I Am In Marvel

Chapter 97: Section 97


"It seems to be approaching this way..."

The officer also raised his head. When he saw the huge blue eagle swooping down towards the gym yard, he seemed to realize something and shouted, "Oh no! Everyone open fire!"

"Too late." Kyle shook his head slightly. A powerful energy tide burst out from the soles of his feet. The invisible force pushed his body up into the sky at an extremely fast speed like a rocket.

Air dash!


The dense artillery fire arrived less than half a second late, landing on the ground where the white air wave was still blowing, crushing a large amount of gravel and soil into powder.


The swooping Blue Eagle just happened to arrive at the low altitude of the yard, and perfectly grabbed Kyle who had sprinted to the highest point with its claws. It spread its huge wings that were ten meters long and flapped violently. Several rockets hastily fired from below were directly blown away by the fierce wind and exploded at the low altitude beside it.

The blue eagle cried loudly and rushed out of the fire and smoke area of the explosion. The flapping of its wings accelerated the air and increased its altitude, carrying Kyle to the high sky at noon.

"Where are the fighter planes? You must intercept that monster for me!" The officer stared at the Blue Eagle that was about to fly away and yelled loudly to the communicator beside him.

At this moment, a small black object fell from the Blue Eagle and landed on the open space in front of the gym. It was a small black ball with a green light on it, rolling on the ground.

"What is that..." A group of armed soldiers in front instinctively stepped back. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a grenade, but which country's grenade would not explode after falling from the sky for so long

"A dumb mine?" The officer looked at the round object ten meters away. The green light continued to flash like a countdown and soon turned red.

And then, nothing happened.


The round object exploded into a black hole-like existence and began to devour everything inside.

In the blink of an eye, it quickly expanded from the size of a fist to become a huge sphere with a radius of fifty meters, swallowing up everything inside, including ninjas, armed soldiers, buildings, streets, trees, rocks, and even sounds and lights.

Until the area regained its sound and light, the black hole gradually dissipated, and the bright sunshine shone again. The inner scene of Tokyo's Shinagawa district, with the original gym building as the center, had a giant smooth semicircular hole on the ground.

Tokyo border, more than a thousand meters above the ground.

Kyle, who was in the claws of the Blue Eagle, naturally had no idea of the consequences of the alien bomb. He was now a little confused, with more than half of his body paralyzed and unable to move.

Kyle forced his eyes open, trying to find a safe place, but he saw the clouds behind the Blue Eagle tear apart, and more than a dozen single-man fighter planes buzzing towards him at full speed.

Is it ever going to end…

Kyle no longer had the energy to complain. His mind was in a daze, and his will and strength were slipping away. He really wanted to sleep.

The Blue Eagle cried anxiously, and while being chased by more than a dozen fighter planes, it grabbed Kyle and fled forward at supersonic speed.

ten minutes later.

Kyle lost the feeling of the strong claws holding his body, and the cold wind blew from bottom to top.

He realized that he was in a state of natural fall.

What happened to Blue Eagle

Kyle squinted his eyes and through the gap he could see a scene of the Blue Eagle rushing off into the distance, with fighter jets chasing after it.

His consciousness fell asleep again, he lost control of his body, and fell straight down towards the huge snow mountain below.

Kyle didn't know how long he slept before he gradually regained consciousness.

The first thing he saw when he woke up was that he was in a cave, with cave tunnels everywhere and a steaming natural hot spring next to it.

"Venom, what's going on?" Kyle whispered. He was still wearing the Venom suit. It should be Venom's credit that he was able to come here suddenly after falling from a high altitude.

Venom proudly conveyed his thoughts to him, but after a moment, Kyle understood the current situation.

No wonder I was so hungry. It turned out that three days had passed since the last battle.

When falling off the snowy mountain, Venom spread his gliding wings and landed, then controlled his body to hide in a cave under the snowy mountain.

"Thank goodness you're here." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. He had slept for three days. Not only had he recovered from the nerve-paralyzing poison, but even the cut on his back had healed.

He took off his Venom suit and took out various hot and fresh foods saved as item cards from the card space. While eating quickly to replenish his strength, he jumped naked into the hot spring next to him.

"Comfortable." Kyle sighed. The temperature of the hot spring was just right, which greatly eased the tension caused by the battle.

By the way, this place is comfortable and safe.

Kyle seemed to remember something and pulled out a blue rare creature card from the card space. After a physical summon, a giant oval egg "ploped" into the hot spring.

[Unhatched Monster Egg]

Current status: In the current environment, there are still thirty-three years, nine months and seven days left before hatching.

Kyle: “…”

You can sleep well, brother Dan! My son probably has it in his 30s.

Kyle shook his head, filled his stomach, cleaned his body, put on his underwear and Venom suit to restore his prime.

He followed the instructions of Venom's voice and wanted to return to the original path to leave the cave. After taking a few steps, he was surprised to hear subtle footsteps coming from a naturally formed tunnel next to him.

There is actually someone here.

Kyle reacted quickly, clinging to the wall in disguise at night, and as he heard footsteps approaching, a strange looking Risang man wearing a gas mask and a white coat appeared in his field of vision.

Chapter 109 Mutant Girl

Inside the cave tunnel.

Similar to the underground scientific research guards, they were holding Japanese guns in their hands and checking carefully left and right.

After seeing that the opponent had no accomplices behind him, Kyle quietly exited from camouflage mode, rushed to his side in one step, and struck him on the back of the neck with a sharp knife.

The researcher rolled his eyes, his body went limp, and he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

I didn't kill him because I had other uses for him.

"Venom, it's up to you." Kyle slapped off his battle suit with his hands, and Venom stretched out black tentacles, spun in the air, and the tip pierced into the back of the researcher's head.

In less than ten seconds, Venom searched the memory and captured some fragments of information, which were indirectly fed back to him through telepathy.

Kyle's heart trembled, as if he had heard something incredible, and he looked towards a cave tunnel in the mountain with doubt.

There is a hidden underground research institute here, where almost all of Risang's top biological scientists gather, and they are creating a special kind of human being called "Son of God" under the order of the Emperor.

Venom couldn't explain the specific details clearly. It was only searching for general information, which became more abstract through the transmission of telepathy.