I Am Supreme

Chapter 60: Tavern!


Yun Yang's heart sank.

These news made him really feel the pressure.

The prince's advisers, political ministers, military generals, palace chamberlains... and the General Zhenbei who was born on the 20th of the first lunar month, Yun Yang dared to vouch for it, this must be a fake title.

Yun Yang originally planned to immediately send an order for nine days to investigate vigorously and resolutely as soon as he found a clue.

But now, he didn't dare.

It's not that they don't dare to deal with these people, but... they don't dare to let the Nine Heavens Order take action.

It's too much involved.

If those boys knew that their most respected boss was killed by the people they had been protecting, God knows what would happen.

The Yutang Empire was turned upside down by the commotion, but that was for sure.

I think of His Majesty the Emperor vomiting blood and falling into coma over and over again. I think of the old marshal’s exhaustion over this. I think of the hundreds of millions of people in the Yutang Empire who will be devastated if chaos breaks out...

Yun Yang gritted his teeth and swallowed the sorrow and anger in his heart.

"I'll do it all by myself!"

"Just look at my one hand... and control this world..." Yun Yang remembered Tian Wen's words and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said word for word: "... dominate, dominate!"

Yun Yang stood under the flower stand, in the center of Tiantang City, surrounded by thousands of lights; but at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of loneliness from within.

It was an intense loneliness.

The sky was dotted with stars, and Yun Yang had a feeling that he was the only one under the starry sky!

You are the center of heaven and earth.

In a sea of people, I am alone.

Yun Yang sighed quietly.

Lao Mei quietly stood behind him, looking at Yun Yang, and clearly felt Yun Yang's loneliness. It was a kind of inner loneliness, and she couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

I could vaguely feel that the young master was carrying a pressure as heavy as a mountain.

"Master." Lao Mei said softly.

"What?" Yun Yang did not turn around.

Lao Mei was silent for a moment and whispered: "Now, I am very curious about the identity of the young master."

Yun Yang smiled calmly: "Curious?"

"Yes. In the past year, I have been arranged by the young master to send away tens of millions of money." Lao Mei said: "Now, it is even more important to capture Li Changqiu first, and then capture Chu Tianlang. Although the young master always hides behind the scenes, but After all, these two people are no longer small figures."

"Young Master took them down at his fingertips without any effort. But during the interrogation, no one was allowed to be around."

Lao Mei said seriously: "I know that the young master is doing something big, and I don't want anyone to know. But after all, I, Lao Mei, am not an outsider, and I also want to help the young master."

Yun Yang smiled warmly: "I know."

He looked at Lao Mei: "Lao Mei, no matter what, you are one of the people I trust most; the reason why I don't let you know now is because... I am not sure myself, and the time is not yet there."

"But one day, you will know."

"I will let you know." Yun Yang said softly: "Lao Mei, just wait patiently. If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't let you participate in so many things..."

"Lao Mei understands." Lao Mei said.

"Don't talk to Marquis Yun about these things." Yun Yang said softly.

Lao Mei only felt a crazy shock in her heart.

"Marquis Yun!"

Yun Yang calls Yun Xiaoyao Yun Hou! !

What does this mean

Tiantang City is thousands of miles away.

A tall figure in black was flying towards Tiantang City. His toes touched the ground, and his whole body flew across a distance of ten feet. Every step was ten feet!

Not a single mistake.

He was walking in the wind in this sparsely populated place.

Black clothes fluttered, his handsome face was calm, his eyes were dark and deep, he was wearing a black robe, a black belt around his waist, and a long sword with a black sheath hanging by his side.

Just as they walked into a forest, there was a sudden rustling sound in front of them. A dozen men in black appeared from all directions. The leader shouted: "Is this in front of you, Marquis Yun?"

The man raised his eyes slightly and did not answer, but everyone felt that his eyes had already answered their own words: It's me!

"Seven Steps of Killing Sword Cloud Xiaoyao... Haha, as a swordsman in the world, you are now in the court, and you have enjoyed enough glory and wealth. Come with us."

The masked man in black chuckled ferociously.

Waved his hand: "Get him!"

Opposite, Marquis Yun looked at a dozen men in black rushing towards him with ice-cold eyes, and his body suddenly floated up.

As soon as the black clothes floated, he rushed forward in a dashing way. His right hand gracefully touched his waist, and a sword light suddenly appeared in his hand. Then, suddenly...

A dozen lightning bolts bursting through the space suddenly flashed in the dark sky.

Sky blue lightning!

The dozen or so men in black who rushed up had just made contact with Marquis Yun, and a blood arrow shot out from each of their throats at the same time; their eyes flashed with disbelief.

Marquis Yun's autumn-like sword tip, with an elegant sky-blue color, had already pierced the chest of the leading man in black.

The edge of the sword is as cool as water, and the blue light flashes.

The two of them looked at each other across a long sword.

The man in black's eyes were filled with unbelievable despair, while Marquis Yun's eyes were still as calm as ice and snow, without any change.

"You... you are not... not the Sixth Level Mountain... you... you are the Nine Levels..." The man in black spoke out with difficulty, looking at the long sword on his chest, he felt that all his strength was flowing out along with his vitality.

I just felt ridiculous and ridiculous in my heart.

