I Am Supreme

Chapter 22: You cannot be naive!


"I really don't know what to say about you." A somewhat mocking voice came from behind.

Yun Yang said nothing.

"Do you mean you are stupid, or do you mean you are stupid?" Ji Ling sighed from behind Yun Yang: "But no matter how stupid he is, or no matter how stupid he is, he will never do what you did today."

Yun Yang smiled faintly and did not defend himself.

"You exchanged a huge amount of training resources that can completely transform an ordinary person into a master of three mountains, and you actually exchanged them all for useless things like gold."

Ji Ling's eyes now really looked like he was looking at a super fool: "Do you know what you are doing?"

In her voice, perhaps she didn't realize it, there was confusion, doubt, anger, and... loss! disappointment!

"Of course I know what I'm doing."

Yun Yang did not look back and said, "So, you and I are from two different worlds."

Yun Yang's voice was also very cold.

Ji Ling finally couldn't help it and said angrily: "I don't understand why you are so short-sighted! No matter how much gold you have, what's the use? Even if you move all the gold in the world to your home, what's the use? ?!”

"Don't you know that in the heart of a profound practitioner, even a piece of mysterious stone is more important than all the gold in the world? Because it can increase strength! It can increase the cost of life-saving, but gold cannot!"

Ji Ling took a deep breath to suppress her excitement; she tried hard to restrain herself, I shouldn't be angry, this matter has nothing to do with me.

But Ji Ling could not help but feel furious.

Can't hold it down.

Yun Yang calmly turned his head and looked into Ji Ling's angry eyes. After a long time, he said coldly: "Is it interesting for people from two worlds to discuss this?"

Ji Ling held it back for a moment.

"Perhaps for you, gold is useless, but black stones and black crystals are useful." Yun Yang's eyes were calm and indifferent, and he said: "But for me... gold is more useful than black stones. Gold can buy rice. Buy food, buy things to fill your stomach. But Xuan Shi can't."

"You can get change for gold, but you can't get black stone."

“So we’re of two minds.”

Yun Yang said: "This is not debatable. It's already late at night, go to bed early." He turned and left.

Ji Ling said loudly behind him: "Then why don't you sell all the black stones and black crystals? Why only sell half of them? Wouldn't you be able to get more gold by selling them all?"

Yun Yang smiled bitterly in his heart.

Why don’t I want to sell more? The problem is... those have been stolen by Green Green.

Blackstone is naturally useful; it can make me stronger, but gold can feed the families of my dead brothers! When I didn’t have the strength or enough capital...

Ji Ling angrily went back to her room to sleep; in the room, while lying on her bed, there was another sentence that kept echoing in her heart: "... people from two worlds!"

"People from two worlds!"

"It turns out... we are still people from two worlds." Ji Ling thought a little disappointed: "The opinions and values are all different... Maybe what he said makes sense. What can we argue about the values of the two worlds? Hey... "

Late at night.

A group of more than a dozen men in black quietly came to Yun Yang.

"Convert all this gold into silver." Yun Yang whispered. His mood was very low. His eyes were cold and dark, as if they were bottomless. No one knew what he was feeling at this moment. .

"Those eight hundred households...each one will receive one thousand taels of silver. All of them will be distributed tonight." Yun Yang ordered in a low voice.

"Yes, sir."

"In addition, all the families of martyrs and remnant soldiers in Tiantang City... each household will receive one hundred taels of silver." Yun Yang continued to order.


"You don't need me to stress what you want to do, right?" Yun Yang looked at him coldly.

"I will obey the Young Master's instructions. There will be no accidents, no disputes, and no plundering!" the leader's masked man in black said in a sonorous voice.

"Well, go ahead." Yun Yang said, "Also, continue to pay attention to what I ordered. If anyone crosses the line or violates the prohibition, report it to me!"


The man in black made several trips back and forth before transporting 90% of the gold away. According to their calculations, 90% is already plenty.

Yun Yang just threw the remaining gold in the yard and went back to his room.

The moonlight was cold and cold, and the backyard of Yun Mansion was illuminated by a bright yellow...

A night of silence.

The next day, Ji Ling seemed to be angry. He trained and taught Little Silver Moon Sirius in his room, holding in his anger and refused to come out to meet Yun Yang. Yun Yang was happy to be at peace; he went to see the seriously injured person first. , and then you practice your own martial arts and sword practice.

The seeds of trouble have been sown and could come at any time. Yun Yang was ready from now on.

Marshal Qiu Jianhan had just finished his court meeting and returned to his house with a lot of worries.

News from the enemy country came from the meeting. The Dongxuan Empire and the Dayuan Empire were both ready to move, and the target was naturally the Yutang Empire, the biggest fat in the eyes of all countries.

The war has been going on for so many years and has almost never stopped. If the war really breaks out this time, the Yutang Empire will not be optimistic...

The old marshal looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Marshal, another strange thing happened last night."

Mr. Wang, a staff member in the mansion and an old friend of the old marshal, came in with a faint smile and a calm and gentle look on his face: "Guess what it is?"

Marshal Qiu sighed, I'm so upset right now, what else can I guess

"What's going on?"

Mr. Wang sensitively sensed that the old marshal was in a bad mood today, so he stopped trying to keep it secret and said: "Overnight, the entire Tiantang City suddenly began to rain golden rain again."

The old marshal's eyes suddenly lit up: "Huh?"

"Last year, at least more than half of the eight hundred warriors who followed Jiuzun on the expedition suddenly had a large amount of money in their homes... As soon as they woke up, the money appeared, and no one knew where it came from... "

Mr. Wang said slowly.

"This happened again..."

