I Am Overlord

Chapter 133: All kinds of strange things


The White Tiger Skeleton, I don’t know what level of monster it is, but I can be sure that every bone in it is the top quality weapon refining material.

Currently, the Overlord Zhan Tian Dao is still in a damaged state. If the white tiger bone is integrated into it, its shape can be greatly restored.

It was with this intention that Xiang Shaoyun stared at the white tiger's skeleton.

Xiang Shaoyun rubbed his hands and walked to the white tiger's skeleton. Touching the extremely hard and smooth jade-like bones was as gentle as caressing a lover's hand.

"As expected of a top-level monster, it has been dead for so many years, but its bones are not corroded at all. Each of these bones is enough to be auctioned for a sky-high price!" Xiang Shaoyun sighed.

He knew that there was a deep connection between the white tiger bone and Xiao Bai, and he benefited from the white tiger soul. Logically speaking, he could no longer take advantage of the white tiger bone.

However, Xiang Shaoyun can't care so much anymore.

He has to keep getting stronger, and his soldiers must also improve accordingly. Even if the Overlord Battle Sky Sword is extraordinary, it will not be as powerful as it should be before it is repaired.

"While Xiaobai hasn't digested that power, let's get a bone first. Just one should be enough!" Xiang Shaoyun muttered to himself, then walked around the white tiger skeleton, looking for the best one. Tiger bones.

Finally, his eyes fell on the dozens of meters long waist spine. This was the most perfect tiger bone. Its curves were like a dragon, graceful and smooth.

Xiang Shaoyun knew very well that if this tiger bone was removed, the tiger skeleton would completely collapse.

Xiang Shaoyun fell into struggle.

To take or not to take

If he takes it, he can repair the Overlord's Heavenly Sword, but it may hurt Xiao Bai; if he doesn't take it, he will feel extremely unwilling to do so!

"Forget it, this lumbar spine may also be extremely important to Xiaobai. Let's wait until it has finished digesting its power!" Xiang Shaoyun finally decided to respect Xiaobai and let it go.

Now, he had time to take stock of the environment here.

There is a lot of golden evil energy in the sky forming a natural sky, covering this place, making it almost impossible to get in.

As for the land below, it is generally quiet. It looks empty in all directions, and everything here can be seen in a few glances.

Not far from the tiger skeleton, there is a pool of gold liquid, exuding the purest golden evil spirit. On top of this gold liquid grows a dark golden herb. It looks like a golden lotus, and among the lotus petals, there is actually a ball of gold. Just like the aura of a real white tiger floating, it even jumps on the gold liquid pool from time to time, appearing lifelike, and the majesty of the tiger is indescribable!

Xiang Shaoyun rushed over like the wind, staring at the pool of gold liquid and tiger-shaped herbs in front of him.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "This... Is this the blood of the white tiger? Or the Jinchen liquid? And this accompanying tiger evil golden lotus! I am not dazzled by this!".

The blood of the White Tiger is extremely precious, and every drop is priceless. The same is true for Jinchen Liquid, which is the most primitive liquid with the power of gold. It is a rare holy liquid of the same level as Thunder Liquid, and is definitely not It can be compared with ordinary spiritual liquids; as for the tiger evil golden lotus, it is a legendary thing. It can only grow in the place where the white tiger lives. Each one is a rare treasure, absolutely beyond the ordinary. Miraculous medicine, even the King of Medicines... is priceless!

Everything here is enough to make the masters in the world fight to their death.

However, these things were placed in front of Xiang Shaoyun, and it was impossible for him not to be tempted.

Fortunately, he quickly regained his senses and said, "This is all Xiaobai's. Let's wait until it wakes up!"

Xiang Shaoyun treats Xiaobai as his brother. It's hard for him to take his brother's things without his consent.

He also believed that as long as he asked for it, Xiaobai would definitely give it to him.

Xiang Shaoyun did not touch these things for the time being, but shifted his gaze and fell on a few golden rocks nearby.

"The best diamond!" Xiang Shaoyun said happily.

Diamond can be regarded as a royal material, so the best diamond can definitely be regarded as a royal material.

Without thinking, Xiang Shaoyun ran over to collect them all.

It's just that these pieces of top-quality diamonds surround this pool of gold liquid. It's not easy to dig them up, as that will destroy the pool of gold liquid.

Xiang Shaoyun was completely disappointed.

He could only look at but not move anything, which really made him hungry to death.

In desperation, Xiang Shaoyun began to wander elsewhere.

There are not so many amazing things in other places, but there are still small rewards.

For example, there are a lot of ordinary diamonds, which are king materials, and can be exchanged for a lot of spiritual crystals. There are also some strange stones that contain the aura of Jinsha, which can be called Jinsha stones, and can help warriors practice. A few traces of golden evil spirit come in, thereby increasing the combat effectiveness, and the value is no less than diamond.

Xiang Shaoyun tried to absorb the golden evil spirit in the golden evil stone, but he was able to do it easily.

Only then did he realize that his second star already contained the purest golden evil spirit, which could also be called the evil spirit of the white tiger. It was naturally close to and assimilated to the golden evil spirit, and would not cause any harm.

Xiang Shaoyun collected these things and stuffed them into twenty square meters, and then took them out for trading outside.

"Now that I have reached Huagang Realm, there is no need to go back to Wutang Hall. It's a pity that I won't be able to participate in the Hundred Towns Competition!" Xiang Shaoyun sat quietly and thought to himself.

He didn't know how long it would take Xiaobai to get it done, so he could only wait calmly.

As for the king outside, he has nothing to worry about.

It is impossible for the opponent to break through the defense of this golden evil spirit. Even if the emperor comes, he may not be able to break through.

Otherwise, the secret of the Golden River Valley would have been unearthed long ago.

It can be seen from this that the White Tiger's skills are beyond the scope of ordinary powerful men.

"Just in time, let me work hard here to improve my state! I improved too quickly all of a sudden, and I always feel unsteady!" Xiang Shaoyun thought.

So, he began to practice on his own here.

I saw him running directly to a place and carrying a rock that looked like a small hill on his back.

Work hard again!

No matter what realm you are in, the power of cultivation is indispensable.

He suppressed his cultivation and used the purest raw power to move the rock, which weighed at least 30,000 kilograms.

It would be extremely difficult to push it with pure force, let alone move it in a normal Transformation Gang Realm.

Xiang Shaoyun could actually carry it directly, and then started walking here step by step.

At first he seemed to be struggling, but after a while, he started walking faster and faster, and finally it was more like a trot. Apparently he had adapted to the weight.

While he was practicing quietly inside, the outside world was even more lively!