I Am Rich

Chapter 17


Since the Chinese New Year, I haven't seen him for more than a month. Guan Zhiyi originally felt that she had almost adjusted her mentality, but seeing him now, the contradictory sense of joy made her feel like all her previous efforts had been wasted.

"How long will it take?" Qi Chengyan asked.

Guan Zhiyi felt guilty about herself, she lowered her head and didn't look at him: "My role is about a month away."

"Well. By the way, Grandpa will hold a birthday party for his birthday next week."

Guan Zhiyi heard Guan Yuanbai mention this earlier: "I know, I will ask for leave to go back that day."

"You don't have to go if you're busy."

"Fortunately, my drama is not that full, and I didn't go back to see my grandfather's birthday last year. I must go back this year."

When the two of them were chatting one after another, the staff not far away were already stunned. The matter of Guan Zhiyi and Zheng Yitong before was a matter of the upper class after all, so they didn't know that Qi Chengyan had tampered with Guan Zhiyi, so they were shocked that they knew each other, and they were still very familiar with each other.

Shocked and thinking at the same time, it turned out that the person in the group who should not be messed with turned out to be Guan Zhiyi who seems to be the most bully...

After dinner, Guan Zhiyi was taken to put on makeup to prepare for the afternoon play.

She put on makeup for about an hour, and when she came out to go to the shooting location, Qi Chengyan was nowhere to be seen. She thought that he should have left, so she didn't contact him again.

A few minutes later, Guan Zhiyi arrived at the filming location, Shen's residence.

"Zhiyi is here, right? Come, come, come." The director waved at her.

Guan Zhiyi carried the pure white robe and walked over. At this moment, Xiao Ran was already there. He was about to play a dead person later, and the makeup on his face had already lost its color.

"This scene will start like this..." The director started to talk about the scene, but most of it was for Guan Zhiyi, because Xiao Ran just needs to lie down for this scene.

After talking for a long time, the director patted Shimonoseki Zhiyi on the shoulder, "I will be more demanding this time, and if I am not satisfied with the shooting, I will keep shooting. You should be mentally prepared."

Guan Zhiyi: "Understood, director."

"Okay, you go over there." The director finished speaking and picked up the walkie-talkie, "Are you all ready? Clear the scene, and let me out of irrelevant personnel!"

Everyone moved one after another, and Guan Zhiyi also walked to the door of Shen's residence, ready to start filming.

In this scene, she came in with a false imperial decree, demanding to open the coffin.

Zhaoyang is the emperor's biological sister, and Shen Sibo grew up with the emperor, so they grew up together. And in the past year, she has long had a deep-rooted love for him. Now, facing Shen Sibo's inexplicable death, Zhaoyang can't accept it at all.

His death is a mystery.

He fought for the country during his lifetime, but after his death he was charged with killing hundreds of thousands of soldiers for various reasons. So even though he was a general, this funeral was so simple and desolate.

No one dared to come to express condolences, and the emperor did not allow Princess Zhaoyang to come.

But she just wanted to come, so she just came, and she brought an imperial edict! Because she knew that apart from the imperial decree, nothing would dare to let others reopen Shen Sibo's coffin!

Everything was ready for the scene, Guan Zhiyi closed her eyes, and entered the state when the director said "action".

The door opened, and amidst the fluttering white silk and fallen leaves, a woman in white came in from the door. Shen Sibo was a sinner at this time, so there were soldiers guarding the mansion, and when anyone came in, they were immediately blocked.

"Who is it! Shen's residence is not allowed to enter without permission, get out immediately!"

"I want to see him." Princess Zhaoyang's eyes were calm, her voice was calm, and her whole body was like a pool of stagnant water. She was clearly expressionless, but for some reason, the people watching by the side felt a sense of depression.

"Master Zhongshu has an order! No one is allowed to mourn Shen Sibo!"

"You can call him by his name!" Zhaoyang's eyes sharpened, and he kicked him!

