I Am Supreme

Chapter 64: plan


But Yun Zuiyue was extremely surprised that Yun Yang took the initiative to visit her this time.

She was afraid of leaking the secret and did not dare to contact Yun Yang at all, but she was always worried in her heart: Will there be any new news

As long as Yun Yang is still there, she feels that the connection between herself and her sweetheart is still there!

"It doesn't matter if there is no new news." Yun Zuiyue said with a smile: "That's right, what I said is not quite right. Brothers, don't take it to heart. If something happens, it's okay. Come and see your sister-in-law more often, haha... In my sister-in-law's heart, That’s enough.”

When she spoke to Yun Yang, she even tried to please him carefully and unconsciously.

He was afraid that if he offended Yun Yang, Yun Yang would not come.

"Sister Yue, you... don't have to be like this." Yun Yang said uncomfortably: "The more you act like this, the worse I feel..."

Yun Zuiyue smiled gently and said, "It's okay. Sister Yue will be happy if you can come."

When she heard that Yun Yang never called her "sister-in-law", her eyes dimmed for a moment, and then she followed Yun Yang's call and called herself Sister Yue.

"But I really don't want to come." Yun Yang said, "Because as long as I come, I will definitely trouble Sister Yue with a lot of things."

Yun Zuiyue smiled sweetly: "You know, I am very happy to be troubled by you. The more trouble you bring, the better; that way, I will feel that I have done something for him."

Yun Yang said cautiously: "Can I ask Sister Yue about her past with the five great people?"

Yun Zuiyue smiled miserably and said, "In the past... it was actually very simple... the two of us came from the same place. There was a vicious training camp, and too many orphans were concentrated there... When I was arrested, I was only five years old and he was six years old."

"In that place, boys are trained to be thieves, pickpockets, killers, or beggars. Those without talent have their hands and feet broken, or are tortured into deformities by other means, and are taken out to beg..."

"Girls, some pretty ones, are trained to be prostitutes, or others who can please men...and are sold; some of the very few with outstanding talents are trained to be female killers, or before death...they are not good-looking and endowed. Generally, they go out to beg; when they grow up, their figure will be judged. If they are good, they will be played by men. If their figure is not good, they will be killed directly... "

"Such a vicious place!" Yun Yang was filled with indignation: "Where is it?!"

Yun Zuiyue smiled sadly: "At that time, he was considered strong among the children inside; he took care of us little sisters everywhere, and he also had training value and good qualifications. He was listed as a killer training target; in my When he was nine years old, he was quite handsome, but one of his caregivers became evil. He killed the caregiver and escaped with us three little girls... "

"Since then, he has been living in the rivers and lakes... living in danger; he also goes out to work hard every day, either killing people, robbing, or stealing things, just to support us."

Yun Yang sighed quietly.

Yun Zuiyue did not elaborate on this experience, but Yun Yang could fully imagine how difficult it must be for a ten-year-old boy to lead three eight- or nine-year-old girls to kill people, escape, and make a living. period of time. I think Fifth Brother must have suffered a lot at that time...

"When I was eleven, we met Lady Red Sleeves."

"Mrs. Hongxiu took in our three girls, but then he refused Mrs. Hongxiu's care and went out on his own... That year, he was only twelve."

"Every year, he would come to see us and bring many, many things. Later, Mrs. Hongxiu died of illness, and when we were sixteen, we were once again helpless. He came back... "

"Then, three years later, when I was nineteen years old, Qingyunfang was established. In that year, he led several brothers to completely wipe out the evil training base and kill everyone. "

"And many people in Qingyunfang are brothers and sisters who came from there... He has always taken care of us."

"After that... we started to select people, but we didn't know it. It was a strange road. We didn't know it, so we followed many people on that road... When we came out, he was taken gone."

"Then he was very excited when he came back." Yun Zuiyue's eyes were filled with sadness; "I know he was chosen."

"After some time, I realized that... that place was selecting people..." Yun Zuiyue said: "The person I love most has become such a heroic existence... You don't know how excited I am."

Yun Yang felt pity in his heart.


Or maybe you didn’t realize at that time that although Fifth Brother took that path to become an unparalleled hero, it was definitely not a good thing for the future of the two of you...

"That night..." Yun Zuiyue smiled bitterly: "I want to give all of myself to him. I told him that I want to be his woman and I want to be his concubine!"

"And he got furious!"

