I Am Supreme

Chapter 11: Good name!


This night, Yun Yang lived a very uneasy night; but in another place, there were people who lived an even more uneasy night.

Marshal's Mansion.

Marshal Qiu Jianhan's thick eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

"Who on earth took Wu Wenyuan away, then killed him and sent his body back?"

"Who on earth rescued Wu Wenyuan's mother and wife?"

These two questions left the old marshal puzzled. Since you killed Wu Wenyuan, why did you want to rescue his wife and mother? And since Wu Wenyuan's wife and mother could be rescued, why were Wu Wenyuan's children not rescued together

This is simply confusing!

Moreover, in the tight sky prison, people were taken out, brought in, and taken out again... This incident gave Marshal Qiu an inexplicable panic.

That's a prison!

One of the most heavily guarded places in the capital.

Just let people come in and out like this

Next to him is a middle-aged man dressed in Confucian robes, with an elegant face and a free and easy demeanor. It seems that everything is calm and carefree for him.

"Marshal, I think this matter is no longer important. After all, all those who deserve to be killed have been killed..." The middle-aged man smiled lightly: "In my opinion, this matter is no longer as important as other things."

"Huh?" Qiu Jianhan frowned.

"Kill Wu Wenyuan, return the body, and rescue Wu Wenyuan's wife and mother..." The middle-aged Confucian scholar said: "The people who did these things are obviously the same person, or... the same organization. This organization is not from Wu Wenyuan's side. It’s already certain. If he was an accomplice, he would never kill Wu Wenyuan.”

Qiu Jianhan said: "Huh?"

"I guess the reason why I killed Wu Wenyuan and rescued his wife and mother was just a condition of exchange." The middle-aged Confucian scholar smiled: "This can be explained."

"The reason why he did not save Wu Wenyuan's children shows that he is Wu Wenyuan's enemy. Because he does not want Wu Wenyuan's bloodline to continue."

The middle-aged Confucian scholar said: "That's why he did such incomprehensible things. Generally speaking, I think this person is on our side and is a friend rather than an enemy. Even though his behavior is a bit erratic and his behavior is beyond measure, .But it’s understandable.”

Qiu Jianhan nodded slowly: "In that case, what are the other things?"

"Other things..." The middle-aged Confucian scholar said: "Wu Wenyuan certainly has conclusive evidence and deserves his punishment, but there must be a huge force behind Wu Wenyuan. And Wu Wenyuan stayed until his death. No aspect of his identity was exposed!"

"And after today's memorial ceremony, I don't know if the marshal has read the records of the city gate official."

There was a hint of worry on the face of the middle-aged scribe: "There are many... people from all walks of life, who are entering Tiantang City from all directions. There are all four sects; many of these people are among the masters, but... It’s not on any record…”

"It shows that the identities of these people are all fake."

"At the moment when Wu Wenyuan was just killed, so many people suddenly hid their identities, dressed up in disguise, and entered Tiantang City... This matter is terrifying to think about!"

"I'm afraid... the mysterious organization's revenge is coming. In other words, it has a certain purpose." The middle-aged scribe said: "The commander-in-chief must be on guard against this issue."

Qiu Jianhan nodded heavily.

"It's just that I still feel..." Qiu Jianhan said, "What happened in that prison was a bit strange."

"I feel..." After hesitating for a while, the middle-aged scribe said: "What happened this time is somewhat similar to... when... the Nine Heavens Order was issued..."

He frowned uncertainly and whispered: "That...familiar...undercurrent feeling that no one can resist..."


Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan suddenly stood up, his eyes bursting with frightening light: "Nine Lords?!"

early morning.

Tiantang City is a bit chaotic.

Suddenly, a major case involving twelve lives broke out, and the security office of Tiantang City was immediately extremely busy. The police officer was busy investigating everywhere, but the result of the investigation was that everyone looked at each other with a feeling: this is not a big deal.

Those who died were all scoundrels who were full of evil deeds; the faces and voices of those who were investigated before and after were: What a joy! Finally dead! Someone finally took care of these bastards...

Such performance.

Some people even looked so excited that they bought wine and food to invite friends: "Come, come, have a drink, I have something happy today. I feel so happy..."

Some people even complained: "Why haven't those bastards here been dealt with..."

After checking everything, the officer didn't get any valuable information, only excited feedback. When he reported back to Lord Fu Yin, Lord Fu Yin twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a nonchalant manner: "There are no clues, just take your time to check..."

Okay, check it out slowly.

Then we'll check it out slowly...

The officer retired and felt relaxed: It would be better if these gangsters were dead, not for the devils to investigate.

The sword wind roared in the yard, and Yun Yang was getting familiar with the sword skills.

Being familiar with things like sword skills, he was naturally reluctant to use the Blade of Providence.

The blade of providence has now turned into a purple lotus on the sleeve of his robe.

Such a magical weapon must be used when it is easiest to trick someone to be considered worthwhile. If it's revealed in advance, what's the point

As for hanging it on your waist every day and showing off in the market... then isn't that a fool...

"The first position, the knife will not show mercy." Yun Yang turned on his toes, pushed up his knees, and the rotation of his calf drove the axis of his waist. He turned half a circle, and the wooden knife in his hand slanted from bottom to top, and with a brushing sound, he tore. Broken space.

All I have to do is practice this pose over and over again, and I have practiced it thousands of times.

Lao Mei watched from the side and kept pouting.

This move... looks pretty good, but unfortunately, it's probably useless in actual combat...

However, the young master practices really hard...

"Huh..." The last bit of strength was completely exhausted, and Yun Yang finally sat down on the ground; beads of sweat suddenly emerged from his body like a waterfall, and his body was immediately wet.

