I Am Supreme

Chapter 49: Divide the spoils, get angry, Sirius


"I don't want to come to this place." Ji Ling pouted and said, "The place is bad, the environment is bad, deserted, and gloomy at night. The key is that the owner is ugly, has a bad temper, and hates everyone. Come here This time, my life will be shortened by at least three years!"

Yun Yang said with a smile: "This is bad. The girl is only in her thirties this year at most. She has come to my place five or six times and has been short-lived for twenty years... Girl, she is over fifty years old..."

Ji Lingqi exploded in his lungs: "You are only in your thirties! You are only in your fifties! Your whole family is in their fifties!"

Yun Yang smiled brightly: "It's just that every time the girl comes here, her face is different... which makes Yun Mou admire her."

Ji Ling was startled and subconsciously touched his face: "Is it different?"

Yun Yang nodded solemnly.

Looking at Lao Mei, the corner of Lao Mei's mouth twitched: "It's indeed different."

Ji Ling's face turned red, and he snorted and said, "I am a naturally beautiful girl, how can I let you, a slut, see my true face?"

Yun Yang breathed a long sigh of relief and cupped his hands: "Thank you very much, girl. You have worked so hard to dress yourself up like an ugly girl, which saved me from the pain of lovesickness."

Ji Ling stamped his feet, exposed two pointed little tiger teeth angrily, and growled in a low voice: "What a man without grace, huh!"

"You can't eat your grace with grace." Yun Yang said back to the business: "Girl, there must be something going on here?"

Ji Lingqi threw the baggage in his hand over with bulging energy: "I won this. Everything is in it. You can choose half of it yourself. This is the reward Mr. Yun deserves."

Yun Yang opened the baggage, and all kinds of lights flashed in front of his eyes. It almost blinded my eyes.

Xuan stone, Xuan crystal; and two jade bottles, what do they contain? There are also mysterious pills, pills, and...

Yun Yang stared blankly for a long time, then raised his head and looked at Ji Ling: "Is this... what you won?"

so much!

Ji Ling snorted and said carelessly: "It's nothing. It's just a little fun."

Just a little fun.

Yun Yang's face twitched.

"She is indeed a rich girl." Yun Yang said with emotion: "This game is bigger than the gambling of the so-called playboy..."

"You choose. After you have chosen, tell me what news you want to know at that time."

Ji Ling said coldly: "I will not break my promise. I will definitely tell you the news you want."

Yun Yang laughed and said, "Then I'm not polite. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen so many good things."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Ji Ling's eyes, and he said, "If you like it, it doesn't matter if I give it all to you."

Yun Yang smiled and said: "It's half, so naturally I can only take half. I don't want more, and I don't want less."

Ji Ling said coldly: "You are quite principled."

Yun Yang said: "Of course. My principle is that if it's my thing, no one should try to take it away; but if it's not my thing, don't force me to take any of it!"

"Is it clear? It's clear."

"There are a total of two hundred profound stones here, I will take half; one hundred yuan. Fifty profound crystals, I will take half, twenty-five yuan. Two bottles of spiritual water, I will take one bottle; three mysterious pills, I will take One, three pills, I want two; so balanced. And these books are about martial arts and mental methods, which are related to the secrets of major families. If I take them, it will be difficult for you to explain, so I will I won’t take it anymore.”

Yun Yang quickly collected the half he deserved, held it in his hand without any embarrassment, and handed the package back to Ji Ling: "Miss Ji, please keep the rest."

Ji Ling took back his baggage expressionlessly. For a moment, his heart was extremely complicated and he had nothing to say. Yun Yang's meticulous division of the stolen goods just now made Ji Ling's brain confused.

"This is a fair transaction." Yun Yang raised his head and said with a bright smile: "The girl is indeed a person who keeps her promise; Yun is very satisfied with this cooperation."

Yes, cooperation is just a cooperation and a transaction.

Ji Ling bit his lip and smiled sweetly: "My little sister also feels that this transaction is worth the money. However, Mr. Yun still suffered a bit."

Yun Yang grinned: "In today's world, taking a loss is taking advantage."

Ji Ling gritted his silver teeth and said, "I don't know the other condition that the young master mentioned at that time, the news, well, what news do the young master really want to know?"

Somehow, facing this situation of straightforward negotiation of a deal, Ji Ling wanted to leave.

I don't want to stay here for a moment.

"Well, there is some news I want to know." Yun Yang looked at Ji Ling and said, "I want to know who Mr. Nian from the Four Seasons Tower is?!"

Ji Ling was stunned for a moment!

Mr. Nian in the Four Seasons Building.

Apart from Mr. Nian himself, who else in the world has the ability to know who he is? If Mr. Nian's identity is exposed, I'm afraid... even if he has unrivaled abilities and world-shaking scheming, he would have been wiped out long ago, right

"It doesn't matter. If Miss Ji can't give it, I can..."

Before Yun Yang finished speaking, Ji Ling gritted his teeth and said, "Is this the news? Don't worry, I will definitely give it to you sooner or later!"

After saying that, he glanced at Yun Yang with complicated eyes, and without waiting for him to speak, he said calmly: "Farewell."

With a swipe, he turned around and left.

Finally, he couldn't help it, turned around and yelled: "Yun Yang! You bastard!"

