I Am Supreme

Chapter 44: Infatuation, poison, take action!


There are countless heroes in this world of mortals; but in my eyes, I can’t see any of them! There is no dream in the boudoir, just because my love has all belonged to one person; all the space in my heart has been burned by this fire!

This is a poem written by Yun Zuiyue. But she never expected that she would hear it from Yun Yang's mouth. This shouldn't have happened!

Listening to Yun Zuiyue's question, Yun Yang sighed leisurely and said, "I really can't tell you who I am."

As if she had lost her soul, Yun Zuiyue slowly let go of Yun Yang's clothes, slowly stepped back a few steps, and sat down in despair, her eyes losing their sparkle.

"You can't tell me who you are." Yun Zuiyue put one hand on the table, gritted her teeth, and tried her best to control the trembling of her body, and said: "Then, you can tell me, the person who sent you here , where is the person who told you this poem?"

"You know, I can't tell you even more." Yun Yang closed his eyes. I just felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I said, you will die.

"You should know his name, right?" Yun Zuiyue looked at him fiercely.

"I have no idea."

"Is he in Tiantang City?"

"...I don't know."

Yun Zuiyue finally broke out: "Then you have to tell me whether he is dead or alive now?"

Yun Yang gritted his teeth tightly and said with difficulty for a long time: "He asked me to tell you to forget him."

"Forget him!"

Yun Zuiyue laughed miserably: "He is just a bastard! A useless person! Unconscionable! He is irresponsible! A waste!"

Yun Yang closed his eyes and took a long breath.

Yun Zuiyue continued to curse viciously.


Yun Yang slapped his palm heavily on the table and shouted in a low voice: "That's enough!"

A turbulent momentum suddenly broke out!

Yun Zuiyue's voice stopped suddenly. He leaned slightly and suddenly laughed nervously: "This is how virtuous you are! Hahaha... Except for the ability of the woman who bullies you, you don't dare to see anyone else!"

Yun Yang's chest rose and fell violently. For a long time, he had several ideas running through his mind and said, "... You should know where he is."

Yun Zuiyue yelled at Yunyang crazily: "I don't believe it!"

Just as Yun Yang was about to speak, Yun Zuiyue shouted at him one after another: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

She looked at Yun Yang with red eyes: "I don't believe anything you say." She seemed to be saying to herself, and as if praying to the heaven and earth, she murmured, but said word by word: " He will never die!"

Yun Yang fell silent.

For a long time, I couldn't bear to speak.

Yun Zuiyue suddenly came over and asked pleadingly: "He's not dead... right? Really? He's not dead, right! Right?"

Looking at her pleading eyes, Yun Yang felt a sense of sourness and softness in his heart. He turned his head and said softly: "Yes, in my opinion, he is not dead."

He will always live in my heart.

After hearing his words, Yun Zuiyue seemed to stiffen all of a sudden.

After a long, long time, he suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, and then burst into tears. It seemed that all the worries in his heart were suddenly put aside with Yun Yang's words.

She cried bitterly.

Yun Yang sat dumbly, not knowing what to say. I only felt waves of cramping pain in my chest.

"He... how is he now?" Yun Zuiyue asked with sobs, "Is he still... okay?"

"It can't be good..." Since he has told a lie, he must use countless lies to make up for it: "Severely injured... too serious... Moreover, it is very dangerous... It is impossible for him to come back now..."

"I understand!" Yun Zuiyue nodded vigorously: "I will wait for him! I will wait for as long as possible! Please, send him a message back."

"Impossible!" Yun Yang shook his head in pain: "I can't send it back..."

"Oh, I understand, I understand." Yun Zuiyue said anxiously: "Yes, now that we are out, we can no longer spread the news. The enemy is too scary... Yes, it is best and safest to go back without spreading the news. "

Yun Yang looked at this infatuated woman and felt his heart twisting.

"You just said, fugitive?" After a long time, Yun Zuiyue finally wiped away her tears. Her eyes were completely red and swollen, but she had regained some of her normal demeanor: "What fugitive?"

"Yes... it's possible..." Yun Yang indicated with his eyes.

Yun Zuiyue's eyes suddenly became dangerous: "Could it be related to his affairs?"

Yun Yang nodded silently.

"Let me help you!" Yun Zuiyue's eyes suddenly became fierce, like a bloodthirsty beast in the cold night.

Yun Yang exhaled deeply.

"Usually, I can go and talk to you?" Yun Zuiyue looked at Yun Yang expectantly.

"No!" Yun Yang said firmly; "It's too dangerous."

"I understand..." Yun Zuiyue lowered her head aggrievedly, but said very considerately: "I have known about him since he was elected, because when he went to run for election, I accompanied him... But Over the years, this secret has always been in my heart."

"do not worry."

Yun Zuiyue said seriously.

Yun Yang felt another pain in his heart.

Fifth brother.

You left without any worries, but what should you do with this infatuated woman? Even though I have extraordinary means, how can I make up for the infinite scars in the heart of this infatuated woman

Li Changqiu looked calm as he sat in the room of Qingyunfang. This was the room of Qingshanxue, the popular girl of Qingyunfang; it was very spacious.

Li Changqiu is a frequent visitor here. He has a rosy face and is sitting peacefully. A plate of sandalwood curls up in front of him. A pot of clear tea, with a slight fragrance of tea. On the couch three feet away, a piece of gauze is shrouded in it, and the sound of the piano is heard. came from behind the veil.

Through the gauze, you can see a graceful woman with long hair like a waterfall, wearing snow-white clothes, and her slender hands are playing on the strings...

Extremely elegant.

Footsteps sounded at the door, and a group of red figures came in gracefully; before anyone came in, laughter came in: "Mr. Li, how does my sister play the piano?"

Li Changqiu smiled and said: "The sound of nature."

