I Am In Marvel

Chapter 67: Section 67


There was no grudge between the two of them. To some extent, they were comrades in arms.

It’s just that Logan has the important card that he wants to draw. The natural law of the survival of the fittest is just like that.

Kyle has never been a kind person. Driven by his absolute desire to become stronger, even if he is given another chance to start over, he will still fight a desperate battle with the strong man Logan for a [Self-Healing Factor] ability card and risk his life.

Although he has principles, bottom lines and emotions, they are limited to people who stand on his side and do not include anyone on the opposite side.

In the birch forest.

Kyle glanced around, took a few steps forward, pulled out the sodium-carbon steel sword from the blood-stained tree, held it in his hand again, and walked towards Logan.

"Are you going to kill me here?" Logan's tone was weak and bitter. He held on to a birch tree beside him, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He was unwilling to die like this! Die before the saber-toothed tiger!

"I never said I wanted to kill you. But now that things have come to this, it's too late to negotiate. Even if I don't want to kill you, I can't let you go." Kyle stated the facts calmly.

Even if he extracted all the ability cards from Logan, given their current almost hostile relationship, he would not let the tiger go back to the mountains.

"Then there's nothing to say." Logan nodded with a wry smile, and his empty right hand suddenly stretched out three sharp claws. Just when Kyle thought he would continue to resist, the tip of the claws touched his heart.

Kyle narrowed his eyes and asked calmly, "What do you want to do?"

"I want... to negotiate again!" Logan gritted his teeth, stared at Kyle in front of him, took a deep breath and said, "I must have something you want, and this thing must have the condition that I am alive - otherwise you would not have let the eagle beast save me on the rooftop just now, but let the man kill me just now."

Indeed, the rescue order issued to Blue Eagle on the rooftop just now directly exposed the information.

"I don't think your threat of suicide can be used as a bargaining chip."

Kyle kept a straight face but sighed inwardly, because there was really nothing he could do at that time.

Ability cards can only be drawn from living people, and item cards are similar to exploding equipment, which kills the item holder.

"This is my only bargaining chip. How will I know if I don't try?" Logan said with difficulty, and the sharp claw of his right hand reached forward a little, completely piercing his skin.

The self-healing factor was still suppressed, which also resulted in the body surface torn by the claws not showing any signs of self-healing.

Kyle was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "Wait, tell me what you want to negotiate first?"

"It seems that my bet was right." Logan breathed a sigh of relief and said coldly: "The man just now, the saber-toothed tiger, must die!"

"That's no problem, I will kill him." Kyle nodded in agreement. Sabretooth is currently an officer in the German army. Once the Triple Alliance invades Germany, he will be dealt with sooner or later.

Just agree to it now and calm Logan down first.

Just as Kyle was thinking this, Logan in front of him shook his head and said, "No. I have to kill him myself. You can only assist me."

"Impossible." Kyle refused outright. This was too much.

"As long as this condition is met, you can ask me to do anything from now on. Whether it's human experiments or using me as a killing weapon, I will obey directly!"

Logan finished speaking in a deep voice, and then slowly moved his claws deeper into his body, almost touching the depth of his heart, as if to express his firm attitude.

The option of negotiation fell back to Kyle.

Isn't it that he is not using his own life as a bargaining chip, but is he also using his own loyalty

Kyle fell silent again. This time he really weighed the negotiation conditions proposed by Logan in his mind.

The opponent is now a lone wolf who is forced into a desperate situation. If he can be recruited under his command and firmly controlled, then the force created in the future will have enough high-end combat power to support the situation.

The only concern is that the other party may betray us in the future.

Kyle asked directly: "If I agree to your negotiation plan, how will you show your loyalty?"

"I swear in the name of my father Strel and my mother Elroren that as long as you can help me kill my enemies with my own hands, no matter what you ask me to do in the future, I will do it without any hesitation." Logan said seriously and looked at Kyle with expectation.

"Very good, then we have reached a preliminary consensus in the negotiations. Remember what you said today."

Kyle shrugged and said decisively: "I will help you kill the saber-toothed tiger!"

No matter how you look at it, the saber-toothed tiger must die.

Chapter 72 Breaking into the Tank Group

A month later.

Most of the more than two million Allied forces attacked French cities, cleared out the remaining German troops, liberated most of the French territory, and then attacked the German territorial border.

This is also the most difficult line of defense to break through. The German army's steel tank troops and armored vehicle armed forces set up layers of heavy firepower defense lines in the border urban areas.

The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, which had been advancing triumphantly all the way, suffered heavy losses from artillery bombing after arriving at the combat zone of the German defense line. Tens of thousands of vanguard troops were isolated outside the defense line.

"As long as we break through this line of defense, our army will be able to drive straight into the heart of Germany and even capture the enemy's capital in one fell swoop!"

Fury, who was leading one of the allied vanguards, frowned, poked his head out of the broken wall, and looked through a military telescope at a distance of half a mile. There were huge tanks lined up like a steel fortress, with countless black gun muzzles slanting towards the area ahead.

Everyone understands the truth, but it is not so easy to break through the enemy tank defense line. This is not an armed combat power that can be made up by the difference in numbers. No matter how many soldiers go up, they will be cannon fodder who will die in vain.

Fury waved his hand and asked a frontline communicator: "Where are our bombers? Why haven't they come to support us yet?"

The correspondent who had just finished telegraphing with the rear reported: "Germany has sent almost all of its fighter planes to the air, which has greatly affected the bombing mission of our fighter planes. It is estimated that they will not be able to come here in the next few days."

"Without aircraft and tank reinforcements, are we going to have to use the soldiers' bodies to break through this heavy firepower line?" Fury gritted his teeth, thinking about a solution, and the face of a cold young man flashed through his mind.

If he were here, there would definitely be a way to break through this war zone's defense line.

Fury sighed. Since Kyle disappeared from the front-line combat zone a month ago, no soldier had seen him since.

Where did Kyle go? Given his strength, if something happened during the journey, he would not have left the battlefield for no reason.

Fury was lost in thought when suddenly a group of soldiers exclaimed beside him.

"Lieutenant Fury, two people on motorcycles rushed towards the tank defense line in front. One of them should be Major General Kyle, it's Major General Kyle!" The communicator held a telescope in one hand and excitedly patted the earth-covering ground with the other.


Fury's heart was shocked. He didn't care where his telescope was. He snatched the communicator's telescope and looked towards the battle area ahead.

Just at this time, the German tank troops seemed to react. Several tanks took the lead in aiming at that area. The sound of artillery bombardment rang out, covering the already bumpy ruins area in front of them into a sea of explosion and fire.


The roaring sound of the engine was still resounding, and under the cover of the flying gravel and dust raised by the bombardment, two modified motorcycles rushed out of the sea of fire and continued to advance at high speed under the muzzle of the tank.

On one of the motorcycles sat a young man in a black combat suit with a one-handed sword as his insignia on his back; on the other motorcycle sat a weathered middle-aged man in a jacket and jeans with a cigarette in his mouth.

The two men did not seem to be risking their lives to break through the bombardment area. It was more like they were having a motorcycle speed race as usual, neither giving in to the other and driving at full speed.