I Am In Marvel

Chapter 51: Section 51


"Hmm?" Carter was puzzled, but he took the box from the reporting soldier and subconsciously asked, "Who is that person?"

"A little girl who said she was Agent Carter's friend. The guard at the base didn't investigate clearly, so she ran away. The box passed the instrument inspection and was confirmed to be safe before we brought it in."

"Thank you for your hard work." Carter nodded, and after informing the soldiers that they had left, he placed the box on the conference table.

The cardboard box was neither too big nor too small, and the opening was sealed with tape. There was a small piece of English written on it: "To Carter".

Carter looked at the English handwriting with her beautiful eyes and was stunned.

Howard also felt that the atmosphere of the meeting was too heavy, and couldn't help but jokingly said, "Could it be that some gentleman who admires you sent this to you?"

"It might be intelligence information. Let me help you open the box." Fury raised his hand to offer help. After Carter's permission, he quickly took the scissors and cut the sealing tape to open it.

The box was quickly opened by this tough guy, and the contents of the box were revealed under the dim light. It was a brand new, folded red evening dress with a card with a rose on the front.

"Dress? Rose card?" Fury was disappointed. He had no interest in such women's items and went back to his seat.

Howard shrugged. "It seems that what I said was true. Miss Carter, do you need a protector?"

Carter said nothing, but walked forward and took the rose card from the box. After turning it over, the back of the card still had the following words in English: 'I hereby solemnly invite Miss Carter to attend the Tuoniao Club's dance party at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening on Friday.'

"It's him, he's back." Carter said softly.

"Back?" Howard and Fury were both slightly stunned, looked at each other, and then looked at her eagerly, "Who did you say is back!?"

A day passed and Friday night arrived as expected.

In the big city near the base, the Tuoniao Club is located in the center of the most prosperous street. The carpet at the main entrance is spread inward, and the lighting maintains a romantic neon light.


An extended luxury car stopped steadily in front of the main entrance of the club. Howard, the driver, got out first and opened the passenger door like a gentleman. A slender foot in high heels stepped out first, and then Carter, wearing a luxurious strapless evening gown, got out of the car.

Her beautiful and cool face looks outstanding and charming after careful dressing up, with her blonde hair combed up and her delicate collarbone exposed. The strapless evening dress cleverly shows her perfect shoulders and body lines, sexy and elegant at the same time, and the red-based evening dress and fair skin make it hard to look away.

"Carter, you must be the most dazzling person at the party tonight." Howard sighed and waved his hand to urge, "Hurry up and go in. Don't keep people waiting for too long."

After saying that, Howard sat back in the driver's seat of the car, started the extended version of the car and drove away, leaving Carter standing alone in front of the door.

Carter took a deep breath, pressed his palms lightly on his chest, and walked into the club nervously.

Passing through the main door guarded by formally dressed waiters and walking into the corridor, I found that it was not as lively as usual inside - on the contrary, except for the faint lights in the corridor that maintained visibility, the main dance hall of the club where the party was held was completely dark.

There was no music, no lights, no other guests, not even the club's waiters.

"This..." Carter looked at the silent and dark hall in front of him and was about to call out, when the lights around and above his head suddenly lit up.


The originally dark main hall suddenly became brightly lit, and then soft music played by various instruments sounded. As if they had rehearsed countless times, pairs of gentlemen and ladies held hands and poured into the main hall from all directions, dancing gracefully to the singing.

"Is that you?" Carter couldn't help asking, looking around at the people around him who were dancing to the tune, as if trying to find a familiar figure among them.

"No." A familiar low voice sounded from the musician playing the song. Carter looked in the direction of the voice and saw a handsome young man in a black tuxedo standing up from the piano seat.

"It's me. You must be disappointed." Kyle spread his hands and said to Carter who was standing in the center of the main hall.

"Yeah, even if you're here as a substitute, you're still too late." Carter smiled, his beautiful eyes faintly filled with tears of excitement.

Chapter 53 One Night

Tuoniao Club, main hall.

