I Am the Cutest in the Universe

Chapter 37


The Duke's expression was cold, and everyone was silent.

Sivir looked around with cold eyes. All the soldiers caught by his eyes felt chills and stiffened. I feel like I'm on something big.

"Stand at attention." His Excellency the Duke said indifferently.

The soldiers surrounding the front immediately separated like a tide, sticking to the base of the wall and standing in two neat rows. Standing solemnly, there was no sound.

Only then did he finally look a little disciplined.

Sivir walked through the middle, and when the soles of his boots hit the ground, there was a slight sound.

Tu Mianmian lay on top of the Duke's head, turned her head to look at the neat queue beside her, her small eyes were full of admiration.

Suddenly, he caught sight of a soldier.

There was a flash of light in the soldier's eyes. He stared at Tu Mianmian closely, full of desire to lick Fuzzy.

Excuse me! Excuse me!

Mianmiantu immediately turned his head back and pointed his butt at these people.

Sivir walked forward for a short distance and stopped in front of an office.

He glanced sideways and saw that the soldiers in the two rows were still acting honestly, then looked away, pointed at the cotton rabbit on his head, opened the door and entered his exclusive office.

The door was closed again, and the figures of Lord Duke and Mian Mian Tu disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the stagnant and cold atmosphere in the wide corridor melted away.

Everyone's tense nerves slowly relaxed, and while they were relieved, they were also full of question marks.

—You have lived a long life, why is His Highness the Duke so angry all of a sudden

"Don't you want to lend us the cutie to play with?" Someone scratched his head, staring at the closed office door of the Duke, wanting to see through.

"Isn't it?" Someone wailed, "His Royal Highness is so stingy!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of His Royal Highness the Dark Shark you."

"Bah, it's not your fluffy, what kind of face do you have to say that you are stingy?"

"That's right! If I had a fluffy one, I wouldn't lend it to you to play with."

"Oh, don't take it seriously, I'm just joking."

Next to the commander's office, the door of a small office suddenly opened.

Yuri walked out of his adjutant's office and glanced at the soldiers. He frowned and said, "Don't make a fuss."

Yuri heard what happened in the corridor just now from behind the door.

Thinking about his rude words before, and looking at these people now, he couldn't help feeling complicated.

Still want to touch His Royal Highness's cutie? Huh.

Unexpectedly, this group of guys are less afraid of death than him. Those who don't know are really fearless.

"Hey, Yuri." A soldier hooked Yuri's shoulders and leaned towards him to inquire, "Why did His Royal Highness raise small animals all of a sudden? I feel that this is not the usual style of His Highness the Duke."

His Royal Highness always looks icy, so cute fluffy stays beside His Highness, will it really not be frozen by His Highness's air-conditioning

Yuri looked at the group of soldiers who were waiting for his answer, and looked at their stupid and innocent faces. Yuri pinched the center of his eyebrows and sighed, "It's not a small animal."

"It's the Duchess." Yuri said indifferently: "The Duchess has experienced atavism. This is his complete animal form."

Everyone was startled when they heard the words: "...???"

Immediately: "!!!"

After everyone reacted, there was an uproar.

Immediately, there was a sound of lying on the scene.

In the midst of the noise, someone pointed at the grass-green haired friend beside him and laughed, "Wow—then you just wanted to touch the wife of His Highness the Duke?!"


There was a sudden silence in the lively scene.

This sentence was like thunder on the ground, and everyone turned their heads to look at the culprit.

The grass-green haired man was trembling, and now that he realized it, he didn't know where to put his head.

He shed two lines of tears: "...I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense, I won't dare again."

"The case has been solved, His Highness the Duke's sudden indifference is because of him!"

"He really ate the guts of the ambitious leopard!"

"It's still too young, I think he thinks he has an extra life..."

Sivir's office.

After Mianmian came in, she got off Sivir's head. He ran around the office, jumped there, and visited the space.

The office is large and simple, which is very in line with the neat and tidy style of the Duke.

Sivir was standing in front of the filing cabinet to pick up things, and Tu Mianmian squatted on the smooth floor, looking at his back with his head tilted.

"Mianmian?" Sivir turned around, bent down and hugged Tu Mianmian, put it on the desk, and put it on her left hand side, "Stay next to me."

Tu Mianmian obediently sat by Sivir's hand, watching the Duke handle his official duties sideways, not making noise or making noise, he was a super invincible and obedient little rabbit.

Robbins just sent Tu Mian Mian! Information, Tu Mianmian had nothing to do, started chatting with Robbins.

Robbins seemed to have just woken up, and saw the news on the star network after waking up. He was taken aback, and hurried over to ask Tu Mianmian: [Mianmian, are you really not going to the second episode of the Animal and Plant Variety Show? ]

[Not going. ] Tu Mianmian replied.

Although he still misses the little elf Du Lulu playing the grass.

[Mianmian, are you really all right? ] Robbins also saw the dynamic statement issued by the Duke.

But out of concern, he still couldn't help asking one more question: [Your mental power was absorbed by the Rainbow Flower before, and was sent to the Royal Hospital by His Royal Highness that night, are you really all right? ]

Robbins was worried: [Are you too sick to go out? I haven't seen any of you lately. ]

[I'm super healthy! ] Figure typed slowly in response.

His rabbit claws poked on the optical computer screen: [I came to the military building today, and I want to attend the meeting with Sivir. ]

Seeing this sentence, Robbins was relieved.

