using the entire iron and wood single bed as a barbell, lifting weights to adapt to his increased strength.

As his abdominal muscles swelled rhythmically and his hands and feet continued to warm up through high-intensity exercise, the suit gradually fitted the host Kyle's body surface, like a layer of black leather skin, clearly highlighting the muscle contours of the perfect body underneath.

"Venom, you are happy, right?" Kyle said with a smile. Not only could he clearly feel the pleasure conveyed by the venom in his body, but this pleasure also made him energetic and in a good mood.

After Venom merges with the host, each other's powers and emotions will be intertwined, affecting each other and sublimated on this basis.

Today is the first day that the original Venom was born. Plus it is the first symbiotic fusion with the cardholder who has the physique of a super soldier. It is so excited that it can't stop jumping for joy.

However, there will most likely be information about the Red Skull's whereabouts tomorrow. The mission is imminent, so we can't waste time fighting with it.

Kyle exhaled a breath of hot air, put the single bed down on the ground, and said to Venom Suit in comfort: "Okay, I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow. If you keep going like this, you won't be able to sleep tonight."

Just as he was about to take off his Venom suit, there was a knock on the door.

"Who's looking for me so late?" Kyle was surprised. He patted Venom's suit soothingly and then walked over to open the door.

When he saw the young man in pajamas outside the door, he couldn't help but ask in surprise: "Steve, what are you doing here so late?"

"I was just about to ask you! It's so late at night, and you haven't slept yet. What are you doing in the room..." Steve yawned sleepily, his golden hair was messy, and it was obvious that he had just been woken up from his sleep.

By the way, isn’t the single room assigned to Steve just downstairs from my room on the second floor

Kyle remembered, shrugged and said, "There was a cockroach in the room just now, and I got up and killed it."

"Are you sure you're killing cockroaches..." Steve looked strange, and after glancing at Kyle's combat uniform, he said speechlessly, "If I didn't know, I would have thought you just came back from the front line."

Kyle spread his hands and said helplessly: "You know, I don't have much clothes to wear. Sometimes I just sleep in my combat uniform, which is also convenient for me to be ready for attack at any time."

"Okay. Go to bed early. We may have to take action tomorrow." After saying that, Steve rubbed his sleepy eyes and returned to his room downstairs.

Kyle also breathed a sigh of relief after closing the door. Luckily, if Steve came into the room and saw the original combat uniform on the hanger, he wouldn't know what reason to use to explain it.

"It's time to go to bed."

Kyle muttered, and was about to convert the venom directly into card when there was another knock on the door.


This time Kyle was alert. He quickly took out the original combat uniform from the hanger and turned it into a card. Then he walked over to open the door: "Steve, why are you here instead of sleeping-"

When he saw the person coming outside the door, he stopped talking in shock.

"Carter? Why are you joining in the fun so late at night?" Kyle asked with a curl of his lips.

That's right. The person knocking at the door was Carter, who was wearing simple long-sleeved pajamas.

The exposed skin on her neck was fair, and her short blonde hair hung lazily on her shoulders, adding another kind of charm compared to her cold and elegant look during the day.

Do you want to sleep tonight

Kyle secretly complained, and seeing that Carter didn't say anything, he asked directly: "Want to come into the room and sit down?"

"You wish." Carter rolled his eyes at him, turned around and leaned against the wooden railing of the second-floor corridor, his back seemed to blend into the night, "I have something to tell you."

"Don't worry." Kyle seemed to have thought of something. He walked out of the corridor and leaned against Carter's side. Facing the starry night sky, he whispered, "It will be the same tomorrow. No matter how many times, I will bring Steve back."

Carter was silent for a moment, glanced at Kyle with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to come back?"

"Can't come back?" Kyle was slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "I haven't really thought about this. Although I don't want to set a flag in advance, I still have some confidence in my ability."

This is not arrogance, but is based on a certain understanding of the Marvel world and an estimation of the total strength of one's own abilities and equipment.

Super soldier abilities and physique, dozens of fighting skills, carbon sodium steel sword, vibranium arm guards, and the new Venom suit drawn tonight, not to mention the other life-saving trump cards of Blue Eagle and Senzu Bean.

If the Red Skull is positioned as a villain at this stage, Kyle really doesn't take him seriously. When he sees him, he will just mindlessly fight him head-on to see if he can withstand it.

Carter continued, "It's good to be confident, but there are always unexpected events. Kyle, you always rush to the front so recklessly, aren't you afraid that you will fall one day?"

"Are you concerned about me and afraid that I'll die on the battlefield?" Kyle blinked in surprise. This woman seemed a little abnormal tonight.

"Of course!" Carter nodded in acknowledgement, and said precisely: "You are one of the people I selected to record and perfect the super soldier data. If you don't come back, it will be a great loss to our army."

"My only research value? I'm now a major and an American hero, so please be more respectful in your tone." Kyle retorted.