I Am Rich

Chapter 2


The Guan family has a good reputation in the imperial capital. When Guan Zhiyi's grandfather Guan Hong established the Guan Group here, his vigorous methods and decision-making are now seen as textbook examples. After decades of development, the Guan family is now a leader in many industries, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Guan Hong is now old and has retreated to the second line. Now the Guan family is operating under the hands of his children and grandchildren. He has three sons, the eldest son gave him two grandsons, and the second son has a daughter.

The third son gave birth to a son and a daughter, and Guan Zhiyi was that daughter.

There are three older brothers and one older sister in front of her, and she is the fifth eldest in the family, so the relatives in the family have always called her little five and little five since childhood.

But outside of relatives, almost no one would call her that.

Apart from…

"Why, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you still don't recognize him?" The man smiled slightly, his eyes as deep as a pool.

Guan Zhiyi stared at him blankly for a few seconds, and the clear joy and inexplicable grievance in his heart rushed up instantly when he realized who the person in front of him was.

She naturally recognized the person in front of her.

Qi Chengyan, someone she has known since she could remember. He was a good friend of her brother and the one who watched her grow up.

I remember that when she was young, Qi Chengyan liked to tease her like this: Do you want Guan Yuanbai as the elder brother or him as the elder brother

Guan Yuanbai was strict with her when she was a child, but every time Qi Chengyan saw her, he took her to eat delicious food and have fun, so she naturally said that she wanted him to be her brother instead of Guan Yuanbai.

Eight years later, when she was still in the third year of junior high school, Qi Chengyan left the country very suddenly. And when she heard that he would not come back, she was still sad for a long time...

I almost forgot about it.

But his words now seem to bring back all the memories of the past.

"Brother is you, are you... back?" Guan Zhiyi asked.

"I still know the name, I seem to remember it." Qi Chengyan looked at her, "I'm back. I haven't seen you for a few years, but your appearance hasn't changed much."

Guan Zhiyi: "No... I've grown taller."

"It's just a little bit longer."

Guan Zhiyi slightly rounded his eyes.

She doesn't know if she has changed, but Qi Chengyan must have changed from a few years ago.

If the Hua Hongxi I saw just now gave off the aura of an unruly boy, then Qi Chengyan's first impression was that it was the opposite of Hua Hongxi, a fully mature man.

"I haven't said why you are here, come to eat alone?" At this moment, Guan Yuanbai asked.

Guan Zhiyi shook his head: "No, there is another person."

"With whom."

"Just... friends."

Guan Zhiyi didn't want to tell the truth anymore, she suddenly felt embarrassed to say that she was on a blind date in front of Qi Chengyan.

However, just as she finished speaking, she heard Hua Hongxi's voice sounding from behind.

"Brother Cheng Yan! You're here today!" Guan Zhiyi turned around, only to see Hua Hongxi walking over with a surprised face, "Why are you all standing here, Zhiyi, you know my cousin too?"


Such a coincidence

The corner of Guan Zhiyi's mouth twitched slightly: "I, I know."

"That's right, brother, you used to have a good relationship with their family in China, right?" Hua Hongxi put his hand on Qi Chengyan's shoulder, "Then I don't need to introduce you, brother, this is my blind date."



Qi Chengyan and Guan Yuanbai turned their heads to look at Hua Hongxi at the same time.

Hua Hongxi didn't realize that something was wrong, and said directly: "Yes, didn't I tell you two days ago, my mother asked me to go on a blind date."

"Little Five." Guan Yuanbai took a breath, his voice was a little heavy.

Seeing Guan Yuanbai's eyes, Guan Zhiyi was timid, she blinked, and whispered: "What are you doing looking at me like this, Dad arranged for it."


"Yes, if you don't believe me, ask."

Guan Yuanbai frowned, he knew that his father had always intended to arrange a suitable partner for Guan Zhiyi, so that she could take care of her, but he didn't expect to have such a partner so soon.

