I Am In Marvel

Chapter 90: Section 90


Blue Eagle, it is the real master of the sky!

Kyle landed on the blue eagle that was flapping its wings, and grabbed a few steel-hard feathers with his left hand. Before he could issue an order, the blue eagle seemed to be aware of it and screamed, flapping its huge wings and rushing forward.

With a simple flapping and sprinting, Blue Eagle's start reached supersonic speed, facing the howling wind like a knife, so much so that Kyle almost entered the state of a suit fully covered with venom.

However, the effect was also very significant. Within ten seconds, the two fighter planes quickly came into Kyle's eyes again, and they were still zooming in.

Holding the feather with his left hand, Kyle stood firmly on the back of Blue Eagle. With his free hand, he took out the sodium carbon steel sword that had not been used on his back. The palm covered with the vibranium arm guard held the sword tightly.

His upper body leaned back and his right hand arched, making a gesture of throwing a javelin.

'call out! '

The next moment, the one-handed sword was thrown with a hurricane, passing a distance of twenty meters in an instant, and successfully hit the fuel tank at the rear of a fighter plane in front. The sodium carbon steel sword penetrated the fuselage shell, causing the internal oil storage to flow along The blade of the sword spilled out.

Kyle kept up the pedaling and jumped up from the back of the Blue Eagle. While he was in the air, he received an air sprint. Like a black bullet, he rushed straight to the bottom of the fighter plane's oil leakage.

The dark claws swung upwards, and the steel shell of the fuselage suddenly splashed with sparks. The sparks triggered the oil storage and burst into flames.

'boom! '

The fighter plane disintegrated and fell. Kyle's body was blown away by the explosion at close range, but the venom was very sharp. It shot out a black line and wrapped around the sodium carbon steel sword that also flew out for recovery.

The blue eagle cried, passing by the lower edge of the explosion area, and caught Kyle who was affected by the explosion.

Kyle continued to hold on to Feather's seat, and even with his inhumanly strong physique, the explosion effectively burned away the venom suit protection on his left hand, as well as the skin on his arm, which looked bloody.

But soon, the skin was healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the venom also kept up with the pace to repair the damaged parts of the suit.

This is the scary thing about Kyle. With his abnormal super-soldier physique and his self-healing ability, he can fight as domineeringly as he wants. He can use all his strength to carry out superhuman attacks regardless of his own injuries.

To describe it as 'monster' is not an exaggeration.

"There's one more."

Kyle was cold and ruthless, like a murderous god under the full coverage of the venom suit, and had no intention of letting go of the enemy who attacked him tonight.

Next, Blue Eagle led him to catch up with the last fighter plane again. In less than ten seconds, the fighter plane crashed without a pilot.

Five minutes later.

A thousand meters above the Tokyo border, the blue eagle flapped its wings gently, and Kyle sat on his back panting slightly, holding a Japanese pilot in his left hand.

The pilot has not lost his life, but his eyes are slightly rolled, and he is in a semi-awake and semi-conscious state. White foam is spitting out of his mouth, and he is mumbling in vague Japanese, "Monster..."

Kyle grabbed the pilot on the last fighter plane and originally wanted to torture Risang for military information. He didn't expect that the other party was so useless. He was scared to death before he even started.

"Then there's no point in keeping you."

Kyle shook his head and was about to throw away the pilot in his hand, but Venom conveyed a message to him, and then the black liquid derived from the suit formed a tentacle, and the tip of the tentacle quickly reached the back of the opponent's head.

Under his solemn gaze, the pilot's vital signs gradually declined, and Venom sent back a series of fragmentary messages to his mind, all of which were detailed air force information about Risang.

Chapter 100 Sleepless Night

What is transmitted to the mind is not fragmented and messy memory fragments, but more like the essence of information intercepted through careful selection in other people's memory sponges.

"Memory search?" Kyle was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that Venom's auxiliary talent characteristics would make breakthrough progress.

