I Am Rich

Chapter 3


After returning home, Guan Zhiyi took off his coat and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Qi Chengyan's return made her both surprised and delighted. Apart from the surprise, her childhood memories also came back in her mind with the appearance of the person.

Qi Chengyan used to live next to their house, and the two families have a very good relationship. Moreover, he and her brother Guan Yuanbai have been classmates since elementary school and grew up together.

Because of this, Guan Zhiyi is very close to Qi Chengyan.

When she was a child, she loved to run behind the two of them, and every time she was taught by Guan Yuanbai, she would hide behind Qi Chengyan.

Because of the six-year-old difference, she always deviates from them when she goes to school. They entered junior high school as soon as they entered elementary school, and they went to university after junior high school. But even though they don't share the same school, Qi Chengyan often comes to school to pick her up in response to Guan Yuanbai's busyness.

She likes him the most when he comes to pick her up, because Guan Yuanbai forbids her to eat outside food, but if she pesters Qi Chengyan, he will soften his heart and buy it for her...

Guan Zhiyi felt a little funny when he thought of his rascal appearance when he was a child.

Ding dong—

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly. Guan Zhiyi came back to his senses, got up and went to open the door.

At this time, the only person who can ring the doorbell of her house is the person opposite her house. Sure enough, after opening the door, her friend Song Qiaofei appeared behind the door.

"Thump-thump--" Song Qiaofei held up the tray in her hand, "Come on! Try one!"

Guan Zhiyi took a look: "You did it."

"Yeah, I've been making biscuits for a long time, and I'll give you one."

The freshly baked biscuits had a strong smell, Guan Zhiyi sniffed them, forced himself to look away from the tray, and said firmly, "I seem to have gained a lot of weight recently, I have to lose weight."

Song Qiaofei rolled her eyes, "Losing weight, losing fat, everyone has their own destiny, no matter how thin or good-looking, those roles are not yours."

Song Qiaofei and Guan Zhiyi debuted in the same girl group, and later they became actors together. From then to now, Song Qiaofei, just like Guan Zhiyi, has been in the middle of nowhere, and her acting career is worrying.

Guan Zhiyi: "What do you mean?"

"Hey, it means that I have reduced to a supermodel figure, but what's the use, I can't even get the role in "Venture Capital"."

Guan Zhiyi was stunned for a moment: "Didn't you say last time that this drama is a sure thing..."

"I'm slapped in the face. Anyway, I was taken away by the daughter of the classmate of our company's boss Zhao's friend in a blink of an eye. In this world, a little background is king." Song Qiaofei took a quick biscuit and threw it into her mouth. "You said we all After so long, I’m still an 18th line, and I can’t touch a good script, should I consider changing careers.”

Guan Zhiyi choked, and took the remaining half of the biscuit from her hand: "Don't say that."

"The truth."

Guan Zhiyi took a bite of the biscuit and said vaguely, "If you like it, you have to continue."

"Then you have to make money." Song Qiaofei said melancholy, "Tsk... do you really want to climb the beds of the CEOs and hook up with the boss or something?"

Guan Zhiyi snorted: "Comrade Xiao Song, you must not have evil thoughts. But even if you really have... the bosses may not want you."

Song Qiaofei paused and laughed angrily: "Guan Zhiyi!"

"Just kidding, kidding, what, give me a few more biscuits, it's quite delicious."

To be honest, what Song Qiaofei said was also reasonable. Acting is her dream, but life has to be lived. At the beginning, she vowed that she was not joking when she said that she would not rely on her family to support herself, but to support herself, she had to make money.

Think about it, it's been almost half a year since she left the last crew, and she hasn't received a single script... She needs money for rent and travel equipment, and she doesn't have much money left in her pocket.

After closing the door, Guan Zhiyi sat back on the sofa, eating biscuits while worrying. But after eating a piece, the manager Liu Yun called. Guan Zhiyi was startled when she saw the caller ID, and immediately pushed away the remaining cookies.

"Hello, hello?" She answered the phone hastily.

"What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just finished eating."

"Eat?" Liu Yun strictly controlled the weight of the artists under her hand, so she immediately asked, "What did you have for dinner?"

Guan Zhiyi glanced at the biscuits, "Boil the vegetables."


"Of course. Sister Yun, what's the matter with you calling? Are you looking for me?"

"Oh, that's right. Recently, there was an invitation to a reality show, and other artists in it have been confirmed. Now they may be looking for a female artist with a low price to make up the number. Originally, they were biased towards a newcomer, but I pushed you out Yes. You are famous and cheap, so you have regained your position."

cheap price…

It's really a heart-warming evaluation!

But Guan Zhiyi really has no interest in participating in the reality show: "Then, what's your name?"

""Get Out, Fat" lasts for a month, and records the diet and exercise of each artist in real life. In layman's terms, it is a program for weight loss and fitness."

"Ah... I'm not fat enough to go on a weight loss show."

"Do you think you really want to lose weight? Losing weight is only secondary. The important thing is that the audience likes to watch the daily life of celebrities." Liu Yundao, "I know you don't like to participate in these variety shows, but you know it, I didn't say it, you didn't Exposure has no traffic, no one will ask you to film. And I let you go for your own good, if you don't want to, there are still a lot of people waiting behind."

Guan Zhiyi knew that she was telling the truth. Indeed, nowadays most artists can no longer guarantee their exposure in the public eye just by filming. And... She hasn't been filming for a long time, and taking on variety shows is also an income.

