I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG

Chapter 36: There are always surprises in the treasure chest


"Huh, now the whole street is talking about us."

"Yeah, it's a good thing the team name can be hidden, otherwise I wouldn't be able to gather alive."

The copper plate lay dead on the thick carpet of the presidential room, and after a while rolled around and had a great time. "It's so soft, but the presidential room is different."

The kitten looked at the copper plate with its head tilted and seemed very comfortable, and also learned to roll around. So the people who came to gather one after another saw a black ball and a mess of red hair rolling on the ground, black lines.

"Everyone is here, I announce that the first spoils conference will start now, crackling~~" I was a poor man and went to the warehouse to tidy up the space before I came, and I took a few Christmas crackers that I exchanged for the event last year to enliven the atmosphere .

The first is the equipment. Of course, the necklace that Bai Xiaoyu has already worn around his neck is not counted, and then the ones without any attribute bonuses are set aside, and the rest are taken by themselves according to their occupations. Compared with those with repeated occupations, the existing equipment attributes are given priority to those with poorer attributes. people. The key crown at the end of the allocation is in front of everyone, and how to divide it remains to be discussed.

"Tsk, it's as beautiful as the crown, but the attributes are too rubbish. It's actually +2 to agility and +2 to intelligence."

"By the way, didn't you say that you won a crown last time? How was it divided up?" Yuexia remembered that Tongban had talked about this while on the way.

"Oh, it's for Sister Ju to sell and share the money."

"If you believe me, I can help you deal with this crown at a high price as much as possible." Sister Ju said with a smile. Most of the players in the Priest League are female players. This crown may be more popular than the crown.

"Okay, then please."

The key equipment has been processed, and then some scattered small props and refined stones are free. Anyone who needs to be a deputy or task can take it by himself. It is unnecessary and useless. Throw a piece with the whiteboard equipment and wait for it to be processed together and then distributed to the system store. .

The coins for the monster explosion are the simplest, just look at the number displayed in the kitten space bag, and divide them equally.

The last ant queen card and a small desert scorpion card (5% increase in poison resistance, location: wrist) became the most troublesome problem. Not so much. The former is completely a rare card that can't be found, it's a pity to sell it, but it's hard to tell who will use it.

"I don't need it, PASS~~" Sister Ju waved her hand, she was purely here to join in the fun, it was no surprise that she had gained so much experience and crystal coins, besides, she was very satisfied mentally.

"We don't need it either. We don't have such a good outfit." Tongban also waved his hand. Of course, the boss card must be inserted into +10 or more equipment to make it look cheap, otherwise it would be a waste of money.

SARS just nodded silently in agreement with Tongban's opinion.

"Me too, and I don't want it either." Bai Xiaoyu shook his head immediately, and he already felt deeply guilty after taking the necklace.

"Then use it as our guild's war preparation supplies. I'll go and urge the blacksmith of the refining department to knock out a fur coat of about +11. What do you think, boss?" I was a poor man and turned to ask the evil emperor for his opinion. (The fur coat is one of the rare equipment that has good defense and attributes and is not limited to occupations. Unfortunately, it was produced on the cunning fox in the vast snow-capped mountains.)


"Of course you can borrow it if you need it, but you can't do it in guild battles." I am a poor man and shook his finger. This sentence is for people who are not in the demon guild. "This poor man announces that the first spoils sharing conference is over. It's great that everyone is so easy to talk about, spreading flowers~~"

Everyone's black line, where did he get so many boring props, this time he took out the rose petals collected during the Valentine's Day event and sprinkled them.

However, the smooth distribution of spoils is really gratifying, especially when rare items appear, the embarrassing situation of too many monks and too little food makes the originally harmonious team fight every day on the forum. Of course, it may be because half of them belong to the Demon Guild, and their reputation is not bad. Besides, the boss doesn't want anything and just snorts an 'en' from the beginning to the end. Naturally, everyone who has received a lot of good things has nothing to say. It's time to fight.

"So... as a sideshow, let's have a box-opening meeting with blushing and heartbeating."

"That's right, there is also a box that the system rewards us, I don't know what is hidden."

After the announcement on the entire server, everyone received a system notification saying that in order to reward the brave players who pioneered the game, the system will randomly give away a treasure chest. The treasure chest was put directly into the player's space bag, but at that time they were all busy returning to the city to catch a plane to the capital to gather, if they didn't mention it, they would forget it.

"Open one by one, I'll go first." Tongban regained his energy, and hurriedly took out the treasure box that was glowing with mysterious lavender light.

"Puff~~~" "Ah!!!" "Meow!!" "Crackling, boom."

The above only happened within a few seconds, let’s replay it in slow motion: First, a grimace popped out of the box, which is the kind often seen in the treasure chest of the whole person. , Flying to the kitten, the kitten was so frightened that its fur exploded, and it ran around the room, and finally hit the corner of the table, its head was heaved, it hurt so much, 5555555.

Bai Xiaoyu held the kitten in his arms and rubbed it distressedly. The kitten has no blood volume to show, and he didn't know how the kitten was injured, so he could only take out some snacks to tease it. Unfortunately, the kitten was in terrible pain this time , completely ignoring the usual favorite fish. The pitiful look with teary eyes made everyone focus on the copper plate and shoot.

"Oh, I didn't do it on purpose, kitten, Xiaoxiao Zhaocai, little ancestor, don't cry." The copper plate, which was relieved from the fright, ran over to coax the kitten with several eyes knives on it, but unfortunately this little ancestor didn't care about him .

"Give it to me." Xie Huang stretched out his hand to Bai Xiaoyu, who handed over the sobbing kitten that was still covering its head with its paws.

"Meow~~~" Uncle hurts~~

"Ding!" Xie Huang didn't speak, but took out a dazzlingly bright gold coin with his other hand and shook it in front of the kitten.

"Meow!!" Gold coins! ! The kitten seemed to be on a stimulant, the little paw had already given up the small bag on its head, and turned to attack the gold coins in the hands of the evil emperor.

Including Bai Xiaoyu, everyone turned their heads to the side in pain to show that they didn't know this money-greedy cat.