Venom is like a child, conveying joy and excitement at the same time. Tell him: This is just using the symbiotic characteristics of his own race to temporarily attach part of his body to the head of a weak organism, and dominantly 'share' to intercept the memory data of that organism.

"This can no longer be regarded as simple symbiosis..." Kyle frowned.

The main concept of venomous organisms' original 'symbiosis' is mutual benefit and mutual assistance. That is to say, while relying on the host to learn its talents and strengthen itself to survive, it will give back to the host to strengthen its weapons, and even actively protect the host with emotions -

This is the current symbiosis mode state between him and Venom.

Because he is a powerful and dominant host, the venom cannot even affect the left and right consciousness or actively read thoughts, let alone intercept brain memories.

Kyle has always regarded venom as a biological suit with its own learning ability, until tonight...

The venom derived from this property relies on a weak 'host' and affects life's ability to search for memories. Simple and domineering, it has the concept of mutual benefit and mutual assistance that is separated from ordinary symbionts, and relies on symbiosis to become the master of other organisms.

"Your evolution has almost caught up with me who drew cards. I don't know how far you will grow in the future." Kyle said softly to Venom, who transformed into a suit.

"?" Venom conveyed his doubtful thoughts in surprise. Its intelligence was still at the growth stage of a normal six-year-old child, and it was obvious that it could not understand Kyle's words.

"One day, you will understand." Kyle said with a smile.

As the card owner, he is not afraid that the Venom that will grow up in the future will betray him and endanger him.

Moreover, as long as he can maintain a strong lead, he can be the permanent leader in the symbiosis mode, and Venom cannot force him to give in.

Venom's growth characteristics are increased, and for him, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"Okay, let's go to the air force base in Tokyo." Kyle put aside his distracting thoughts, patted Blue Eagle's head, pointed his finger to the left, and directed Blue Eagle toward the air force known to Japanese pilots. Depart from the main base location.

His idea was very clear: he came as an intruder to put pressure on Risang.

Just assassinate Risang’s top executives? It doesn't mean much, if you kill one, they will soon elect a second one.

Therefore, assassinating the emperor is only a small step towards the goal of world peace. If you want to make a country fear, fear, and panic, and ultimately force it to surrender, then you have to be more arrogant than it is! More domineering! More ruthless!

So first night here. It is very important. If you want to do something big, everyone in this country must know that he is coming!

American Kyle, here we come!

'call out-'

The blue eagle screamed loudly, flapped its wings violently, and a small-scale roaring wind swept behind it, blowing away the high-altitude clouds and mist within thirty meters. It carried Kyle in the dark night and rushed towards the sky at supersonic take-off speed. distance.

Risan, Tokyo, Air Force Base Headquarters.

"Report, report! Commander Okamura, something serious has happened!" Sergeant Risang, wearing a yellow earth-colored military uniform and white gloves, hurriedly came to the command room of the Air Force Command.

"Baga!" The commander with a short beard on the office chair was drowsy. He was suddenly startled by the noncommissioned officer who walked in. He glared forward angrily and cursed: "Do you understand the military regulations? Come on. How is it that the commander's office is so panicked?"

"Yes, Commander." The noncommissioned officer stood up indoors a little aggrievedly, and saluted with a goose-stepping kick.

"Tell me, what's going on? Did the purple electric fighter jets sent out complete their mission and return?" Commander Okamura asked.

In his opinion, sending an elite team of Zidian fighters with the highest record of completing annihilation missions to deal with a transport fighter with little combat capability is basically a sure thing.

The seven ace pilots issued military orders before setting off, and committed suicide when they failed.

"No, no." The sergeant took a deep breath and replied with a slightly trembling voice: "Not long ago, the signals of the seven Zidian fighters disappeared."

"What did you say?!" This time it was Commander Okamura's turn to be unstable. He jumped up from his chair soberly, slapped his palms on the desk and shouted loudly: "What's going on? Could it be that the intelligence coming from the US emperor is False, the other party is not a transport fighter plane? "