"How about you, don't want to go?"

"Think! I'm going!" Finally Guan Zhiyi asked again, "Is there any script that suits me?"

"The script...Recently, "The Court and the Wild" is still casting female characters."

""The Dynasty and the Field"? Is it the "The Dynasty and the Field" I know...Jiang Xiaochen's?"

"you saw it?"

"Of course I've read it. This book was very popular when I was in college, and I really like it." Guan Zhiyi became excited immediately, "Sister Yun, do you have an audition? When can I go for an audition! Any role is fine!"

Guan Zhiyi's own conditions are actually good, but because her previous films were not splashy, the company has a lot of newcomers. So all along, she has been in a position of inconsistency, and the company has no intention of praising her.

"Our company bought this IP in the early years, and only recently began to attract investment and prepare for the filming. By the way, Yitong is also interested in this film."

Guan Zhiyi: "This way..."

Zheng Yitong is a relatively popular actor in their company. Although he is not a first-tier actor, he is definitely a second-tier actor. It's just that she has a bad temper, her eyes are above the top, and she has nothing to do with people like them who can't touch the red.

Liu Yun thought for a while: "In fact, there are a few places that we can arrange for our company's own people. In this way...Mr. Zhao will have a dinner with some investors tomorrow night. You can come with me."

"Dinner, isn't it an audition?"

"You go show your face to make an impression, you have to be more sure about the audition, understand?"

Guan Zhiyi doesn't like dinners very much, and has always been like this.

"Knowing? Knowing?"

"Ah... I'm here."

"I'll pick you up tomorrow night and clean up a bit."

"Sister Yun, that..."

"If you want a role, follow me. Don't make so many excuses this time. It's just a meal. It didn't make you cramp. Why are you retreating?!"

Guan Zhiyi was a little embarrassed when he was guessed: "... I see."

"That's fine, hang up, and wait for me on time tomorrow."


After hanging up on Liu Yun's call, Guan Zhiyi felt a little melancholy for a moment. She was really not very good at talking and couldn't adapt to various dinner situations. But after the melancholy, there was a burst of joy, how can I say it is "The Court and the Wild"! Not only is it a novel she likes very much, but it is also a big ip. Liu Yun doesn't need to say how rare this opportunity is.

Anyway, it's just a meal. Showing her face can increase the chance of hitting, no loss.


On the second night, Guan Zhiyi put on her makeup an hour earlier. After the appointed time, Guan Zhiyi got out of the underground garage and got into the car of manager Liu Yun.

After driving for about forty minutes, the car stopped in front of a hotel.

Guan Zhiyi looked out and was taken aback for a moment.

Nanjue five-star hotel.

She knows this hotel very well, not only because this hotel is a well-known hotel in Imperial City, but also because this hotel is a business owned by the Guan family, and the hotel industry has always been managed by Guan Yuanbai .

Guan Zhiyi: "..."

What a coincidence.

"Why are you in a daze, get out of the car." Liu Yun said.

"it is good."

Guan Zhiyi took a sip, comforting herself that it must not be such a coincidence, her brother has a lot of things to do every day, so how could he meet him here casually.

After getting off the car, the doorman came to park the car, and Guan Zhiyi followed Liu Yun inside.

"All the prospective investors are here today. Don't talk nonsense and behave better."

"Of course." Guan Zhiyi thought, it would be better if he could just eat without talking.

"I know you've been out for a long time, Zhiyi, as ordinary people, we have no wealth and no background, we have to be more active in seizing opportunities when we have opportunities."

Guan Zhiyi nodded, "You're right!"

"Well, let's go in."

The dinner was held in a box in the hotel restaurant, when Guan Zhi realized there were already many people at the table. There was a large table, and there were four people she could recognize.

One is Zhao Zhihui, the general manager of their company, and the other three are actors of their company, one male and two female, and Zheng Yitong is among them.

"We're late, sorry, sorry." Liu Yun changed his face very quickly, and changed into a standard social face as soon as he entered the door.

Guan Zhiyi obediently followed her and nodded to everyone present.

"Liu Yun is here, you are really late, you should be punished for drinking."

"Of course, Mr. Huang! I'll definitely have another drink later." Liu Yun led Guan Zhiyi forward, "Let me introduce to you first, this is my artist, Guan Zhiyi."

Guan Zhiyi said hello, "Hi everyone."

"Sit down, sit down." The person called Mr. Huang was very enthusiastic, and when he got up, he pulled the seat beside him. He joked, "You are welcome, anyway, today is your Mr. Zhao's treat."

Zhao Zhihui said: "Mr. Huang, you mean to eat me up today."

"Just kidding, is Mr. Zhao a big eater?"

Everyone laughed.

There were only three seats left, one would definitely not be able to sit on the opposite side, and the other Liu Yun was sitting, Guan Zhiyi could only sit in the seat pulled away by President Huang.

But after sitting down, she glanced at the opposite seat strangely. It was next to Mr. Zhao, and it was the head of the box.

Why is the main seat vacant

Just as she was thinking so, Liu Yun asked first, "Mr. Zhao, is it because everyone is not here?"

Zhao Zhihui said: "Wait a little longer, it should be here soon."

Liu Yun nodded, sat down and whispered to Guan Zhiyi, "It seems that a big man is here tonight."

The author has something to say: Who is the late-

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