I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

Chapter 68: Deep love between father and son, Ju Yi Dan


Shopkeeper Song held the stone-cutting knife in his hand, and walked slowly towards Shen Ao.

Shen Ao's eyes were full of fear.

Shopkeeper Song's breathing also became heavy, obviously very nervous.

After thinking about it, he turned around and slapped shopkeeper Song Shao on the forehead with his backhand.

"Little turtle, this is your fault, you have to deal with it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Shopkeeper Song stuffed the knife in his son's hand.

"Don't be afraid, son, this is also a training opportunity for you."

Shopkeeper Song Shao's mouth twitched, what a chance to exercise.

This kind of exercise opportunity, who wants it.

Our Tianlingxuan is doing serious business, not a black shop!

Although shopkeeper Song Shao is an immortal cultivator, an immortal cultivator is not the same as an immortal cultivator.

Some immortal cultivators accumulate wealth by killing monsters, have rich combat experience, and have bloody hands.

There are also immortal cultivators who rely on their brains to make money by operating panacea, spiritual weapons, and ores.

The Song family has been in the spirit mine business for generations, and they don't kill chickens on weekdays.

Not to mention that the person to be killed in front of him is a living person.

"Father, I dare not kill!"

Looking at the three men with terrified faces, Shen Tian felt a pain in his head.

But no matter how much your brain hurts, you can't just watch these two guys really attack Sixth Brother!

Shen Tian sighed, and was about to stop Shopkeeper Song and his son.

Although he felt that even if he didn't stop them, these two guys might not really dare to do it.

But at this moment, Shen Ao shouted hysterically: "Don't kill me!"

Everyone looked at Shen Ao in unison, but saw the horror and fear on his face at this time.

Shen Ao swallowed, and smiled as ugly as crying: "Thirteenth brother, two good guys."

"Aren't you just afraid that I will find someone to take revenge on you after you release His Highness?"

"Don't worry, His Highness can swear by his personality, absolutely not."

"If you are really worried, you can give me Jie Yi Dan!"

Shen Ao's words stunned Shopkeeper Song, father and son and Shen Tian.


Worried about Shen Ao's retaliation in the future, wouldn't it be enough to feed him a memory pill

Ju Yi Pill is a very common pill in the world of cultivating immortals.

Its effect is simple, it erases the user's recent memory.

Cultivating immortals is also cultivating the mind.

Many times, immortal cultivators will affect their state of mind because of some tragedies.

For example, the Taoist couple broke up with him, the master was tortured and killed by the hostile sect, and the daughter was married away by others.

These things will shake the mind of the cultivator and have a bad influence.

If the cultivation method requires a high level of state of mind, it may even produce inner demons.

Thus, after the painstaking research and experiments of generations of alchemist masters, Ju Yi Dan was born.

Taoist couple broke up with you

That night, the cold icy rain drenched your heart

You are distraught, and that scene will appear in your mind all the time

It doesn't matter, take a pill of memory interception, and all the memories of that day will be erased for you.

Masters, parents, lovers, and children were brutally tortured and killed

That night, thick blood covered your eyes

You are distraught, and that scene appears in your mind all the time

It doesn't matter, take a pill of memory interception, and all the memories of that day will be erased for you.

Just make notes in advance and record the results.

Then swallow the pill of recall, and you can forget the most painful memory.

In this way, it is possible to avoid the consequences of encountering tragedies and demons in the process of cultivating immortals.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the age of cultivators far exceeds that of ordinary people.

In the long thousands of years, who hasn't experienced pain

Therefore, as soon as the Intercepting Pill was released, it was highly sought after by many immortal cultivators.

As a result, there have been far fewer cases in the world of cultivating immortals who have become obsessed with demons.

Of course, there are also some people who will do some strange things with JuMeiDian.

For example, certain female cultivators of the cult like to feed the powder of the Ding Furnace Ju Yi Pill.

Every night, I would feed my cauldron ten or eight times.

These female monks often practice evil methods very quickly.

Seeing Shopkeeper Song and Shopkeeper Song Shao seem to be moved.

Shen Ao hurriedly said: "Thirteenth brother, you and I are siblings!"

"You can't just look at them and murder your brother!"

"As long as you feed His Highness a Recalling Pill, then send His Highness away."

"When His Highness wakes up, all the memories of this day will be forgotten."

"In this case, you don't have to worry about my Highness holding grudges."

"I wonder what the thirteenth brother and the two heroes think?"

At this moment, Shen Ao has a strong desire to survive.

Just kidding, my Highness is a once-in-a-hundred-year genius in Dayan Kingdom.

In the future, I will enter the Taibai Cave, and what awaits His Highness will be a glorious future.

How could His Highness die here, or because of a grievous misunderstanding!

This is simply a big joke!

After listening to Shen Ao's self-report, Shen Tian felt that what he said was reasonable.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, he decided to say something fair for the sixth brother.

"Brother Sixth Emperor is right, a little misunderstanding, there is no need to cause death."

"I wonder if I can trouble shopkeeper Song to buy a pill of memory interception?"

Shopkeeper Song nodded and took out a bottle from his pocket.

He said: "You don't need to buy it, the old man carries the Recalling Pill with him."

Looking at the pills in the bottle of Shopkeeper Song, everyone was stunned.

Although the price of Jie Yi Dan is not very expensive, even a monk in the Qi refining period can afford it.

But the main function of this elixir is to treat painful memories and dispel demons.

Shopkeeper Song, what are you planning to do with such a large bottle of Interception Pill

Hey, I heard that some unscrupulous cultivators have gone astray and become flower pickers.

They would carry the Interception Pill with them, and take one afterward.

The girl doesn't remember anything after she sleeps until the next day.

Could it be that shopkeeper Song is also this kind of flower picking thief

Seeing the weird expressions on everyone's faces, Shopkeeper Song quickly explained: "Master Immortal, please don't get me wrong."

"This old man prepares the Remembrance Pill for my useless son."

"This old son is ignorant, causing trouble outside at every turn."

"A filial son is born under the stick, and the old man often whips and teaches this brat a lesson."

Shopkeeper Song Shao's expression gradually became strange: "Father, have you ever hit me with a whip?"

"Why don't I have an impression? Damn, don't tell me you beat me with a whip every time."

"Just feed me an Interception Pill to make me forget about it?"

Shopkeeper Song Shao had an expression of incomparable grief and indignation on his face.

I'll just say it!

From childhood to adulthood, why do I always wake up with pain all over my body, and then I don’t remember anything.

When I asked my father, he said that I was hated because I caused too many troubles outside.

So he was beaten with a sap, given a severe lesson and then thrown back home.

And those people wanted to prevent my young master from taking revenge.

After beating the young master, he specially fed Jie Yi Dan.

This old thing still uses it to teach me that the world of cultivating immortals is very cruel.

When dealing with people outside, you must be kind to others and don't offend others.

Otherwise, he might be put on a sack and beaten at any time.

You made those up.

Is it you who beat me up

All of a sudden, Shopkeeper Song's mentality collapsed.

(end of this chapter)