I Am Overlord

Chapter 1829: Fight alone


Long Wusheng's fist was very powerful, like a star, and it hit the Chaos Star Locking Formation hard. Waves of chaotic power rippled out, but the formation was not broken.

Demon Immortal murmured to the side, "Do you really think that the means laid out by Yuan Shi are so simple? We must work together to destroy this formation as soon as possible. It will take a long time for one person to destroy it." It’s consumed.”

"I don't believe it anymore. With my strength, I can destroy the galaxy with just one punch. How can this mere formation not be broken?" Long Wusheng said and punched again.

Dragon-shaped regretful fist!

Nine punches were fired, like nine real dragons roaring, hitting the formation hard, but still failed to break the formation.

But the people in China were scared to death.

This shocking momentum and the shocking power are not the prelude to the destruction of China.

It is precisely because of this external pressure that all living creatures in China are anxious.

"God, come and save me, I don't want to die!"

"Mr. Gaiyi, I will do whatever you want me to do. Don't give up on us!"

At this moment, those creatures who didn't want to die began to howl like ghosts and wolves, and their original persistence was instantly thrown away.

Xiang Shaoyun took the opportunity to say, "Don't panic, everyone, let go of your own will, and let me take the lead in everything!"

In this way, people from different directions, such as West Desert and Dongling, were swept by Xiang Shaoyun's spiritual thoughts and included in the Xinghai Universe one by one.

If Xiang Shaoyun had not reached the peerless realm, it would be difficult for his spiritual thoughts to cover such a wide area.

As for Gai Yi, he went deep into the deepest part of China, got in touch with the stars of China, and was frantically absorbing the essence of the earth. As these powers continued to penetrate into it, he became very powerful, much more powerful than before. I know how many times, but if I want to take the opportunity to enter the realm of reincarnation, I am still a little short of it, because this depends on my own understanding, and it also takes some time to get used to it. It is not that after the strength is improved, it can be a logical breakthrough.

He didn't have much time, and the six invincible warriors launched an attack at the same time.

Boom boom!

After waves of power dropped, some cracks finally appeared in the Chaos Locking Star Formation, but it was not destroyed so quickly.

Once the Chaos Star Locking Formation is destroyed, China will also be destroyed.

Gai Yi immediately sent a message to Xiang Shaoyun and shouted, "Shaoyun, the formation is about to be broken. I have to go and fight against it. Once the formation is broken, I will delay them as soon as possible. You can be as far away as you like." Run as far as you can, and don’t think about avenging your teacher before you enter the realm of reincarnation."

"Once Master is defeated, you can leave with me. China cannot be defended anyway. If we keep Qingshan here, we won't be afraid of running out of firewood!" Xiang Shaoyun responded.

"It can't be that easy!" Gai Yi sighed deeply and rushed up directly from China. At the same time, nine different divine sources converged on him from nine different directions in China. His combat prowess was repeatedly mentioned, reaching a level comparable to the realm of reincarnation.

"Here comes the sword!" Gai Yi exclaimed, waving towards the original direction of Dragon Phoenix Academy.

Immediately afterwards, a peerless sword suddenly rushed out from under a boundary. The overbearing and ferocious aura soared into the sky, and the awe-inspiring killing intent made people shiver.

Dragon ax and phoenix knife!

This is the sword that Gai Yi used in ancient times to fight against beings outside the realm. He had sealed it in the Dragon and Phoenix Academy long ago and was nourished by countless corpses. Now that he is born, even if he does not reach the level of a reincarnation warrior, he is already a warrior. A peerless magic weapon.

One end of it is shaped like a dragon-shaped axe, and the other end is shaped like a phoenix-shaped knife. It is an extremely weird weapon.

After Gai Yi held the dragon ax and phoenix sword in his hand, he merged with the stars of China and rushed out of the formation in one fell swoop. With a flash of ax and a flash of sword, he slashed out at the same time, killing the six Respect the invincible and strong.

"Finally, a little mouse has appeared. Let me take him down!" Long Wusheng was the most belligerent and rushed over without hesitation. He blasted Gai Yi with one overbearing dragon fist after another.

The Dragon Fist is like the sun and moon, and it is so domineering that it can destroy dozens of dead stars.

Gai Yi's ax and sword were directly beaten to pieces.

But this was a false move by Gai Yi. He had already jumped behind Long Wusheng and struck down with his tomahawk.

However, Long Wusheng did not dodge or evade, and allowed Gai Yi to slash Ju's axe.

Ding dong!

A crisp sound rang out, and sparks flew everywhere.

Long Wusheng laughed ferociously, "If you want to hurt me with this little power, you are too naive!"

Before he could finish his words, his fist had already hit Gai Yi hard.

Gai Yi couldn't avoid it, and his divine body was beaten so hard that he vomited blood and flew away.

Fortunately, he was able to recover as soon as possible and retreated to the front of Shenzhou. He stood up with his troops and shouted, "This is not something you can touch. Get out of here. Otherwise, even if I die, I will be able to support one or two of you." !”

Gai Yi and Shenzhou's power merged into one, and they were already in a truly invincible state.

"You really think you can balance me with the power of a star? You're so naive!" Long Wusheng sneered, let out a terrifying dragon roar, and blasted at Gai Yi again.

Gai Yi's fighting ability was extremely tough. His eyes shot out two rounds of power that were like the sun and the moon, bombarding Long Wusheng and causing him to roll backwards.

They fought extremely fiercely and were inseparable. It was really not that easy to decide the winner.

Long Wusheng couldn't take down Gai Yi, and he couldn't stand it anymore. At this time, Tun Shanhe asked Miao to take action, and he and Gai Yi fought together again.

Tun Shanhe's Heaven-Swallowing Divine Technique is powerful and can swallow all living things. He really wants to devour Gai Yi and Shenzhou together.

But Gai Yi was not a vegetarian. He gathered the power of the nine regions of China and slashed out the power of nine regions in succession. He rushed directly into the belly of Tunshan River and almost burst the belly of Tunshan River.

This battle was another dark one. Gai Yi's body was beaten so many times that it was broken into pieces. The divine blood, bones, and meridians were almost completely obliterated.

Fortunately, the source of divine energy from China continued to converge on him, causing him to recover again and again.

Finally, Tun Shanhe reluctantly retreated, and it was Huan Xingyi's turn to take action again.

When Gai Yi was in an invincible state, something evil suddenly appeared in China.

"Hey, the source of earth essence is originally located in the center of the barrier. Although I can't absorb it, it shouldn't be difficult for me to cut off your supply to that old guy!" A creature covered in blood appeared in the divine barrier. The heartland sneered.