I am the Father of the Villain

Chapter 62


sixty two:

Ji Yuxiao really didn't expect Lin Fei to have doubts about this matter, "Didn't your uncle tell you when he left?"

No, Lin Luoqing is so careful, how could he not tell Lin Fei.

It was only then that Lin Fei remembered that Lin Luoqing had indeed told him that he would be away from home for a long time, that they would not see each other for a long time, but he always thought it was "a long time" or "a long time". It was half a day from morning to afternoon, the same as when he went to school, so he didn't care.

He felt that he already knew how to go to work. His mother was like this when she went to work. How could Lin Luoqing be different

"Will he be back in ten days and a half?" Lin Fei asked Ji Yuxiao.

Ji Yuxiao thought about it and said, "If it's fast."

"And what if it wasn't that fast?"

Ji Yuxiao: …

Ji Yuxiao looked at his curious brows and said honestly, "That might take about three months."

Lin Fei: ! ! ! !

Lin Fei felt that he couldn't believe it!

three months? Longer than summer vacation

Does Lin Luoqing take so long to work

No wonder he didn't want to go to work.

Just as surprised as him was Ji Leyu, who was sitting on the side and preparing to eat.

"Three months?" Ji Leyu shook his hand, and the eggplant he just added fell into the bowl.

"Why does it take so long? My mother only goes out to perform for a month at most."

The reason why he had a rare chance to be more calm than Lin Luoqing's departure time before was because Cheng Wei, as a dancer, would sometimes go abroad to perform and leave him for ten days and a half months.

So when Ji Leyu heard Ji Yuxiao say ten days and a half months, he just thought it was okay, he had experience.

But now Ji Yuxiao told them for three months, Ji Leyu lost his experience and became worried.

three months!

His uncle had to stay home alone for three months!

His mother left for ten days and a half months, and his father would miss his mother, hugging him and lamenting why his mother still hadn't come back. Now that Lin Luoqing is leaving for three months, can his uncle bear it? !

"Why does Dad's job take three months?" Ji Leyu was puzzled, "Can't it be three days?"

Ji Yuxiao: …

Ji Yuxiao thought for a while and explained to him, "Your father is an actor, and an actor is someone who plays a role in a TV movie. Like the TV series you usually see on TV, your father and the others performed it. Look. Do you think the TV is very long when you are on TV? If it takes three days to shoot one episode, then 30 episodes will take ninety days, or three months?"

"The TV is going to be played in series for you, so naturally those who perform TV can only play in series. They can't go home and rest for a few days, right?"

This actually makes no sense, but considering that the two children are still too young, Ji Yuxiao can't explain it to them. The crew has invested, the funds are in place, the venue is rented, and the clothes are made, so the actors must finish the filming at one time. Otherwise, it will not only delay the follow-up arrangements of the actors, but also waste the money of investors.

So he could only use a language that Lin Fei and Ji Leyu could understand, and let them understand why Lin Luoqing couldn't come back.

Lin Fei and Ji Leyu really understood. Ji Leyu tilted his head and asked him, "Then I turn on the TV now, can I see my father?"

"Of course it won't work." Ji Yuxiao was amused by his childish words, "They have to finish filming before they can be shown on TV, and they haven't finished filming yet."

"Then what if I miss my father? Don't you miss him? In three months, kindergarten children can get along with other children during their summer vacation. What if my father gets along with others too?"

Ji Yuxiao: …

Ji Yuxiao felt that his nephew's sense of crisis was quite strong.

"You have to believe in your father and believe that you are his favorite child."

"Then are you his favorite big friend?" Ji Leyu asked.

Ji Yuxiao chuckled, "It should be."

Ji Leyu also smiled, "Then I should too."

Lin Fei: …

Lin Fei decided not to tell him the truth of the matter, lest he have to coax himself again.

He already understood that acting is not the same as other jobs, so Lin Luoqing needed to leave for so long, so he didn't ask any more questions and started to eat.

Ji Yuxiao worried that he would feel lost and uncomfortable without Lin Luoqing by his side, so he took the initiative to invite him and said, "Can Feifei sleep with me tonight?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised and looked up at him.

