I Am Rich

Chapter 26


You are not someone else.

In fact, he almost never heard others say that to him.

In Qi's family, apart from grandpa, uncles and brothers, they have always been on guard against him. They are relatives, but they are others.

But the person in front of her was obviously someone else in terms of so-called blood relationship, but she didn't treat him as someone else.

Her trust and dependence on him sometimes exceeds his surprise, he will be surprised, but in addition to the surprise, it is actually warm.

He felt that he could understand why he was always different to her, because her existence was different, from beginning to end.

"You seem to be running slowly." After a while, Guan Zhiyi found that he could catch up with him without so much effort.

Qi Chengyan smiled: "I'm here to take care of your long legs."

"...Are you mocking me? I can run fast, so I don't need you to accommodate me." Guan Zhiyi recalled that she used to run every morning on that weight loss variety show, and at that time she was able to catch up with Xiao Ran and the others. !

So she speeded up, "I'll wait for you ahead!"

Qi Chengyan: "Wait—"

Guan Zhiyi didn't hear it at all, and ran away. She hummed and ran for a long time, just to prove that she was ok. But it turned out that this sprint couldn't last long at all, and after a few minutes, she couldn't stand it and stopped on the spot.

After stopping and looking back, there was no sign of Qi Chengyan, so she happily rested on the chair beside her.

But after resting for a while... no, although she ran for a few minutes, bypassed two corners, and opened up a little distance, but with Qi Chengyan's footsteps, she was able to catch up quickly. No one was there.

Guan Zhiyi felt a little worried after thinking about it, so he stood up and walked back, it would be bad if something happened to him suddenly on the way.

Guan Zhiyi trotted back, and after finally turning around those two bends, two figures appeared not far away.

One was dressed in black sportswear, tall and long-legged, whoever it was if it wasn't Qi Chengyan. But the other woman in minimalist sportswear is... who? !

Guan Zhiyi stopped, hid behind a tree and looked around. Culottes-style sports bottoms, bandeau-style sports tops. Two long legs plus a large slender waist... This, she lost in terms of clothing.

Guan Zhiyi took a deep breath and stared unhappily at the woman not far away.

What are the two talking about? That woman's smile is too bright, right

No, she woke up early and dressed in sportswear that can highlight the advantages of her figure. She didn't come to see other women chatting with him...

Thinking of this, Guan Zhiyi immediately took out his cell phone and called Qi Chengyan.

Soon, she saw someone pick it up not far away.

"Little Five?"

Guan Zhiyi walked forward quickly, and when she reached a suitable place, she sat down: "Where are you?"

"I met a friend on the road, where did you go?"

friend? That's right, it's normal for the people who live in Yuheli to know Qi Chengyan, but she just doesn't think it's normal for that hot woman to look at him.

"Oh...then when will you come here? I ran too fast. It seems that my leg twisted."

Qi Chengyan was stunned: "What? Where are you?."

Guan Zhiyi: "I'm right in front of this path, you can definitely see me if you go forward."

"Understood, don't move."


But after a while, Guan Zhiyi heard footsteps, she glanced and saw Qi Chengyan coming, but the strange woman also came.

Guan Zhiyi hurriedly pushed down the hat on her head. Although the chance of this woman knowing her was not high, it would be a little troublesome if she did.

"Little Five!"

Qi Chengyan quickly ran up, he squatted down in front of her anxiously, looked at her ankle: "Which leg?"

Guan Zhiyi lowered his head and said in a low voice, "It's the one that had a plaster cast on it before..."

"Why are you so careless, don't you know you can't run around?"

"Oh... I know I was wrong."

Qi Chengyan's face was a little bad: "Does it hurt? Can you stand up?"

"Mr. Qi, I think this little girl is very serious. How about I call the medical team?" The woman next to her said enthusiastically, and the medical team she was talking about was a small hospital specially equipped by the Yuhe Mansion. , There is a private hospital over there, which only serves the high-level VIPs in the community.

But Guan Zhiyi is fine at all, she must not be allowed to call: "No! I don't think it's that serious, brother, just carry me back!"

The woman was stunned for a moment: "This...you should see a doctor."

Qi Chengyan also said: "Don't make trouble, let the doctor come over."

"It's really not necessary." Guan Zhiyi grabbed his clothes and said in a soft voice: "I didn't feel serious, but it was twisted and it was hard to walk. I want to go home, so you can carry me home first. "

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

Qi Chengyan glanced at her uncomfortably, but seeing her resolute face in the end, he followed her first, anyway, it would not be too late for the doctor to come back if something really happened.

He turned around: "Come up."

"Okay!" Guan Zhiyi immediately got on his stomach and surrounded him tightly.

After getting up, Qi Chengyan politely greeted the woman, "Miss Lin, I'll go first."

Seeing that Qi Chengyan was about to leave, the woman hurriedly said, "Either I will go with you, if there is anything I can help—"

"I don't need your help, thank you." Before the woman finished speaking, the soft and non-aggressive little girl said something coldly.

Her voice stopped abruptly, and she stared blankly at the person on Qi Chengyan's back.

Although she didn't see her face, she could feel the coldness from the little girl at that moment.

It was a kind of coldness that only a woman could feel.


After dumping that strange sexy woman, Guan Zhiyi could finally lie on Qi Chengyan's back with peace of mind.

In fact, she reacted so strongly because she was afraid of such women from the bottom of her heart. This is the same feeling as meeting that Yang Mengjia. She thinks that a mature man like Qi Chengyan would like that type... But what she can't do is that she has a baby face, but what she lacks is that kind of mature and sexy temperament.

And before she met that woman, she still felt that what she was wearing today was very sexy, but compared with that woman just now, she suddenly looked childish...

"Did that person live here just now? I haven't seen him before." Guan Zhiyi asked tentatively.