The classical lamps hanging from the walls and ceiling illuminate the ballroom. Beautiful music flows through the hall like water. Pairs of gentlemen in suits and ladies in gowns dance gracefully, immersed in this entertainment venue far away from the smoke of war.

If the club here had not been booked out, and professional dancers had not been dressed up as dancing guests, then Kyle's appearance in a tuxedo would have surely attracted a lot of attention and caused a sensation among the public.

Kyle, the youngest major officer in the United States, is a hero who symbolizes American power and conquest. After the HYDRA organization was eradicated, he has once again become a legendary figure that is talked about in the streets and alleys of Europe and the United States.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to describe him as a "legend", he was able to change the situation of the entire European battlefield with his own strength and cause great damage to Germany, which was a powerful military force in World War II. In the eyes of American soldiers and some fanatical fans, Kyle is a true legendary hero, and his reputation and prestige even exceed that of generals and officers.

It's not so bad in Europe now. In the United States today, six out of ten films showing domestic military recruitment propaganda are exclusively for Kyle, and the other four are war documentaries where Kyle and Captain Steve fought side by side.

It is conceivable how strong Kyle's aura as a war hero is now.

Hope dimmed, then ignited again, and the confident young man returned as promised.

Carter stood in the middle of the ballroom, staring at Kyle as he walked out from the crowd of singers and dancers, and was speechless for a moment.

Kyle also remained silent, not knowing what to say, and finally took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry I didn't bring Steve back."

As soon as these words were spoken, the originally relaxed and joyful atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Carter took a few steps forward, shook his head and said, "You can't be blamed alone. We can't predict what will happen on the fighter plane."

"No, I could have predicted it a little bit. I didn't take Schmidt seriously enough. I thought..." Before Kyle finished speaking, Carter shook his head at him again and said slowly, "That's enough. It's all over."

After saying that, Carter stretched out her hand slightly forward, with a hint of anticipation hidden deep in her beautiful eyes, and opened her red lips slightly, "Didn't Steve ask you to come on his behalf and invite me to dance? Why did you come just now? It's been two weeks."

"It's a bit far at sea, so I'll be late." Kyle made up an excuse, hesitated for a moment, and then reached out his hand like a gentleman like Howard and held Carter's soft hand.

"If you don't know how to dance, I can teach you. Just don't step on my shoes." Carter said, and was about to lead Kyle to dance slowly to the tune in the hall.

"That's not necessary." Kyle laughed dumbly. There weren't many common skills in the world that he didn't know. Even if he did, he could just read the card and draw it.

Especially the green ability card [Party Dance], which was drawn from this woman Carter, but there has been no chance to use it yet.

Just as the slow music in the hall stopped, another fast and passionate song started.

Kyle took the initiative by taking a step forward, and began to guide with superb dance skills that were no less than professional. With the exquisite control of strength, he put one hand around Carter's waist and made her dance with a slight levitation.

Carter quickly followed the pace, her red skirt spinning and fluttering.

A hint of surprise flashed across her beautiful eyes. She never expected that Kyle, apart from fighting on the battlefield, was also so adept at dancing.

Kyle held Carter's hand with one hand and the other's slender waist with the other, and danced to the increasingly passionate tune.

With his agile and perfect body, the tuxedo on him naturally beats the thin gentlemen in the urban greenhouse. He lacks the coldness and murderousness of the black combat uniform, and has more gentleness and handsomeness.

Paired with the cool and beautiful Carter tonight, the appearance itself is pleasing to the eye. In addition, the two of them danced vigorously and neatly, with tacit cooperation, and completed difficult moves easily. Each other's hand movements and steps were in line with the tune of the song itself.

Since some time ago, Kyle and Carter have occupied the center of the ballroom, attracting the attention of people around them with amazement and admiration.

Until the song ended, Kyle slowly held Carter's slender waist and stabilized her body, while Carter pressed her palms lightly on his broad chest.

As if amazed by the high degree of integrity of the dance, people in the ballroom applauded.