I Am In Marvel

Chapter 69: Section 69


"Follow Major General Kyle's pace, victory is just around the corner!"

"For victory in the war, for Major General Kyle!"

Among the thousands of Confederate soldiers, Kyle spotted a familiar black officer at a glance. His bald head was particularly eye-catching in the sun, and he was waving at him.

"Fury, the Allied Forces are really slow in coming." Kyle shook his head and commented. He had already destroyed a small part of the tank armed group.

At the same time, after seeing the Allied forces launch an offensive at this time, he also knew that the German defense line would not be able to resist for another ten minutes.

It's like opening a gap in a dam; the raging flood will quickly burst the entire dam and flood the area below the river.

After the most powerful tank army was annihilated, the Allied forces were able to advance basically unhindered into the German capital with overwhelming force.

"Germany is doomed to fail." Kyle whispered, turning around and looking at the vast German territory behind him, as if he could see the end of this major battle.

Chapter 74: External Battle Suit Deployed


A huge momentum resounded over the battlefield on the German border. Tens of thousands of Allied vanguard troops, with great momentum, broke through the tank fortress defense line and collided violently head-on with the already chaotic German army, immediately forming an almost one-sided shooting and slaughter.

Under a continuous and dense rain of bullets, the soldiers of the German army fell in a pool of blood one after another, like harvesting wheat. Soon the German troops, who had lost their tanks, retreated in defeat and began to flee into the territory.

"Kyle! This!" Fury quickly emerged from the charging Allied soldiers, waving his hands and running towards Kyle who was standing on the tank.

"Fury, I leave this place to you. I have something else to do. We will meet up in the German capital in a few days." Kyle took off his Venom hood, nodded to Fury who was a few meters away, then flipped to the ground with a nimble and flexible somersault, quickened his pace and joined the Allied forces advancing into German territory.

By the time Fury arrived at the tank, breathlessly, and looked around, Kyle had already disappeared among the vast crowd of soldiers.

"Kyle, this guy, he doesn't lead the troops all day, where has he been..." Freluo sighed helplessly, but Kyle always appears at the most critical moment of the battle, and often turns the situation around in one fell swoop, which is enough.

On the other hand, the appearance of Kyle and the halo effect of the war hero can bring huge psychological pressure to the enemy soldiers and also have a group inspiring effect on his own soldiers.

This is the irreplaceable role of superheroes on large battlefields.

Kyle ran all the way, leaving the battlefield where the Allied forces were fighting against the German army. Following the location instructions given by the Blue Eagle in the sky, he entered the German territory and quickly approached the high mountains on one side.

After a while, Kyle arrived at the dense forest at the foot of the mountain, paused, and looked around.

It can be seen that the small path leading up the mountain is in a mess with trees and grass. There are smooth claw marks and undried blood everywhere after the battle, extending all the way to the top of the mountain.

The faint sounds of fighting and murder coming from the mountain, accompanied by the mountain breeze, reached my ears clearly.

"Lone Wolf, Sabre-toothed Tiger." Kyle muttered to himself and started heading up the mountain. Soon, the scene of two people fighting to the death on the top of the mountain came into his sight.

There are not many trees growing on the top of the mountain, which is hundreds of meters high, and there are cliffs on the other side.

On the open space on the top of the mountain next to the cliff, Logan and the burly man both stretched out their unique claws. The two of them were like wild human-shaped beasts, using their strong bodies as weapons to fiercely collide, leaving deep and hideous wounds on each other's bodies that could be seen through the bones, and they quickly healed each other as before.

As both have mutated beast genes and possess the ability of self-healing factors, the fight between Logan and Sabretooth is brutal and bloody. Both sides refuse to give in and fight with all their might. Unless one of them is killed or escapes, the duel will not stop.

After Kyle reached the top of the mountain, Logan and Sabretooth both quickly glanced to confirm.

When Logan saw Kyle, he quickly withdrew his gaze with relief. His expression remained cold without any change, and he continued to fight fiercely.

When the saber-toothed tiger saw Kyle, its broad and rough face suddenly changed color, and even the attacking movements of its hands stopped, and it was almost ripped open by Logan's sharp claws.

If Logan were to fight alone, he would still be 60 to 70 percent sure that he could kill the other person.

But if we add in Kyle from the United States who is suspected to be on Logan's side, then there is absolutely no chance of winning!