The old marshal's eyes were strange.

"Well, not only that, but there are also many families of martyrs and remnant soldiers who have money in their homes. It seems that someone is giving away money..." Mr. Wang smiled happily.

The eyes of the old Marshal Qiu Jianhan became brighter and brighter: "Brother Wang, according to your opinion... this matter is somewhat possible... is there anyone among the nine who is still alive?"

Mr. Wang pondered for a moment and said: "This matter... cannot prove that there are still people alive in Jiuzun. But the possibility is very high."

After stopping the first half of the sentence, the old marshal's eyes dimmed, but after hearing the second half, his eyes suddenly brightened up.

"But this person obviously doesn't want to expose himself." Mr. Wang said carefully.

Qiu Jianhan sighed and said: "The death of the Nine Lords is a huge conspiracy. With all the efforts of our country, we have not found anything... If this person is really one of the Nine Lords, or is related to the Nine Lords, How could he, how dare he... expose himself easily to someone he has a relationship with?"

He waved his hand tiredly and said: "Still follow the previous method, don't care, don't ask, and then... erase all these traces!"

Mr. Wang nodded: "Okay!"

"Let all clues reach us." The old marshal sighed, his voice was sad but decisive.

Mr. Wang said: "I have already ordered you to go down."

"That's good."

The old marshal closed his eyes sadly and said softly: "Are there any of you nine boys still alive? If so... Even if you are always hiding and never showing up... But, I also hope that you can come and talk to me... "

"I miss you very much..."

From the corners of Marshal Qiu's tightly closed eyes, a few old tears slowly came out.

Mr. Wang sighed in his heart and retreated quietly. After retreating to the door, he remembered something again and said, "Marshal, the major families have chosen to compete in the Mysterious Beast Competition in Tiantang City this time..."

Qiu Jianhan closed his eyes and shook his hand, saying tiredly: "Let them go."

Mr. Wang knew clearly that Marshal Qiu was no longer willing to say anything, but he couldn't help but said another sentence: "It is said that...just yesterday, Yun Houye's son Yun Yang met with people from the Ximen family at the Xuan Beast Market. There was a conflict, a big bet was made, and the young master who won the Ximen family almost lost everything... "

Old Marshal Qiu Jianhan sighed deeply: "This matter... let them go. That young master of Marquis Yun has never been peaceful in Tiantang City in the past few years... I will leave these matters to Marquis Yun." It’s a headache.”

Mr. Wang thought for a while and thought that this seemed a bit strange; but seeing that the old marshal was so tired, he swallowed his words and withdrew.

But after today, he no longer pays attention to such trivial matters—a dandy from Tiantang City, a dandy from the Ximen family... How much trouble can he cause

In the east wing, there was a sound of breathing like a bellows. This is the seriously wounded man trying hard to adjust his breath, trying hard to mobilize his own profound energy for self-healing.

Yun Yang was not surprised by this and took it easy.

Another door opened.

Lao Mei walked out briskly.


"Not yet. It's just that half step has already been taken." Lao Mei was very excited: "Within half a month, I will definitely be able to break through! I want to accumulate more, so that when I break through, I can move forward more."

Yun Yang nodded.

Breaking through the bottleneck is only one aspect. As long as you have the feeling, breaking through will not be difficult. And the key thing is... after breaking through the bottleneck, your cultivation level will usher in a sudden increase.

And this sudden rise depends on the accumulation before the breakthrough. After all, Yun Yang didn't have the kind of elixir that could strengthen one's foundation and improve one's strength and make a person fly by leaps and bounds.

"Sir, the injured guy... seems to be in trouble." Lao Mei lowered her voice.

"It's not that simple." Yun Yang nodded.

"Young master, do you want to... form a good relationship?" Lao Mei asked tentatively: "Or do you want to... conquer?"

Yun Yang showed a cold smile: "This good relationship cannot be forged."

Lao Mei: "Huh?"

Yun Yang shook his head and smiled. This man risked his life and worked hard to obtain four ninth-grade mysterious beast cubs, but as soon as he turned around, they fell into his own hands. How can this good relationship be achieved

As soon as the other party regains its strength, I'm afraid he will immediately take away the four cubs in retaliation.

"I just want to take it back for my own use." Yun Yang said frankly: "I am very short of manpower now."

Lao Mei said: "What if we can't recover it?"

Yun Yang looked at Lao Mei, with a spring-like smile in his eyes, and said slowly: "What do you think?"

Lao Mei felt as if a cold snowy mountain wind had been blown through her whole body, and she felt a chill from her bones to her skin.

"If the young master wants to win over him," Lao Mei suggested, "Now that he is seriously injured and unable to move, it is the time to win over him."

Yun Yang shook his head and said confidently: "Such methods are absolutely no longer suitable for such masters. More clever methods must be used."

Yun Yang secretly laughed in his heart: "A master who can enter and exit the mysterious beast forest alone, a master who can or may be able to fight and defeat a ninth-grade mysterious beast... How can he accept such a small favor from the world? "

"A more clever method?" Lao Mei was stunned.

Yun Yang smiled: "The so-called life-saving grace, burning one's body in return... Lao Mei, that kind of plot can only exist in legends. Let's take you for example. You are seriously injured and dying, and you are saved by another person. He is very kind to you and is very considerate. Will you become his slave because of this?"

"So, legends are legends and stories are stories, but as human beings, we can't be so naive."

Yun Yang's smile was strange.

The latest chapter of "I Am the Supreme" is published by Yunqi Academy, the place where the latest, hottest and fastest online novels are published! (This site provides two modes: traditional page turning and waterfall reading, which can be selected in the settings)

(End of chapter)