After the soldier was kicked to the ground, other people surrounded him. The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, and just when everyone was about to step forward to press down on them, Zhaoyang raised the silk scroll in his hand.

"The imperial decree is here again, the emperor has an order, order you to open the museum!"

"How is it possible... who the hell are you, dare to falsely preach the imperial decree!"

"False biography?" There was a hint of ridicule in Zhaoyang's eyes, "I am Princess Zhaoyang! The emperor is my own brother. Few women in this world can be more honored than me! Do you think the imperial decree I took will be fake ?”

There was no sound outside the venue, the staff and actors watching were shocked by Guan Zhiyi's handling of Zhaoyang, and the director in front of the camera quietly looked at Guan Zhiyi, feeling astonished.

Because before Guan Zhiyi acted in this scene, her roles were all before Shen Sibo's death, so before that, she was a lively, cute, arrogant and bold little princess in everyone's eyes. And Guan Zhiyi was pretty and cute, so that kind of role didn't put any pressure on her at all.

But today's scene is obviously not in line with her, so before the filming started, the director had already prepared a lot of plans to shoot.

But at this time, he was surprised to see Guan Zhiyi in the camera... Unexpectedly, she could perfectly grasp the princess's superior and innate noble temperament.

"Okay, keep one more." After the scene in front of him was played out, the director said into the walkie-talkie, "It's a good idea."

Guan Zhiyi restrained his emotions, nodded in this direction, and returned to his original position.

After the second shot was successfully finished, the next scene continued. While preparing there, the director accidentally turned around and found Qi Chengyan standing behind him, silently looking at the camera.

He was startled, and motioned to the person next to him to give him a seat.

Qi Chengyan raised his hand: "No need."

The director nodded, turned around and continued to look at his camera.

In fact, Qi Chengyan had already arrived before Guan Zhiyi's filming. He just wanted to take a look around at first, so he didn't tell her that he hadn't left yet. But after coming here now, seeing how Guan Zhiyi was filming, I suddenly felt that it was worth it.

In his heart, she had always been a cute little sister, but today she made her feel a little different, even if it was just acting.

At this time, Zhao Yang, played by Guan Zhiyi in the camera, deceived everyone and made people open the coffin.

In the coffin, the general played by Xiao Ran lay quietly, without making a sound.

Zhaoyang stood aside, quietly looking at the general Shen Sibo lying inside, after a long time she suddenly smiled, bent down, and stretched out her hand to touch him.

"Princess." The old housekeeper of Shen's mansion stopped with tears in his eyes, "I don't know why the emperor asked you to open the museum, but no matter what crimes, the general has already lost his life, you, please let him rest in peace..."

"Rest in peace... can't rest in peace." Zhaoyang slowly withdrew his hand, his expression a little dazed, "I haven't married him yet, how can he rest in peace..."

As soon as he said a word, everyone in the mansion was stunned.


Don't say that Shen Sibo is a sinner now, even if he wasn't, I haven't heard that Princess Zhaoyang married him.

"Princess, you..."


At this moment, Zhaoyang took off the white robe, and the white robe flashed past the camera. In the next second, Princess Zhaoyang, who was originally dressed in white, was already dressed in a wedding dress embroidered with a phoenix!

Dressed in red with plain hands, the scorching color in a snow-white mansion is so shocking.

"Shen Sibo, I'm here to marry you... As I said earlier, no matter what happens to you, I will marry you."

People watching this scene outside the camera were silent, especially when the camera zoomed in and Guan Zhiyi's face was fully revealed in the camera...

I usually look at the delicate and cute person, but now I look at it with a completely different temperament. It is so shockingly beautiful that people can't take their eyes off at all.

"Bring her back."

As soon as the screen changed, the emperor in regular clothes had arrived.

The court lady was ordered to go forward and bring Zhaoyang back, but Zhaoyang's hand was firmly grasping the edge of the coffin.

Emperor: "Zhaoyang! Still not coming!"

