I Am In Marvel

Chapter 93: Section 93


In just a short while, dozens of young men dressed as sword-fighting disciples rushed out of the dojo, holding sharp swords in their hands and wearing wooden clogs.

But when they rushed to within three meters of Kyle, they all stopped in their tracks, their faces solemn and vigilant, not daring to move forward, holding swords and keeping a safe distance.

Kyle didn't even look at them, but walked in calmly and indifferently. He moved like this among the people holding swords, and soon stepped into the main hall of the main gym.

More and more sword-fighting disciples gathered around, from dozens to hundreds, surrounding Kyle from inside and outside, but no one took action.

Fortunately, the hall of the gym is spacious enough to accommodate hundreds of people studying swordsmanship at the same time. The wooden floor is as smooth as new, and the inner walls are equipped with racks for practicing wooden swords. In the middle is a huge plaque written in ink.

'Shinto Munen School'

As one of the cornerstones of Bushido today, the Shinto Munen-ryu, which has mastered high-end swordsmanship, can be ranked in the top ten among the kendo schools passed down by Risang. Although it is not the strongest in the industry, it is the most authoritative kendo school with the largest number of disciples.

Now in this war time, there are only inner disciples in the gym, and there are hundreds of them!

"Everyone, move aside and let the challenging guest in."

Surrounded by a group of people, Kyle walked into the hall of the gym. Before he could take a closer look inside, an old but powerful voice was heard in the hall.

Upon hearing this, hundreds of sword-fighting disciples dressed in uniform white kimonos dispersed respectfully and silently, making way for a spacious and ample space.

At this time, Kyle finally saw the scene inside clearly. He could see an old man in a kendo uniform sitting in the middle of the main hall, and a beautiful woman in a kimono kneeling beside him.

"Are you the current master of the Shinto Wu-nian school's sword gym?" Kyle looked down with an obviously disappointed expression, which made the hundreds of sword disciples around him look angry.

This intruder is really too rampant! Everyone in Risang Tokyo knows the "Sword Master", who is old but not weak, a master of swordsmanship. Even if ten adult youths come forward, they will be easily knocked down by him with his wooden sword.

"Sir, you have come from afar, is it really for the challenge?" Old Jian asked softly without any anger, with the demeanor of a master who has practiced cultivation.

"It's very simple. I will wipe out the name of your Shinto Wunian school today. Of course, you are just the first one. There are more than 40 kendo schools representing Bushido in Risang Tokyo, and I will eliminate them too." Kyle shrugged, as if he was going to do something very easy and ordinary.

"The guest has a murderous aura and speaks in a rather arrogant tone." Old Jian waved his hand. The woman next to him understood what he meant. She stood up gracefully and took down a scabbard-covered sword from the shelf under the plaque and handed it to him.

Kyle didn't stop him, he really wanted to see the level of swordsmanship that Risang admired and passed down.

The old sword master stood up leisurely, unsheathed his sharp sword, flashing with cold light, and pointed it at Kyle, "You are an outsider who invaded our country and challenged the gym. First you threatened the Emperor, and now you want to destroy the sword school that has been passed down for hundreds of years. Now that you are here, don't even think about leaving!"

Kyle seemed not to have heard the threat. He glanced at the hundreds of swordsmanship disciples around him and suggested, "Why don't you all come together?"

The old swordman paused, holding the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, his narrow and deep eyes were cold, "You underestimate me?!"

Kyle shook his head and explained: "I don't just look down on you, I look down on everyone present."

As soon as these words came out, hundreds of sword-fighting disciples in the hall were so angry that they almost rushed over with swords in hand. The reason they didn't rush out was that Master Jian couldn't help but take action!

I saw Old Jian sprinting forward, his speed was faster than that of a healthy young man. When he was three meters in front of Kyle, he leaped up.

He was in the air, he raised his hands back with strength, and swung the sword down fiercely. The sharp blade drew a semicircle, trying to cut Kyle in half from the top of his head down!

The old sword master's speed was too fast, and the smooth movement of swinging the sword was so clean and neat that all the disciples in the hall exclaimed excitedly, and the woman in kimono also smiled.

Indeed. Kyle was motionless, as if frightened by the sword attack of the old swordsman, and had no intention of avoiding the falling sword.

The sword-fighting disciples watching could almost imagine in their minds the bloody scene of the opponent's body being symmetrically split into two halves, with internal organs and blood spilling all over the ground.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Jian Lao's sword slashed with a cold afterimage. At the moment when it was about to touch his body, Kyle raised his right hand like lightning, and grasped the tip of the sword with his thumb and index finger...

