I am the Father of the Villain

Chapter 13


After eating, Lin Luoqing returned to Ji Yuxiao's car, ready to go home.

As soon as he got in the car, his cell phone rang. He opened it and saw that it was a text message from the bank—Chen Feng had already transferred the money to him.

At the same time, there was Chen Feng's phone number.

Lin Luoqing picked it up and heard the other party say, "The money has been given to you, you go to see Ji Yuxiao as soon as possible."

Lin Luoqing glanced at Ji Yuxiao beside him, secretly said that it was not as soon as possible, he was sitting beside him right now.


He replied that regardless of what Chen Feng wanted to say, he hung up the phone.

When Ji Yuxiao saw that he had hung up the phone, he said, "Send you home?"

Lin Luoqing looked at his watch, it was almost time for Lin Fei to leave school, and he wanted to pick up Lin Fei.

"Send me to Zhenming Primary School, my nephew goes to school there, and I'll pick him up."

Ji Yuxiao heard the words, but remembered that he still had a child, he hesitated, "Then I will meet him too?"

"There's no need for that." Lin Luoqing refused, "I didn't tell him before that you wanted to see him. I'm afraid he'll be embarrassed by this sudden meeting."

"Did you tell him you're getting married?" Ji Yuxiao asked him.

"I said, but getting married and meeting are two different things. He knows that I want to marry you, and it's different from him seeing you right away without mental preparation."

Lin Luo said in a clear voice, "Next time, next time I will tell him in advance that you are coming, and then you will meet again."

"There's no need to be so troublesome." Ji Yuxiao said, "We are all getting married, and now that the parents have met, why don't you move in in two days and live with me."

Lin Luoqing: ? ?

This is too fast!

Ji Yuxiao looked at the shock on his face and smiled, "What? You've had a crush on you for so long, don't you want to get along with your male god sooner or later?"

Lin Luoqing: …

Lin Luoqing couldn't help but smile, "I think, of course, it's just that happiness came too suddenly! I'm so excited!"

Ji Yuxiao smiled slightly, "Don't get excited, after all, your male god is so good, and he is very sympathetic to your crush."

Lin Luoqing: …

Lin Luoqing felt that he was so narcissistic!

"Okay." He whispered.

Got out of the car and picked up Lin Fei. During dinner in the evening, Lin Luoqing and Lin Fei talked about moving.

Lin Fei paused when he was eating, and asked in confusion, "Where to move?"

"Didn't I get married? So I'm going to move to his house."

Lin Luoqing put down his chopsticks and explained to him, "He had a car accident and was injured before, and his legs and feet are not very convenient. If he lives in our house, it is inevitable that there will be bumps, so we will accommodate him and go to his place, okay?"

Lin Fei blinked and asked him, "What is inconvenient for legs and feet?"

"It's just a wheelchair, you know how to use a wheelchair?"

Now Lin Fei understood that he was a disabled person.

He lowered his head to eat the rice in the bowl, and said softly, "When are you moving?"

"The day after tomorrow. You pack your things in these two days, and then we'll move."

Lin Fei nodded, didn't say much, and was as quiet as always.

Lin Luoqing looked at him and felt that he was not as sensible as a child of his age, he didn't cry, didn't make trouble, and didn't even talk much.

He raised his hand and took a piece of tenderloin for Lin Fei and put it into his bowl, "Sweet and sour, you like it."

After hearing what he said, Lin Fei realized that today's sweet and sour pork loin was specially made for him by Lin Luoqing. He raised his head and glanced at Lin Luoqing, his eyes were three parts surprised, three parts puzzled, and four parts inexplicable.

"Thank you." He whispered and continued to eat obediently.

After eating, Lin Fei wanted to wash the dishes, but was stopped by Lin Luoqing, "Go read a book, it's good for uncle to come here for this kind of thing."

Lin Fei glanced at him with those complicated eyes again, and returned to the room with a little clue of his thoughts.

The next afternoon, Lin Luoqing was packing his luggage when he heard the sound of rain.

He got up and walked towards the window, and found it was raining.

The rain was heavy, crackling on the branches outside the window, and many leaves fell in a hurry.

Lin Luoqing looked at his watch, took an umbrella and went out.

He called a car, reported the address of Lin Fei's primary school, and asked the driver to drive forward.

I don't know if he brought an umbrella or not, Lin Luoqing thought to himself, no matter whether he brought an umbrella or not, he is so young and it is raining, so a parent should pick it up.

