I Am the Cutest in the Universe

Chapter 47


"Does the Duchess want to keep the child?" Old Professor Tan asked.

Tu Mianmian hasn't spoken yet. Sivir was the first to respond.

He asked for an empty ward, and after dismissing the others, only he and Tu Mianmian were left to discuss this serious issue together.

After Sivir was bombarded by the news that the little girl was pregnant, after the initial bewilderment and bewilderment, she turned back to the calm and upright Duke.

"Mianmian." Sivir pressed the palm of Tumianmian's shoulder firmly and forcefully. It seems that this is giving Tu endless support and strength.

Sivir looked directly into Tu Mianmian's eyes, emerald green eyes filled with tolerance and tenderness: "No matter what your decision is, I will support you."

If Tu Mianmian wants to keep this child, he will raise the child together with Mianmian.

If Tu Mianmian doesn't want to give birth to the child in her womb, then she won't.

— There is no need to contribute to the fertility rate of the empire, thus ignoring Tu Mianmian's own wishes.

His Royal Highness, the Duke of the Empire, can shield his lover from all wind and rain.

"Ah..." Tu Mianmian scratched his face.

Unexpectedly, Tu Mianmian was very calm, and he said with a matter of course: "Then give birth."

His tone was as casual as if he wanted to eat two bowls of rice tonight.

Sivir: "…"

Xivir paused for a moment, his expression became serious, and he said in a deep voice, "Mianmian, is this the result of your serious consideration?"

Tu Mianmian had never seen such a serious look on the Duke's face. He glanced at Sivir's face, and asked cautiously, "Could it be impossible?"

Their rabbit family gave birth to cubs one after another, and the rabbits were thriving. Therefore, Tu Mianmian is used to giving birth to cubs.

Since he unraveled the doubt of "can male rabbits give birth to cubs" at the very beginning, he has accepted it even better, and has never felt any sense of rejection.

Tu Mianmian's only doubt is that he doesn't know how many babies he can have at one time.

"No." Hearing Tu Mianmian's question, Sivir immediately shook his head in denial, "Of course it will happen."

His Excellency the Duke hesitated slightly. He looked at the cute and headless little girl, and he didn't know how to explain the seriousness of this problem to the little girl.

The two sides were wrong, and the communication was not on the same channel. After chatting with the duck for a while, the Duke finally understood that his little husband was sincerely willing to keep the child in his womb.

Willing, very willing, very willing.

Sivir: "…"

The Duke was silent for a moment, and then the corners of his lips slowly curled up. He bowed his head and kissed the top of Tu's long hair, softly! Said: "Thank you."

"Mianmian." Sivir hugged Tu Mianmian with careful and precious movements.

He rubbed Tu Mianmian's long ears with his fingertips, and the light in his eyes was as bright as a galaxy: "Congratulations, you are going to be a father."

Tu Mianmian shook his rabbit ears.

He was very happy with the love and respect that the Duke showed him, and hugged the Duke back, "Congratulations to you too, you are going to be a father!"


Tu Mianmian didn't want to have an abortion, so she chose to keep the news of the fetus in her womb and pass it on to the eager crowd.

Even though they were so looking forward to this beautiful result in their hearts, when they heard the true news, everyone didn't react for a moment.

This is probably the good news with the highest sense of happiness. It makes people feel like they are in the clouds, and the soles of their feet feel light and soft, as if they can't touch the ground. There is a dreamlike sense of unreality.

His Excellency the Duke came out of the empty ward with his little wife, and looked at the people who had different reactions, with an expression of indifference after a thousand sails.

The dean of the Royal Hospital let out a long sigh of relief. The Duchess is willing to have cubs, which is really the best thing.

Holding a report, he swayed towards Sivir, and said nervously, "Your Highness the Duke."

When the Dean's eyes touched Tu Mianmian beside Sivir, his expression changed, and his face was full of love and smiles, "The main control brain of the central star has already known the good news that the Duchess is pregnant."

The dean turned his head, and when he faced the Duke, he was serious again, and his face changed extremely quickly, "It is a rare and happy event for the Duchess to be pregnant."

It is also a very meaningful thing.

The curse of the empire's fertility rate was broken continuously on this ordinary day. The political significance is self-evident. The royal family and the mastermind hope that the Duke's Palace can cooperate with the official media to carry out publicity.

After hearing the dean's words, His Excellency the Duke glanced at the dean expressionlessly.

He took the report from the dean, flipped through it, and handed it back.

Xivir turned to look at Tu Mianmian, her expression became gentle, and she asked, "Mianmian, do you want to cooperate with the promotion?"

The Duke all acted according to the preferences of the little lady.

Unconscious, he touched his stomach, pondered for a moment, then nodded: "Then let's cooperate."

After the publicity, it was just time to reassure the fans who were worried about him.

—But I can’t hold back my twittering and guessing that the Duke will not raise it, hey!

Seeing that Tu Mianmian agreed, Sivir had no objection.

The dean was overjoyed when he got the approval, and immediately ran to report the news.

They settled the matter here, and Butler Anderson, Judy, and a group of nurse robots who were in ups and downs over there were also relieved.

