I Am the Fated Villain

Chapter 92: Section 92


Everyone was shocked and felt that something big might happen today. , looked up at a magnificent building complex, and several old men with strong breaths had solemn expressions.

"I didn't expect that after so many years of tranquility, Gu Changge is here again? But only one person was sent.

They looked angry and gloomy.

As soon as Bi heard the young master, he knew who it was.

So subconsciously, I thought that this was Gu Changge coming to kill them all. "Has the situation in the clan reached this point now? There are other clan elders in this place.

Yes, Gu Changge doesn't care about them anymore? "I didn't expect the elders of the clan to protect me and wait for so many years, and they couldn't help Gu Changge, that's all.

Now, I'll ask for something today... Yuan"

When they look ugly and guess

The voice of the old man outside the city sounded again, "The young master sent the old slaves to pick up all the people from the Gu family.

As soon as these words came out, everyone here was stunned. How is it different from what you thought

Take them home? What's up

They have been exiled for so many years, and now they are going to take them back to the Gu family.

I have to say that this was something they didn't expect, and they couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

Chapter 80. 080 It's pretty, but aren't you cold

At this moment, all the Gu family members were stunned.

They were ready to resist, but they really didn't expect this old man in the god realm to come to talk about such a thing.

"Is there some conspiracy?"

"On the surface, it is to pick us up to go back home, but in fact, it is secretly killing us all?"

At the moment, many people in the mansion were puzzled, frowning, not understanding what Gu Changge was doing.

Rather, we have to see what medicine Gu Changge sells in the gourd.

"No matter how daring he is, he would not dare to shoot at us so openly.

Although many people are very excited about returning to the Gu family, they are not stupid. They always feel that there is some conspiracy hidden in it.


In an instant, many Gu family members showed up and came out of the city.

Although their cultivation bases were sealed when they were exiled, they were unable to exert their full cultivation bases back then, but the majesty that had been in the top position for a long time was still difficult to conceal.

The monks and cow spirits in the entire ancient city were shocked to see all this.

The outer domain and the inner domain are too far apart, and the star domain in between is not an exaggeration to describe it as the sand of the Ganges River.

Therefore, few of them would associate the Gu surname clan in front of them with the powerful and terrifying clan.

This is incredible.

"Are you sent by Gu Changge?"

A middle-aged man with a face that was not angry and arrogant, stared at Old Ming and asked slowly.

"The old servant was sent by the young master. The young master will be in charge of the Gu family in the future, so I came here to instruct the old servant to bring back the clansmen here."

Old Ming replied, this is what Gu Changge explained.

He actually didn't know why this line was exiled here. In the Gu family, he couldn't even enter the inner island, he was just a retainer.

But what happened more than ten years ago, he still vaguely heard a little, it was a taboo thing that can't be talked about.

He didn't dare to think too much, he was going to lose his head

"Take over the Gu family? 497 Hehe, it seems that we are no longer a threat to him?" The middle-aged man sneered, a wolf cub, how can he expect him to change his mind

The rest of the people also looked calm, obviously not very appreciative.

At this time, Old Ming said, "The young master said that he will return the justice to your lineage. As for whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Although this outer domain is vast and comfortable, how can it compare to the inner clan? The uncle among them, he might consider letting go..."

These words, Elder Ming said according to Gu Changge's request.

Otherwise, give him a hundred more courage and dare not mention this kind of taboo of the Gu family.

"Could it be that this wolf cub really knows his mistakes and can correct them?" The middle-aged man was also stunned when he heard this, a little suspicious.

It's not like someone with a personality like Gu Changge could say such a thing.

Will there be other conspiracies

He has ten thousand peace of mind for the rest of the Gu family. Except for Gu Changge, no one would think of murdering the clansmen.

At the moment, the rest of the clan also became puzzled and began to discuss in a low voice.

It is precisely because of the constant pressure from Gu Changge's lineage that they can only move to the Outer Territory.

To be honest, after taking care of the family, this seems to be a prosperous Outland. In their eyes, it is actually no different from a desolate place where birds don't shit.

Being able to return to the clan is naturally 10,000 willing.

But most importantly, they couldn't figure out why Gu Changge did this

"Actually, all of this was forced by a clan elder, otherwise, with Gu Changge's temperament, he would never be able to take charge of the Gu family."

Soon, they thought of this, and couldn't help sneering, thinking it made sense.

Gu Changge wanted to take charge of the Gu family, but the clan elders did not agree.

In the end, there is no other way but to come up with such a compromise (adh) compromise

They returned to the Gu family, and Gu Changge took over as the future head of the family.

He didn't know about this, but Gu Changge had another explanation, he had long expected that this group of people would guess so.

"Everyone will know everything when you return to the Gu family, why should you be suspicious now

"We cannot let the compromises of the clan elders be in vain.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man and the others were also moved, and they suppressed their excitement and returned to Gu's house. Under the eyes of many clansmen, unless Gu Changge was daring and really fighting.

It is considered to split the Gu family, otherwise they would not dare to shoot at them at will. And Gu Xian'er, who was watching all this secretly, was also stunned for a long time, and things were not what she expected.


At first, she also thought that the black clothes were always coming to kill them.

She was also stunned for a moment when she heard that he came to pick up the Hui people on the order of Gu Changkuan.

Subconsciously, I thought it was something.

And when she got close, she found that the gentle and polite expression on the face of the black-clothed old man did not seem like a fake

What did the Gu family make bullshit

Gu Changge is so kind? To send a servant to do such a thing? This kind of thing is too unbelievable to her. Her good brother is ruthless and indifferent.

, it is impossible to let go of her clan. She could see that the reason why the clansmen have been doing well over the years is entirely because of the Gu family.

"I want to see what kind of medicine Gu Changge sells in his gourd, he can't be such a good man.

It has nothing to do with Gu Changge

"I can't show up now, but I can rest assured that the clansmen are okay.


Gu Xian'er watched all of this in secret, she didn't show up, and didn't move.

Instead, watching all this, watching many clansmen begin to move things, and then she left quietly.

Before leaving Taocun, the master gave her a token and asked her to go to Daotian Immortal Palace to find the elder.

The Great Elder is said to be one of the most terrifying beings in the upper realm and once owed her master a favor

Daotian Immortal Palace is a very famous immortal sect in the upper realm. It has an extremely long heritage. Many emperors, royal families and immortals often send their clansmen to practice in it.

There is even a saying that the origin of the Daotian Immortal Palace is related to the immortals in the most ancient times, and it contains the selection of immortals.

engraved and many scriptures.

Her cultivation base is still very weak, so she has to practice harder to challenge that good brother and win back

Upper Realm, Inner Domain, Long Niu Gujia Inner Island

Gu Changge is located in the back mountain of Shendao.

Patterns cover all sides, preventing people from disturbing them. Apart from him, there is no one on the island.

In a pond surrounded by mist, filled with immortal energy, and shrouded in divine light.

A Miaoman body sits cross-legged.

The water is shining.

The red flames circled in it, and the black was mixed with red gold, which looked extremely gorgeous.