Zhaoyang refused to leave, his eyes were already red, "Don't..."

The maid did not dare to do anything heavy, and looked back at the emperor hesitantly.

At this time, the room was already kneeling, and everyone lowered their heads. The emperor took a deep breath and ordered: "Bring her back to me immediately!"

The emperor spoke, and the two maids dared to pull her hard.

Originally, the scene ended when Zhaoyang cried bitterly and was taken away by the two court ladies. But Guan Zhiyi struggled too fiercely during the escape, so she jumped forward on the steps, and her knee hit the steps so hard that it hurt to watch.

The director was stunned for a moment, subconsciously calling for a timeout, but the next second, Guan Zhiyi slowly climbed up, crying bitterly and continuing.

The director fixed his eyes on the camera without interrupting.

With desperation and desolation in his eyes, Zhaoyang cried so painfully, as if he was about to burst out all the pain he had suppressed when he first entered the arena. Everyone outside the arena was so excited that they didn't dare to show it. Who would have thought that Guan Zhiyi's first crying scene was so full of empathy that he almost forced tears out of everyone present.

And Qi Chengyan looked at Guan Zhiyi who fell to the ground and cried bitterly in the camera, and felt slightly blocked. Although it was just acting, seeing her crying, he still felt distressed for not coming.


It was finally over, the director got up, looked at Guan Zhiyi who was not far away, and said to the intercom: "Come on."

The director of "The Court and the Wild" is notoriously strict, and there are very few examples of passing one. Even Li Xuan, who is famous for his acting skills, often has to keep one. But Guan Zhiyi actually passed one.

However, everyone was astonished as they were, and they had to admit that the scene was really well acted, and the desperate cries made everyone want to cry.


The play was over, but Guan Zhiyi was obviously in too much grief, and would not be able to play for a while. When she was helped up by the staff, she was still crying and trembling.

Xiao Ran came out of the coffin and was moved when he saw Guan Zhiyi crying. He stepped forward and patted Guan Zhiyi's shoulder, comforting, "Zhiyi, it's okay, it's okay."

Guan Zhiyi glanced sideways at him, paused, and cried harder.

Xiao Ran: "..."

The staff said helplessly: "Brother Ran, you should let it go, she probably wants to cry even more when she sees you."

Xiao Ran scratched his hair, a little at a loss: "That's right..."

Guan Zhiyi was later taken into the lounge and sat on the sofa to calm down.

Qi Chengyan watched her enter the lounge. When he followed to the door of the lounge, he glanced at Xiao Ran who was wandering outside the door, "Did someone give her medicine?"

Xiao Ran: "Huh?"

Qi Chengyan frowned: "She fell just now, so let someone prepare the medicine."

Xiao Ran acted with his eyes closed, so he didn't see Guan Zhiyi fall down, and he was surprised when he heard Qi Chengyan say this: "Wow, where did you get hurt?"


"Is that so?! Wait a minute—Xiao Yang! Xiao Yang, go and get the medicine box!"

Assistant Xiao Yang hurriedly responded: "Hey, yes!"

Guan Zhiyi joined the group alone, without a manager or assistant, so no staff came over the first time she was injured. After Qi Chengyan picked up the medicine box brought by Assistant Xiao Ran at the door, he turned around and entered the lounge.

Xiao Ran was worried, and followed in silently, but he didn't go in front of Guan Zhiyi, because he was afraid that she would cry even more when she saw him as a "dead man".

Now there is only Guan Zhiyi in the innermost part of the lounge. Just now, after she came in, in order to adjust her mood, she asked the two staff members who brought her in to go out. At this time, she heard footsteps, thinking that the staff members were worried and came back again, but she didn't turn her head and said: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me now."

"I fell so hard, is it all right?"

Guan Zhiyi was stunned for a moment when he heard this voice, and then turned his head in disbelief.

Qi Chengyan saw her eyes were red and swollen from crying, her face was fine, but she felt panicked in her heart.