Yun Yang looked at the little girl's leaving figure and was a little confused for a moment. What happened? The deal was going well; and you took a big advantage in dividing the spoils... Why did you suddenly get angry

Did my words offend her

Yun Yang scratched his head, spread his hands, and gave a wry smile: "Lao Mei, look at it, women... are so elusive... Now they get angry..."

Lao Mei looked at him speechlessly for a long time, sighed, and went back to the room lonely.

I really want to say something: Master, you are hopeless.

But... I can't say it.

Yun Yang did not sell the Xuan Shi Xuan Jing this time; instead... all of them were given to Lu Lu.

A piece of Xuan Jing was placed in the palm of his hand. Yun Yang stared at it and saw that the Xuan Jing was slowly getting smaller, and then turned into a small pile of powder, which was blown away by the wind...

Xuan Shi, too.

In the sea of consciousness, the aura around Lulv was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly, the stems became thicker, longer, and harder...

The leaves of the lotus leaf also became thicker and darker green. The vines slowly lengthened and became tough. The second vine grew silently... From light green and thin, to dark green, thick and tough...

Yun Yang only felt waves of pure life energy pouring into his meridians and Dantian.

Yun Yang just opened the cap of the bottle of spiritual water, and with a swipe sound, there was only one bottle left.

The two elixirs are both vitality elixirs. They are used to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. Yun Yang has little use for them, so just give them to Lao Mei and Fang Mofei. As for the last Xuandan, Yun Yang put it directly into his mouth and ate it.

But in an instant, the income this time turned into nothing!

Looking through Chu Tianlang's information, he frowned.

This information is extremely detailed and is more than a foot thick.

"Chu Tianlang, who was a hero at a young age, opened his seven apertures, practiced swordsmanship at the age of three, and killed people at the age of seven; at the age of fifteen, he entered the endless forest alone to hunt sixth-grade mysterious beasts. Returned with a full load..."

"Starting from scratch, he suddenly acquired a large amount of wealth through unknown means, with unknown origins; he established Tianlang Village at the age of twenty-five and became a powerful person."

"Chu Tianlang has a majestic appearance and awe-inspiring righteousness. He claims to be the Lord of Heavenly Wolf and descends to earth, and is known as Sirius in the world. He is good at using long and short swords, indestructible and unpredictable. He has a hidden weapon in his sleeve, which will kill when he comes out. He has a bold personality and a smile like thunder. He has business all over the place. There are countless semicolons inside and outside the capital.”

"The Yan-winged thief who once wreaked havoc was subdued by Chu Tianlang and disappeared; however, the thief's traces for thousands of miles have not improved... It is suspected that he was absorbed by Chu Tianlang and became his exclusive force to make money for him."

"Chu Tianlang especially likes women, and there are no three women he doesn't like every night, and he has no special favor. Investigation by my subordinates revealed that none of the women who were favored by Chu Tianlang could live beyond the age of twenty, and countless more disappeared without reason; I suspect that he has the ability to harvest yin and replenish yang... Therefore, the sword technique is hidden and the weapon is bright, and be careful about his sinister fist skills... "

"Chu Tianlang's current cultivation level, judging from the few shots he has taken, is around the Sixth Level Mountain. However, his subordinates suspect that he is hiding something... If you want to target this person, you must first make him one of the masters of the Seventh Level Mountain; this person is extremely capable. There are too many, and there are so many followers. If you miss a single hit, you will inevitably have endless troubles. If you want to get rid of them, you need to be cautious... "

The more Yun Yang looked, the darker his expression became.

Throwing away the superficial glamor, this man is clearly a devil who brings disaster to the world; countless people die at his hands every year. But this person is famous. He is actually called a great philanthropist by many people, because every autumn and winter, he will give porridge at the manor to relieve the poor...

Moreover, when he was giving out porridge and doing charity, he sympathized with the hard work of men, which delayed the construction period and affected their livelihood. Therefore, he specially allowed the women of each family to come and receive it...

Combined with the fact that he harvested yin and replenished yang and countless missing women, the intention behind it is self-evident.

"Beast in clothes!" Yun Yang wanted to slam the table angrily.

After this information, Yun Yang was stunned for a moment.

Chu Tianlang actually saved the life of the current prince. When the prince was young, he went out to play and was assassinated. At the critical moment, it was Chu Tianlang who stepped forward...

This incident became a legend at the time. His Majesty the Emperor wanted to reward Chu Tianlang with an official position, but Chu Tianlang refused. In the end, His Majesty the Emperor gave Chu Tianlang a gold medal to avoid death!

As long as it's not rebellion, you can avoid death once!

When Yun Yang saw this, his eyes froze.

His eyes lingered for a long time between the words "Prince", "Assassination", "Stand Up", "Chu Tianlang" and "Gold Medal to Avoid Death".

His eyes became colder and colder.

Slowly, the eyes that were originally as cold as autumn water seemed to solidify, turning into an iceberg that would never melt.

"Hehehe..." Yun Yang laughed inexplicably in a low voice. The laughter was cold and eerie, full of endless killing intent: "What a Chu Tianlang! What a gold medal for immunity from death, what a prince! Good, good, good! It's really good!"

"I hope my guess about this matter is not true! Otherwise, this will be a big trouble, hehe..."

"However, if you want to deal with Chu Tianlang, you really can't use those forces..."

Yun Yang's eyes flashed with light, and his face became extremely gloomy: "This person is obviously invincible. If so..."