Ji Leyu immediately raised his hand and said, "I want me too. The three of us sleep together."

"Okay." Ji Yuxiao smiled, "If your brother wants to."

"Why don't you want to?" Ji Leyu couldn't think of the reason why he didn't want to, so he turned to look at Lin Fei, "The three of us sleep together, how nice, right?"

Lin Fei was indeed somewhat reluctant.

It's not that I don't want to, it's that I'm not used to it.

He is not essentially a person who likes to be in close contact with others. Lin Luoqing and Ji Leyu are completely exceptions. They are very close to each other. One likes to kiss and hug, and the other likes to coax him. Over time, Lin Fei also just get used to it.

But Ji Yuxiao is different. He has noticed Lin Fei's precocious puberty from the first sight. In addition, Lin Fei is not a relative of his blood relationship. He treats Lin Fei more with restrained love, respect and proportion. sense.

This kind of getting along really made Lin Fei very comfortable, and it also made Lin Fei very fond of him, but it lost a bit of the closeness brought about by physical contact.

When Lin Luoqing was there, he was the bridge between them, so Lin Fei didn't feel anything.

But when Lin Luoqing is gone, and he faces Ji Yuxiao alone, he will be a little strange.

- He doesn't know Ji Yuxiao, he is not so used to Ji Yuxiao.

However, Lin Fei still remembered what Lin Luoqing said before, Ji Yuxiao liked him, so he did not reject Ji Yuxiao.

He nodded in agreement.

Seeing that he agreed, Ji Yuxiao laughed, touched his head, and helped him fill the soup.

Lin Luoqing was not there, so Lin Fei and Ji Leyu took a bath by themselves.

Aunt Zhang watched from the side, in case they fell and touched in the bathroom.

"It's awesome." Aunt Zhang boasted, "Let's go, I'll take you to Mr. Ji."

Lin Fei followed her and went out.

Aunt Zhang knocked on Ji Leyu's door, called him too, and took him to Ji Yuxiao's bedroom.

Ji Yuxiao sat in the middle of the bed, patted both sides of his legs, and motioned them to sit next to him.

Ji Leyu ran over immediately, and Lin Fei also got into bed.

"Let's see what your uncle is doing, okay?" he said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't expect that he could still see Lin Luoqing, and felt a little strange, but he quickly realized that it should be a video call. Lin Luoqing told him before he left.

He made a sound of "um", his tone was light, and he couldn't see how much joy he had.

Ji Yuxiao secretly thought that it shouldn't be, wasn't he very unwilling to accept Lin Luoqing's departure when he was eating

Why is it so quiet now

Did you figure it out so quickly

Then he is really good at self-regulation.

Ji Yuxiao opened the video, and Ji Leyu immediately came over, almost crooked into his arms, and Lin Fei couldn't help but approach him.

He has indeed adjusted his mood and accepted this fact.

It's just that he subconsciously still wanted to see Lin Luoqing in his heart, so even though his face was normal, his body naturally approached the phone that Ji Yuxiao held up.

Lin Luoqing was about to read the script around, when he suddenly received a video invitation from Ji Yuxiao. Seeing that there were still a few minutes, he quickly picked it up.

As soon as the video was switched on, he saw two familiar half-faces - Lin Fei was the half-face, and he only got half of the face in the mirror.

Ji Yuxiao reached out and hugged him into his arms, so that his entire face entered the camera, and then he said to Lin Luoqing, "How did you feel when you joined the group on the first day? Are you busy?"

"It's okay." Lin Luoqing said, "I have to read the script in a while, so I have been reading the script all afternoon."

"Didn't you memorize all the lines?"

"Then you have to have a proper attitude. But why did you suddenly ask me for a video, miss me?"

"It's the two babies who miss you." Ji Yuxiao said.

Ji Leyu nodded quickly, "Dad, are you going out for three months?"

"Not necessarily." Lin Luoqing thought for a while, "I'm here with us. When I'm not busy with work, I'll go home to see you."

"When can I stop working?"

"I don't know that."

"Then will you have other children in these three months?"

