I Am In Marvel

Chapter 77: Section 77


Kyle believed that even if another century passed, his body would still be in the peak state of youth, and his physique and appearance would not show even the slightest sign of aging.

What the Red Skull said before was correct. From the moment they were genetically modified to gain super soldier abilities, they were no longer beings in this dimension called "human beings".

Since the future is unwilling to succumb to the snap of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, and life is unwilling to be dominated by a higher-dimensional race even if it is a god, Kyle chooses to embark on the path of becoming stronger called evolution, and is determined to go all the way to the end without looking back!

Chapter 84 BOSS

"Logan, come in!"

"Okay, Boss!" Logan, who was standing at the elevator entrance outside the office, moved quickly. After hearing Kyle's call, he immediately opened the door and walked into the top-floor office.


Kyle, who was sitting on the soft sofa, was slightly stunned, but soon realized that he had treated Logan as his bodyguard in the car before, so he was the "boss".

He coughed, pointed his palm at Howard, and said to Logan who was standing in front of him, "Howard is the founder of Stark Industries. Tomorrow morning he will arrange an American citizenship for you. Your full name is 'Logan Carl'. Do you have any opinion?"

"No problem." Logan nodded. As long as the surname was changed but the given name was not, it made no difference to him.

"Howard, it's up to you to take care of Logan from now on in New York." Kyle said, obviously intending to keep Logan in New York to arrange follow-up matters.

"I have a feeling that we will become friends in the future." Howard said with a gentle smile, as a gesture of goodwill to Logan. Although Logan did not respond this time, he was not so unkind either. He nodded in response with a much softer expression on his cold face.

Howard took out a check from his suit pocket and placed it on the low glass table. He continued, "This is the dividend you received from your shares in Stark Industries in the past two months. It totals $200,000. I am now transferring it to you in the form of a bank check."

With $200,000, you can now easily buy a high-rise building in the center of New York.

Kyle's face was calm, and Logan also walked forward without any emotion and took the check for him. After all, both of them were men who emptied the German treasury.

When one's wealth reaches a certain level, it is really just a bunch of astronomical figures that cannot cause any psychological waves in people.

However, the bank check provided by Howard is a real source of funds, so Kyle does not need to circulate and sell the gold and gems in the card space through underground channels right now.

Howard continued, "And the last time you were at the training base, you mentioned the matter of developing the island and building a fortress. After I returned to New York, I found a very highly professional engineering and construction company. Once World War II is over, we will be able to go out to sea and start construction."

He took everything Kyle mentioned earlier very seriously, treating it as if it were on the same level as developing new products.

"That's great!" Kyle happily toasted Howard a few times when he heard it. He was even more excited than the $200,000 he had received.

The development and construction of the fortress on the island is the foundation and future of private forces.

Kyle controlled his strength and patted Howard's thin shoulder. He said excitedly, "The gravity magnet equipment you gave me also gave me an idea. From now on, the fortress buildings built on the island must have a gravity room that can freely adjust the amplification of gravity. It would be great if it could be more than ten times."

"Gravity room? It sounds good for training, but ten times is too scary. You will be crushed by yourself if you go in there, and the anti-gravity device can't reach such a high value." Howard smiled bitterly and immediately gave a specific suggestion and correction: "With the current anti-gravity device, superimposing positive and negative gravity fields on the floor and ceiling of the room should be able to superimpose the maximum gravity in the room to five times."

"A gravity chamber with five times the gravity is barely OK." Kyle nodded and commented. It would probably take him some time to get used to five times the gravity, but if it was used to train people with super agent physiques, it would be completely sufficient.

"Not just the gravity room. If you want to do better, you can configure a supercomputer with intelligent system management and voice control..." Howard continued the topic.

Kyle immediately added: "The intelligent system is not enough. At least ensure that the entire island and the fortress are integrated. Intelligent reconnaissance can cover the entire island and accurately carry out point-to-point strikes..."

As the two drank fine wine, they had a heated discussion about the idea of building a fortress, which was both imaginative and in line with the current situation. Logan, who was standing next to them, was listening and felt very impressed.

These two people are not ordinary people. One is a time traveler who has been bombarded with various information from another world in his previous life and has advanced ideas. The other is an engineer in this Marvel world who possesses top science and technology and a super brain.

