I Am Rich

Chapter 71


After Guan Zhiyi got off the plane and connected to the Internet, a large number of WeChat messages popped up.

Click it, and see that many friends in the circle have sent her news about the pregnancy on the Internet. At first, she thought it was funny that everyone was so surprised, but she saw that Qi Chengyan was also among these people.

Guan Zhiyi was stunned, no matter what others did, how could Qi Chengyan join in the fun!

Would she still hide from him whether she was pregnant or not!

This oolong news is really big...

Guan Zhiyi clicked on the communication record, and was about to call Qi Chengyan back immediately, but his call came first.


"The car is waiting for you outside, you will get into my car directly." Qi Chengyan said.

Guan Zhiyi: "You came to pick me up? Why didn't you say it earlier."

Qi Chengyan paused: "You..."


"The last time you went to the hospital was because of stomach problems."

Guan Zhiyi was delighted, she really rarely heard Qi Chengyan's tone like this, he always knew it clearly. With this look, she wanted to tease him, "Well... If not, what should I do."

Qi Chengyan was a little nervous: "The news is true? But you didn't tell me."

Guan Zhiyi suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth: "Isn't this a surprise for you?"

The other side was silent for two seconds, and just when Guan Zhiyi thought he was really frightened, he suddenly heard another voice burst out from the receiver: "Guan Zhiyi!!"


Guan Zhiyi's smile froze, this voice?


On the other side, Guan Yuanbai has already snatched the phone: "Guan Zhiyi, you are really good, come here now, you need to run away!"

Guan Zhiyi swallowed: "No, brother, why are you here? I, I'm just kidding, I'm just teasing..."

"Don't tell me what you have, hurry up!" After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something, and then changed his words: "You, you wait, don't run, just come over, hurry up."

Guan Zhiyi: "..."

Really when she was pregnant? !

When Guan Zhiyi, Liu Yun and others hurried outside, they saw Qi Chengyan's car.

Seeing her coming, Guan Yuanbai immediately opened the door: "Get in the car."

Guan Zhiyi's eyes turned between the two, Guan Yuanbai looked serious, and Qi Chengyan was even more serious. Of course, Qi Chengyan's seriousness subtly contained a little expectation.

Guan Zhiyi looked at the two of them for a while, then burst out laughing: "I don't know when you are so stupid, why do you believe this kind of news."

Guan Yuanbai: "What do you mean?"

"Hahahaha you are so funny."

Qi Chengyan frowned: "Isn't it true?"

Guan Zhiyi said, "Of course not."

"Then you just now..."

"I just heard that your voice is very serious. To tease you, who would have thought that my brother is here."

Guan Yuanbai said indifferently: "You better not be lying."

"I'm not lying." Guan Zhiyi pointed to Liu Yun next to him, "If you don't believe me, you can ask my agent, she was also in the hospital that day. I really felt sick to my stomach. As for the photo... of the down jacket staff, please I'm a little big."

Seeing this, Liu Yun also said: "It's true, fake news, don't worry, both of you."

Guan Zhiyi got into the car: "That's right, if I really have something, why don't I tell my family..."

Seeing that Guan Zhiyi didn't mean to be joking at all, Guan Yuanbai breathed a sigh of relief, and said sternly, "If you two dare to do anything to me before getting pregnant out of wedlock, you will kick me out on the spot."

Guan Yuanbai's tone was full of seniority, and Qi Chengyan in the driver's seat raised his eyebrows slightly.

Seeing Qi Chengyan looking at him, Guan Yuanbai snorted coldly: "What are you looking at, recognize the reality, I am your brother now."


A farce.

Guan Zhiyi posted a clarification on Weibo, which finally suppressed everyone's gossip.

For the next few days, she rested at home, nourishing her poor stomach. And Qi Chengyan called almost three times a day, afraid that she was treating him badly.

On this day, she was really bored at home, so she found a video for baking. She seldom makes these desserts, and after several hours, she managed to make a few small cakes.

After finishing, I took a photo and sent it to Qi Chengyan for viewing.

[How about my work?]

Qi Chengyan replied quickly: [It looks good, leave one for me]

Guan Zhiyi: [You can only come back at night... It won't taste good after a long time]

Qi Chengyan: [That's a pity]

Guan Zhiyi thought for a while: [Are you going to be very busy today, or else, how about I send it to your company]

Sending things is second, the main thing is to see him.

Guan Zhiyi: [I won't bother you, send it to me and leave immediately!]

Qi Chengyan: [I'm still afraid that you will disturb me? Let me know when you arrive, I will pick you up]

Guan Zhiyi: [Okay]

After hanging up the phone, Guan Zhiyi enthusiastically packed the cake into a box and drove directly to his company.

Speaking of which, she never went to Qi's company after she grew up. On the one hand, it's because she is really busy, and on the other hand, she will be surrounded by crowds wherever she goes in this career.

I really got excited today, and I came here because I suddenly wanted to see him.

After arriving at the company, Guan Zhiyi parked the car, put on a hat and went low-key to the reception hall. The hall was full of people coming and going, everyone was hurrying, and no one noticed her at first.

Guan Zhiyi sat down in the reception area beside the hall and called Qi Chengyan. After finishing the call, I lowered my head and played with my phone and waited for him...

"Miss, is there anything I can help you with?" At this moment, an employee at the front desk came over and handed over a glass of warm water.

Guan Zhiyi looked up at her and took the water: "Thank you, I'll wait for someone."

According to the usual practice, the female staff poured a glass of water and asked if there was an appointment when they saw a customer coming. Who knew... the woman with the hat was Guan Zhiyi.

As an employee of the company, she knew that her boss' girlfriend was this big star, but she had never met her in person.

"Miss Guan!"

Seeing that she recognized him, Guan Zhi smiled friendly.

