I Am In Marvel

Chapter 52: Section 52


"That's the end of it." Kyle shrugged and withdrew his hands.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Carter's beautiful eyes, and she could only slowly put her hand down, saying in surprise: "I didn't expect you could actually dance."

"I learned it from my parents at home before I joined the army." Kyle answered casually and said bluntly: "Is there anything else you want to do? I'm free tonight."

"Are you going to the frontline tomorrow? By the way, you haven't reported back to the base for half a month." Carter thought for a moment, then mustered up the courage to say, "Well, let's go for a drink."

"Drinking, you and me?" Kyle looked at Carter in surprise. Isn't it common for comrades to drink among brothers? Why would men and women drink alcohol

He thought about it, and said with a little hesitation: "You don't really like me like Steve said, do you?"

Carter was stunned for a moment, avoiding Kyle's scrutinizing gaze, and waved his hand, "How is this possible? You're overthinking it."

"That's good." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief and said with a relieved smile: "I told you that Steve lied to me in the end. Even if he didn't say that, I would still take care of you."

"I don't need you to take care of me." Carter glanced at him and said in a much colder tone: "Do you want to drink or not?"

Kyle nodded. "Drink. It's a rare opportunity to relax, why not drink."

"Just don't get drunk. I can't support someone as big as you." Carter snorted.

"Are you kidding? How is that possible?" Kyle shook his head in boredom. This worry did not exist at all.

The metabolism of his super soldier physique is four times that of humans. How can he be drunk by just a little alcohol

The next morning.

The breeze from the window blew up the white gauze curtains, and dazzling golden sunlight poured into the room.

Kyle gradually woke up from the bed, his head still a little dizzy, with the slight aftereffects of being drunk last night.

Really drunk.

Kyle lay in bed with his arms and legs spread out, grinning bitterly. It was such an embarrassment for a super soldier. He thought he would never get drunk, so he tried different high-proof liquors over and over again. By the time he realized he was drunk, it was already too late.

However, this is also because he is in a resting stage, and getting drunk once to relieve the pressure of war is not a big deal. If he is in a period of waiting for battle or on a mission, he will not even touch a sip of alcohol.

"By the way, I really troubled Carter last night."

Kyle pulled back the sheets and looked at the swallowtail uniform that was gone from his body. It was replaced by the simple pajamas provided by the club.

He vaguely remembered that last night Carter and several waiters took a lot of effort to help him into the room, and it seemed that Carter also helped him change his clothes.

Then, I have no memory of being drunk later.

Chapter 54: The Coming of a Super Large War

How do you say this? Oh, drunken sex.

Kyle Yu rolled over and got up quickly, looked at the bed, the floor, and the bathroom, and didn't find any women's clothing or anything like that, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope nothing happened last night. Don't try to take care of the frozen Steve and end up taking care of him in bed.

But where is that tuxedo

Yesterday was a break, and Kyle didn't let Venom transform into a dress uniform - he almost got exposed last time out of curiosity. Instead, he made Venom card-like and put on real clothes.

This also resulted in me having no idea what happened after I got drunk late last night.

"Maybe the waiter took it for cleaning." Kyle didn't care. It was just a piece of clothing, not a very expensive thing.

He simply washed his body in the bathroom, put on his underwear refreshed, then took out the [Venom] card from the card space and threw it on the bed to materialize.


Venom moved in the quilt, human-like hanging black lines formed by its own liquid, as if telling Kyle something aggrievedly.

It is used to merging and coexisting with Kyle on the battlefield, and it becomes more and more obsessed with this symbiotic state. In other words, all living things subconsciously yearn for evolution. The symbiotic race of Venom itself relies on merging and coexisting with other creatures, gradually learning the host's physical abilities, and thus achieving the evolutionary process of improving its own strength.

