I Am Supreme

Chapter 53: A miracle happened


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Something big happened in Tiantang City.

The third son of the Ximen family actually died in Tiantang City. This matter can be said to be very serious.

The entire Tiantang City was under strict restrictions.

But that night, in another inn, a group of guys were shouting and yelling, but they had no idea that such an earth-shattering thing was happening outside.

This is a colosseum. A very private Colosseum, now, has obviously been commandeered.

There were only four people participating in the beast fight.

Each man brought his own two guards. There were twelve people in the spacious venue; eight people were motionless and just watching, while the remaining four people were shouting at the top of their lungs, excited and with bulging veins; they were like crazy people.

Only four people actually felt like a super casino. In fact, even the eight guards next to them were sweating from the shouts of these four guys.

It's already the finals.

In the field, a two-headed lion and a black-haired mysterious beast with a silver tail were fighting and biting inside.


"Idiot! Ice Blade Ice Blade!"

"Fireball, oh, fireball..."

"Okay! Turn around, turn your head, and fight back!"

"Wow, wow, wow, beautiful! Keep going!"

"Bite its tail! Bite its tail!"

"Ice blade, ice blade cuts its dick...if you succeed, you win directly..."

"Fuck! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck... I'm going crazy!"

"day… "

"Oh my god..."

"This...this, this,this...this is still...fuck! It's cold in the winter, why don't you send someone up in the skin of a two-headed lion..."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah... Damn it! My double eyelids are really blinding... This is the first time in my life... Oh my god... This world is so crazy, the paralyzed lion started to punch..."

"Fuck...let me rub my eyes..."

"I must be dreaming..."

In the field, the two-headed celestial lion that had been downwind suddenly stood up, its two hind legs moved forward and backward, and its two front paws suddenly came together, and with a sudden sound, it was a palm!

Before everyone could be surprised, the other front hoof suddenly clenched into a fist and struck hard on the eye socket of the opposite silver tail!

Silver Tails roared, and one of his right eye sockets visible to the naked eye turned black.

He couldn't help but stumbled.

At this time, the two-headed celestial lion on the opposite side still kept the posture of standing on its two hind legs. It suddenly jumped up, spun in the air, and kicked one of its hind legs into Yinwei Huan's face like lightning. superior.

Next to them, the four dudes who were watching screamed as if they had seen a ghost. Eight eyes popped out of their sockets almost at the same time!

"Tornado legs!"

"Oh my God! What a whirlwind leg!"

"Look, it's another kick... Damn, is this a side kick? Damn it, my life has been in vain all these years... This beast's side kick is better than mine... "

"I'm going to faint... chain punches! Ouch!~~~ Day, day, day, mandarin duck chain kick... Damn, this is a master!"

"I feel like I've entered a plane full of immortals... The lions have become spirits, and they've learned how to box, and they can punch and kick... a great master..."

The four dandies stared, not caring about the outcome at this moment, and shouted hoarsely.

Even the eight well-informed guards were like ducks struck dumb by lightning, their whole bodies stiff, their necks stretched out, their eyes wide open, and their whole bodies shaking like chaff.

"I'm going to faint..."

A dandy exaggeratedly covered his forehead and fell back: "... I really can't accept it... An eighth-grade mid-level mysterious beast defeated a eighth-grade peak mysterious beast... And when he was lagging behind, he suddenly used A set of unpredictable punches and kicks... an instant reversal and victory... I must be dreaming... "

The outcome has been decided on the field.

The silver-tailed dog was obviously stunned. It covered its head and whined, but did not fight back. It really couldn't understand. Am I fighting a two-headed celestial lion, or am I fighting a human

Is there such a thing as this... What a foul!

An even more shocking scene appeared.

I saw that the victorious two-headed celestial lion actually stood up again, with its two front paws behind its hands. It was like a master, walking on its two hind legs. Shi Shiran walked around the field with the attitude of a winner. One lap.

"Oh... I'm going to faint..." A dude rolled his eyes and fell softly.

"I'm already dizzy..."

"I'm already in a deep coma..."

"Someone tell me... this is not true..."

"I've been so shocked that even my mother-in-law is chilling..."

"Throughout the ages... we have learned a lot..."

"This can no longer be described as awesome, it's like that of a hundred thousand cows..."

"Millions of heads!"

"Billions of heads!"

"All the cows in the galaxy...Mom, tell me this is not true..."

Even Dong Leng, who had already won, was tearing his hair apart at the moment, looking at the field with disbelief. Suddenly he put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Wahahahaha... I won!"

When the other three dudes heard this, they suddenly woke up.

Did this guy win

Yes, his two-headed heavenly lion is so evil, who will win if he doesn't win? He can even box...

I am not afraid that the mysterious beast will go crazy, but I am afraid that the mysterious beast will know martial arts! What the hell, the truth...

"I finally won!" Dong Leng roared, full of the flavor of a villain's victory: "You three guys, come here for me! Hurry up! Obediently, the three of you, nose to nose, pouted Stand up straight on your butt! Hurry up! I want to lecture you! Wahahahaha..."

