I Am Overlord

Chapter 76: before the war


The Wu family has received news that Xiang Shaoyun is alive!

Wu Hongxi came to the secret room and saw the dead bodies of his father and a group of subordinates. He was frightened to death!

"How could this happen, how could this happen! Could it be that Zhen Peng really found him here? Impossible!" Wu Hongxi muttered to himself in despair.

If Elder Zhenpeng had done it, Elder Zhenpeng would have already come to the door. Why didn't anything happen to the Wu family

Wu Hongxi returned to his study with a sad look on his mind. After staying there for most of the day, he remembered to ask the Wu family members in Yunya City for help!

No matter what, they must find a king to take charge, otherwise they will have to get out of Wuzhen immediately!

In Li Xuemeng's courtyard, Li Xuemeng, Li Tianba and Li Hong'er were all gathered together!

"Dad, do we have no choice?" Li Tianba said unwillingly.

Just now his father actually asked him to lose to Xiang Shaoyun in a battle tomorrow, which was hard for him to accept!

"Yes, Dad, so what if he is protected by Elder Zhenpeng. The decisive battle in the arena was proposed by that little bastard. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if the elder brother kills him by mistake!" Li Hong'er said fiercely.

"You don't understand. Some things are not as simple as you think!" Li Xuemeng sighed. He really couldn't tell about his cooperation with the Wu family!

"Dad, I think you worry too much. If I really kill Xiang Shaoyun, Elder Zhenpeng may be angry, but this is not a good thing for him. Are you saying that he recognized Xiang Shaoyun in public? Is Yun the young master? If Xiang Shaoyun dies, he will have no young master. He will definitely continue to be loyal to our Wutang Palace and will not kill me because of this!" Li Tianba said clearly.

Li Xuemeng hesitated for a moment, his eyes flashed and he said, "Okay, let's do it, but you must not show any flaws!".

"Don't worry! With my strength, it's easy to crush him to death!" Li Tianba said confidently.

"Don't be careless. I see that kid has swallowed some elixir and has reached the fourth level of star power!" Li Xuemeng reminded.

"So what, I'm still two levels higher than him!" Li Tianba said disapprovingly.

Naturally, Xiang Shaoyun didn't know these things. He was quietly practicing Lightning Shooting to get the Thunder Fist.

With his current strength, he can fully display the power of stronger combat skills. He has already mastered the Lightning Shooting to 85% in a short period of time. As for the Thunder Fist, he is focusing on practicing the combat skills!

The first stage of Thunder Fist is to turn the energy into thunder, and produce an attack power as strong as thunder and lightning!

He kept punching and punching, and there was purple energy flowing on his arms, which looked quite domineering!


Xiang Shaoyun screamed, with a figure like a tiger and a fist like thunder, he rushed towards the rock in front, and a purple light like thunder rushed out.


In an instant, this huge boulder weighing a thousand kilograms was smashed into powder by his punch!

"Turning energy into thunder, it seems that I have done it! It seems that the thunder bones in my body have brought me a lot of convenience!" Xiang Shaoyun paused and muttered to himself.

Such a ground-breaking blow may not be possible even at the sixth level of star power, but Xiang Shaoyun can achieve it with his own strength. He has really become much stronger!

One day and one night passed quickly!

Xiang Shaoyun's challenge to Li Tianba has spread to every corner of Wu Tang Hall!

"What's wrong with Xiang Shaoyun? He just returned from his disappearance and wants to challenge Li Tianba. Doesn't he know that Li Tianba is already among the top ten disciples in the inner sect?"

"Yes! Even if he breaks through to the Star Power Realm, he will never be Li Tianba's opponent! Could it be that he plans to create another miracle?"

"Could it be that Li Tianba started this fight and Xiang Shaoyun had no reason to refuse the fight, so he agreed?"

"Let's take a look first. I always think this battle is worth looking forward to!"

Before the battle even started, both the outer disciples and the inner disciples had already gathered together!

No one is optimistic about Xiang Shaoyun in this battle. After all, the gap between Xiang Shaoyun and Li Tianba is too big!

"Hey, isn't that Senior Brother Leng Han who has never appeared before? He actually appeared too!" An outer disciple shouted softly in one direction.

Many people looked in one direction and saw an indifferent young man standing there!

This young man is none other than outer disciple Leng Han, the leader of this generation of outer disciples!

This is a true cultivation madman. Since he won the first place among the outer disciples, he has rarely appeared in Wutang Hall. He has been practicing outside to improve his strength!

His appearance this time probably happened to coincide with his return from training, so let’s come here to see Xiang Shaoyun’s sudden rise!

In another corner, Mo Buhui and Mei Lianhua appeared together again!

Mo Bu regrets that he has not appeared again since he went to Baishou Mountain more than a month ago, and he doesn’t want to come back now!

It's just that Mo Buhui's face looked a little strange, as if something was wrong with him!

In addition, Xia Liuhui also came out from seclusion!

With the help of the Di Xingquan given by Xiang Shaoyun, he reached the peak of the first-grade star power realm in one fell swoop. It can be said that he has bridged the gap between two small levels and one large level in a row. The speed of improvement is quite obvious!

"The boss must win, the boss must win!" This guy was really not an ordinary high-profile guy. He still wore a white cloth turban on his forehead as before, and kept waving the white flagpole in his hand as he shouted.

The people around him stayed away from him. They all looked at Xia Liuhui with idiotic eyes and cursed in their hearts, "This guy is really the best. Doesn't the color white represent surrender?"

However, there was a girl standing beside him silently, waiting with a look of expectation on her face!

This girl is none other than Lu Xiaoqing, and she came here to cheer for Xiang Shaoyun!

"Shaoyun will definitely win!" Lu Xiaoqing thought firmly in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in one direction!


Several screams shocked the surrounding area, causing many disciples to look in that direction.

I saw several young people riding on different monster beasts, wearing battle armor and carrying soldiers on their backs. They looked quite dazzling and mighty!

"What happened here?" The handsome young man in the lead asked proudly to the disciple next to him.

"Back to Senior Brother Ye, yes, it's Senior Brother Li Tianba fighting Xiang Shaoyun in the ring!" The inner disciple responded with some fear.

"I know Li Tianba, who is this Shaoyun? Isn't he a disciple of our Wutang Palace?" the young man said again.

"He, he is a new disciple and the younger brother of Elder Zidianhou! He has a physique that shines like a five-star star in the sky!" the inner disciple replied.

"Is he the five-star shining in the sky again? Then I want to see what he is capable of!" The young man said with a hint of jealousy.

This young man's name is Ye Tianlong, a powerful being among the top three inner disciples, and a direct disciple of the First Elder!