"Okay, okay, it's time to return to the base." Kyle said, reaching out to Venom, and Venom's liquid body suddenly turned into countless black lines in joy and happiness, extending along his palm to his body, entwining, wrapping, and finally transforming.

Kyle looked at the black suit on his body and patted the logo on his chest unhappily, "This is not a combat suit, change into something more casual first."


Like a chameleon changing its camouflage, Kyle's combat uniform quickly transformed into a jacket and jeans.

There are a few benefits to carrying Venom with you on a daily basis: you can save money on clothes and the time it takes to change clothes.

After leaving his room, Kyle walked in the corridor of the club. The waiters along the way greeted him good morning in a flattering manner. As for the VIPs who possessed both military power and wealth, they wished that Kyle would book the place to hold dance parties every day.

Just as he was about to walk out of the club's main entrance, Kyle seemed to remember something and stopped a passing waitress to ask, "I want to ask you a question. Where is the lady I danced with last night?"

"Mr. Kyle, you are talking about Miss Carter, right?" The waitress stopped and turned to answer him, "Miss Carter left the club alone very early this morning."

"Really? You didn't even wait for me to return to the base together." Kyle shook his head, reached into his wallet pocket with his left hand, and materialized something hidden in the pocket. He quickly took out a club card and handed it to the waitress, "Here is the VIP card I opened last night at your place. There should be more than 9,000 US dollars in the deposit. Carter's next time to come here to dance, all expenses will be paid from here."

"Okay!" The waitress lowered her head and took the VIP card with both hands. When she looked up again, she found that Kyle had walked out of the main door, leaving her with a tall and cold back.

Basement of the training base, scientific research department.

Just as Kyle stepped into the door, there was a loud explosion inside. A familiar figure in a research suit was knocked to the ground by the blast, with smoke coming out of his body.

"Howard, you are still the same as always." Kyle said with a strange look on his face, staring at the scientific gentleman lying on the ground.

"Kyle?" The gentleman was stunned when he saw Kyle at the door. He rubbed his eyes and got up from the ground excitedly after confirming that it was him. "Kyle, you are finally back!"

Howard walked forward quickly. Due to his height, he could only hold Kyle's belt a little higher. He said excitedly, "If you don't come back, I won't be in the mood to go to parties and bars. You are not only my friend and comrade-in-arms, but also the best partner for me to create a top industry in the future!"

"The last sentence is the key. The things I give you haven't been studied yet, so don't try to take some black technology from me again." Kyle complained and pushed him away from him, trying to prevent fire, theft and Howard's glance.

"Hahaha. If Carter hadn't asked to go alone last night, I would have been unable to resist going into the club to see you." Howard said with a smile. He was genuinely happy that his best friend was back.

"Huh? Did you know that the box was given by me?" Kyle looked at Howard in surprise. There was a ball gown and a rose card and so on. Most people would think it was another gentleman who admired Carter.

At worst, they would just mistake it for Steve’s return…

Howard said cheerfully, "You underestimated Agent Carter. She recognized the English handwriting you wrote on the box and the card as yours at a glance."

"Really?" Kyle fell silent, his mind flashing through the scenes of last night, and he realized if he had missed something.

"By the way, didn't beautiful Carter come back with you? Could it be that..." Howard's eyes became strange, similar to studying scientific strategies, full of a gentleman's curiosity.

"Don't get me wrong. Nothing happened between her and me last night. I thought she had already returned to the base." Kyle waved his hands guiltily and changed the subject, "By the way, when I entered the training base, I noticed that the number of soldiers stationed inside the base had decreased a lot. And where did Fury go?"

"Oh, you just returned to the base, you don't know the current situation of the war." Howard suddenly realized, and said with a serious face: "The leaders of our army, Britain, and the Soviet Union decided at the alliance meeting not long ago that we would take advantage of the disastrous defeat suffered by Germany on the front line and gather our forces in one fell swoop to attack Germany directly from the English Channel."

The Triple Alliance invaded Germany? From the English Channel