Guan Yuanbai glanced at Hua Hongxi.

He had never met him before, but he had heard about his cousin, Hua Hongxi, the only son of the Hua family, from Qi Chengyan. His wealth and background are fine, but he doesn't know his character.

"Are you Guan Yuanbai?" Hua Hongxi kept in mind that his family wanted him to get along well with the Guan family, so he quickly stretched out his hand when he saw this, "Brother Yuanbai, hello! I have heard of your name for a long time."

Guan Yuanbai was unhappy in his heart, but on the surface he still gave him some face, and reached out to shake Hua Hongxi: "Yes."

"Xiao Wu has reached the age of going on a blind date." Qi Chengyan said something, feeling a lot of emotion.

Guan Zhiyi was embarrassed: "It's not... It's just that my dad is more anxious."

"I'm not old enough to go on a blind date." Hua Hongxi replied, "Brother, how many years older than me are you? You're not even married yet, so why is it my turn?"

Qi Chengyan glanced at him, with a slightly serious expression: "Isn't it because you don't have a good model with uncle?"

"I'm very serious, okay..."

"Okay, so have you two finished eating now?"

Guan Zhiyi was afraid that Hua Hongxi would say that he hadn't eaten, so he immediately said, "It's over!"

Hua Hongxi: "Cough... I guess I've eaten, and I'm planning to go home. Oh, by the way, did you drive? Give me a ride."

"You didn't drive yourself?" Qi Chengyan glanced at Guan Zhiyi after speaking, it was obvious that he meant to go out for dinner with the girl and he didn't mean to send her back.

Hua Hongxi couldn't receive the signal, and said bluntly: "I had an appointment with a friend later and asked him to pick me up, but he let me go."

Qi Chengyan: "Where is Xiao Wu?"

Guan Zhiyi: "Me? I'll go back by myself."

"Not driving?"

"Whatever car she drives, she panics when she gets on the road." Guan Yuanbai said.

Qi Chengyan smiled: "Okay, take my car, and I will take you back."

Guan Zhiyi looked at his brother.

Qi Chengyan raised his eyebrows slightly, reached out and tapped on her forehead: "Your brother still has something to send you off later, what's the matter, can't I see you off?"

The familiar movements are exactly the same as when I was a child.

Guan Zhiyi touched his forehead, and felt familiar for a while.

"Of course." She said in a daze.

"Then go out."


Guan Yuanbai did have a party to attend to, and after leaving the house, he drove his own car. Hua Hongxi and Guan Zhiyi followed Qi Chengyan to his car. Hua Hongxi walked to the passenger seat and wanted to open the door, but Qi Chengyan pulled him away.

"Sit back and go."

Hua Hongxi just wanted to complain, but in a blink of an eye, when he saw the little girl following Qi Chengyan, his gentlemanly demeanor was revived: "Yes, yes, ladies first, sit if you like."

Guan Zhiyi thanked her and got into the co-pilot.

"Where do you live?" Qi Chengyan asked after the car drove on the road.

Guan Zhiyi said the address, and then saw Qi Chengyan enter the navigation.

After not coming back for so many years, is he a little strange to this city

Guan Zhiyi glanced at him secretly.

Qi Chengyan's side face is sharp-edged and beautifully lined. Under the lights in the car, it is cold and soft. She thought, he should feel strange, the city has changed a lot in the past seven or eight years, with many tall buildings and thousands of roads, it is no longer what it used to be.

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, Qi Chengyan glanced sideways at her and asked with a faint smile.

Guan Zhiyi immediately looked away: "It's nothing, I just think it's a little strange."


"I didn't expect you to come back, brother. I thought you wouldn't come back."

Qi Chengyan held the steering wheel and looked ahead: "Probably there is more room for development in the country in the past two years."

"So you're going to stay in the country forever?"


It is undeniable that Guan Zhiyi was very happy to hear such words. Because no matter what, Qi Chengyan was a very close person to her when she was a child, and Guan Yuanbai was no match for him in her heart back then.

