I Am the Cutest in the Universe

Chapter 15


— Mianmian baby! I am coming! Don't be afraid that His Royal Highness the Duke is ignoring you! I'm here to warm you up!

In the zoo and botanical garden, Sivir's gaze was fixed on this star network comment. There are some strange emotions in my heart.

He turned his head and looked to the side.

Tu Mianmian, led by the director of the zoo and botanical garden, stopped in front of a plant and talked in a low voice.

The golden sunlight casts a thin layer of shimmer on Tu's long hair, and the picture of him smiling at the plants and bending his eyebrows and eyes is particularly beautiful.

His Excellency the Duke thought about it, and finally took advantage of his authority to delete this comment with a cold expression.

Optical Brain AI Butler: ...

Sivir turned off the optical brain and walked towards Tu Mianmian.

This plant originally curled its leaves and rubbed against Tu Mianmian affectionately, but when the Lord Duke's powerful breath approached, it quickly retracted the leaves, shook the leaves and then stopped moving, looking very cute.

The director of the zoo and botanical garden smiled and said, "I'm afraid of His Highness the Duke."

Sivir glanced at the plant.

Tu Mianmian stretched out her hands to pinch the leaves, seeing that the plants were really captured by Sivir's breath, and after daring not to move, she didn't force it.

He followed the gardener forward to get to know the next plant.


After Xivir and Tu Mianmian entered the zoo and botanical garden, they were greeted by the director in person. Later, the director put down what he was doing and came to accompany him in person.

However, it is better to say that Sivir and the director are accompanying Tu Mianmian to visit the zoo and botanical garden.

When Sivir faced the people in the military department, he had already spoken very little. Not to mention the director who has no common topic.

On the contrary, Tu Mianmian is high-spirited and easy to get along with, allowing the director to play a role.

Along the way, all the plants I saw were very enthusiastic about Tu Mianmian.

The director of the garden had heard about the infinite favorability of a single species of Tumianmian before, and when he saw this, he thought it was due to Tumianmian's high affinity. He was surprised and very happy.

Tu Mianmian is well aware that these mutant plants with wisdom are close to him because of his demon power.

Passing by another plant that was waving its leaves enthusiastically towards the picture, the director smiled and complimented, "It seems that all the exotic plants in our Expo Garden have been tamed by the Duchess. Even the most cold-tempered ones are gentle after seeing Madam." Incredibly."

Hearing this, Tu Mianmian subconsciously glanced at Sivir.

Why does the director seem to be alluding to his iron-blooded and cruel husband when he speaks

The head of the garden intends to sell Sivirtu Mianmian a favor, "After Du Lulu's favorability was announced yesterday, the Alien Plant Association intends to conduct a comprehensive survey of the affinity of the Duchess with different plants."

He was the first to reveal the news: "However, the details have not yet been confirmed. Once confirmed, the Duchess will be contacted in a few days."

Hearing this, Sivir nodded slightly.

He has to leave Central Star in a few days, and this matter will most likely be handed over to Mr. Steward to help him deal with it.

He accepted the director's favor, and said to Tu Mianmian: "This matter is up to you, if you don't want to go, don't go."

Tu Mianmian was carrying the two of them on her back, squatting and secretly communicating with a short alien plant. Looking at it from Sivir's point of view, only Tu Mianmian's cheeks could be seen moving.

"Mianmian?" Seeing Mianmian's response, Sivir called again.

It happened that there was a commotion not far away, and Sivir sent the head of the garden over to check on the situation, leaving him and Tu Mianmian in place.

Tu Mianmian stood up, puffed her cheeks, and said slowly: "Well, I see..."

His Excellency the Duke suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the little girl's cheeks.

Tu Mianmian was pinched into a goldfish's mouth, and he gave Sivir a look, which made him look like a foolish goldfish.

Sivir's hand loosened slowly. Tu Mianmian didn't hide it with puffy cheeks, and started chewing directly.

He pointed to the short alien plant and said, "It's eating. It smells so good to me. I just want to taste it."

Sivir took a step forward to look at the profile of the mutated plant. The short xenoplant was afraid of the killing and bloody aura on Sivir, and when he saw him approaching, he shrank into a ball in fright, trembling.

This heterophyte is called dandancao. A circle of nutritious soil beside it is also planted with food for its daily needs - a kind of wild vegetables.

Wild vegetables are non-toxic and can be eaten by humans.

A trace of complexity flashed in Sivir's eyes: "Have you tasted it?"

"En!" Tu Mianmian nodded heavily.

After chewing, he moved his throat and swallowed it, "It gave me a wild vegetable to eat."

I didn't expect him to be flirtatious,

Cute and cute, stealing wild vegetables.

His Excellency the Duke looked dazed.

... Is it because the duke's mansion has too few food types to satisfy the little girl's appetite

Otherwise, how could it be reduced to the point of begging for food from a different plant

Xiaojiaofu’s comments came to my ears: "I think the taste is not bad. The taste is crunchy, full of water, and sweet."

Sivir: "…"

Sivir: "..."

For the first time, the Duke realized that his little sweetheart's recipe seemed a bit special.

At this time, the director who was sent out to see the situation came back.

He didn't figure out what happened, but he was a little afraid that the lively crowd would crash into the Duchess.

The head of the garden suggested: "It's almost time to see the plants, why don't you invite His Royal Highness and Madam to go to the zoo area on the other side?"

The zoo area is far away from here, so there is no need to be disturbed by noise after passing by.