Tu Mianmian can still attend the event, which must be due to her health. It's just that what Mian Mian attended was not an ordinary variety show event, but an official event with a threshold level.

[Then you are busy first, I will not bother you. ] Robbins leaves, [let's talk later. ]

[Ouch. ] Figure lingeringly ends the topic.

After chatting with Robbins, Tu Mianmian felt sleepy again.

He put his head on the Duke's arm and rubbed it, as if coquettishly: [I want to sleep. ]

Mianmiantu has been feeling sleepy recently.

Do whatever you want, sleep first.

"Yeah." Sivir just finished handling his official duties and was notified to go to the meeting room.

He put the rabbit ball that was trapped in a ball on the desk into his coat pocket, and the docile clothes suddenly bulged out.

Sivir patted the outside of his pocket lightly, and coaxed through a layer of fabric: "Go to sleep."

His Excellency the Duke was not at ease leaving the little rabbit alone in the office to sleep, so he simply kept it with him all the time.

The little rabbit huddled in the pocket of the coat full of the air of the Duke, found a comfortable position to lie down, and began to sleep.

Sivir got up and walked out.

The military meeting is about to start, and he has to rush to the conference room.

After going out, Adjutant Anna was waiting outside.

"Your Highness the Duke." Anna glanced at the Duke, gently reminding her superiors to pay attention to their appearance when attending formal official meetings. ! .

"You can let me keep the things in your pocket for you first." Anna said.

This bulging mass is really unattractive, and it simply damages the image of His Royal Highness the Duke.

Hearing this, Sivir glanced at Anna, and he stretched out his hand to open the pocket of his coat.

Anna: "?"

Anna poked her head to look, and saw a ball of snow-white fluff lying in the pocket of His Highness the Duke.

… fuzzy

Anna was taken aback.

"It's Mianmian." Sivir said indifferently, "He fell asleep."

Anna: "!!!"

Anna's eyes widened in an instant, her gaze was glued to the ball of fluff, and she immediately changed her words: "Then please be careful, Your Highness, and don't let other things hit the Duchess!"

As for grooming

It doesn't matter at all! ! !

"Yeah." Sivir closed his pocket, cutting off Anna's perverted eyes peeking at Mian Miantu's sleep.

The two walked to the conference room several floors higher one by one.

Anna followed behind the lord duke, almost watching all directions and hearing all directions.

She was afraid that some blind idiot would accidentally bump into the Duke—it doesn't matter if it hits the Duke, she was afraid that it might even damage the little duchess in his pocket.

After finally reaching the door of the meeting room, Anna stopped staring at the passers-by.

In the large and solemn meeting room, there are already many officers sitting. From the retired Marshal Commander General to the young and promising major.

Sivir is the leader of the younger generation, ranging from the chief commander of the empire. At the conference table, his position is also very high.

He followed the guidance of the reception robot and sat down in his own place, with Anna standing behind him.

Sitting next to Sivir was a retired general. This is a kind old man, and when he saw Sivir coming, he greeted him cheerfully.

After the two exchanged simple greetings, the old general's eyes fell on Sivir's bulging pockets.

The old general was overjoyed when he met his companions, and he said happily: "Are you also sneaking in to eat snacks?"

The old general's pockets were also bulging. He took out two pieces of candy from his pocket, and the pocket immediately collapsed.

"I brought it too." The old general handed a piece of candy to Sivir, "here, this is for you."

Sivir: "…"

Sivir took the candy and nodded slightly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The old general waved his hand, stretched his neck to look at Sivir's pocket, his eyes were full of curiosity: "What food did you bring?"

Sivir: "..."

His Excellency the Duke was unable to answer this question.

Fortunately, the start of the meeting was announced, and everyone stopped whispering, and everyone sat upright with a serious face.

Also did not talk about the topic of what the Mianmian rabbit eats.

Since the official start of the meeting, the whole atmosphere has been solemn and solemn.

As the chief commander of the border campaign, after Sivir took the stage to speak, all eyes were on him.

His bulging pockets were not immune to attention.

But His Royal Highness's speech was the most important, and everyone had to turn their attention away from their bulging pockets.

"It can be seen from here that the battle damage of the main ship at that time..." In Sivir's hand, the 3D data image appeared in mid-air, changing with his explanation.

Everyone in the conference room was a little distracted.

— Is it my own illusion? How do you feel His Royal Highness's pocket is moving

Everyone was filled with confusion.

And it seems to be to verify the doubts of everyone.

The next moment, the Duke's pocket moved again.


Not an illusion, not vertigo. In the pocket of the duke's coat, the bulging mass is really moving!

is alive? !

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were fixed on the Duke's coat pocket for an instant.


In the Duke's pocket, Tu Mianmian: "...?"

Tu Mianmian woke up after taking a nap, and just after stretching, he felt like a light was on his back, as if someone was staring at him, like a real gaze on him.

who is it!

spying on me!

Tu Mianmian moved the little jiojio tentatively, and turned around in the Duke's pocket.

The sight outside seems to be getting hotter.

Tu Mianmian shook her head, not understanding why. It was pitch black in his pocket, and he couldn't figure out where he was now.

The Duke's voice came from above his head, but he spoke terms that Tutu couldn't understand.

The Mianmian Rabbit shook its tail, tilted its head and thought for a while, and began to climb on the clothes to get out.

He pushed open the pocket, and the bright light from outside shone in. Tu Mianmian carefully poked her head out, and took a peek outside.