I Am In Marvel

Chapter 59: Section 59


When she talked about the Red Room, there was a hint of fear in her eyes and on her face.

"That's perfect. I happen to have no interest in the Red House Organization. Anyway, one day, I will go there and destroy it."

Kyle smiled nonchalantly, tapped his fingers on the table, and said calmly, "I'm more interested in you, so I'll only ask you some personal questions that are not related to the organization."

As he said this, his mind was focused on the blue ability card on Shatana.

[Super Agent]…

Current status: Extractable, cannot be possessed simultaneously with super soldier abilities.

"It can be extracted, but it cannot be possessed at the same time. Isn't this a contradiction?"

The first time Kyle saw the cards on Shatana, he had this doubt in his mind.

However, Shatana was the only person he had seen so far who held a blue ability card. Super Soldier was a blue special ability card with a 'rare' prefix, and the blue rarity grade also had the restriction that it could only be drawn once.

What happens if you draw a blue ability card that cannot be used

Kyle came here just for this experiment, and while concentrating, he drew the blue ability card of [Super Agent].

To draw the blue ability card, you also have to stay within a one-meter range and read it continuously for thirty minutes.

'Start drawing cards, 1799, 1798...'

A slightly longer countdown begins.

Kyle also took advantage of this time to start a conversation with Shatana: "The Red Room Organization should have already given you detailed information about me, so I won't introduce myself here - you should introduce yourself first."

Shatana responded coldly: "Don't you have my file information too? My name is Shatana Caroline."

"I don't think a Soviet agent would use his real name to infiltrate under a disguise."

Kyle smiled slightly. Seeing that Shatana was still ignoring him, he slowly took out a small remote control from the pocket of his general's coat and pondered it with his fingers:

"This question does not involve the Red Room Organization. If you don't even cooperate with the basic questions and answers, then do you want to experience the electric shock first? Incontinence and the like are very disgusting."

"You devil." Satana glared at Kyle fiercely, her eyes wandering on the remote control, and quickly gritted her teeth and said, "Isn't it okay for me to say it? My real name is Natasha Romanoff."

"Oh? What's your code name in the Red Room?" Kyle continued to ask.

"Didn't you say that you wouldn't ask about the Red Room Organization?"

"I've already mentioned my real name, so why can't I reveal my code name?"

"You... bastard." Natasha thought for a long time and finally uttered an adjective that she hated deeply.

She was just a Soviet Red Room agent who had been in training for a few years. No matter how much brainwashing and extreme training she received, she could not hide the foundation of a 16-year-old girl. How could she defeat Kyle, a seasoned veteran, with just tricks and tactics

Natasha pouted dejectedly, "Code name: Black Widow."

"Widow? I didn't expect you to get married so early. You're still without a husband, which is really pitiful." Kyle teased.

Natasha shook her head in protest, "Asshole! The black widow is a venomous spider! Not a widow!"

"I know, it's the Black Widow." Kyle nodded in understanding. He had guessed it before, but he didn't expect it was really her.

Natasha the Black Widow is one of the veteran heroes of the future Avengers. Although her combat power is at the bottom level, she often plays a key role in certain war situations and can be regarded as a relatively famous socialite among the heroes in the Marvel world.

Her current code name is Black Widow, but in the future, she will also be a true widow who kills her husband, a black rose with thorns.

Kyle thought about it and couldn't help asking, "Natasha, why did you join the Red Room?"

"Need I ask? Of course, it's to become a top-notch strong person." Natasha snorted coldly. She lost her parents in the war when she was young and had long since abandoned the identity of a weak and powerless girl.

"As far as I know, the Soviet Red Room implants virtual memories into new members to brainwash them in order to make them loyal to the organization." Kyle smiled and guided them, "Do you often feel that your previous memories are incomplete, inconsistent, or tortuous?"

Natasha remained silent, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Think about it carefully. The Red Room will make you stronger, but it will also turn you into a killing weapon that makes you lose yourself." Kyle said, and quietly waited for the countdown to draw a card.

'3, 2, 1, successful extraction!'

The countdown for drawing a card ended, and a glowing blue ability card appeared out of thin air in the card space.

But unlike previous ability cards, this card seemed to be rejected by the collective ability cards and could not be amplified to the external body. The card was forced to retreat to the edge of the blank area.

Kyle's mind entered the card space, and he reached out to take the blue ability card to check it.

[Super Agent]…

Current status: Cannot be possessed simultaneously with Super Soldier, can be given to others for use.

Warnings given to the card:

'Two identical ability cards cannot exist in the card space at the same time, except for [Add Life].'

'Every time you grant a blue or higher quality ability card, you will enter a three-day cooldown period.'

"Each person can only be given one ability card of blue quality or above, and cannot be withdrawn. It can only be forcibly destroyed within a three-meter range."

"Can it be given to other people to use?" Kyle's heart was shocked. He unexpectedly discovered that in addition to drawing cards and sacrificing cards, there is another third major card function.

Give the card!

After drawing an ability card that I can't use, I can actually give it to others to use -

what does that mean

This means that as long as there are people like Natasha who possess original blue ability cards, by giving cards abilities, a group of forces with the same blue ability cards can be cultivated in a sufficient amount of time.

Kyle looked at Natasha in front of him with shining eyes, and made a decision in secret in preparation for his future power.

"Natasha can't submit it, but must remain in her own hands!"

Chapter 63: All-out Attack

If we say that reading and sacrificing cards can quickly improve personal strength, and even make you stronger when facing stronger opponents.

Then, the third new type of card drawing ability can extend this feature to a team force.

"In this way, after the end of World War II, the plan to cultivate family power can be further improved."

When Kyle thought of this, he was so excited that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Even if there were plans to build up power before, there was only a giant ancient dragon turtle island as a territory embryo. Only by giving the ability to draw cards can it be truly regarded as the foundation and heritage of creating a family.

Natasha, who was tied up, noticed that Kyle's eyes were looking more and more strange, and she could not help but bite her lip and turn her face away.