Qi Chengyan walked steadily forward with her on his back: "It's not long since we moved here, it's normal that you haven't seen it before."

"Oh... what a coincidence, she also runs in the morning. Are you familiar with each other?"

"General." Qi Chengyan didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, but said, "What were you doing so fast just now? Is there anyone who runs in the morning like you?"

"Didn't I just show that I can keep up with you..."

"There's nothing to show for that."

"Who told you that I have short legs?"

Qi Chengyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't I say later that you have long legs?"

"You're obviously mocking me."

"Look, nothing I say is right."

"... Oh, it's true anyway, I'm sure I'm not as long as that Miss Lin just now. Boss, do you see that girls can't walk? I've been waiting for you for a long time and I haven't seen you coming."

Qi Chengyan was taken aback for a moment, and said incredulously, "Guan Xiaowu, you're getting more courageous, aren't you, what kind of stupid words are you talking about?"

Guan Zhiyi snorted softly: "Is it right?"

Qi Chengyan looked back at her: "She is a partner of the company, just happened to meet."

"Oh, like this."

"Or else."

"No, just, just I think it's human nature to look at a girl's legs." Guan Zhiyi was secretly happy, and said casually, "It's like my brother, who is always caught by me on the road to look at the girl's legs." My sister's legs, so I just took it for granted that you are the same."

Qi Chengyan frowned slightly: "Your brother?"

Guan Zhiyi, who took Guan Yuanbai out to talk nonsense, had no pressure at all: "Well, yes! So I can understand, it's normal, everything is normal."


They finished their morning jog this morning without running for a few minutes, so it was still early when Qi Chengyan carried Guan Zhiyi back to her house, and there were only one or two domestic helpers downstairs preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Qi Chengyan put Guan Zhiyi on the sofa: "Sit still, I'll get the medicine box."


Qi Chengyan was as familiar with her home as he was with his own. After finding the medicine box with ease, he moved to a single sofa stool next to him and sat down, looking for things in the medicine box.

"Rub it with water first. If it hurts later, you have to ask the doctor to see it. Do you know?"


Qi Chengyan found the medicine for bruises and was about to hand it to her. Suddenly, a long leg was lifted up directly in front of him, and lay across his thigh very calmly.

Slightly warm through two layers of cloth.

After being stunned for two seconds, he looked at Guan Zhiyi, who said innocently, "I'll see if it still hurts after you rub it. If it still hurts, we'll call the doctor."

Qi Chengyan didn't intend to rub her for her, so when the man in front of him took it for granted that he could do this, he was really a little stunned.

"What's the matter, brother, can't you?" She tilted her head and looked at him.

Qi Chengyan was suddenly at a loss for words, and subconsciously looked down at his leg, her leg.

Her legs were very white, and against his black sweatpants, they were shockingly white.

For some reason, what she said just now flashed through his mind: I must not have as long legs as that Miss Lin just now.

It's not as long as Ms. Lin's legs, because she will be shorter than her. But it is obvious that the legs in front of him will be several degrees whiter than that person, and of course they will be straighter than that person.

Her agent was right, her legs were perfectly proportioned. So speaking of it, her legs are much prettier than that Miss Lin's.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a suspicious voice came from not far behind.

Qi Chengyan's heart skipped a beat, and his thoughts were pulled back instantly. And the moment he was brought back, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his back felt cold.

Just now... where did he think

"What's wrong with your legs?" Guan Yuanbai came down from the stairs, and said unexpectedly, "Are you guys going for a run?"

Qi Chengyan's eyes were dark, and he took off Guan Zhiyi's leg calmly: "Running in the morning, Xiao Wu sprained his leg."

"Morning run?" Guan Yuanbai looked at Guan Zhiyi in shock, "Can you get up?"

Just as Guan Zhiyi was about to refute something, Qi Chengyan stood up: "It's just in time for you to come, you give her some medicine, I have something to do with the company and I have to leave early."

Guan Yuanbai did not suspect him: "Oh, then you can go."

Qi Chengyan put down the potion in his hand, picked up his phone and went out. He walked a little fast, before Guan Zhiyi could react, he had disappeared.

"Why didn't I know you could still run in the morning, did you take the wrong medicine?" Guan Yuanbai sat down in Qi Chengyan's seat just now, and opened the potion while talking, "You can still twist your legs when you run, really good... this one? ?”

Guan Zhiyi looked at the direction Qi Chengyan left, feeling annoyed. He hasn't rubbed her legs yet! Didn't he say that she has short legs, but measure her.

So angry... she was interrupted by her brother. If her brother doesn't come down, Qi Chengyan must have given her the medicine now!

The more Guan Zhiyi thought about it, the more frustrated he became, so he did something that he would never dare to do in a daze. That is, when Guan Yuanbai bent down and stretched out his hand to help her apply the medicine, she kicked his hand away!

Also kick a little hard!

Guan Yuanbai's hand dipped in the potion stopped in mid-air: "..."

"... I, I said I had a knee-jerk reaction, do you believe it?" Guan Zhiyi came back to his senses and asked in a low voice.

Guan Yuanbai: "?"

Guan Zhiyi smiled dryly: "Haha, it's so strange... I suddenly feel that my ankle doesn't hurt anymore."


"So I still think don't bother brother, you have a lot of time to deal with, I will deal with this matter later by myself. Then, I will go first!"

After Guan Zhiyi finished speaking, she immediately jumped off the sofa, then slipped past Guan Yuanbai's brink of anger, and ran upstairs quickly!

Guan Yuanbai got up slowly, looked at his wrist that was throbbing with pain from being kicked in shock: "Guan, I know, I mean!"

The author has something to say: An unknown viewer said: Bai, I am willing to let you apply the medicine! Come!