I Am In Marvel

Chapter 60: Section 60


Humph, men...are animals that think with their lower body, even American heroes are no exception.

"I don't want to end my life here..."

Natasha quietly looked around. The interrogation room was cold and small, and she was tied up with ropes and a collar...

"What are you observing? I've told you, don't even think about escaping from here." Kyle came back to his senses from his blueprint for the future, looked at Natasha whose head was spinning and said coldly.

Natasha complained in a low voice with a hint of reluctance on her pretty face: "We can do that, but can you untie me first so that we can all be more comfortable?"

"Comfortable? What nonsense." Kyle glared at her coldly, then said in a gentle tone: "Natasha, is your dream just to become stronger? If I can make you stronger, do you still want to return to the Red Room Organization?"

"You want to turn me against the organization?" Natasha's eyes went haywire and she refused directly, "It's not my choice whether to go back to the Red Room or not. If I betray the organization, they will send agents to kill me."

"If you join me, you will not be afraid of the Red Room Organization." Kyle snorted coldly, but fell into silent thought.

Now the persuasiveness of his words is not high. No matter how strong an individual is, he can hardly resist the elite spy organization of a superpower. Although he is a major general of the United States, the human resources at his disposal are basically from the country.

He didn't yet have the trump card that could make Natasha betray the Red Room, so this conversation would have to be left for later.

"Think about it on your own first. There's really not much I can promise you right now, but from now on, I can at least guarantee your personal safety."

As Kyle spoke, he stood up from the chair, reached behind his back to pull out the sodium-carbon steel sword that he had put on, and slashed it lightly forward.

The next moment, the ropes tied around Natasha's waist broke and fell to the ground.

"One day in the future, you will understand that the choice I give you today is a gift that even God cannot give you."

Kyle said this confidently, opened the door of the inquiry room, and was about to leave.

Natasha said quickly: "At least take off this collar from my neck!"

"Just stay here, I'll have someone deliver meals to you regularly, don't even think about escaping from here." Kyle shrugged, walked out the door, and locked the security door behind him.

If the other party wanted to escape, she would probably be able to escape by sending an American army to guard him. But if the other party really wanted to leave the Red Room, she would concede that she was in an inescapable state of confinement and stayed.

This is also a little psychological game.

The battleship was about to set sail, and Kyle planned to leave things to be dealt with slowly after this battle.

"Really left?" Natasha, who was left alone in the inquiry room, sat sullenly in the chair, her head slightly tilted as she recalled Kyle's suggestion.

Betray the Red Room and join his side

"No matter how you look at it, this is the worst option." Natasha scratched her head unhappily and simply laid on the table without thinking about it.

On the deck of the battleship, the midday sun was shining directly under the scorching sun.

Thousands of American soldiers in combat uniforms and holding guns stood at attention in neat rows. Their eyes were looking forward, focused on the cool young man wearing a general's uniform jacket.

"Anchor raised..."

"Navy sailors at various positions on the battleship are in place!"

"The captain and the deputy captain are ready in the control center room!"

"All combat soldiers are fully equipped! Get ready for battle!"

After Fury finished his report, he put down the communicator in his hand and saluted the young man at the fence at the bow: "The departure time is approaching! Major General Kyle, please give the order!"

Kyle nodded, looked at the boundless sea, and said in a cold voice: "Then, let's set sail! Destination - the Normandy coast!"

"Yes!" Fury nodded and immediately contacted the other side of the communicator.

Soon, the warships took the lead and officially set sail as the vanguard of the warships, breaking through the waves and heading straight forward.

At the same time, hundreds of other warships anchored around also set sail, sailing forward in a mighty force across several miles of sea.

In addition to the unrest and turbulent waves on the sea, thousands of fighter jets came from the sky like a swarm of bees leaving their nests, densely occupying the air territory and moving in almost the same direction.

The three-nation alliance has deployed more than two million soldiers! There are countless weapons and ammunition! You can imagine how tragic the upcoming landing battle will be.

Kyle, standing at the bow of the battleship, also took off his general's coat, revealing his one-piece black Venom battle suit.

He had a sodium-carbon steel sword on his back, and his right palm and arm were completely covered by a cold vibranium arm guard. Dual-energy pistols were placed on the sides of his calves where his battle suit was connected, and a new gravity magnet equipment was placed between his belts. He looked fully armed!

Fury touched Kyle's side and whispered a reminder: "Kyle, don't rush so hard this time. You are a major general, and the commander that the enemy focuses on focusing fire on."

Kyle smiled and said, "Well, aren't you in charge of the rear command of the army I lead?"

"I'm worried..." Before he could finish his words, Fury realized that he had said the wrong thing and spread his hands helplessly.

Kyle was really not someone he should be worried about.

After all, he has never been an officer who only talks big but does nothing but war. Instead, he is a real super soldier on the battlefield!

Fury explained: "After our warships arrive at the opposite coast, the Allied forces will be divided into five armies and land on the beach separately. The warships and fighter planes will cooperate with us to suppress the enemy's tanks and fortresses. The army will continue to attack forward, occupy all the places it reaches, eliminate the enemy, and completely liberate France occupied by the German army first."

"You just need to give us a direction and scope for the attack." Kyle said coldly.

Offensive combat is his area of expertise!

Chapter 64 Venom's Suit Form

France's Gold Coast, one of the five key beaches to visit.

The sand on the Gold Coast beach is very fine, so it shines like gold under the sunlight. Combined with the coconut trees on the beach, it is also a good tourist and leisure attraction.

At this time in the Gold Coast, the sun is setting and only the bright red sunset glow remains faintly in the sky, indicating that a long night is about to come.

On the coastline, countless sandbags were built into a fortress defense line about a hundred meters from the shore. Tens of thousands of German soldiers wearing steel helmets were stationed here, showing only heavy firepower machine guns.

They all held their breath solemnly, their faces tense, no one spoke, and the only sounds on the shore were the breeze and the waves crashing against the shore.

It's like the eve of a storm, calm yet filled with murderous intent.

"Haven't our elite tank troops arrived from the rear yet?" a German general asked in a low voice to the communicator next to him.

The communicator responded quickly: "Report, the rear troops said they were bombed by fighter planes from the Triple Alliance enemy forces, and their movements were restricted everywhere, and they could not get to the coastal defense area in time."

"These damn Allied troops! Notice them to defend the coastal defense line and shoot all the enemy troops landing on the beach - no matter what, we must hold on until the arrival of the tank troops in the rear."

Before the German officer finished his order, he saw the communicator staring at the sea beyond the sandbags in shock, his young face pale and filled with fear.

The German officer immediately raised his head and looked in the direction he was looking, only to see dozens of warships looming above the darkening sea, covering all the sea areas within his field of vision, with the leading battleships driving straight towards the coastal beach like steel monsters.

“Here they come! They are coming!!!”