I Am Overlord

Chapter 149: Let's all go back and wash up and sleep


An ancient font!

Even a scholar like Xiang Shaoyun, who has read tens of millions of books, cannot recognize these words one by one.

That's right. The origin of this human skin is probably a very long one.

Dong Zi leaned over and took a look. Her face was even more confused. She said, "What kind of nonsense is it written?".

"I don't know either, but it belongs to me!" Xiang Shaoyun put the human skin away without ceremony.

Just because he can't understand it doesn't mean that others can't understand it. There might be some secret hidden in it.

Dong Zi understood that this human skin might be their biggest gain in this trip, but she did not argue with Xiang Shaoyun.

If Xiang Shaoyun hadn't been here along the way, how would she have been able to get here.

Besides, she had harvested the Essence of Life Seed, which was also very precious, and it was a worthwhile trip for her.

Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi did not leave here immediately, but checked here again to see if there were any good things that were missed.

When they were sure there was nothing left, they planned to leave.

However, this time Dong Zi was in trouble!

The outside was still filled with black corpse poison, and she couldn't resist running out unless Xiang Shaoyun helped her.

The most important thing is that her identity has been revealed, so how can she be embarrassed to get close to Xiang Shaoyun

"Let's go out!" Xiang Shaoyun greeted Dong Zi who was in trouble.

"I, I..." Dong Zi didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Xiang Shaoyun seemed to have seen through what Dong Zi was thinking, with a faint smile on his face and said, "Come on, brother shemale, I won't take advantage of you anymore, you can rest assured!".

"You are the shemale, and your whole family is a shemale!" Dong Zirui shouted at Xiang Shaoyun like an angry lion.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun approached her, grabbed her arm, and rushed out of the mine.

Xiang Shaoyun was surrounded by the power of thunder, protecting him and Dong Zi. They must get out of the cave as quickly as possible.

They won't be attacked by black-haired corpses or zombies like when they came in. As long as they can withstand these toxins, they will be safe.

Dong Zi originally wanted to give Xiang Shaoyun a good beating, but when he felt Xiang Shaoyun's protection, he felt a warm current in his heart, and a trace of rosy color appeared on his delicate face.

If the journey is smooth and smooth, the black corpse element in front will be much lighter, and the threat will not be so great.

Xiang Shaoyun kept accelerating his pace, and Dong Zi ran wildly with him.

Not long after, they finally broke out of the mine.

However, what was waiting for them was the troops of the Black Mountain Sect.

The people of the Black Mountain Sect were hesitant at first whether to enter the mine, but later they found obvious signs of burning nearby, and many black-haired corpses had been beheaded, so they could conclude that someone had entered the cave.

So, they planned to sit back and wait.

Sure enough, I really have to wait for them.

Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi were stunned when they saw nearly a hundred people in front of them.

They knew without guessing that these people were members of the Black Mountain Sect.

Xiang Shaoyun cursed secretly in his heart, "Damn it, it came so fast!".

"Ah, everyone, are you here to enjoy the coolness in the middle of the night? It's very cold here, go back and wash up!" Xiang Shaoyun said haha to the people in front of him.

At the same time, he pulled Dong Zi and quietly moved in the direction where there were fewer people.

"Hmph, you secretly entered our Black Mountain Sect's mines and dared to say such sarcastic words. You are simply seeking death!" Someone among these people shouted.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by secretly entering your mine! This is obviously a corpse cave. We were caught by those things. If we weren't lucky, we wouldn't be able to get out. There are many zombies inside! "Xiang Shaoyun said extremely exaggeratedly.

After saying that, he released Dong Zi, and then whispered, "You should find an opportunity to escape first!".

"No, I won't run away!" Dong Zi suddenly shouted loudly.

Xiang Shaoyun's expression darkened on the spot. He deliberately lowered his voice because he didn't want the Black Mountain Cult people to hear him. Unexpectedly, this silly girl actually shouted out.

"Hey, you want to escape, but you don't look at the situation. Can you escape?" Someone from the Black Mountain Sect sneered.

At this time, the deputy leader of the Black Mountain Sect came out and said in a deep voice, "No matter who you are, come back to the Black Mountain Sect with us and wait until someone comes and tie them up. If you resist, you will be killed without mercy!"

The deputy leader showed murderous intent, and it was obvious that he did not intend to let Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi leave here.

After that, two people walked over and grabbed Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi.

"How dare you..." Dong Zi stood up and shouted.

But before she finished speaking, Xiang Shaoyun had already taken her hand and rushed in one direction.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted in shock.

Behind him, a dragon and a tiger suddenly appeared, and this sound contained the sound of a tiger's roar. The terrifying sound waves shook all directions, making people's eardrums bulge and hurt!

This is the first time Xiang Shaoyun roars as a tiger. This is the natural demonic power of the white tiger that he gained after gaining the power of the soul of the white tiger!

Although the power he exerted was not as terrifying as the roar of a real white tiger, it definitely gained some essence, and it had an extraordinary power of intimidation when others were caught off guard.

In the direction where Xiang Shaoyun was running, those people from the Black Mountain Sect were momentarily distracted, but Xiang Shaoyun, like a wild dragon, led Dong Zi and rushed directly towards him.

The Overlord Nine Nether Steps he took were extremely exquisite, and the speed he displayed could not be compared to even those in the late stages of the Transformation Gang Realm.

What's more, the direction chosen by Xiang Shaoyun was the weakest and least visited position in Black Mountain. It was precisely this that allowed them to break through a hole and rush towards the mountain forest.

Xiang Shaoyun had exhausted all his strength. The power of the nine stars was surging, so he had to escape.

It's a pity that there are so many people from the Black Mountain Sect, including the deputy leader. They are all the best. How could they allow Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi to escape like this

I saw the deputy leader of the Black Mountain Sect rushing past like a black shadow, and the speed was so fast that people were stunned!

Besides him, there were several other figures who were only half a beat slower than him.

These are all powerful beings who have reached the peak level of Huagang.

"If you want to escape, stay with me!" The deputy leader of the Black Mountain Sect sneered, and clapped both palms out, covering Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi respectively.

The power of the palm strikes like a rainbow, looking extremely domineering!

Just when Xiang Shaoyun and Dong Zi were about to be hit by this palm force, a shadow appeared in vain, blocking directly in front of the palms. With just a casual wave, the palm forces were all directed towards the Black Mountain Vice-Chairman. The leader returned.

The deputy leader didn't react at all and was directly hit by the force he exerted.
