I Am In Marvel

Chapter 47: Section 47


Current Status: Unable to be extracted. Single-use item.

Kyle's heart was shocked, and he finally understood why the Red Skull was confident enough to flatten the entire west coast of the United States.

These are two nuclear-explosive planes! Even a superpower with the strongest military power cannot withstand them if they enter the territory.

"Steve, find the rear cabin device of the transport fighter and drop the two planes directly into the sea." Kyle said decisively. It was estimated that at this point in time, the transport fighter had also flown to the airspace above the Atlantic Ocean.

If Red Skull successfully transported the nuclear plane to New York, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Steve also understood this and nodded in agreement. At this moment, a team of armed guards from the Hydra organization trotted to the rear cabin of the fighter plane.

"Have we been discovered?" Kyle raised his eyes coldly, and rushed forward with a sodium carbon steel sword in hand, urging them verbally: "Hurry up, I'll stop them."

"Enemy attack! Shoot directly!" The team of armed guards saw Kyle rushing over quickly and immediately used energy weapons to shoot.

In an instant, the rear cabin of the transport fighter was illuminated by dazzling blue lasers.

"These idiots—" Kyle frowned. What he was afraid of was not the laser shooting, but that the random shooting of the laser would become a fuse and accidentally trigger the explosion of the nuclear plane behind him.

I don't want to be buried with you cannon fodder!

"Die!" Kyle's handsome face turned even colder. He gathered strength and threw the sodium-carbon steel sword out, which directly killed the captain of the guard who shot the most fiercely and nailed him firmly to the metal wall of the rear cabin.

Faced with the potential huge crisis, Kyle did not choose to dodge, but raised his right hand wearing the vibranium arm guard and continuously blocked the energy lasers shooting at him to avoid affecting the nuclear explosion plane behind him.

"Kyle, catch it!" As if knowing Kyle's situation, Steve shouted and threw the Adamant Shield in his hand over.

Kyle leaped up to catch the round shield, and held the shield in front of him with his left hand to block the dense laser beams while sprinting to get close to a guard.

The guard raised the energy laser gun in fear, but the next moment Kyle's right palm blocked the muzzle of the gun. The laser shot out and hit the vibranium arm guard and bounced back directly, disintegrating and evaporating the energy laser gun and his arm on the spot.

"Okay!" Steve's voice rang out, and as he operated the equipment button, the cabin of a nuclear explosion plane was opened first and dropped into the ocean a thousand meters below the transport fighter.

The opening of the cabin also caused the air inside the rear cabin to surge outward and flow backward, pulling many guards into the hatch.

Kyle smiled devilishly, looking indifferently at the armless guard kneeling on the ground and wailing. He picked him up with one hand like a chicken and threw him into the open cabin behind him in a transport fighter.

Next, the guards who still wanted to resist were treated as cargo by Kyle and Steve and thrown down from a height of thousands of meters.

"Kyle!" Steve suddenly shouted, but at some point, a guard approached the second nuclear plane that was being dropped, opened the canopy and sat in the cockpit.

Before the two could stop it, the second nuclear plane was dropped.

"We can't let him leave!" Steve said, and tried to rush out of the cabin, but was intercepted and pulled back by Kyle at the last moment. He watched helplessly as the guards drove away the nuclear plane.

"Don't worry, we don't need to deal with him." Kyle said confidently, looking calmly at the vast blue sky outside the cabin.

As if to confirm his words, outside the high sky visible from the rear cabin, a huge blue eagle quickly tore through the clouds, dragging a series of air waves, and swiftly chasing after the nuclear explosion plane that was gradually moving away.

"So you called Blue Eagle over." Steve looked at Blue Eagle from afar and breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is the final decisive battle in the European theater. We can't be careless." Kyle shrugged, threw the shield in his hand back to Steve, and pulled back the one-handed sword from the metal wall, wiping the blood off the sword on the clothes of the guard's corpse.

"Okay, there's only one leader left in the Hydra organization." Steve took a deep breath, stood side by side with Kyle, and turned his gaze towards the cockpit door of the transport fighter with all his strength.

From five hundred feet underground to thousands of meters in the sky, it is time to come to the final end.