When did this little girl cry so sadly

"Look at your knee, is it swollen?" Qi Chengyan sat down on the chair next to her and motioned her to roll up her skirt, "Has Liu Yun arranged an assistant for you yet? She—"

The voice stopped abruptly.

Because the person in front of him whimpered and suddenly threw him into his arms.

Qi Chengyan was slightly startled, and raised his hand to pull her away, but felt her hand wrapping around his neck more tightly. He seemed to be crying again, although he was silent, but he felt a chill on his neck.

His heart twitched strangely, he didn't intend to pull her away, but reached out and patted her on the back, both comforting and caring: "Does it hurt?"

"It hurts..." Guan Zhiyi's choked up voice came out.

"You need to apply some medicine for the pain, don't cry."

Guan Zhiyi was already feeling uncomfortable, but when he saw Qi Chengyan appear just now, he felt as if his pain and sadness had found a fulcrum, so he rushed over without thinking.

Now smelling the faint smell of him, I feel very at ease.

Qi Chengyan continued to comfort him: "You acted very well, the director praised you just now."

"Really." Guan Zhiyi let go of his hand, staring at him with blinking eyes, and the eyelashes were still stained with water.

Qi Chengyan smiled: "Really, your performance exceeded his expectations."

Guan Zhiyi sniffed, and her gloomy mood slowly dissipated: "That's good... I'm still worried."

"Just pass one, which means it's in place." Qi Chengyan said, "I'm also quite surprised."

Guan Zhiyi was a little embarrassed to hear him say that: "I just try my best..."

"Well, then you apply some medicine first." Qi Chengyan took out the medicine in the medicine box, "The assistant hasn't arranged for you yet? I think Liu Yun doesn't want to do it."

Guan Zhiyi was stunned for a moment: "No, no, Sister Yun said that she is looking for it, and she will be able to start working within two days."

Qi Chengyan groaned, but he was obviously not very satisfied with Liu Yun's work efficiency.

Guan Zhiyi didn't dare to say anything else, she just lowered her head and lifted up her skirt. So the two delicate and long calves were exposed, and against the backdrop of the red dress, they were so white that they glowed.

Qi Chengyan glanced, paused, and turned his gaze away.

"Can I take the medicine myself?" He suddenly felt that it was not appropriate for him to give her the medicine.

Guan Zhiyi only focused on the redness and swelling on her knee, and nodded upon hearing this: "Yes, brother, help me open it."

"it is good."

Because everyone is preparing for the next scene outside, everyone is busy, only Xiao Ran is not approaching not far away.

After looking at it from a distance for a while, he touched his chin with some doubts.

Originally, Qi Chengyan took care of Guan Zhiyi as a matter of course. After all, the two families were close to each other, and they had grown up together. But he didn't know why, although he knew that the relationship between the two was not that kind, but he still felt that there was a tacit understanding between the two that outsiders could not penetrate.

Just like now, seeing Qi Chengyan and Guan Zhiyi together, he suddenly felt that he had better not go there.


After Guan Zhiyi's crying scene, many actors have a different understanding of her.

After that, she filmed on the set for another four days. On the fifth day, she asked for leave and rushed home to attend Mr. Qi's birthday party.

In the past, she was not valued by the brokerage company, and the broker would not pay too much attention to the reason for her leave. But since her variety shows became popular, she asked for leave and specifically reported to Liu Yun, lying that her father had something to do and had to go home, and Liu Yun agreed.

Mr. Qi's birthday party was not big, it was held in his own compound, and all the guests were familiar friends and relatives.

Guan Zhiyi went home first, and planned to go to the birthday party with Guan Yuanbai at six o'clock in the evening. But before the time came, I received a call from Hua Hongxi first.

During these days, she was filming on the set, so she never met Hua Hongxi, but the two would occasionally chat on WeChat and exchange family news.


Hua Hongxi: "Zhiyi, I heard from my brother that you will also come to my grandfather's birthday party today."


