I am the Father of the Villain

Chapter 49


forty nine:

"They must be whispering outside." Ji Leyu affirmed.

"Yeah." Lin Fei responded calmly.

Are you okay with "um"? ! ! !

Ji Leyu pouted his mouth in anger, "Then you won't let me listen."

He looked at the door not far away, only to feel that it was a pity, it was just so far away, so close!

And this time, they took the initiative to say it behind the door!

It's not that he took the initiative to listen!

Lin Fei looked at his mouth pouting like a little duck, pinched it funny, and then patted Ji Leyu's head before his eyes widened and his hair froze, "Good~"

"Humph!" Ji Leyu hummed in dissatisfaction.

Lin Fei skillfully took him into his arms, and continued to touch his hair, "Good~"

-Obviously, he is very good and used to coaxing Ji Leyu now.

Ji Leyu agreed with Ji Yuxiao to change his tune, and for the next half a day, he kept yelling at each other, and Lin Luo's heart melted, and he even gave him a few pieces of sweet and sour tenderloin that he liked for dinner.

After he finished the dishes, his eyes touched Lin Fei, and the joy in his heart dropped slightly.

He suddenly realized sensitively that Ji Leyu started to call him Dad now. He had always called Ji Yuxiao Dad, and now adding himself, the three of them became a family in the traditional sense.

And Lin Fei, Lin Fei is just his nephew, a relative, not a family member.

Will he feel left out

Will it be uncomfortable

Do you feel like you're just a guest here temporarily

The more Lin Luoqing thought about it, the more he felt that Ji Leyu probably shouldn't change his words so quickly.

But Ji Leyu has changed his mind. At this time, let him continue to call him uncle as before. Will Ji Leyu feel that he does not want to be his father

Moreover, this is Ji Yuxiao's intention. He proposed to let Ji Leyu change his mind only for his own sake. If he refuses at this time, he will inevitably live up to his good intentions.

Thinking of this, Lin Luoqing silently took a few pieces of sweet and sour tenderloin and put them into Lin Fei's bowl.

Lin Fei had learned not to thank him for such trivial matters. He ate quietly and behaved elegantly.

Lin Luoqing looked at him, another thought slowly surfaced in his heart.

Since it's a foregone conclusion that Ji Leyu will change his tune, he can't make Ji Leyu call him uncle again, so can he make Lin Fei change his tune too

He can also adopt Lin Fei like Ji Yuxiao, so that Lin Fei can call him and Ji Yuxiao's father, just like Ji Leyu.

They are a family of four in the true traditional sense.

After Lin Fei finished eating the sweet and sour pork loin in the bowl, he vaguely felt that Lin Luoqing seemed to have been looking at him, raised his head in confusion, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lin Luoqing laughed.

He planned to wait for a while when it was just the two of them, and then talk to Lin Fei about his thoughts.

I just don't know, whether Lin Fei is willing or not, he doesn't seem to have any intentions in this regard.

Lin Luoqing ate the shrimp in the bowl and hesitated.

After eating, Lin Fei went back to his room and continued to read the story collection that he had not finished.

Lin Luoqing sat in the bedroom and thought for a while, but still felt that he should ask Lin Fei, even if he didn't let him change his tune, he had to go and see his current mood and see his attitude towards Ji Leyu's change.

After thinking about it, he went to find him at nine o'clock when Doolin took an unusual bath, and took him into the bathtub.

He carefully looked at Lin Fei's expression and guessed Lin Fei's emotions.

Lin Fei's mood was the same as usual. He couldn't see much joy, but there was no sadness either. It seemed that Ji Leyu changed his name to Lin Luoqing's father, which had no effect on him.

Lin Luoqing looked at him like this, and he didn't know what to say when he thought about it before.

He always remembered that afternoon, on the street after school, young Lin Fei stood on tiptoe, touched his head, and coaxed him, "So don't be angry, dear."