The katana landed on the right palm protected by the vibranium arm guard and venom leather jacket without making any sound. The slash that was so sharp a second ago suddenly stopped inexplicably and steadily.

Bare hands into the sword? No, this is a scene of supernatural power that surpasses thousands of skills.

The sword-fighting disciples were all stunned, and the hall of the gym was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

The one who was even more shocked was Jian Lao at this moment. He looked at the right hand that caught his sword in disbelief, and gripped the hilt tightly with shame, anger and fear. He used all his strength, but still couldn't pull the sword out of Kyle's hand.

"You, how did you do that?" Old Jian let go of his sword in horror. You know, he had practiced high-speed slashing for decades, and he could easily cut off a tree as big as a wrist!

"A frog in the well." Kyle said indifferently in Japanese. He already knew from this distance that the so-called sword master only had a rare green ability card of [True Shinto Thoughtless Sword Art Mastery].

"It's my turn." Kyle whispered, and punched forward with his left fist. The tip of his fist, with a whistling wind pressure, landed swiftly on the slightly thin body of the old man.

Twelve times the strength of a human!


As if being hit by a high-speed car, Jian Lao flew out like a kite with its string dropped, his body tumbling in a parabola across the hall, and fell heavily on the school's plaque ten meters away.

Chapter 104 Devil Card


The school's plaque on the inner wall of the gym was stained with large patches of bright red blood, and Jian Lao's body, which had suffered fatal injuries, fell to the ground, with no signs of life.

The hall was dead silent. Hundreds of sword-fighting disciples opened their mouths in horror. Sadness, anger, hatred, shock and fear were all reflected on their faces.

Kyle had an indifferent expression. He calmly withdrew his clenched left fist, while the fingers of his right hand, which was wearing a vibranium arm guard, still held the tip of the katana.

The skills are all inferior, only the variation is high.

The evolutionary branches of this world are so confusing!

When his power, speed, nerve reaction, physical strength, etc. are all surpassed and crushed, no matter how unparalleled your swordsmanship is, and without any strange energy, you have a body of an ordinary person, how can you withstand his full-strength punch that has been enhanced by genetic mutation

Only the hidden magic and talents of alien races in this world, and the future black technology products after the 21st century, may be able to surpass his current progress of mutation and evolution!

The Ancient One's wizard organization aims to protect the Earth, the Black Panther Nation is law-abiding and secluded from the world, the invasion deadline for outer space races and gods has not yet arrived, and the 21st century is still more than 50 years away...

When there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey becomes king!

During World War II, Kyle dared to act arrogantly and domineeringly. Anyone who disagrees can come and fight him!

Inside the hall of the gym, the woman in kimono stared blankly at the tragic death of the swordsman. Her beautiful eyes were filled with hatred and resentment. She suddenly snatched the sword from the hand of a swordsmanship disciple beside her and rushed towards Kyle like a madman, losing her composure.

Kyle turned around indifferently, flicked his right wrist slightly, and threw the sword in his hand out with a "swoosh" sound, piercing through the woman's chest at an extremely fast speed. The hilt of the sword went straight into the woman's body, dragging her backwards until she was nailed to death on the door of the hall.

"Master Jian! Senior Sister!!" The hundreds of remaining sword-fighting disciples in the gym were horrified and could no longer hold back their grief and anger. They rushed towards Kyle in the middle of the hall, swords in hand and shouting.

"It would have been better if we got up earlier." Kyle shrugged indifferently. The liquid black silk of the Venom suit formed a protective hood on his neck. His cold and scarlet eyes flashed like a mask, and his clenched fists extended dark claws outward.

Fully covered in venom! Claw mode!

Kyle squatted down, gathered some strength and sprinted forward, his body rushing forward like a body of steel. Hundreds of young men with swords surrounding him were violently and savagely dispersed as soon as they met him. The few people in the front were even knocked back out of the door with blood spitting out of their mouths.

His feet accelerated and he sprinted forward with great force. Kyle's claws slashed and scratched without stopping. Every strike caused blood to splatter, and several young men fell to the ground wailing.

The swordsmanship disciples attacked fearlessly, and most of their blows landed on him, failing to break through the tough protective outer layer of the Venom Suit. Even if a powerful sword strike barely broke through the Venom Suit, leaving a thin bloody mark on the skin underneath, the minor injury would completely heal before the blood could spill out.

It didn't look like hundreds of people besieging one person, but more like a lion and tiger breaking into a flock of sheep. Kyle turned into a war machine called killing, constantly harvesting weak lives.