"I'm already at Grandpa's house today. Where are you? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Guan Zhiyi heard that he would be here today, and thought of acting again, she felt a little headache: "I'll go later..."

"Okay, then you come and tell me. Let me tell you, I have been dragged by my grandfather today and said that you have been talking all day, and I am about to faint."

Guan Zhiyi expressed deep sympathy for his experience: "It's been hard work."

"It's not hard work, anyway, let me know when you come, see you later."


At six o'clock, Guan Zhiyi and Guan Yuanbai went to the birthday party with gifts. After entering the door, they handed over the things to the housekeeper and went to say hello to Mr. Qi.

Today, in addition to the elders, many young people came, some of them were the grandsons and grandchildren of the old man, because only Qi Chengyan grew up with old man Qi, so in the generation of the Qi family, she was only familiar with Qi Chengyan.

"Knowing!" Just as she and Guan Yuanbai finished greeting and walked to the backyard, Hua Hongxi walked over from the front.

"Hello, Brother Yuanbai." Hua Hongxi greeted politely.

Guan Yuanbai hummed: "You guys talk, I'll go over there."

Hua Hongxi: "Okay Brother Yuanbai!"

After Guan Yuanbai left, Hua Hongxi grabbed Guan Zhiyi's shoulder, "Long time no see, why do I feel that you've become cute again."

As she said that, she wanted to touch her face, but Guan Zhiyi grabbed his wrist and got out from under his arm: "Don't move!"

Hua Hongxi looked at her and smiled: "Well, the angry look is cuter!"

Guan Zhiyi glanced at her: "Stop talking about rainbow farts."

"True feelings, what a rainbow fart."

"Come on—" Just as he was about to complain about him again, his gaze suddenly froze.

After Hua Hongxi followed her line of sight, she had a clear expression on her face: "Didn't expect that I could see my brother's blind date here today."

Guan Zhiyi wasn't sure who that woman was, he just looked at her a little familiarly, and then she came out with Qi Chengyan, and he had a vague guess in his heart. Now that what Hua Hongxi said...it's true.

"This Ms. Yang has already arrived before my brother came home, and she has had a long conversation with grandpa." Hua Hongxi said, "Let me tell you, grandpa specially invited her here, and I see that grandpa is very satisfied with this woman." of."

Guan Zhiyi watched quietly, thinking that it was reasonable for Grandpa Qi to be satisfied. This Ms. Yang has a good family background and education. Looking at it now, she looks very good, with a gentle atmosphere and the temperament of a mature woman.

Totally different style from her.

Turns out he likes it that way.

"Come on, let's go and chat with them."

"I'm a little hungry, I want to eat something." Guan Zhiyi turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

"Ah... okay, okay, then I'll accompany you to eat something."

Guan Zhiyi didn't speak, but felt a little depressed suddenly.

After that, the two sat over the pastry, chatting while eating and drinking.

Hua Hongxi was a chatterbox with a gossiping body, and he gossiped half of the people present in a short while.

"Who is that girl? Do you know her?" Hua Hongxi pointed to a woman wearing a long skirt not far away. The woman was slender and especially sexy.

Guan Zhiyi shook his head: "It's probably a lady from some family."

"The figure is hot enough."

Guan Zhiyi asked with a straw in his mouth, "You like this one."

Hua Hongxi said cheerfully, "Not bad."

"Then you don't go talk to people."

"Hiss...how did you talk? I'm by your side now. I'm not that kind of person."

Guan Zhiyi glanced at him: "Stop pretending."

"You're talking about me being a scumbag, I'm not going to flirt with you as a real girlfriend here." Hua Hongxi smiled awkwardly, "At most, I'll secretly ask someone for a WeChat after you leave. "

Guan Zhiyi raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood: "Okay, I understand. Then I'll go in and have a chat with grandpa first, and you go and make friends."

"So polite?!"

Guan Zhiyi said perfunctorily, "It should."

The author has something to say: Three hundred red envelopes~