His mind was too delicate and too precocious, and Lin Luoqing was worried. After he said it, if Lin Fei didn't want to, he would feel guilty.

"What’s wrong with you?"

He was thinking about it, but suddenly heard Lin Fei's calm voice.

Lin Luoqing came back to his senses, wiped his arm with a towel, and said gently, "It's nothing."

Lin Fei obviously didn't believe what he said, but he didn't want to say it, and Lin Fei didn't ask much, just said in his calm tone, "I can take a shower by myself, if you have other things, just go. "

Lin Luoqing smiled, touched his head, and said to him, "No, I'm just thinking about something."

He looked at Lin Fei's handsome little face, pondered for a long time, but couldn't help but ask him, "Xiaoyu calls me dad, will you be upset?"

Lin Fei shook his head, "You and Uncle Ji are married. He is Xiaoyu's father, and you are also Xiaoyu's father."

"Is that so..." Lin Luo said softly.

His heart was a little nervous, his eyelashes drooped unnaturally, pretending to be casual, "Then do you want to call me dad too?"

After Lin Luoqing finished speaking, his heart was beating like a drum. After a long while, he quietly raised his eyelids to look at Lin Fei's eyes.

Lin Fei's eyes were very clear, his eyes were as calm as always, he said, "You are my uncle."

"I know." Lin Luoqing explained to him, "but your uncle was originally Xiaoyu's uncle, wasn't he? If I adopted you, you would be like Xiaoyu, calling me dad, your uncle dad. , you are just like the little fish."

Lin Fei looked at the joy that flickered in his eyes, and pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

"You don't want to?" Lin Luoqing asked him.

After he finished speaking, he was afraid that he would be unhappy because of this, so he quickly comforted him and said, "I'm just talking casually, you don't need to care, I just saw that Xiaoyu called me dad now, I'm afraid you think I'm more close to him, so I just asked if you wanted to call me dad, but I'm happy with whatever you call me, whether it's my uncle or my dad, we're a family, whatever we call it is a family."

Lin Fei listened to his words and noticed that the joy that had just flickered in his eyes disappeared.

He stared into Lin Luoqing's eyes, quietly and seriously.

Lin Luoqing didn't know why, and asked him, "What's wrong?"

You are not happy anymore, Lin Fei said silently in his heart, not as happy as before.

He blinked, and after a while, he seemed to organize the language, looked into Lin Luoqing's eyes, and said to him, "I don't have a father."

Lin Luoqing didn't know whether he wanted to say that he didn't have a father now, or the fact that he didn't have a father, so he could only answer in a low voice, "Yeah."

"I haven't had a father since I was a child." Lin Fei tried to explain to him, "I don't know what a father is."

He said, "It's not that I don't want you to be my dad, I just don't know what a dad is."

"I don't have a dad, not from the beginning, so I don't know what a dad is."

He repeatedly said that he didn't have a father, and he didn't know what a father was. He felt that what he said was very clear, but he was afraid that he could not explain it clearly, so he could only keep explaining it to Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing looked at his clear and slightly anxious eyes, and he felt that he seemed to understand what Lin Fei meant.

There has never been a dad character in his world, so he doesn't know what a dad looks like, so he can't make him a character that has never appeared in his world and is no longer needed.

He is like a person who has already chosen labels and characters. Lin Luoxi has his mother on his body, his uncle on his body, Ji Yuxiao on his uncle Ji and his uncle, and Ji Leyu on his brother. But there is no father, because there is no father in Lin Fei's world, so he does not have this label.

It's not that he doesn't want to call him dad, he just doesn't have the label, he doesn't have the concept, he doesn't know what a dad is, so he can't make him his dad.

Lin Luoqing nodded and looked at him with a smile, he said, "I see, it's not that you don't like me, you just don't know what a father is, right?"

Lin Fei nodded quickly.

He looked at Lin Luoqing with a vague guilt in his eyes.

He was a little stubborn in his bones. He knew that if it was another child, he might be happy and easy to call his father, just like Ji Leyu.

