I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG

Chapter 57: Ancient city leveling


I don't know if he was frightened stupid by the last words of the evil emperor, until he joined the main force, Bai Xiaoyu was still in a state of wandering spirit in a daze.

"Boss... what did you do to Yu?"

"It's nothing..." It was just a scare. I have to say that the strange intimidation method of the elder brother is quite useful, and it is difficult not to remember it long. "Xiaoyu, the soul has returned."

"Uh...huh?" Seeing many people suddenly appearing in front of him, Bai Xiaoyu didn't react for a while.

"Join the group, and then introduce yourself." I am a poor man and pat another pastor.

"The sun is shining." This time the team was driven by him, with one male shepherd.

"Angel with silver wings." Female archer.

"Elemes." A double-knife assassin.

"Kaitlina." A fire mage.

"Terminator." Meat Shield Knight.

"Hello, my name is Lucky Cat." "Meow~" "Ah, this is my pet little Lucky Cat."

"Hehe, we have met a long time ago. Thank you for your skills in the last battle."

"Ah, you're welcome." Bai Xiaoyu really didn't recognize them, because at that time his attention was all focused on his singing skills.

"Xiao Yu took it, and used it after entering the city gate." I am a poor man and handed the leapfrog amulet to Bai Xiaoyu.

They are now outside the huge ancient city gate, and the walls that extend infinitely to both sides are full of cracks and burnt black marks. Carefully prick up your ears, and you can vaguely hear the wailing and crying of the undead. Presumably the world inside the ruins must be wonderful.

The two senior priests put all the state on the team again, and the mighty nine people were ready to go.

Slowly pushing open the gate of the ancient city, a slightly rotten smell wafted in. Bai Xiaoyu crushed the leapfrog talisman, and the system showed that the 5-hour countdown had begun.

There are all kinds of undead in the ancient city, some with hideous faces directly, some with only three holes on their heads covered by a blanket, and some with triangular scarves sticking out their long tongues... Most of them have a characteristic of being half-dead. Floating in the air, it is half a body taller than the player. However, these undead will bend down to grab, bite and gnaw when they find the player or are attacked, so don't worry about being out of reach.

The area of the ancient city is very large, so there are basically no other leveling players to be seen. The nine people consciously formed a circle, wrapping Bai Xiaoyu in the middle and moving forward slowly.

Bai Xiaoyu, who has nothing to do, just needs to pay attention to other people's blood tanks, and help fill in the gaps. The poor man advised him not to use the healing technique to shoot those undead. Although the attack power is small, magic attacks are easier to attract hatred.

However, compared to professional priests, Bai Xiaoyu's blood gain rate is always a beat slower, so it is often the sun or the poor who have already replenished the blood for others, and his healing technique has just been shot, causing him to waste MP and gain less than proficiency. (Only when the skill is effective can the proficiency be improved, and the healing technique will not increase when the blood is full)

Soon Bai Xiaoyu discovered that his proficiency in healing techniques began to increase. It turned out that Sunshine and the poor had noticed Bai Xiaoyu's useless efforts. After secretly laughing for a while, they stopped fighting with him and used healing techniques to greet the stranger The attracted undead will not help until Bai Xiaoyu really can't make up.

There was no talking all the way, and everyone was busy using various skills to clean up the undead. But it's boring to always be like this, so after 20 minutes passed, everyone got familiar with the rhythm and attack formation and started chatting and leveling up one after another.

"Has anyone seen the boss here?" The Terminator opened the chatter first, bearing the bite of the three undead.

"I've seen the little boss, the undead of rich merchants." Those were the monsters that some rich merchants turned into after death when the ancient city was prosperous. If you can defeat these small bosses, the money dropped is definitely higher than other bosses of the same level.

"A few days ago, I met a little boss who was the head of the guard."

"There are so many types of BOSS here?"

"It is said that the ultimate boss is the undead of the city lord. It is a pervert at level 130. Don't encounter it."

"Usually the less you want to encounter, the easier it is to encounter."

"Bah bah, you crow mouth."

"I'd rather have a rich merchant's undead. That thing is rich in oil and water. I read on the forum yesterday that a team exploded to 100 crystal coins."

"Hurry up and drop your money to kill me. I recently practiced a knife and am desperately poor."

Bai Xiaoyu looked at everyone talking and laughing, and at the same time, the attacking movements of his hands were not slow, and he couldn't help but admire everyone's ability to multitask. He didn't have anything to talk about, and just listened silently to increase his knowledge.

"Praise~~ I dropped the knight's long sword." The Terminator picked out an undead dressed as a guard, and dropped a long sword with a bang. Before everyone had time to look back, they had already been captured by a group of black shadows.

"This... I just wanted to say, what kind of beast is this?" Just as the Terminator was about to point at the kitten, the kitten jumped to another place to pick up something.

"This is Mr. Lucky Cat, remember to pay your respects." The poor man was explaining his doubts to the Terminator.

"The beckoning cat is not that kind of... that kind of..." The Terminator, who was busy poking the head of an undead, couldn't turn his head to describe the lucky cat.

"Don't think about it, little meat, the lucky cat in this game looks like this." Yuexia also joined the topic of the lucky cat, thinking that he couldn't believe it at the beginning. (Terminator = Meat Shield Knight = Little Meat)

"It's unbelievable. Isn't it afraid of Lena's red lotus fire?" The Terminator took a moment to glance at the whereabouts of the kitten, and it actually ran to Caitlina to pick up the dropped items. You must know the surroundings of Lena They are all dots of flame, if you are not careful, you will burn your hair.

"Its agility is higher than mine." Xie Huang said quietly.

Collective silent...

Monster — that's how others summed up kittens.

"Ah, another silver crossbow exploded." After the silver-winged angel shot down a cloth-covered ghost, a shiny bow fell out from under the cloth, and was swallowed by the kitten again.

"Today's RP broke out." Elmes sighed. You must know that they usually have two pieces of equipment in one afternoon, which is already a good harvest. It still comes with attributes, it is definitely not a store product, but I don’t know if there are many slots attached.

"Hmph, do you know the benefits of calling you guys here? Xiaoyu—that is, Lucky Cat, his team RP is very high, and the Ant Queen card is also swiped with him." The poor man was very excited. Proud, when contacting these brats, they complained a bit. It’s not that they don’t want to bring newcomers, but their respective attack powers are very strong, they don’t need protection and they won’t protect others. They are deeply afraid that if the lucky cat dies due to improper protection, all effects will be cleared after death, wasting the leapfrog talisman , They will be tortured to death by these bosses taking them to the PK field.

"Yes, the poor man is wise. Next time, you must call the younger one for such a good job." Although he was a little dubious, his fortune in treasure hunting today was really good, and he hoped it could continue.