I Am Overlord

Chapter 35: Rush to the land of Earth Star Spring


The black-blooded lion moves extremely fast, and the impact speed is definitely more than a thousand pounds of force. Most ninth-level warriors cannot resist it!

After all, the most powerful aspect of a monster is its powerful body, which is something that humans cannot match!

Xiang Shaoyun's power of insight was activated to the maximum, and he stared at the black blood lion without moving even half a step!

Seeing that the black blood lion had already pounced in front of him, its bloody mouth was wide open, and it was completely covering his head!

Ordinary people would be frightened to death with such power!

At the critical moment, Xiang Shaoyun's uninjured arm was raised, and wisps of strength rushed out along the meridians of his arm.

Po Gangzhi!

call out!

This finger light was much more powerful than the ones Xiang Shaoyun had emitted before. It was full of more domineering power and went straight into the blood mouth of the black blood lion!


The black blood lion immediately let out a roar and still rushed towards Xiang Shaoyun's position.

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun endured the pain and moved away from him.

The black blood lion did not pounce on Xiang Shaoyun, but hit the ground heavily. His body kept jerking and spitting out blood from his mouth. It seemed that his internal organs had been severely damaged by Xiang Shaoyun's blow. !

"Death!" Xiang Shaoyun picked up the heavy chopping knife, holding the knife in his hand, pouring power into the blade, and sliced the black blood lion's head away with one blow.

As the knife was slashed out, a look of pain appeared on his face, and the wound that had healed burst open and oozed blood again!

"Let's eat braised lion meat tonight to replenish our blood!" Xiang Shaoyun said with a smile.

The black-blooded lion has the richest blood energy among the little demons, which just allows him to make up for the lost blood energy!

Xiang Shaoyun simply processed the lion's body, and immediately lit a fire to burn the lion's meat and eat it.

The faint fragrance spread out, making little Huweizi's tongue keep sticking out, looking greedy!

Soon after the lion meat was roasted, Xiao Huwei couldn't wait to pounce on it and bite it!


The barbecue was so hot that the little Huwei screamed in pain from the heat!

Xiang Shaoyun was amused by this little guy, "Haha, this is the fate of a glutton!", he paused and said, "Now, since you have followed me, you can't have a name. Your fur is mostly white. , maybe you have the bloodline of the top monster white tiger, then let’s call you Xiaobai from now on! And my brother Dahei, one is black and the other is white, collectively known as Black and White Impermanence! Haha!”

Xiao Huwei screamed in protest and continued to eat meat!

Xiang Shaoyun didn't hesitate and started eating!

After eating more than ten kilograms of meat, Xiang Shaoyun felt like there was a fire in his body. He felt that the heat in his body was rising continuously, and the blood was pouring into his body, causing his energy to rise!

"As expected of a black-blooded lion, his blood is really strong. It's a pity that there is no wine, otherwise it would be really good!" Xiang Shaoyun sighed lightly.

After Xiang Shaoyun had eaten his fill, he continued to meditate and recover from his injuries as quickly as possible!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two days, little demons approached one after another, and they were all killed by Xiang Shaoyun and became food for him and Xiaobai!

At this time, Xiang Shaoyun's injury has recovered by 70% to 80%, and he feels that he can continue to move.

So, he took Xiao Huwei with him to prepare for another experience.

He changed direction and walked to another mountain. There was a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain with the word "Tuoshan" engraved on it.

Xiang Shaoyun didn't care about this at first, but after he took two steps, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he looked slightly happy and said, "Isn't Tuoshan the only mountain to pass by to get to Dixingquan?"

Thinking of this, Xiang Shaoyun felt excited!

In the past few days in the Hundred Beasts Mountains, he had been in danger several times. He really wished that his strength would increase immediately!

If you can get Dixingquan, you can undoubtedly speed up your promotion, and your self-preservation ability will naturally improve accordingly!

"Mo Buhui and Mei Lianhua don't know if they have arrived yet?" Xiang Shaoyun asked himself in his heart before setting foot on Tuoshan Mountain.

When the two of them retreated without loyalty, it already made him feel grudge, so now he won't feel embarrassed when he goes to get the Earth Star Spring!

The map that Mo Buhui showed him originally appeared in Xiang Shaoyun's mind. He started walking according to the direction of the map, so that he could avoid the powerful monsters.

Despite this, Xiang Shaoyun still encountered some attacks from little demons along the way, and even middle demons appeared.

If it weren't for Xiang Shaoyun's great improvement in strength and the support of Overlord Jiuyoubu, he would have become the prey of the demon!

After walking like this for three days, we have entered the hinterland outside Baishou Mountain.

During the past three days, Xiang Shaoyun also made a small gain and obtained several old medicines. This was all thanks to Xiaobai's cleverness. It seemed that even some extremely hidden old medicines could not escape its induction!

Little Huwei is strange. He has been eating barbecue for the past few days and taking these old medicines to replenish his health, but he has not grown up at all!

You must know that the baby's body is most likely to grow when he is young. He will grow faster the more he eats, but this little Huwei has not changed at all, which makes Xiang Shaoyun quite depressed!

He also thought that when the little Hu Wei grows up as soon as possible, he can have a transportation mount and helper!

"According to the route, we will almost arrive after climbing two more mountains. It is expected to take about a day and a half!" Xiang Shaoyun stopped to rest and muttered to himself.

In the past few days, his strength in the eighth-level martial arts realm has been consolidated. He can blast at least one meter away with his external force, which is completely comparable to the first-level star power realm!

In other words, if he meets a first-grade demon now, he has the power to fight!

In addition, he also practiced the second-level sword skill "Wolf Evil Golden Sword Technique!" from the dead man's package.

The Golden Wolf Sword Technique is an elite combat skill among the second-grade sword skills. Those who have mastered it can condense Qi into a wolf and Qi into gold, creating tremendous destructive power!

For second-grade combat skills, only those in the Star Power realm can exert their true power. They can break out of their pure star power and exert the best attack effect!

Xiang Shaoyun has been practicing for three days and has achieved some results, which is enough to make good use of his star power!

Xiang Shaoyun continued on his way, but after not going far, he heard a cry for help.

"Help! Help!".

"Hey, just scream, no one will pay attention to you even if your throat is broken!".

"This is Mei Lianhua's voice!" Xiang Shaoyun identified it and immediately hurried forward carefully.

He restrained his breath and observed the dense forest ahead, and sure enough he saw Mei Lianhua being captured by several men, who were about to humiliate her!

Xiang Shaoyun didn't think much at all, and sneaked over step by step, with a sharp look in his eyes!

When he got close to those people, he suddenly got angry!

"Scum!" Xiang Shaoyun struck mercilessly and cursed angrily. He slashed out with his long sword and roared out with a golden wolf energy!


Those people were all intoxicated with Mei Lianhua, and two of them were killed by Xiang Shaoyun on the spot!

"Who!" the others shouted in surprise as they moved away.