He closed his mouth, tried hard to breathe through his nostrils, and used the endless mental method to induce the trace of profound energy in his Dantian to swim through the meridians of his body. Although he was almost suffocating, he would never open his mouth and gasp for air at this time. .

Because in that case, the results of a hard morning's practice will be lost.

After half a cup of tea, Yun Yang's breathing became steady, and his pale face gradually turned rosy.

Lao Mei's expression ranged from disdain to respect.

Not everyone can be so cruel to themselves.

Since the young master started practicing swordsmanship, and until now his breathing has calmed down, he has broken through the limits of the human body more than a dozen times; and these more than ten breakthroughs will become Yun Yang's eternal progress and will never go backwards.

Because he chose the most difficult practice when he was most tired!

"Young Master is so smart, he will become a great person in the future. But..." Lao Mei has a long-standing doubt in her heart: "Young Master always acts carefully, never acts impulsively, and seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. He is extremely smart. What exactly is this? Why was the young master so seriously injured last year? As a result, all his cultivation was lost?"

"What has the young master experienced?" Lao Mei felt that although she had been with the young master for three years, she had never really understood her.

His body seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious fog all the time. It's impossible to see clearly.

Another strange thing is... all the jade articles on the young master's body seem to be gone? Originally, the young master liked the ice jade very much, as it could calm his mind... But now, it is obvious that none of it is missing.

Where did it go

There was a knock on the door.

"May I ask if Mr. Yun is at home?"

A crisp voice came.

Yun Yang and Lao Mei were stunned at the same time.

A visitor actually came

This is a strange thing.

The Yun Mansion closed its doors to thank guests and never accepted any interactions; it was already known to everyone in Tiantang City. There have been no visitors for four or five years.

Today, for the first time, someone came...

"Zhizhi..." came an excited voice.

I saw a golden-haired monkey, jumping in and running straight from the gate to Yun Yang's small yard. With a pop, it rushed into Yun Yang's arms, dancing excitedly.


Yun Yang's face showed confusion.

We just met him last night, why did we find him again today? Is this how monkeys like me? I was clearly very angry with that woman last night, so why did I still find her

Looking at the little monkey less than two feet tall in his arms, with his red butt sticking out, he crawled here and there in his arms, climbed up on his shoulders with a swipe, then slid down from behind, and the next moment he climbed up from his crotch again, Got into my arms...

Yun Yang rolled his eyes wildly.

A fragrant breeze blows from the gate, refreshing the heart and mind.

I saw a slim woman standing at the gate, looking at Yun Yang and smiling.

This woman is slim and slim, wearing an ordinary green dress, but she seems to be riding away in the wind. Her body is full of graceful and beautiful aura, and she does not look like a person in the mortal world at all.

It's just... a face that looks a little too ordinary...

Naturally, Yun Yang would not think that this was the true face of this woman. How could a woman with such an aura of grace and grace have such an ordinary appearance

"Mr. Yun, please don't take offense if you take the liberty of visiting me." The woman's voice was clear and crisp, which made people feel indescribably comfortable.

"I don't dare. It's really radiant that young lady Fangjia is willing to come to this humble house." Yun Yang smiled gently: "Please."

"Thank you, sir." The woman smiled calmly and walked in. Seeing Qian Huanling Monkey, who had been clinging to Yun Yang ever since he saw him, a hint of brilliance quickly flashed across his eyes.

"I was rude last night. I forgot to ask the girl for her name." Yun Yang said apologetically.

The woman in green resisted the urge to roll her eyes and thought to herself: If I didn't come today, I'm afraid you would never think of this in your life. He must have seen me coming and had nothing to say, so he just started with these words.

This is a rough man who looks quite smart, but actually doesn’t understand anything and doesn’t care about his daughter’s mood!

"Young master is laughing at me. The little girl's surname is Ji, and she is a strategist." said the woman in green.

"What a good surname!" Yun Yang clapped his hands and praised loudly with an exaggerated expression and tone: "Just this one word made Yun think that from ancient times to the present, all those who have achieved great things have done it through calculation. Plan. , is the foundation of everything in the world. The so-called Wang Tu’s dominance and the so-called Qing Shi’s loyal heart are all... tricks!"

"Young Master, you're rewarded." The woman in green finally couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

If it weren't for the Qian Phantom Monkeys and his own important matters, he would almost have to stand up and leave.

It’s just a surname, and you’ve praised it so much. Moreover, the point is that you are afraid that others will not see the hypocrisy when you praise others! This guy really deserves a beating!

Yun Yang rubbed his nose and said, "Dare you ask the girl her name?"

This Miss Ji said angrily: "One name only has the word "spiritual".

"What a good name!" Yun Yang praised loudly: "Whenever you use a plan, you must be clever! The girl's name is really good! As the saying goes, a good plan is a good one. A plan that doesn't work is not a plan. A good name is a plan. Ah, what a good name. The girl’s name actually tells the secrets of all the successful people throughout the ages... "


Miss Ji Ling felt a fire rush to her forehead. A crazy urge to flip the table arose spontaneously!

If it weren't for the fact that he was a daughter who was unable to utter dirty words, he would have scolded him bloody and sprayed this bastard with spittle all over his face!

I know you're not welcome.

But you don’t have to be so disgusting, right? !

After all, I am a woman, so why does this bastard not want even this little bit of grace

Lao Mei stood aside, feeling the urge to look up to the sky and sigh.

Young Master, no wonder you are so handsome, but you are still alone until you are nineteen. There is no confidante... This is not without reason.

Just look at the emotional intelligence you show when talking to this girl - it would be weird if you had a family and a career now!