I Am In Marvel

Chapter 62: Section 62


The sharp tip of the one-handed sword fell from above his head and easily pierced through the entire head of the German officer.

"Captain!" More than a dozen German soldiers roared with tears in their eyes. Their grief and anger turned into courage. They overcame their fear and pointed their guns at the dark shadow behind the German officer's body and fired.

The next moment, dense swarms of bullets hit the black shadow and fell to the ground, showing how futile their final counterattack was.

'Tap tap!'

Pulling the one-handed sword away from his head, Kyle used his Venom armor to withstand the dense rain of bullets. With a leaning sprint, he closed the distance between him and the enemy by a few meters. He swung his sword horizontally and the soldiers fell to the ground one after another like wheat being harvested in a wheat field.

The battle situation in this small area soon returned to its original silence.

Kyle didn't know how many enemy soldiers he had killed in this way. It was all meaningless. Immersed in the killing atmosphere of the night, his body was still in a highly excited state.

After silently looking at the enemy corpses, Kyle was about to move deeper into the war zone again, but suddenly he saw a scene on the street in the distance out of the corner of his eye and immediately stopped in his tracks.

Less than a hundred meters away, on the street, there was a team of about ten German soldiers engaged in a fierce firefight with an enemy.

The man was still struggling with his gun, but soon he threw away the gun and rushed towards the group of German soldiers without fear of death.

Just like a lone wolf hunting its prey, the man rushed forward facing the bullets, holding a cold weapon like a claw in his hand, making a desperate gesture.

I don't know whether to say it was courageous or stupid. He rushed towards ten guns with plenty of ammunition without any protection. The result can be imagined.

Kyle watched this scene coldly and wanted to leave, but the next moment, the reversal of the one-on-ten battle made him tremble physically and mentally.

But the man not only did not die under the gun, but successfully broke into the German soldiers, and the sharp claw weapon in his hand quickly reaped the lives of the soldiers, blood splattered everywhere, and the speed of killing was only faster than his!

Almost in the blink of an eye, ten German soldiers in the field of vision fell dead to the ground, and only the man was seen standing alone at the scene, and he quickly disappeared in the night.

The hood of Venom's battle suit turned into black silk and fell off, revealing the handsome face of Kyle inside. At this moment, his eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

"It can't be him, how is this possible?!"

This is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the world of the Avengers, how could that person exist...

Kyle didn't hesitate at all. He immediately pedaled and sprinted towards the place as fast as possible.

In a few seconds, Kyle arrived at the scene of the fight and quickly looked around to confirm, but there were only ten broken bodies lying in a pool of blood on the ground. The lone wolf man was no longer seen.

Kyle checked the fatal wounds on the bodies of the German soldiers one by one. Most of them were on the neck and chest. There were three claw marks deep into the white bones. Basically, they were killed by a clean blow.

His mind was wavering and he could not calm himself down.

Is it really that person

Kyle fell into deep thought, and soon as if he realized something, he turned around sharply and looked towards the corner of the alley next to the street where he was.

In the darkness of the night in the corner, a middle-aged man in Soviet soldier combat uniform walked out indifferently, leaned against the corner of the alley, took out a cigarette and lighter from his pocket, and slowly lit it for himself.

He had a cool head of short black hair and a beard covering both sides of his face. His face was rugged and very masculine.

The middle-aged man took a puff of his cigarette with enjoyment, looked coldly at Kyle standing next to the dead body of the German soldier, and asked while blowing white smoke: "Who are you, an American soldier?"

Chapter 66: The Wolf Uncle in the Marvel World

If you ask Kyle about his favorite hero in the entire Avengers universe series in his past life, he might not be able to answer right away.

But if you ask me which character I like most in the entire Marvel movie series, it must be Wolverine.


Looking at the weathered uncle smoking a cigarette in the corner, Kyle couldn't help but speak. He never thought that he would meet the man in front of him in this battle.

"Who are you?" The old man glanced at him in surprise.

Kyle took a deep breath and introduced himself: "My name is Kyle, a major general in the U.S. Army."

"A major general... would such a high rank show up alone on a battlefield deep behind enemy lines?" The weathered uncle looked at Kyle suspiciously, as if he had never heard of the rumors about American heroes. He asked again, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-three, almost twenty-four." Kyle shrugged and took a step forward. When he was completely within three meters of the weathered uncle, the information on the other party's ability card was suddenly clearly visible.

[Proficient in Soviet language], [Proficient in yoga], [Proficient in true assassination], [Proficient in true rifle], [Proficient in true fighting], [Proficient in true ancient martial arts], [Proficient in true two-sword style]...

At a glance, it is impossible to count how many white and green cards there are. Just based on the green ability cards of fighting skills, there are estimated to be hundreds of them.

Even if Kyle continued to collect photos from the US military, covering more than 100,000 soldiers and officers, there were only about thirty photos.

What does having more than 100 green combat ability cards mean? It means you have mastered almost half of the combat skills on Earth!

This also indirectly expresses how many brutal battles the man in front of him had to go through to acquire such fighting skills.

And that’s not all…

Kyle's gaze finally fell on the weathered uncle and the two ability cards, one dark blue and one light blue.

[Lone Wolf Gene]: Gene mutation causes a mutated physique and temperament like a lone wolf. A rare blue ability card.

Three sharp bone claws can be extended from the palms of both hands and between the fingers. The claws are connected to the arm bones and are tough and sharp.

The human body tends towards wolf nature and acquires the talents of the wolf. The wolf's strength and speed are increased, the body's reactions become as sharp as those of a wild beast, the eyesight is sharp, the nose is good at smelling, the body is naturally warlike, and it is used to being alone, killing and hunting prey.

Due to the innate habits of lone wolves, they are naturally solitary and not used to living in groups. When they go wild and rampage, they will start killing uncontrollably.

Current status: Limited to 'rare blue' prefix, cannot be extracted.

In terms of lethality alone, the lone wolf physique is far superior to the super soldier physique.

This is the analysis and evaluation given by Kyle after reading the rare blue ability card of [Lone Wolf Gene].

His super soldier is an all-around improvement in physical fitness based on human foundation, while the lone wolf gene is the wolf's extreme wildness. The former is in a stable state, while the latter is more lethal.

It's fine if he has such a perverted [Lone Wolf Physique] card, but Uncle Cangsang also has another one...

[Self-Healing Factor]: A self-healing factor that exists in the human body. Blue ability card.

The self-healing factor circulates throughout the body at all times with the blood, is attached to the bone marrow and cannot be removed, and even exists in every modified gene cell of the organism.

All self-injuries can be healed quickly and naturally with the help of self-healing factors. Even life-threatening injuries can be restored to their original state within half a day. (Although sodium carbon steel can inhibit self-healing factors, it can only play an inhibitory role. Injuries can still be healed in enough time.)

The self-healing factor will infinitely slow down the aging of the body and prolong life.

Current status: Can be extracted, and can be possessed simultaneously with physical enhancement abilities.

"Lone wolf genes, self-healing factor, is it really Wolverine? If it's not him, who else would have such a perverted and extreme physique?"

Kyle was shocked, but his face remained calm. He looked at the weathered uncle and said, "I've introduced myself, what about you, uncle?"

"I'm just a Soviet Army soldier, there's nothing much to introduce myself to." The weathered uncle waved his hand, threw his cigarette butt on the ground, and was about to leave alone.