"He said that if he wants to marry me, he must marry me openly! But at that time, I knew that we, Qingyunfang, supported this family business. Although we ourselves were pure and pure, in the eyes of outsiders, no matter how She is also a brothel girl! I have lost the qualification to be his legal wife. If he was still a tramp in the world, it would be okay, but he is no longer. "

"But he persisted."

"We made a big fuss...and broke up."

Yun Yang closed his eyes.

As a Jiu Zun, marry a woman openly and honestly...

How difficult it is!

He remembered what the fifth brother looked like when he first entered the Nine Deities and became one of the Nine Deities. At that time, he seemed to be worried and depressed every day; although he did not delay anything, everyone could see the entanglement in his heart.

Only every time he takes himself or other brothers to Qingyunfang to play, he will act very happy, but when he comes back, he will return to his original state...

This Qingyunfang...

I have actually come here in disguise many times...

"So we started arguing constantly..."

"But he still refused to change his mind. Finally, last year, he told me that he had figured it out. It was impossible for him to be an openly married couple with me..." Yun Zuiyue said: "When he comes back from his mission this time , just hold a simple ceremony, just invite his brothers to have a drink, and he is considered to be married to me... "

"On that day, we were both happy... because I was going to be his woman, and I was finally going to be with my childhood dream... He was also very happy. He thought he had figured it out... That day, it was three years ago. The third day of the lunar month.”

Yun Yang lowered his head.

The third day of March.

In the early morning of the fourth day of March, nine of them set off to Hengyun Castle, taking eight hundred brothers with them, and headed eastward.

On the ninth day of March, we arrived at Tianxuan Cliff...

"But he went on a mission this time..." Yun Zuiyue smiled sadly, looked at Yun Yang, and said slowly, "But he still hasn't come back until now."

Yun Yang felt like his heart was cut by a knife. After a long time, he said softly: "Sister Yue, sisters, if you need anything from now on... just come to me. Even though the five elders are not here... But, everything is with me!"

Yun Zuiyue smiled slightly: "That's indispensable."

Although she said that, Yun Yang could tell that... I'm afraid... if she was really in trouble, she would never ask him for help.

Just like before, there was always something going on in Qingyunfang, but she never went to Fifth Brother for help.

She knew that her identity and others must not be revealed.

Yun Zuiyue took a gentle breath, wiped away the tears that had flowed out of her face without any trace, and forced a smile: "When I talk about these things, I can't stop... I haven't asked yet, my little brother. This time, I need Sister Yue’s help with something.”

"That's what happened." Yun Yang pondered for a moment and said, "There was a general in the military who once called himself General Zhenbei. He was a tall man. Although he acted with a mask, his face was revealed from under his mask. Under his chin, there is a corner of his curly beard."

"And, it's a little gray."

"He has a strong build and is eight feet tall. He should weigh about two hundred pounds."

"His official position should be above that of a general, with one level of command, or even higher. At the very least, from his words and deeds, you can see the aura of solemn power."

Yun Yang said: "However, there are dozens of generals in the army who meet these conditions."

"And now I want to find this person among these dozen people." Yun Yang said softly: "And among these people, there are seven or eight people who often come to Qingyunfang."

"So, I need Sister Yue to help me with this."

Yun Zuiyue listened carefully and said, "This person?..."

Yun Yang said in a low voice: "What happened to the nine bosses was caused by the joint efforts of the military and political parties, the royal family, nobles, aristocratic families, including Jianghu forces... almost more than one-third of the superpowers in the world. "

"And now, we're going to find these people."

“We don’t ask for wealth and glory, nor do we ask for lordships to last for generations, nor do we ask for everlasting fame, but we must get back this justice!”

"Enemy's battlefield generals and so on... we can let it go; because they are enemies, no matter what they do, they can't be called despicable; they are all deserved. However, we plan to do these traitors in the country and these gangs of gangsters in the world. … I won’t let anyone go!”

“If you find one, clean one up!”

Yun Yang's eyes were cold and determined.

"How are you going to clean it up?" Yun Zuiyue asked.

"The nine clans will be put to death!"

Yun Yang said word by word: "Kill all the accomplices! All personnel will be implicated! This time, in order to get this justice, for revenge... we are willing to do such cruel things. Even if we have to go to hell in the future... this matter , and it must be done!”


"You have such determination, which is the most refreshing thing for me!" Yun Zuiyue's eyes shone, she praised, and said: "I will help you with all my strength! No matter what you do, it will work!"

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(End of chapter)