Who was the peerless master of the Nine Heavens who spread the news that he only had the Sixth Heaven? And he and others just come to ambush a Nine Heavens master like this

This... this is simply a frame-up!

"I have never been from Liuzhongshan." Marquis Yun said calmly: "Who asked you to come?"

"Giggle..." The man in black made a strange sound in his throat and murmured: "Do you think you can ask?"

Marquis Yun nodded calmly, and with a force, the sword pierced his chest.


The long sword is sheathed.

Marquis Yun's black-clothed figure was already ten feet away, and after another flash, he had disappeared.

I didn't even plan to ask!

What is supposed to come will always come!

I have a sword.


The tall figure disappeared into the mountains and forests, flew towards Tiantang City, and turned into a tangible and insubstantial stream of light in the night.

In the dense forest behind him, the masked man in black looked at the bloody hole on his chest in disbelief. He did not expect that the other party would kill him so neatly.

Didn't he want to ask himself something? Why don't you ask

Just as simple as that...

Confused, the body of the man in black slowly fell to the sky.

The corpses of twelve men in black fell on the ground in twelve directions. Their heads were almost facing each other, and their feet were splayed outwards...

It was like an extremely well-proportioned flower blooming on the ground.

With a casual sword, blood flowers bloom; with one move, twelve kills, life forms an array.

Tiantang City, in a corner.

There is a small tavern.

The tavern has no name.

Obviously, business is very bad and there are few people around. An old man with gray hair and cloudy eyes sat on the small bench in front of the door, drowsily.

Yun Yang's figure emerged from the night, came to the old man's side, and said calmly: "Old Dugu, a guest is here."

The old man's eyes were dim and he kept saying, "What would you like to eat, sir?"

A warm smile appeared on Yun Yang's face and he said, "I want to eat the cabbage and tofu you made, and also drink some Tongxin wine."

The old man raised his head, looked at Yun Yang, and said, "This guest officer is very unfamiliar."

Yun Yang said: "People who have eaten your cabbage and tofu are still acquaintances, even if they are strangers."

The old man's eyes lit up and he said: "Yes, yes, it makes sense. Please follow me."

Yun Yang walked in, and the old man was right behind him, and he actually installed the door panel directly. Put up a sign.


He actually stopped serving other customers.

"No one has come to drink in my small shop for a long time..." Old Dugu hunched over and said in a low voice while busy: "If you don't come today, and no one comes in a few days, I will close the door. gone… "

Yun Yang looked distant, watching the scenes in this dirty shop, his eyes full of emotion.

Still remember... every time when we came back from a mission, the brothers would use different methods and different paths to find this place and meet here.

The brothers each have a small table, and everyone is drinking alone. However, the occasional eye contact is full of joy and happiness.

We are together again.

Now, there are still small tables in this shop. Each small table is only two feet square. It can only hold a plate of food, a pot of wine, and a wine glass. There is no other space.

Eighteen platforms are neatly arranged along the corners.

Yun Yang subconsciously walked to the ninth small table and sat down.

His eyes swept around several other tables involuntarily.

Old Dugu looked at Yun Yang's expression and suddenly lowered his head. Two drops of muddy old tears fell on the ground. Then he carefully cleaned the pot and all the utensils; he did it very carefully. A crystal-clear cabbage appeared on the chopping board.

After groping with his fingers, a hidden cabinet appeared on the wall in front of him. He took out a kitchen knife with a cold light and said as if no one else was watching: "Do you want to learn my craft?"

"Do you want to learn how to make cabbage and tofu with me?"

"This cabbage needs to be shredded... This tofu needs... the water used..."

Yun Yang listened carefully and finally said softly, "Old Dugu, are you leaving too?"

Old Dugu's turbid eyes stared blankly in the void, and murmured: "They are all gone... The old guests are all gone... They are no longer coming... What am I doing if I stay here?"

Yun Yang felt sad and said, "I will come often."

"You won't come often, and you can't come often." Old Dugu murmured, "This is the last meal I cooked for you."

There were tears shining in his cloudy eyes.

Yun Yang was silent for a while.

You won't come often, you have too much to do. You can't come often. If you come, it will affect your state of mind.

Yun Yang understands.

He was silent, and Lao Dugu was also silent and busy.

The sound of the kitchen knife, the sound of hot oil, and the unspeakable aroma filled the entire small room. An inexplicable loneliness and an inexplicable warmth suddenly hit Yun Yang's heart.

A plate of cabbage and tofu was already placed in front of me.

Cabbage is like jade, crystal clear; tofu is like white jade, white and flawless; soup is like clear water and blue sky.

A bottle of wine was placed in front of Yun Yang.

The aroma of wine is fragrant.

"Old Dugu, put a pot of wine and a plate of food on the other eight tables." Yun Yang finally couldn't help it and said hoarsely.

Old Dugu was stunned for a moment and murmured: "Send it up?"

"Put it on!"

Yun Yang buried his head, his voice hoarse and trembling slightly.

Screw hiding my identity, when I get here, I'm going to have a meal and a drink with my brothers!

The latest chapter of "I Am the Supreme" is published by Yunqi Academy, the place where the latest, hottest and fastest online novels are published! (This site provides two modes: traditional page turning and waterfall reading, which can be selected in the settings)

(End of chapter)