I Am Rich

Chapter 34


The photographer team, Guan Zhiyi and others went upstairs to shoot together, because the press conference was about to start, so they were also very fast, and hurried down after more than ten minutes. Guan Zhiyi followed her agent to attend the press conference below the banquet hall, while the photographer immediately went back to edit the pictures.

On the way to the banquet hall, Guan Zhiyi ran into Xiao Ran and Qi Chengyan, and they seemed to be going there too.

"Zhiyi, what a coincidence." Xiao Ran greeted.

Guan Zhiyi walked over and glanced at Qi Chengyan: "Are you guys going to the scene?"

"Yes." Xiao Ran looked around, "Wow, today is very beautiful."

"Thank you, you are also very handsome today."

Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows: "It's okay, okay."

"Is it cold?" Qi Chengyan looked at her clothes and asked subconsciously.

She put on very delicate makeup today and wore a beautiful dress. The dress is short and short, which fits her legs very well.

It's beautiful, but it doesn't look warm either.

Guan Zhiyi shook his head: "It's okay to be cold, but hungry."


"I'm starving." Guan Zhiyi whispered, "I ate a little salad for lunch."

Qi Chengyan frowned: "Why don't you eat more?"

"That can't be done, it won't look good in a dress after eating too much!"

Qi Chengyan was a little dissatisfied.

Guan Zhiyi said again: "But I can still hold on, and I'll just have a good meal after the meeting is over. The time seems to be almost up, let's go now?"

Xiao Ran: "Okay, let's eat together later, I didn't eat much just now."


The banquet hall of the hotel is very large, with the media and guests in the front, and the selected fans in the back.

Most of the fans here are still fans of Xiao Ran. When Guan Zhiyi and Xiao Ran entered the arena, there was an explosion of screams coming from behind. Xiao Ran took it for granted, and waved to that side, which caused even more explosive screams.

Guan Zhiyi silently walked towards the place where his name was pasted, his eyes turned to the back in the process of walking, and he saw his name in a piece of Xiao Randeng cards, not many, but they also gathered together.

She froze for a moment, and her heart suddenly became warm. So he made a small bow in that direction, and then sat down in his seat.

The main purpose of the press conference is to release the first trailer, and then let the artists interact on stage, create all kinds of eye-catching news and post them on the Internet, and create momentum for "The Court and the Wild".

The press conference lasted for an hour and a half. After the end, Guan Zhiyi, his manager and assistants went back to their original guest room in Nanjue.

Not long after they returned to the room, Guan Zhiyi received a message from Guan Yuanbai: [Cheng Yan asked someone to take down the room card, come over for dinner]

But after a while, Maomao really came over: "Sister Zhiyi, Assistant President Qi asked someone to bring the room card and told you to go to dinner, Xiao Ran and the others are all here."

Guan Zhiyi took the room card in her hand and found that it was the presidential suite on Yunting.

"I see."

Guan Zhiyi got up and went into the back room, changed into casual clothes and went out.

The secrecy of Nan Jue's inn is very good, so she doesn't have to be afraid of someone secretly taking pictures when she goes out at this time, she just enters the elevator and swipes her card to go upstairs.

The guest rooms on the several floors of Yunting are retested. The most famous one is the living room with a large floor-to-ceiling window on the second floor of each room, where you can almost overlook the entire city.

Guan Zhiyi didn't see them on the first floor after entering the door, thinking that they must have eaten in the viewing area on the second floor. So she changed into her slippers and went straight upstairs.

"Zhiyi's manager always thought you were having an affair with Zhiyi? Hahaha, you seem to have a bad image as a boss." Xiao Ran's voice came.

Guan Zhiyi stopped when she heard her name.

"So you plan to keep her identity secret?"

Guan Yuanbai: "I didn't deliberately hide it now, but she is going smoothly now, so there is no need to mention it."

"That's true..." Xiao Ran said, "But I think Cheng Yan, you and Zhiyi can continue, hahahaha anyway, you two are quite a match."

Guan Zhiyi was stunned, her heart almost stopped.

She held her breath carefully, and then heard Guan Yuanbai's unimaginable voice: "What is a good match? Can you stop talking nonsense, there is no limit to gossip."

Xiao Ran glanced at Qi Chengyan who was silently drinking tea, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, don't you think they are a good match?"

Guan Yuanbai: "...you are a good match, you bastard, that little girl's film is almost like Cheng Yan and I grew up, and she is a good match. Can you and your own sister be a good match?"

Xiao Ran: "Hey, you are a brother who knows you, but Cheng Yan is not!"

"He is no different from me in essence."

"Could it be that I really wanted to go wrong?" Xiao Ran rubbed his chin, looked at Qi Chengyan, "Cheng Yan, you really don't like Zhiyi."

Qi Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at him, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of veil, blurred by the hot air.

Like it or not

The steelyard in my heart was wobbly, and finally it was off.

But just like what Guan Yuanbai said, that little girl was brought up by him, and her dependence and trust in him was no different from that of her own brother, Guan Yuanbai.