Lin Luoqing looked at the rain outside the window, and only hoped that the rain would end tonight. After all, we have to move tomorrow, and no one likes to move on a rainy day.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Ji Yuxiao.

Lin Luoqing took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Ji Yuxiao: [It's raining, if it rains tomorrow, I'll move in the day after tomorrow.]

Ji Yuxiao looked at his WeChat, looked back at the rainy scenery outside the window, and replied: [Well.]

It's really inconvenient to move when it's raining.

Lin Luoqing quickly came back: [Thank you brother [kiss] [kiss]]

Ji Yuxiao looked at it and chuckled lightly.

[what are you doing?] he asked.

Lin Luoqing: [To pick up Feifei from school, Feifei is my nephew, his real name is Lin Fei.]

Ji Yuxiao: [Well, my nephew should be out of school soon, his name is Ji Leyu, you can call him Lele or Xiaoyu.]

I know, Lin Luo said in his heart, I also know that he is handsome, has a bad temper, has a perverted personality, and is cruel by nature!

Lin Luoqing shook his head silently, and decided that after he moved in, he must let Ji Yuxiao discipline and discipline Ji Leyu, at least let him know that humans and beasts are not allowed, absolutely not allowed!

[it is good.]Lin Luoqing replied to him: [Then we will see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.]

[Um.] Ji Yuxiao replied.

Lin Luoqing put away the phone, propped up his head and continued to look out the window.

After Lin Fei packed up his schoolbag and went out, he saw that it was raining.

The other classmates around them in groups of three or five hurriedly walked towards the school gate with umbrellas in their hands, wanting to get into their car as soon as possible.

Lin Fei had an average relationship with his classmates, and he didn't have any friends along the way, so he just opened the umbrella in his bag silently, and walked out of the teaching building in a hurry.

He walked very carefully, avoiding places with a lot of underground water, and did not soil his shoes.

He looked at his white sneakers and was a little distressed, knowing that he would not wear them today.

The shoes he just changed this morning were very clean, but the bus is always crowded on rainy days, and if he is not careful, he will be stepped on.

When I go back, I have to brush my shoes again, Lin Fei thought.

He bypassed the dense crowd at the school gate, carefully looked at the road under his feet, and walked out slowly.

However, just a few steps out of the school gate, Lin Fei heard someone calling him, "Feifei."

With a clear and cheerful voice, Lin Fei turned around in surprise, and it was Lin Luoqing.

He watched Lin Luoqing standing not far away holding an umbrella and waving at him, it was pouring rain, he stood on the other side of the rain curtain, across the not so wide road, and looked at him with a smile.

Lin Fei didn't move.

Lin Luoqing had already walked towards him.

He walked fast, not looking at the road under his feet.

Lin Fei watched quietly, and after a long while, he blinked slowly.

Heavy rain fell on his umbrella, on the water-filled ground in front of him.

Lin Fei saw the stagnant water in front of him rippling, clearly and clearly.

He listened to the sound of raindrops falling, crackling like pouring beans.

He didn't understand, he obviously didn't call Lin Luoqing, why did Lin Luoqing come to pick him up on this rainy day

Does he not play games

He was thinking that Lin Luoqing had already walked up to him and hugged him.

Lin Fei was startled, the umbrella in his hand tilted unconsciously, and the raindrops accumulated on the umbrella area gathered together, like a string of beads, and fell heavily into the water in front of him, splashing small The splash of water returned to peace again.

Lin Fei said puzzled, "I have an umbrella."

Lin Luoqing hugged him and walked forward, "It's alright, it's raining too much, you're small steps, be careful when your shoes get wet, it will be uncomfortable."

Lin Fei looked down at his shoes. His shoes were still clean. Although they were covered with a thin layer of water mist, the uppers were not dirty.

He went to look at Lin Luoqing's shoes again. Lin Luoqing's shoes were already dirty.

Lin Fei leaned in his arms, not knowing what to say for a while.

Lin Luoqing held him and approached the taxi, then put him down, took his umbrella and let him get in the car, and helped him collect the umbrella himself.

"Let's go." He got into the car and said to the driver.

"Why are you here?" Lin Fei asked him.

"It's raining." Lin Luoqing replied naturally, "I'll pick you up."

"Don't you play games?" Lin Fei asked.

Lin Luoqing was a little puzzled, "What does this have to do with me playing games?"