"I heard from your brother that you have been filming for the past two years."

Guan Zhiyi: "Yes."

"Your father and your brother don't like you as an actor."

"I don't like it." Guan Zhiyi was a little unhappy when he said this, "I didn't let them like it, I just like it myself."

Qi Chengyan seemed to smile again: "As stubborn as when I was a child."

"No, I really like it. My father and brother don't support me. But it doesn't matter. I don't need their support. Anyway, I just care about doing this job seriously."

"Very ambitious."

When Qi Chengyan spoke, it was indifferent. At first glance, it would make people feel a little careless and indifferent, but Guan Zhiyi knew it. He always spoke like this. He was not cold. At least when she was a child, she thought he was very nice and gentle.

"But it's not easy to leave alone in that circle."

Guan Zhiyi was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

"I think that both your father and your brother did it on purpose to make you quit in spite of the difficulties."

Unexpectedly, Qi Chengyan saw it right away, Guan Zhiyi said: "I don't know how to retreat, I want to advance bravely."

"Zhiyi, you have a good attitude. I am exactly the same as you, and I don't like to give up when things are difficult." Hua Hongxi in the back seat put her head up, "And you are so cute and beautiful. It's only a matter of time before you become popular. .”

Qi Chengyan glanced at him from the rearview mirror: "Sit down."

Hua Hongxi blinked, said oh, and sat back obediently.

Half an hour later, Guan Zhiyi's residential area arrived. Qi Chengyan parked the car by the side of the road, and Guan Zhiyi pushed the door open.

"Be careful." Qi Chengyan said.

Guan Zhiyi leaned over and beckoned to him: "Yes. Then, goodbye, brother."

Qi Chengyan nodded.

Hua Hongxi pressed the window: "Zhiyi, goodbye~"

Guan Zhiyi's eyes fell from Qi Chengyan to Hua Hongxina: "Goodbye."

"Let's contact on WeChat, and next time we can make an appointment for dinner or watch a movie."

Guan Zhiyi laughed twice: "...Okay."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the community.

After her figure completely disappeared, Qi Chengyan restarted the car. At this time, Hua Hongxi had already moved from the back seat to the co-pilot.

"Hey brother, I remember my grandfather said before that you also intend to get involved in the domestic entertainment industry. Will you do something when you come back this time?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? Do you want to participate?"

"It's fine to participate, I'm busy." Hua Hongxi said, "I just want to say that if you have any good resources in the future, you can ask me to help Zhiyi. I will treat her better, and then I can get closer to the Guan family. …”

"Do you think that if you go to support Xiao Wu, their family will appreciate you?"

"I don't want them to be grateful, but to express my heart."

Qi Chengyan: "Stop doing these useless efforts. Their family is pulling her out, and you still want to push her in."

Qi Chengyan knew how dissatisfied Guan Yuanbai and his father were with Guan Zhiyi's involvement in this industry, and he also felt that Guan Zhiyi would not stay here for long. That little girl was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, without the help of her father and brother, how much real hardship can she endure.

Being so firm now is nothing more than youthful vigor.

Qi Chengyan held the steering wheel and suddenly asked, "Do you really like Xiao Wu?"

"Why do you all call her Xiaowu? Is that her nickname? It's quite interesting." Hua Hongxi smiled, "But I can't just say I like her when we meet for the first time, but this girl looks very juicy. "

"Don't mess around if you don't like it."

"What do you call messing around? I'm not messing around. It's just an appointment, and then..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Chengyan gave him a cold look, Hua Hongxi choked, and whispered: "This, this is all the process of falling in love."

Qi Chengyan withdrew his gaze: "I watched Xiao Wu grow up, I will deal with you first if you mess around."

"I got it, I got it." Hua Hongxi buckled up his seat belt unhappily, and murmured, "Why are you still turning your elbows out, I'm your younger brother..."

The author has something to say: There are also 300 red envelopes under this chapter ~ remember to leave a message ~