Lin Luoqing laughed, "Don't worry, there are no children in the crew. Dad only has two children in his heart, you and your brother."

"Will there be other big friends then?" Ji Leyu strikes while the iron is hot.

Lin Luoqing stretched out a meaningful "Oh", "Which big friend are you asking this for?"

Ji Leyu smiled, his eyebrows curved, and he didn't speak. He just looked at him and Ji Yuxiao, the meaning was clear.

Lin Luoqing was amused by how big a kid he was, looked at Ji Yuxiao and asked him, "Is that you? Big friend."

"It's really not me." Ji Yuxiao said, "I didn't let him ask you, it's purely his concern."

"Then do you want to know?"

"I don't need to know, you certainly won't have."

"So sure?"

"After all, the child you like is still in my hands."

He said, and put Lin Fei and Ji Leyu into his arms again, and Ji Leyu giggled.

Lin Luoqing couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

He looked at Lin Fei, who had never spoken, and said to him, "Why is there still a child here who doesn't speak? Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Lin Fei looked at him, wanting to say something but didn't know how to say it.

He wanted to ask why Lin Luoqing didn't directly tell him to leave for three months

He was also angry with himself, feeling that Lin Luo Qingming had already said that he would leave for a long time, but he didn't take it seriously.

It was rare for him to be angry with himself and to blame himself in his heart, so he didn't know what to say to Lin Luoqing.

Lin Luoqing just thought he was too lazy to talk. After all, Lin Fei was always used to being aloof. When he didn't want to talk, he would rather look at you with the eyes of his fan-shaped statistical chart, so he didn't care, just reminded: "It's not you. Go to your uncle if you want or have something, and I'll go back when I have time."

Lin Fei nodded, "Yes."

"Remember to miss me."

Lin Fei: "Oh."

Lin Luoqing wanted to say something else when there was a knock on the door, and it was time for him to go to the conference room to meet the main creators.

"I'm going to read the script around, you go to bed early, good night."

"Good night." Ji Yuxiao said gently.

"Goodbye, Dad." Ji Leyu waved at him.

Lin Fei also said softly, "Goodbye."

Lin Luoqing hung up the video call, opened the door, and walked towards the conference room with Wu Xinyuan outside the door.

Lin Fei looked at Lin Luoqing's face and disappeared again, pursed his lips, and became more and more angry with himself.

- He didn't say anything just now.

In fact, he should have said something. He didn't understand the difference between work and work from the beginning. Before leaving, he just thought that they would meet in the evening, so he didn't say anything last night and this morning.

He finally figured it out. He just saw Lin Luoqing, but he still didn't say anything.

Ji Leyu said a lot, but he didn't.

Lin Fei was a little uncomfortable, and he was competing with himself.

He thought, if he had known that Lin Luoqing was really going to leave for a long time, then he would...


what will it be

I probably wouldn't think Lin Luoqing was so clingy.

For three months, it was normal for him to be reluctant.

He was so reluctant to give up on himself, he also thought he was clingy, he was too naive.

Not mature at all.

Lin Fei felt that he did not do so well this time.

It seems that I am a little sorry for Lin Luoqing before parting.

He sat beside Ji Yuxiao, leaned against Ji Yuxiao, and listened to Ji Leyu and Ji Yuxiao say, "Don't worry Dad, Dad won't have other big friends, he will come back sooner."

Ji Yuxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then I thank you."

"You're welcome." Ji Leyu was very proud.

Today, I am also working hard to protect the love of his two fathers!


Lin Fei suddenly thought, what he thought about before, he hasn't given Lin Luoqing a gift yet, he can give him a gift.

In this way, when Lin Luoqing comes back, he can receive his gift, and he will not be sad because he has been away from him for so long.

- He was so reluctant to let him go, and it would be three months since he left, and Lin Luoqing must be very uncomfortable.

After all, he is really clingy - of course, he is not disgusting him, he is just stating a fact.

Lin Fei thought so, and stopped arguing with himself.

He found a solution, figured out a remedy, and returned to peace in his heart lake.

At this time, Lin Luoqing just greeted the director and the other leading actors and sat down in his seat.