"Hmm." Sivir glanced at the dan dan grass and wild vegetables, and naturally responded.

Tu Mianmian has never seen interstellar animals, so she is very curious about them.

"Let's go, let's go," he immediately followed the head of the garden with great interest, "Come on!"

At the same time, a large number of airships landed at the moorings at the entrance of the zoo and plant, and countless people hurried towards the zoo and plant.

Their goals are roughly the same, and they met each other on the road, and they can still hear their loud discussions:

"Where?! Where are His Highness the Duke and Mianmian?"

"I don't know about ducks. I went to the aquatic variation plant area to look for it, but there is no one."

"Hahaha go out to chase stars! Go!"

"Is there any little sister who has been squatting on His Royal Highness the Duke and Mian Mian? Can you send me a specific location?"

"I brought my flying camera, I must take a framed photo of His Highness the Duke and Mianmian!"

"I want to come to Kangkang. Is His Royal Highness really in the central star?"

"Quick, everyone split up to find His Royal Highness the Duke and Mian Mian, and share the location if you find it!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of echoes, and everyone happily staged a play of Duke/Where did Mianmian go.

And the quiet area deep in the zoo and botanical garden. A girl is walking with the nanny robot who raised her.

They read with gusto the comments on the Brain that called "Catch the Duchess Alive", and saw a large group of people running past in front of them.

This group of people was very lively, which injected vitality into the quiet zoo and botanical garden.

The nanny robot looked at the back of the crowd and said with a smile: "Which wave is this? There are more and more troops looking for His Royal Highness and Duchess."

"Hahaha." The girl also laughed and said, "It's a pity that we just went around two or three places and didn't meet His Highness the Duke and Mianmian."

In a blink of an eye, they saw three people coming out of a small path.

A middle-aged man was leading the way, and he treated the two people behind him with respect.

And the one in the middle is a fair-skinned young man who seems to be glowing under the baptism of the sun. He walked and jumped, like an elf jumping in the forest to chase the light.

The one who walked at the end was a tall and mature young man with steady steps and an indifferent expression, and one could feel the repulsive aura in him from a distance.

The young man in the middle seemed to have something to say to the young man behind him. He turned his head, and his exquisite and beautiful face was instantly caught in the eyes of passers-by.

That face is full of anticipation and a bright smile, giving the overall feeling of softness and cuteness.

The girl was instantly attracted. She let out a "hey", bowed her head and said to the nanny robot, "I think these people look familiar!"

The nanny robot was also cheerful, "Yeah. I also find it very familiar!"

Girl: "..."

robot:"… "


Her eyes widened in an instant, and she almost used the strength and speed to break her head, and turned her head quickly to look carefully.

Who else is it if it's not Tu Mianmian and His Royal Highness the Duke? !

The nanny robot also reacted, and quickly took the photo.

They hurried to catch up. But the middle-aged man leading the way had already swiped his identity verification in front of a protective shield, and entered inside with Tu Mianmian and Xivir.

The protective cover blocked the girl and the nanny robot, and the girl slapped her thigh in frustration, "Oh! This is the zoo area, and we didn't buy tickets for the zoo area! We can't get in!"

Behind her, the nanny robot has already bought tickets quickly on the star network.

Whoa! Robots are chasing stars too!

His Royal Highness the Duke of Glory! It comes for the signature spicy!


While purchasing the ticket, the nanny robot also sent the pictures and coordinates to the star network in the nearby area.

A group of people who were blindly running around in the zoo and plant like mindless flies suddenly had a target.

[I found it I found it! Everyone rush! ]

[Mianmian I'm coming! Come into my arms! ]

[It turns out that the rumors are all true! His Royal Highness the Duke is really in the central star! He is back! ]

[I have to go and see for myself, seeing is believing, the current synthesis technology is too powerful, I can’t believe the pictures]

[Coordinates to the zoo area, I have already bought a ticket and rushed in, just waiting to meet His Royal Highness the Duke and Mian Mian! ]

[Eh? I don't understand, is there any problem with His Highness the Duke himself in the central star? I see that many people are very serious about this issue]

[Think about it, there is a war on the border. As the chief commander of the war, His Royal Highness the Duke suddenly returned alone at a critical moment, it is inevitable... ]

[Ha ha! I seem to have seen Mianmian! ! ! Come on everyone! Stealing Mianmian brigade gathers 1/100! ]

[I see that you are sending heads! Dare to rob Mianmian with His Highness the Duke? ! ]

Still in a peaceful zoo area.

Tu Mianmian is standing in front of an "animal", and the director is introducing it.

The whole body of this animal is pitch-black, and its shape is strange, almost like a polygonal creature, with a pitch-black horn growing on its forehead.

Tu Mianmian looked at the animals in front of her, and then looked down at herself.

He looked at the animals, and then at himself.

—Sure enough, he is still the cutest!


In front of him, the voice of the director who was introducing the animals suddenly stopped.

The director looked down at a message sent from his optical brain, a trace of surprise flashed across his face. Immediately, he stepped forward and explained the situation outside to Sivir in a low voice.

Hearing this, Sivir nodded to show that she already knew.

He stretched out his hand to Tu Mianmian, "Mianmian, come here."

"What's wrong?" Tu Mianmian didn't know why.

He put his hand in Sivir's palm.

Afterwards, Sivir clutched it tightly, and with a force, was pulled into Sivir's arms.

This scene was seen by the crowd who poured in instantly.

The crowd suddenly set off a wave of noise, and the tranquil atmosphere was instantly broken.