Lin Fei didn't speak.

He also didn't understand what this had to do with Lin Luoqing playing games, he just felt that Lin Luoqing should play games at home at this time.

This is normal.

This is him.

Instead of being like now, he didn't call, but he came.

When Lin Luoqing saw that he didn't speak anymore, he didn't ask any more questions, he just said, "Is it cold?"

He picked up the coat he had taken for Lin Fei before going out from his seat and put it on him, "It's autumn, it's raining, it's time to cool down."

Lin Fei felt his movements and looked at the coat on his body, only to feel more and more strange.

He looked at Lin Luoqing with obvious doubts in his eyes. This is not the Lin Luoqing he is familiar with, the current Lin Luoqing is too strange.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Lin Luoqing was puzzled.

Lin Fei raised his hand and touched his head and then his own, thinking that he should not be sick.

Lin Luoqing: …

Lin Luoqing felt his touch on his forehead, and couldn't help laughing and crying, "Do you think I have a fever? You asked me if I was dying, but now you think I have a fever, you can't expect me to heal?"

Lin Fei blinked, but did not speak.

Lin Luoqing sighed helplessly, and hugged him into his arms, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Only then did Lin Fei make a low "um".

Lin Luoqing touched his forehead, "Very well, you don't have a fever either."

Lin Fei: …

Lin Fei's eyes turned into disgust again.

Lin Luoqing was helpless, "Can't you be nice to your dear uncle every now and then? Can't you just smile at me when you know that you dislike me every day?"

Lin Fei: …

"Smile or not, smile or not." Lin Luoqing reached out and scratched his waist.

However, as a cold-faced hell, even a cold-noodled hell who hasn't grown up, Lin Fei has no such thing as itchy flesh.

Seeing him looking at him innocently, Lin Luoqing said depressedly, "You don't even laugh at this."

Lin Fei wondered, "Can you laugh?"

After he finished speaking, he curiously reached out and scratched Lin Luoqing's waist.

Lin Luoqing didn't expect this body to be so ticklish at all, Lin Fei just scratched it twice, he couldn't bear to hide, "Who told you to scratch me, don't scratch me, why are you doing the opposite? Hahahaha."

Seeing him laughing and hiding, Lin Fei couldn't help but increase his strength, and his other hand also attacked his other waist.

Lin Luoqing hurriedly pushed him, and considering his young age, he didn't dare to exert himself, so he couldn't help but step back and shouted, "You're enough, Lin Fei, hahaha, don't scratch it, hahaha, you can't finish."

He said, raised his head, and saw Lin Feizheng looking at him with a smile, a rare joy that belongs to a child on his face.

Lin Luoqing couldn't express his feelings for a moment. It was as if he had raised a flower with all his heart. Although the flower had not yet bloomed, he finally showed a little sprouting from the soil.

He smiled and let Lin Fei make trouble with himself for a while, then took the person into his arms, lowered his head and kissed Lin Fei's face, "Why are you still bullying your uncle?"

Lin Fei looked up at him, thinking that only you are allowed to bully me, and I am not allowed to bully you

Then he felt Lin Luoqing kiss him on the face again, and said in a gentle tone, "But I still like Feifei, Feifei looks really good when he smiles."

Lin Fei: …

Lin Fei turned his head silently, his honest ears a little hot.

"Feifei, your ears are red." Lin Luoqing whispered close to his ear.

Lin Fei turned back to stare at him angrily, with obvious childish coquettishness in his eyes.

Lin Luoqing covered his ears with a smile, and coaxed him, "It's okay, I'll cover your ears for you so that others can't see it."

Lin Fei: …

Lin Fei felt that his ears were even hotter!

The author has something to say: Luo Qing: so cute~

President Ji: It can be considered to be living together!

Mr. Ji can't wait!

You don’t need to give me nutrient solution today, I’ll save it for me in September, okay~~

Thanks for today's (because something happened yesterday afternoon, so this is only counted until 4:30 pm yesterday):

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Shen Luo 1 (special thanks!);

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 2 Ziwu (zero balls); 1 ah Lexi Cing;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Maple Leaf Red; 30 bottles of Huajiuqiqiu; 20 bottles of Meow Xiaobai, Ziwu (zero eggs), and Moon; 10 bottles of Lonely Root Number Three, Mumumu, Yuji ; aa 5 bottles; 1 bottle of sama, the sister of Si Tang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!