Chapter 49 The End of the Frozen

The transport fighter plane was flying smoothly above the clouds, basking in the golden sunlight, and flying at high speed towards the end of the Atlantic Ocean.

Kyle and Steve, one holding a sword and the other holding a shield, carefully entered the cockpit of the fighter plane.

Red Skull was obviously escaping in a hurry, and there were not many armed guards on the fighter plane. All the guards had just been thrown out of the cabin by the two of them, so that the wide cockpit of the fighter plane was silent at this time.

There was no human figure on the transport fighter's driving instrument, and it was flying automatically according to the flight route set by the system.

Directly behind the driver's seat is a storage machine that emits wisps of mysterious blue light. Through the glass storage, one can vaguely see the cube-shaped items inside.

Kyle immediately stared at the item in the storage device. His azure eyes reflected the blue glow of its appearance. Even though the distance was not enough and no card information was displayed, he could be sure that he had not made a mistake.

The Cosmic Cube can never be wrong!

After all, even though it is ten meters away and separated by a storage frame made of metal and glass, one can still clearly feel the heart-pounding and intoxicating mysterious charm of it.

Steve was about to raise his shield and slowly step into the hall, which made Kyle shake his head. With such a big commotion in the rear cabin just now, it was obvious that Red Skull had known that they had caught up with the fighter plane, so there was no need for a sneak attack.

It is an unfavorable fact that the enemy is in the dark while I am in the light, but the enemy is weak while I am strong, which is also a huge gap that the injured Red Skull cannot reverse.

Kyle walked forward with a sword in hand and said in a cold voice: "Schmidt, you are the only one left. You call yourself Hydra, so stop hiding like a rat! If you have any other tricks, use them now!"

Steve spread his hands when he saw this, and took a step forward, saying in a warning tone: "It's time to put an end to all your evil deeds, Schmidt!"

Facing the two's sarcasm and questioning, the Red Skull suddenly responded coldly from the cockpit in the main hall of the fighter plane: "You two are really endless. Do you really think you can beat me? Do you think that wearing clothes with American emblems proves that you are a national symbol? I have seen the future, that is a beautiful world without national divisions, and it is purely under my rule!"

After confirming the Red Skull's location, Kyle and Steve looked at each other, and then attacked from the left and right with tacit understanding.

The Red Skull in the driver's seat was still talking to himself: "Until the last moment, it's hard to tell who will win or lose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped his palm directly on the side of the driver's seat and pressed the steering wheel to the bottom -


The slowly-moving transport fighter suddenly stopped, and then its head crashed into the clouds directly below, turning into a 90-degree dive.

All objects in the main hall of the fighter plane, including Kyle and Steve, were floating and rolling at various angles in the main hall of the fighter plane as if they were weightless.

"This is just the beginning..." Red Skull, who was wearing a seat belt in the driver's seat, snorted coldly and raised a large laser weapon. However, the muzzle of the gun was not aimed at Kyle or Steve who were tumbling behind him, but at the driver's window in front of him.

"All of you die!" His scarlet skull face was slightly distorted, with crazy emotions flashing in his sunken eye sockets. He shot at the cockpit glass window of the fighter plane with a laser weapon.


The moment the window was destroyed by the laser, the huge pressure difference between the inside and outside of the fighter plane created a strong hurricane that attracted everything in the main hall and swallowed everything through the broken window into the sky outside the fighter plane.

This is 10,000 meters above the ground! If it were an ordinary person, he would have fainted under the huge pressure difference!

"Kyle, be careful!" Steve luckily managed to grab the iron frame on the ceiling of the fighter plane's main hall, and turned his worried eyes to Kyle who was still floating in the air.

"That guy really doesn't want to die!"

Kyle gritted his teeth, and as he was being pulled toward the window, he quickly reacted and nailed the sword in his hand into the floor of the cabin.


Kyle, who had his body fixed by inserting the sword into the floor, breathed a sigh of relief, but when his eyes moved downwards, his pupils shrank slightly.

As luck would have it, the sodium-carbon steel sword was fixed on a glass container glowing with blue light. The glass shattered into cracks, gradually revealing the mysterious aura of the cosmic cube inside.