The saber-toothed tiger rolled to the ground in pain, its ferocious and cold eyes alert. When it saw Kyle just folding his hands, standing five meters away from the two people's fight like a bystander, and had no intention of intervening, the saber-toothed tiger felt a little relieved.

"What? Kyle and I don't need to join forces to deal with you." Logan looked coldly at the saber-toothed tiger in front of him, his eyes filled with bloodshot and hatred, and raised his wolf-shaped claws, "I will kill you here by myself!"

"That's what you said." Upon hearing this, the saber-toothed tiger grinned and stood up from the ground as if nothing had happened. Within just a few seconds, the claw wound on its belly had healed.

He let out a low roar, and lunged forward with his tall and burly figure. Logan crossed his arms in front of him to block, but was still knocked flying forward. Like a kite with its string dropped, it tumbled on the ground several times, splashing blood, before finally coming to a stop.

"Do you think I used all my strength just now? I was just testing you." Sabretooth sneered, and without waiting for Logan to get up, he strode forward and continued to suppress him.

"It's been so many years, and you haven't learned your lesson? Sabretooth is the top gene in the natural ecological chain, and the superior predator of you, a little wolf!" said the sabertooth, grabbing the collar of Logan who had just crawled up from the ground.

Logan's physique is considered strong in the eyes of a normal person, but compared with the saber-tooth tiger's nearly two-meter-tall and sturdy physique, there is a huge gap.

The saber-toothed tiger lifted Logan up with one hand and formed a tiger palm with the other hand, continuously stabbing Logan's abdomen with its claws and nails. The violent attack was extremely powerful and lethal, and blood kept splashing everywhere. Logan's self-healing ability was unable to recover from the rhythm of the blows.

Kyle, who was watching nearby, couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this scene, but he had already expected it.

Logan is now no longer in the state of Wolverine with Adamantium injected into his body. It is indeed unrealistic for him to defeat Sabretooth alone at this time.

After all, although the saber-tooth tiger gene is only of rare blue quality, it just happens to suppress the lone wolf gene ability, making the beast more powerful in physique and strength, which cannot be compensated by time and skills.

"Logan, you still need my help." Kyle shrugged, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

During the negotiations, Logan only proposed that he must kill the sabertooth tiger alone and not let him join the battle.

But, I didn't say I couldn't provide some help in the battle...

"Venom. Go and help Logan." Kyle patted his battle suit lightly. Venom seemed to know what he meant. It separated into black liquid strands from the logo on its chest, bouncing onto the ground and approaching the battle zone where Logan was.

When the venom completely left his body, Kyle was wearing a casual short-sleeved shirt and pants, which was also prepared in advance.

During the battle, Sabretooth held the struggling Logan with one hand. After stopping his fists with sharp claws, he threw his arm to the side and threw the severely injured Logan towards the cliff beside him.

Just as Logan was about to be thrown off the cliff, a ball of black liquid bounced out, and countless black liquid strands separated out and tightly wrapped his body, forming a layer of tough black leather battle suit.

The next moment, a pair of wings automatically stretched out from his back, and Logan, wearing his battle suit, flipped over in the air and used his gliding ability to return to the top of the mountain.

"Venom's suit is fully covered, and the auxiliary combat system has been activated."

Kyle complained in boredom, leaning his back against a tree, not looking like someone who had come to participate in a war or death match, but rather a leisurely tourist, patiently watching the exciting duel that was to follow.

Chapter 75 Venom's New Form

In the battle on the edge of the cliff.

Logan, the Venom symbiote, relied on his gliding ability to land lightly on the top of the mountain. He retracted the double wings on the back of his suit and stared at the saber-toothed tiger with his scarlet eyes ferociously.

The appearance of the suit formed by his symbiotic fusion with Venom and full coverage is very different from Kyle's previous one.

The prominent muscle contours are not as strong and perfect as before, but have more wild streamlines. Although the overall tone of the battle suit is still dark black, it has light silver beast stripes.

The emblem on the chest of the battle suit changed from a death cross to an exquisite wolf head. On the hood, there were two wolf ears.

The most obvious thing is the bone claws, which turned into a dark black color like metal, reflecting a faint cold light under the sunlight.

The saber-toothed tiger's face was solemn and tense. He raised his sharp claws vigilantly and confronted Logan, who was wearing the Silver Wolf armor, as if facing a formidable enemy.