Judy didn't care about the Duke's death stare, and rushed forward, holding Tu Mianmian's hand.

Tu Mianmian looked at her: "?"

"Ma'am, before you came to the hospital, you said you still wanted to eat custard buns stuffed with liquid heart. Let me bring you a bowl." The Duke next to him fixed his eyes on Judy, if there was any substance.

Zhu Di clenched Tu Mianmian's hand even more, and asked with tears in her eyes, "Do you still want to eat now?"

"..." Tu Mianmian, bathed in Judy's eager anticipation, said bravely, "Eat, eat... shall we?"

"Okay!" Judy replied loudly. Let out a long sob.

eat! Eat hard! Eat a big bowl!

Now the Duchess is not eating alone!

It's two people!

I still have one in my belly!

Zhu Di let go of Tu Mianmian's hand, turned around and ran away in tears, "Ma'am, I will go back to the Duke's mansion to prepare food for you!"

Tu Mianmian: "..."

Tu Mian scratched his face blankly.

The people around her are not normal after being pregnant. what to do? Urgent, wait online!

Beside him, the trembling housekeeper Anderson was discussing with Old Professor Tan about hiring a professional nursing team to enter the Duke's Mansion so that he could take care of Tu Mianmian during her pregnancy 24 hours a day without any gaps.

The surrounding nurse robots enthusiastically raised their hands to speak, hoping to choose themselves.

Tu Mianmian raised a rabbit ear and listened, "Wow".

He still remembered the stalk of his rare animal, and poked the Duke's chest: "Now I have to find a whole team to raise me!"

His Excellency the Duke held the little petite's fingers. Taking advantage of the situation, he held the palm of Xiaojiaofu's backhand.

The previous Lord Duke was domineering and only allowed himself to raise a petite wife by himself.

Now, Lord Duke, I'm afraid that even a team can't take care of his Mianmian-

In the afternoon of the same day, a professional nursing team entered the Duke's Mansion, and the commonly used pregnancy testing equipment was sent in together.

Its mighty battle has stunned many people.

There is a lot of discussion on the star network—

[What's wrong? Why did so many nurse robots go to the Duke's Palace? Why! Could it be that they can form a group to masturbate? ! ]

[Are you going to see a doctor for Mian Mian? I saw the transport boat, it was full of medical equipment. ]

[By the way, isn’t Mianmian’s animal form a good bunny? I remember that the laws of our empire stipulate that raising rare animals requires a breeding team. This should be Yang Mianmian's team, I'm so envious that they can get close to Mianmian every day]

[How is it possible, Mianmian is different from ordinary rare animals, he is just! It's just returning to the ancestors and becoming a little rabbit. Besides, it's impossible for His Royal Highness to allow so many people to compete with him, right? ]

[Hahaha, who of you saw the news just released by the empire. It’s really funny, the news said congratulations to the Duchess for being pregnant, hahaha]

[I saw it too, and it made me laugh. We said that he has a family hereditary disease. What is pregnancy? Does our empire have a second Duchess named Tu Mianmian? ]



The star network that had just become lively suddenly became quiet.

The dead silence lasted for several minutes, and then everyone from Xingwang cheered and rushed into Tu Mianmian's Xingwang account.

On the homepage of Tu Mianmian's account, the official news just released by the empire was placed high above it.

The content of the news is that the gongs and drums are blaring and firecrackers are blaring, the fate of the empire has ushered in a major turning point today, Xi Dapuben congratulates the Duke and his wife on the birth of their precious son.

Netizens: "..."

Then turned around and rushed into Lord Duke's star network account. In addition to the top news, there was also a piece of medical data on the home page of the account.

Netizens don't quite understand the data, but the diagnosis results are very eye-catching.

— Mian Mian Guai Zai is indeed pregnant with a baby.

"..." Everyone in Xingwang froze.

Immediately felt dizzy for a while.

[No, didn't you mean a family hereditary disease? Woo—Tumianmian, I believe in your evil. A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost! ]

[No matter how cute a boy is, he's still a devil, wow! ! ! Mianmian, you didn't learn well at such a young age, but you actually learned to lie and deceive others! ! ! You little bastard woo woo woo]

[I naively thought that a family hereditary disease was really a family hereditary disease, and I went to check a lot of diseases to enrich my theoretical knowledge, and the result... the result! ! ! ]

[It turned out to be fucking pregnant! It's pregnant! ! ! ]

[Waiting! pregnant! How many years have there been no newborns in my great empire! ! ! ]

[I will answer this question! Exactly twenty years have passed since last year! In this way, when the Duke and Mian Mian's child was born, this little Duke is the first person in the empire in twenty years! ! ! ]

[Wow! First person! ! ! ]

[Speaking of which, what Mianmian mentioned in the live broadcast before is that she suffers from a family hereditary disease. So if it is a family hereditary disease... dna... also, it is also a family heredity... ok... ok... ]

[Yes! It makes sense wow! And she also inherited the genes of Lord Duke and Mian Mian at once! ]

[I cried, I cried with real emotion. The scumbag Sivir is not a man! Make a big belly! Poor me, I am going to be a mother at such a young age! ]