Once two people talk to each other, they can basically understand what the other person means, and use this to derive, upgrade, fill in the gaps, and expand on it.

Mainly, Kyle is responsible for opening his mind and generating ideas, while Howard is responsible for patching up professional theories and making them a reality.

The lively discussions in the office continued until late at night.

The opportunity for the end was that Howard got drunk and fell on the soft sofa in the office, mumbling in a daze: "Let the island fly into the sky? That can't be done..."

Then he started to talk about a bunch of complicated numbers, Newton's formulas, and anti-gravity theory...

"Have a good rest, my friend." Kyle shrugged, stood up from the sofa, waved his hand, and quietly left the top floor office with Logan.

"Howard, you really have no defense against others..." Logan whispered as he entered the elevator. He had experienced setbacks, betrayals, wandering, etc. in his life, and he would always keep a distance and be on guard against everyone who approached him.

"It's not like he has no defenses against other people. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to start from scratch and switch between the military and private industry." Kyle smiled and explained, "Only when you really make friends with him will he be so relaxed and willing to trust you, revealing his true nature."

Logan looked confused.

After Kyle and Logan left the Stark Industries building, they booked a double room in a VIP luxury hotel on a nearby street.

After they washed up in their respective rooms and changed into casual and comfortable clothes, they stood together on the open-air balcony, overlooking the brightly lit late-night scene.

"Logan, I just took you to see Howard, you should know my intention." Kyle said facing the evening breeze, turning sideways to look at the silent Logan beside him.

Logan nodded and whispered, "I can probably guess that you want to build a fortress on an overseas island and cultivate your own private power."

"To be precise, it is a powerful family. 'Carl' is the future name of the family, and the emblem of the family is a card."

Kyle smiled faintly, and at some point, a card appeared between his fingers and he was flipping it over. 'Karl' was a simple combination of the card drawing system and his name.

“You can be said to be the first person to enter the Karl family and become a thief… ahem.”

Kyle said solemnly: "Just know one thing, I have never regarded you as my subordinate. If you choose to follow me, you will be a member of the Karl family in the future."

"I understand." Logan responded with emotion.

Previously, I thought Kyle would hand myself over to the military or Howard to be studied as a man-made weapon, but I didn't expect Kyle to directly include myself in the future family collective.

Good boss!

Chapter 85 Nanny Talent

On the top floor balcony of a luxury hotel.

Kyle looked directly at Logan and said thoughtfully, "Since we are all family, I will speak frankly. I still have a test task for you. Only when you complete the task, you will be completely considered a member of the Karl family."

"What mission? Whether it's asking me to assassinate an enemy officer or to lurk in another country's territory to obtain intelligence, there is no problem with that." Logan gave a confident and cold answer.

"The task is simple." Kyle said softly with a hint of amusement in his eyes, "I will provide you with enough funds. You can rent a large manor villa outside New York by yourself. Then, in the name of raising children, you can select ten children between the ages of eight and ten from any orphanage in the United States to adopt. It doesn't matter if they are boys or girls, as long as they are healthy."

"Adopt ten children... me?" Logan opened his mouth wide, looking at Kyle who looked serious in amazement.

Kyle nodded and said, "That's right. We are still in a war period, and there are so many orphans in the orphanage that they can't accommodate them all. If you bribe the director, it won't be difficult to adopt 20 children, let alone 10. Then, you can ask Howard to help you hire a few nannies to cook three meals a day and clean the manor, and that will be it."

"That's not the problem. How can I adopt a child?" Logan shook his head, feeling a little numb, and pointed to his cold and weathered face.

Look at this ruffian and evil face, and then look at his figure and abilities. You are a combat-type person, so why would you accept a nanny-type task

Kyle asked back, "Why do you think you can't do it?"

"I only know how to kill and fight, but I can't take care of children. You should change to another test task." Logan's attitude was very firm. He was a lone wolf, and he always had sharp claws. How could he use his hands to pull and teach those children kindly

"Logan. Now you've become the same as before." Kyle smiled and said, "You've lived alone for so many years, carrying hatred and evil thoughts, burning, killing, looting, scheming, killing people and robbing, and finally licking your wounds at night."