This is not a big deal, what's more, Lin Luoqing has been very kind to him recently.

But he couldn't.

He doesn't have a dad, he doesn't know what a dad should be like, he doesn't have the concept.

When he was too young, he didn't realize that he didn't have a father. When other people asked him about his father, he knew that there was such a word as a father in the world, so he went to ask Lin Luoxi, but Lin Luoxi told him he dead, so the word dad is out of his world again.

And now, Lin Luoqing made the word reappear in his world.

Lin Fei never imagined what his father was like, because he never needed a father.

Therefore, he had no way to put such a strange, vague, and blank word on Lin Luoqing's body.

He is an uncle, an uncle that he is very familiar with. Even if he didn't like it before, he is starting to like it a little bit now.

He is vivid, familiar, he understands, and he can see what he is like with his eyes closed.

How could he be a father

Lin Fei couldn't convince himself that he should call Lin Luoqing this strange and meaningless name.

He has his own ideas, even too much of his own.

He secretly raised his eyelids and glanced at Lin Luoqing cautiously. Lin Luoqing's face was calm, and he didn't seem to be angry because he didn't want to call him father.

He even smiled, and after he found himself peeking at him, pinched his face, "Look at me."

But Lin Fei felt very guilty.

He seldom had feelings of guilt, or most of the time, he had very few mood swings.

His desire for this world is very low, and he doesn't care much about people and things, let alone guilt

He didn't even bother to interfere in other people's affairs, so how could he feel guilty because of others.

But now, Lin Fei felt that he felt a little guilty.

Lin Luoqing has been paying for him recently, buying him books, reading books with him, and promising to help him build a study room.

He felt Lin Luoqing's love, but he couldn't give him a corresponding response - Ji Leyu could call him father, but he didn't want to.

Lin Fei felt a little bored, and felt that he really didn't seem so likable.

Just like now, Lin Luoqing is not as happy as before.

He looked at Lin Luoqing, thought and thought, but raised his hand, placed it on the top of Lin Luoqing's hair gently, and slowly touched his hair.

"I'm sorry." Lin Fei's voice was low, like a child apologizing for a mistake.

He said, "It's my fault, so don't be upset, okay? Be good."

Lin Luoqing really didn't expect him to apologize to himself, so he quickly pulled his hand down and held it in his palm, "You didn't do anything wrong, why did you say sorry to me?"

He said, "I'm not upset, do I look upset?"

"I'm not happy just now." Lin Fei said seriously, "I was very happy when you told me to call you dad."

Lin Luoqing smiled, he bowed his head and kissed Lin Fei, "I'm happy now too."

"I'm glad you can notice my mood."

He looked at Lin Fei and said warmly, "Feifei, I already understand why you didn't call me dad, I can understand, so I won't be upset because of this. You didn't do anything wrong, so you don't need to apologize, if , I mean, if you think I'm not as happy as I was just now, then you kiss me, you haven't kissed me yet, if you kiss me, I'll definitely be happy."

Lin Fei was slightly surprised when he heard this.

He has never been a person who shows affection, let alone kiss someone, even if Lin Luoqing kisses him, he likes it in his heart, and his face is awkward.

But now, Lin Luoqing asked him to kiss him.

Lin Fei was a little overwhelmed.

Lin Luoqing looked at the embarrassment in his eyes, lowered his head and kissed him on the face again, he did not leave quickly, but looked at him very closely.

He raised a hand, covered his eyes, and asked him, "Is this okay? I can't see it, just pretend you didn't do anything."

Lin Fei pursed his lips unconsciously, a little shy and a little novel, and wanted to try.

He looked at the person in front of him, and after a while, he finally kissed Lin Luoqing on the face awkwardly and generously.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly lowered his head and sat in the water, his ears were extremely red.

Lin Luoqing felt his soft touch and deliberately teased him, "Can I put my hand down now?"

Lin Fei nodded, realized that he couldn't see it, and said in a low voice, "It's alright."