So now is not the time for him to say such things. If he said what he really thought in his heart at this moment, let alone let Guan Zhiyi know, even he would be inferior to a beast in front of Guan Yuanbai.

"Can you just keep your mouth shut? Do you not know us or what? You really believe the rumors outside."

Xiao Ran: "But I don't think that between you..."

"She's just a little sister." Qi Chengyan's eyes were dark, and he said casually, "I don't mean that to her, don't bother me."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Ran smiled slyly, "Hey, then can I chase her?"

Qi Chengyan paused.

"I thought she was very cute, my favorite!"

Qi Chengyan put down the cup in his hand, and threw a pillow in the next second: "Just don't come to harm her like you, she still wants to hang out in the entertainment industry."

"Hiss... how do you say that? It seems like falling in love with me is such a bad thing!"

Guan Yuanbai spoke up: "Isn't it bad enough? If you fall in love with you, you will be scolded by your ancestors for eighteen generations, right?"


Xiao Ran's cursing voice came from over there, Guan Zhiyi listened expressionlessly, and after a long time, turned around and went down the stairs.

She walked very lightly, returned to the hallway downstairs, changed her shoes back, opened the door and walked out.

The moment the door closed, her expression collapsed for an instant.

It's like you thought you were brave enough, and you were almost at the place you thought of, but you turned around and you were still in the same place.

That sense of confusion and loss can knock you to the ground all of a sudden, as if you can never get up again.

In fact, she didn't have much confidence in him at the beginning, and it was Yang Mengjia's incident that she had the courage to change his opinion of her. Although she was getting close to him during this time, she was still afraid in her heart, afraid that one day she would confess her love to him and he would be embarrassed, and he would say Xiao Wu, I don't mean that to you, you are just my sister...

She was really worried about this all the time.

Well now, she has heard the result before she said anything.

All her courage was wiped out at that moment, and he made the judgment in advance, so that she no longer had to worry.

Guan Zhiyi got on the elevator in a daze. She saw herself in the elevator mirror with empty eyes, and she was a little absent-minded. At this time, she didn't want to cry yet, she just felt empty.

She thought, she still thought too much.

Having Yang Mengjia is the same as not having Yang Mengjia. No matter whether there is such a person by his side, he can't see her.

In his heart, she is just a little sister who can make trouble, that's all.


The elevator reached the floor where she originally lived, and she walked back and swiped her card to enter.

At this time, the photography team in the room had already left, and Liu Yun was also meeting with the staff outside because he had to deal with the follow-up of the press conference. Now Mao Mao was the only person in the room sorting out her itinerary in front of the computer.

After seeing her come in, Maomao was a little surprised: "Sister Zhiyi, why are you back again, didn't you eat?"

Guan Zhiyi opened his mouth, but felt a blockage in his throat. She didn't know what to say for a while, she just felt that after a day of running around, all the exhaustion was overwhelmed at this moment.

His temples throbbed, tired and helpless.

Maomao sensed something was wrong with her and asked, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Guan Zhiyi hummed, kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the bed.


"I want to sleep."


Guan Zhiyi snuggled under the quilt and said in a low voice, "I don't want to eat, don't let anyone disturb me."

"But Sister Yun may—"

"I said it! Don't let anyone bother me!"

This was the first time Guan Zhiyi spoke to her loudly, Maomao was stunned for a moment, and said: "Then, if you feel uncomfortable, please tell me."

Guan Zhiyi closed her eyes, her nose was sore. After a long time, she said hoarsely, "I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling well..."

No one responded.

Guan Zhiyi pulled back the quilt and took a look, only to find that Maomao had gone to work in the small living room outside. She raised her hands to cover her eyes, and only then did the wetness come out.

Why is she angry at her assistant? She should be so angry, it's obviously just herself.


The three of them waited for a long time in President Yunting's room, but Guan Zhiyi did not come up, so they asked Qi Chengyan to call her.

The phone rang for a while before being connected, Qi Chengyan said: "You..."

"President Qi."

Qi Chengyan paused: "Maomao?"

"Well, it's me."

"Why are you answering the phone?"

"It's like this. Sister Zhiyi said she was very sleepy, and now she just wants to sleep, so please don't disturb her."

"Sleep?" Qi Chengyan remembered that she was hungry just before the press conference, so why is she sleeping now.

Qi Chengyan: "Has she eaten?"


Qi Chengyan frowned: "Already asleep?"


Qi Chengyan was silent for a while: "Okay, tell me when she wakes up."

"Yes, Mr. Qi."

The phone hung up.

Guan Yuanbai asked: "What time is it now, sleep?"

Xiao Ran: "Maybe it's because I'm tired. You don't know. Our artists' schedules are full of days and nights. What's missing is sleep."

Guan Yuanbai: "Then you have to eat before going to sleep."

"I guess I'm suddenly sleepy."

When Guan Zhiyi wasn't coming, Guan Yuanbai asked someone to bring food up.

Qi Chengyan glanced at the phone, a little absent-minded, this kid doesn't know how to eat...

The author has something to say: Alright, you are done with old Qi, let’s start your performance