I Am In Marvel

Chapter 75: Section 75


"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!" General Chester first greeted everyone who got off the plane, then walked forward. Under the surprised gazes of many officers and officials, he patted Kyle's shoulder affectionately and said with a smile: "Kyle, you did a good job! You are worthy of being a war hero!"

"At least I deserve this major general badge you gave me." Kyle shrugged and pointed to the rank badge on the left shoulder of his combat uniform - he had put it on temporarily before getting off the fighter plane.

Many military and political officials around shook their heads and smiled bitterly. Perhaps only Kyle dared to speak so casually to a five-star general.

General Chester didn't care. He smiled and said, "You've been fighting on the front lines of the war for more than a month. You've worked hard. Go back and rest for a few days."

"After a few days of rest, will there be another battle for me to go to?" Kyle asked casually. After all, Germany, the largest combatant, had just been conquered, indicating that all wars in the European theater had come to an end.

The Second World War was also approaching its final stage.

"There is a plan..." General Chester moved his mouth, then paused. He looked at Kyle meaningfully and said softly, "I'll ask the soldiers to notify you when the time comes. You should go home and have a good rest. As a hero that the whole country is proud of, you can't collapse from exhaustion."

Although the last sentence was said in a teasing tone, it still contained genuine concern.

Kyle nodded and said, "Then I will leave first. Fury will complete the handover of matters in Germany this time."

At some point, Fury had become his exclusive spokesperson.

As soon as he finished speaking, on the transport fighter plane at the airport, Fury, wearing a left eye patch, walked in front to lead the way, and the armed soldiers behind him each escorted the hostages off the plane.

The officials who came to pick them up at the airport also turned their attention to the hostages. Defeating Germany was one thing, but obtaining German scientists and military information was equally important.

Kyle took advantage of their attention being diverted and waved his hand, asking Logan, who was mixed in with the soldiers getting off the plane, to follow him. The two of them left the military airport together.

Seeing Kyle leaving, a large number of reporters and photographers nearby hurriedly carried their cameras and chased after him to conduct an interview.

After all, Kyle is not like Steve. Steve himself was promoted by the government as Captain America, and he did a lot of interviews and publicity before going to the battlefield.

As a hero who has been fighting on the battlefield, Kyle has never been interviewed despite many documentaries.

Any media newspaper in New York would dream of getting a first-hand interview with Kyle.

The reporters, carrying their photographic equipment, sped up their pursuit and when they were about to catch up at the main gate of the military airfield, an extended luxury car suddenly stopped outside the gate.

Kyle and Logan opened the car door directly, got in and started the car immediately, leaving a trail of exhaust gas for the breathless media reporters.

Inside the extended luxury car, a professional bodyguard acts as the driver sitting in the main driving seat. The middle and back of the car body are hollow, and the space is spacious enough. Luxurious sofas are placed on both sides of the door.

Under the comfortable light on the roof, Kyle and Logan sat on the sofa on one side of the car, and on the other side sat a gentleman in a suit with a mustache, who else could it be but Howard.

"Fortunately, you were not entangled by those reporters, otherwise it would be difficult to get away." Howard patted his chest with lingering fear, obviously he was used to dealing with reporters.

"I want to leave, how can they keep me here?" Kyle smiled faintly, and then asked in surprise: "When did you come back from the base in Europe?"

Howard replied, "The scientific research institute here in the United States asked me to come over to help out half a month ago, but it just ended a few days ago, otherwise I wouldn't have the time to pick you up."

"The current scientific research institute's project is nuclear weapons, right?" Kyle asked bluntly.

Howard didn't say it explicitly, but he nodded slowly. "The scientific research technology is already in the final stage. It won't be long before we can produce something for experimentation."

"It seems that the war is really about to end." Kyle muttered to himself, leaning on the sofa, a little absent-minded.

Once the war is over, the arrangements of private forces will begin!

"By the way. Who is this? Would you like to introduce him?" Howard looked at Logan, who was sitting next to Kyle and had not said a word since getting in the car.

"Just call him 'Logan'. I met him on the battlefield. He is my..." Kyle hesitated, unable to find an appropriate description of his identity. Finally, he simply said two words: "bodyguard."

A national hero who symbolizes conquest and strength, a top soldier in the U.S. military, needs... a bodyguard

Howard was stunned. He looked at Logan who was still silent, then looked at Kyle who looked serious, and asked in disbelief, "Really?"