The faces of the other three guys suddenly turned into bitter gourds.

They looked at each other with a wry smile, both sighing. I thought that with Yinwei Huan, I would be able to suppress the cold winter for the rest of my life; I never expected that he would overturn the situation after just one night!

But I am willing to admit defeat, there is nothing to say about this. What's more, they used an eighth-grade mid-level mysterious beast to defeat an eighth-grade peak mysterious beast! This is even more…

The three of them looked at Dong Leng helplessly: "You are lucky this time..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Dong Leng geared up and said with a hungry look on his face: "You had a great time beating me last night! It's your turn today. Think about how you got carried away last night. Hmm, what about me? I beg for mercy, but you are all sarcastic and ignoring me. I never imagined that this would happen today!"

He burst out with a proud laugh: "Hurry up! I've told you a long time ago that the tides will change; in ten years, it will be east of Hedong, and in thirty years, it will be west of Hexi. Don't deceive young people into poverty! Flowers will bloom again, and bastards will also turn around!"

"Stand up quickly!"

The three of them snorted and looked at death. They came together, with their noses touching each other and standing upright. One of them said coldly: "It's cold in winter, don't go too far!"

Dong Leng laughed loudly: "I'm not going too far. I just follow the bet and beat you until your mother doesn't recognize you!"

Before he finished speaking, he already kicked out impatiently.

"Come on, little brother, don't cry. If you cry, I will beat you until you turn into a pig!"

Bang bang bang!

"Little guy, don't be dissatisfied. If you don't accept it, you will still lose!"

Bang bang bang!

"Come on, little brother, you are so cute, come on, lift your butt up and let me kick you..."

Winter was so proud that every muscle in his body was dancing, beating these three guys to his heart's content, using his fists and feet to say hello to his whole body.

Especially on their faces and heads, they were even more merciless; the three dudes were quite tough, with their eyes spitting fire from the beginning to the end, but they didn't say a word; they didn't even resist, they just let Dong Leng beat him crazily.

But after a while, the three people turned into three freshly baked pig heads! The cold winter was very measured, making every part of the faces and heads of these three guys swollen to the maximum extent...

Eight guards looked on, all of them speechless. I really don’t know what else these second-generation guys can do…

"starting today!"

Dong Leng shouted: "Everyone is green, green clothes, green hats, green shoes, green belts, even the scabbards and scabbards, and a green bamboo branch on the head! Well, even the underwear must be green." Yes! Do you understand?"

"… Understand!"

"This is how I was treated a year ago!"

When the winter is cold, I feel happy: "****... ****..."

The three dudes stood up with the pig's head on their head: "Is that enough?"

"What, you still haven't finished what you want?" Dong Leng geared up.

"Fart!" Among the three, a guy who could barely see with his eyes tried hard to open his eyes just a slit: "Now it's your turn, tell me; how did your eighth-grade mid-level mysterious beast do it?" The one who defeated my peak mysterious beast; even if we lose, we must lose clearly. This is also an agreement."

It's cold in winter, so I won't tell you. This is my secret weapon; if these guys learned it, wouldn’t it be my turn to be beaten

He rolled his eyes and said, "I just found an animal trainer..."

"Fuck you!" One of the dudes opened his mouth and cursed: "We have found so many animal trainers over the years, including many master animal trainers, how can there be anything like this!"

"If you don't tell the truth in the cold winter, don't blame us for not honoring our bet!"

"I'll tell you if I make another bet tonight. I'll bet on next year tonight..." Dong Dong said coldly.


"Are you going to say it or not?!"

"They want good things..."

Dong Leng looked troubled and said: "Okay, okay, let me tell you, I... met a strange man, but this strange man had a bad temper and a weird personality. It took a lot of effort to help me. This time, I paid a huge price..."

"Stop talking nonsense! At what price?"

"Well, half of all bets..."

"That's still a lot! Damn it! I'm winning anyway... If it were me, I'd give it all to him!"

"And... I don't know where this strange man is now..." Dong Dong rolled his eyes coldly: "After he helped me, he left. I couldn't find him no matter how hard I looked..."

This guy obviously doesn't want to tell the truth.

The other three people looked at each other and said in a tacit understanding: "Forget it."

But I was thinking in my heart: This guy can't even tell lies. You want to give someone half of the bet, but if you can’t find someone, how can you give it to them

We just need to follow you, kid, and we'll find it! Hmph... Well, I found it myself. It's best if the other two people didn't think of it... Then I'd be happy to win...

Four people led the guards out of the Colosseum, each with their own agenda.

As soon as I went out, I saw the yard full of people.

"What's going on?" The four dandies were all startled.

"Ximen Wandai is dead." Someone in the yard said, "Just now, what happened just now."

The four people were stunned and said in unison: "Fuck! You're dead!" Mobile phone users please visit m. to read for a better reading experience.