The female employee looked excited: "Well, you are here to find Mr. Qi, right?"

Guan Zhiyi nodded.

Female employee: "Then, let me contact Assistant President Qi for you."

"no, I'm fine."

"Huh? What's wrong."

Guan Zhiyi pointed behind her: "He's here."

The female employee turned her head, only to realize that her boss was walking towards here at this time, she was stunned for a moment, and quickly backed away.

Tsk, she's stupid enough, what kind of assistant is she called... The master came down to pick her up.

When the big boss appeared here, the people walking around naturally looked over. When they saw the person sitting in the small corner, they were all shocked.

Isn't this the big star Guan Zhiyi!

"Have you eaten yet?" Qi Chengyan stood beside Guan Zhiyi.

Guan Zhiyi got up: "Eat, what about you?"

"Me too." Qi Chengyan smiled, "I'm just waiting for your dessert."

With that said, he took the small box in her hand and led her to the elevator: "Will this take a long time?"

"Of course, I failed twice before, and it was hard to make a good-looking and delicious one." Guan Zhiyi said, "Although you don't usually eat sweets, you really need to try this."

Qi Chengyan laughed softly: "Well, I must eat them all."

The two got on the elevator under the furtive sideways glances of the crowd, and when the figures of the two disappeared at the elevator entrance, the crowd whispered:

"The two have a good relationship."

"Guan Zhiyi is so beautiful!"

"Can I get an autograph later?"

"If you have the guts to ask our President Qi."

"I can not… "


After returning to the office, Guan Zhiyi took the small cake out of the box, "Deng den den den den! Caramelized pineapple reverse cake! Try it."

Qi Chengyan took the fork and took a bite: "Well, it tastes good."

"That's right~" Guan Zhiyi said, "Then you eat, and I'll leave after eating."

Qi Chengyan embraced her by his side: "You really left?"

"Aren't you still busy?"

"No matter how busy I am, I want you to accompany me for a while."

How could she resist his words, she leaned on him with a smile: "That's fine."

So after he finished eating, she stayed with him in his office until Assistant Qi Chengyan came in and told him to go to a meeting.

"The meeting will take more than an hour. Shall I send you downstairs?" Qi Chengyan asked.

Guan Zhiyi sat on his office chair and lazily said, "I'll just leave later, you go to the meeting quickly, and don't worry about me."

"Then you have to pay attention to safety, what's the matter..."

"Oh, I know, Mr. Qi, Brother Qi, my car is parked in the parking lot of your company. No one can abduct me."

The door assistant pursed her lips and snickered.

Qi Chengyan glanced at her: "Then send me a message when you get home."



This kind of meeting is once a month, and it usually takes more than an hour. But this time, because of a problem with the marketing department, the meeting lasted for two hours.

After the meeting was completely over, it was already six o'clock in the evening.

Because Qi Chengyan had trained his subordinates inside, his brows and eyes were obviously a little irritable when he came out.

The assistant cautiously followed him, and opened the door for him after reaching the office: "Mr. Qi, do you still want the advertising side to follow the marketing department's plan?"

Qi Chengyan frowned, and lightly pulled off his tie.

The assistant saw that the boss had a bad face, and changed his words again: "Then I'll let my advertising department first-"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Chengyan suddenly raised his hand, signaling him to shut up.

"go out."

The assistant froze for a moment, only to realize that there was someone in the office, and it was that person... He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

She is the only one who can extinguish the boss's anger now.

He didn't stay any longer, and closed the door softly for them.

Twilight has come, the setting sun is endless outside the floor-to-ceiling glass, and the dim yellow light pours in through the whole glass, as if enveloping the entire office in a dream.

Qi Chengyan walked in, stopped by the desk, and looked at the person in front of him.

She didn't even leave.

At this time, she was sitting on the office chair where he usually sat, leaning on his side, sleeping soundly.

The light was dim, and she was quiet, blending into the setting sun.

"Xiao Wu." He called out in a low voice.

Sleeping people wake up faintly.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, with the confusion of just waking up in her eyes: "Brother? Are you finished?"

"Why didn't you leave?" He bent down, and the sharpness in his eyebrows faded away as the assistant expected.

Guan Zhiyi naturally put her arms around his neck, and smiled softly, "I'm waiting for you to take me home."

Qi Chengyan was slightly taken aback, for some reason, he suddenly remembered many, many times when he was a teenager.

At that time, she was always waiting for someone to pick him up at the school gate, and when she saw him coming, she would smile at him sweetly and say: I am waiting for you to take me home.

At that time, he probably would never have thought that the little girl who kept calling her brother would be an existence that he would never be able to let go of.

Guan Zhiyi: "What's the matter?"

Qi Chengyan picked her up from the chair, with an inexplicable impulse in his heart, desperate to keep her forever.

"Little Five."


"Do you want to marry my brother?" He said suddenly.

Guan Zhiyi was stunned, and said in a daze, "Why do you say this... Are you proposing marriage?"

Qi Chengyan didn't know why he said this suddenly, maybe it was the dreamlike moment under the setting sun, or maybe it was because he thought of the past and those years when they were blank.

He sighed softly, and said softly, "Because I want to take you home, to the home where only us are."

The setting sun gradually fell, the rays of light converged, and slowly faded away.

The whole city will be plunged into darkness, and everything seems to be very quiet.

She didn't speak immediately, just looked at her.

Qi Chengyan pursed his lips, feeling a little uneasy.

Maybe... She didn't think so far.

He pursed his lower lip lightly, and just when he was about to say "It's okay, I'll talk about it later", she suddenly smiled at him, with delicate eyebrows and gentle eyes.

"Okay," he heard her say.

Like a ray of light breaking free from the darkness, it illuminates his whole world at once.

Then he knew that he could have this light forever.


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