"I'm not lying to you." Kyle smiled and said, "When Logan shows his strength, you will know. You will definitely be very interested in him then."

"The one you chose as your personal bodyguard must be someone extraordinary." Howard turned to Logan expectantly and introduced himself enthusiastically: "Hello, my name is Howard Stark."

Logan nodded grimly without saying anything more. He was still not very good at getting along with others.

Howard touched his beard awkwardly and suggested to Kyle, "Last time at the training base, I said I would buy you a drink when I got back. Since you are free tonight, why don't we go have a few drinks together?"

"Okay." Kyle nodded in agreement. He had just returned to New York and there was really nothing to do for the time being.

The luxury car drove out of the area where the military base was located, from the city's main road, into the bustling urban area in the center of New York, and finally stopped in front of a high-rise building.

"I thought you were taking me to a bar. Why did you change your mind this time?" Kyle got out of the car and looked up at the high-rise buildings in the center of New York city streets, rising from the ground. The tops of the buildings could not be seen hundreds of meters above.

It is a modern industrial building with about sixty floors, made of solid reinforced concrete. The windows on each floor of the building are lit with daylight, and you can vaguely see the busy figures of staff members working inside.

In the middle of the high-tech building, there is a giant English font of "Stark Industries" made of lights.

Howard walked in the open space in front of the building, opened his arms towards Kyle and Logan, and said confidently, "Welcome to Stark Industries! The dream factory of future technology!"

Chapter 82 Technology Changes the Future

The Stark Industrial Building is a spectacular building in an artistic style, with an overall sense of technology and fashion. The building is 190 meters high and has 62 floors. It can easily accommodate thousands of people and is one of the landmark buildings in New York.

Howard said: "It's just average, much worse than the Empire State Building. The main reason is that there was not enough money at the time, so they could only barely build such a large main office building. In addition to this office building, Stark Industries also has a future technology plaza for launching new products and three large production plants located in the suburbs of New York."

At this time, on the top floor of the 62nd floor of the Stark Industries Building, where the chairman's office is located.

Logan was guarding outside the office door. Kyle and Howard, both holding wine glasses filled with sweet red wine, stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows that replaced the outer walls of the building, looking down and taking in most of the night view of New York.

Howard smiled and said, "Speaking of fine wine, the collection in my office is unmatched by any other bar. And as a major shareholder, you have never seen the office building of Stark Industries in person, so I brought you here directly."

"It's indeed much better than I expected." Kyle nodded and commented. When he first invested in shares, he openly said that it was an investment in Stark Industries, but in fact it was also an investment in Howard himself.

"It won't be long before Stark Industries proves to the world that technology can change the future." Howard said with a smile, raising the tall glass in his hand towards Kyle.

The two men clinked their glasses together and drank the wine in their glasses.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Howard seemed to have a bit of occupational disease kicking in, and he hurriedly took Kyle to visit the latest newly developed products.

In the luxurious office on the top floor, the inner walls are equipped with hidden safety layers.

Howard walked towards an exhibition table and confirmed it with his fingerprint, eye mask and voice. The wall suddenly opened to both sides, and a square machine was lying in the first insurance counter that protruded outward.

The more Kyle looked at it, the more familiar it became. The instrument fit perfectly in his hand, with the screen occupying only a small part of it, and the dial numbers occupying the larger part at the bottom.

"Isn't this a cell phone?" Kyle was confused. It was a keyboard-style wireless cell phone

"Yes, it's a cell phone." Howard shrugged and explained, "Since you gave me that cell phone product a few months ago, I have had the industry's elite personnel disassemble it day and night to study it. We found that there are many delicate hardware parts in it, which cannot be mass-produced with the current manufacturing level."

"But many of the functions of that phone are too advanced. In fact, as a portable communication device, it only needs to meet the needs of people today for instant communication. So I designed the mass-produced phone to be more direct and simple. I plan to display it at the Future Technology Exhibition in New York Square after the war, and then build a communication tower in New York for preliminary promotion."

Before Howard could finish speaking, Kyle was so impressed that he was speechless.

This is a tech giant. Give him a mobile phone and he can figure out how to mass produce and promote it. It’s only 1944! In a few years, wireless phones will be popularized