Yun Zuiyue walked in with a giggle. Her slender waist made people worry that it would break at any time. She smiled sweetly and said: "Mr. Li is so proud... Xue'er's room, but generally no one is allowed to come in. Yes, even my sister is not allowed in sometimes... "

"Really... Haha..." Li Changqiu smiled casually.

"Sister Yue... when did I not let you in..." An urgent and shy voice came from behind the curtain.

"Xue'er is still embarrassed..." Yun Zuiyue said: "Mr. Li, the kitchen has just made some side dishes. I will bring them to you to try."

"Then, Li is very lucky." Li Changqiu smiled, then suddenly became startled: "Why are Miss Zuiyue's eyes red and swollen? Could it be that something happened?"

Yun Zuiyue's smile faded, and she sighed and said, "There is something. Hey, a sister received a letter from home. Her mother suddenly died of illness... Hey, I cried with her for a while... She also had her own mother. I, Yun Zuiyue, but I don’t even know who my parents are…”

As he spoke, he felt like crying again.

Li Changqiu sighed and said: "Birth, old age, illness and death, joys and sorrows, separation and separation, make people always helpless; Miss Zuiyue mourns and obeys changes."

Yun Zuiyue forced a smile and said: "I always feel melancholy and can't find a solution... Hey! Look at me, what are these spoilers doing? Come on, Mr. Li, try my Qingyunfang's craftsmanship."

With a wave of her hand, a maid came in carrying an exquisite dish, which contained four exquisite small dishes. A small hip flask.

It's really a side dish.

Each dish, looking at it like this, only has two bites at most.

That hip flask can only hold a glass of wine at most.

Xue'er inside covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "Sister Yue is very generous today; even I haven't been able to eat these side dishes for several months."

Yun Zuiyue said angrily: "You little hooves, didn't you eat the most that time? You're not afraid of getting fat!"

Inside, Xue'er became irritated and reluctant, and Li Changqiu couldn't help but laugh because of it, saying, "The relationship between your sisters is really good."

Yun Zuiyue sighed: "We are all helpless, we can only be better with each other..."

Li Changqiu chuckled, picked up the chopsticks, and said, "This side dish is really good. It makes me appetite when I see it. It's a pity that the quantity is too small."

Yun Zuiyue smiled and said: "If the amount is too much... it will no longer be a side dish. What do you think, Mr. Li?"

"It makes sense! It makes sense!" Li Changqiu laughed and took a bite. After checking the luck, there was nothing unusual. He said with a smile: "What Miss Yue said always makes sense."

I moved my chopsticks like the wind and took a bite of every side dish. I checked with my chopsticks and found that nothing happened, so I felt relieved. In an instant, I ate the food with a sip of wine and a sip of wine. I smiled and said, "This skill... even if it's just a meal." It’s enough for the palace... Miss Yue, you can’t feel full even after eating this little bit, but you’re getting hungrier... This little portion is too cruel. It’s purely seductive.”

Yun Zuiyue smiled charmingly and said, "I just want to seduce someone. I want to seduce Mr. Li a few more times..."

"Haha! Wonderful!" Li Changqiu laughed, feeling happy.

"Mr. Li, take your time and play, Zuiyue went out first." Yun Zuiyue smiled: "The slave family is here, but it disturbs Mr. Li's enjoyment..."

Li Changqiu laughed and hurriedly tried to persuade her to stay, but Yun Zuiyue had already walked out with a sweet smile.

With the faint sound of the piano and the bursts of sandalwood, Li Changqiu slowly relaxed his guard. This Qingyunfang is indeed the safest place, and this statement is true.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the original wine bottle, drank two more glasses of wine, and sighed: "It's so nice."


A voice said sarcastically: "I don't know, sir, do you want to have more fun?"

"Who?" Li Changqiu suddenly stood up and turned to look.

I saw a figure in purple looming outside the door. The two cold eyes made Li Changqiu feel an eerie feeling.

Li Changqiu snorted coldly and said, "If you want to pretend to be a ghost in front of Mr. Li, your moral skills are still lacking!"

After saying this, he was about to take action.

But the figure in purple stood still and said softly: "Li Changqiu, yes, a small blacksmith can actually have money to come to Qingyunfang, and he comes three or four times a month... Is blacksmithing really so profitable now?"

Li Changqiu snorted, secretly raised his cultivation level, and said: "You don't have to worry about making money or not. What you should be worried about most now... is your own little... "

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed horribly!

Because, the profound energy he had just gathered, like a roaring tide, suddenly disappeared without a trace at this moment!

Li Changqiu hurriedly raised Juju again, but this time, he was still able to raise Dantian, but it dissipated faster!

The purple-clothed figure outside said calmly: "Li Changqiu, don't waste your efforts anymore. You won't be able to excrete the poison in less than half an hour! Even a master of the seventh level of Xuan Qi or above needs at least three breaths." , not to mention you are not even in the seventh heaven!"

Seventh Heaven

Li Changqiu felt happy.

I have always shown myself to be in the Sixth Heaven, hiding my clumsiness really works!

Less than the seventh heaven? Hum, after three breaths, I want you to look good.

Li Changqiu raised his hands fiercely and clapped them together!


There was a loud bang, and a thick cloud of smoke suddenly burst out.

Suddenly, the whole room was filled with thick smoke, and I couldn't see my fingers. Moreover, the smoke seemed to be unable to be blown away by the wind, always covering this area.

… …

I recently had an idea to make something that is unique to our Feng family, but I can’t think of what to make, so if you are interested, you can go to my public WeChat and let’s discuss it. Open WeChat and search for Fenglingtianxia and you will find me. Welcome everyone.

Well, today is the birthday of the leader of Haihunyi Alliance. Let us wish Haimeng a happy birthday.