I am the Lucky Cat of an MMORPG

Chapter 69: failed attempt


Bai Xiaoyu woke up at 6 o'clock. Last night he just took a quick shower and fell asleep. He didn't take a good look at the environment at home. He had already planned to buy some food online when he got up early in the morning. After all, he had to cook and eat by himself in the past few days, and then cleaned and tidied up.

While Bai Xiaoyu was busy walking around in his small house, Kurosaki Yao was making a video call with Lin Qiong in his villa.

"Boss, it is estimated that the number of people at this party will exceed 1,000, and we have to book a stadium." For the first time, Lin Qiong felt that there were too many demon members, especially those who liked to join in the fun. Yesterday's registration statistics got to midnight, which hurt him Another sleep deprivation.

"Well, you can figure it out."

"Is Xiaoyu coming?"

"No." Kurosaki Yao shook his head, a little helplessly.

"Didn't you ask why?" Later yesterday, when she found out that the boss was looking for Xiao Yu, Lin Qiong didn't complain much about throwing all the work to him. The last time I had a preliminary look at Bai Xiaoyu's tone, I knew that he couldn't go out. The specific reason was unknown. I thought that the boss might be able to get it done, but I didn't expect it to be impossible.

"I don't want to push too hard. However, today I plan to go to his house once, and maybe I can understand the reason."

"Boss, you are amazing, already know the address of Xiaoyu's house?"


"I really want to go too..."


"Hey, just kidding, I don't want to be a light bulb." Lin Qiong is the best at reading the emotions of the boss, and Kurosaki Yoshi's obviously rising tone means asking him back, 'Are you sure you want to follow? ', he was smart and hurried to adapt to the wind.

"Let me know when the party plan is finalized." Looking at the time, Kurosaki Yo felt that it was almost time to prepare, and he had to buy some desserts, so he couldn't come home empty-handed.

"Well, it's probably in the next two days, so I'll contact the venue first. Boss, we must try our best to convince Xiao Yu."


While Kurosaki Yao was carefully selecting cakes in the dessert shop, Bai Xiaoyu finally finished the housework and sat on the sofa in a daze. Thanks to the advanced nature of this era, the house that has not been offline for more than a month will not be so dusty that it can be painted, and it can be cleaned quickly with various high-tech cleaners.

But people like to think wildly when they are free, Bai Xiaoyu leaned back on the sofa, looked at the white ceiling, and imagined the scene of waiting for Kurosaki Yao to come.

Will Kurosaki Yao look different from the game? Ever wonder why he can't leave the house? Will you be disappointed in him who is ordinary and useless

The more Bai Xiaoyu thinks about the future, the more disappointed he becomes. He shakes his head to get rid of his pessimistic thoughts. He has no reason to be annoyed by his cowardice. Vehicle, that would be great.

How long has it been since you last stepped out of the house? It seems to have happened more than half a year ago. At that time, he couldn't take a step out of the vehicle, and he sat on the ground until a kind-hearted person passing by helped him back.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu suddenly had a thought, saying that time is the best painkiller, after such a long time, will his fear of vehicles get better

He really wants to give it a try... Yes, try it if you say so, instead of feeling sorry for yourself like a wretched woman here, it's better to try to go out, anyway, you are also a man.

Still hesitating while holding the door handle, Bai Xiaoyu calmed down, took a deep breath, and slowly opened the door of his own house. Every step down the stairs seems extremely difficult and long, but it is indeed walking towards the outside world step by step.

The last one is the big iron door downstairs, which can be opened only by entering the password. Press a string of numbers that you have memorized by heart, and with a beep, the iron door automatically opens, revealing the world outside the building.

The surrounding area is very quiet. After all, this is the interior of the community, and there are very few people coming and going at this time. Bai Xiaoyu tried to take a step forward, no problem, his feet were not soft.

Just when Bai Xiaoyu was about to try to walk down the three stairs in front of the building again, a black smart car suddenly drove past him, and then Bai Xiaoyu remained motionless as if he had been struck by lightning.

I froze in place for a full minute, and what flashed before my eyes during this minute was the scene on the road more than a year ago: At that time, in order to reward Bai Xiaoyu for being admitted to C University, the whole family was planning to buy a game board. When the light was green, Bai Xiaoyu walked over impatiently. Just as he turned around and wanted to beckon his parents to hurry up, he saw a black smart car suddenly out of control and knocked them both out, and then a longitudinal vehicle The computer on the computer was also unable to respond in time to this unexpected event, resulting in a series of collisions and crushing. Bai Xiaoyu could only stand there and watch everything happen within a few seconds. When the chaos finally stopped, the bodies of the Bai family and his wife were already in tatters, and they died directly on the street.

After reminiscing, Bai Xiaoyu couldn't take any more steps, her feet softened and she knelt down on the ground. Pressing tightly on the trembling legs with both hands, Bai Xiaoyu bit her lower lip tightly, but it still didn't work. Facing vehicles, especially black ones, he couldn't even move a step, and he couldn't even stand up.

But Bai Xiaoyu still wanted to try to stand up, because Kurosaki Yao would come soon, and he didn't want him to see himself in such a mess. However, no matter how hard he tried, his legs seemed to no longer belong to him, and he couldn't use any strength. He kept falling, getting up and falling again. In the end, Bai Xiaoyu thumped the ground hard and gave up struggling. It seemed that his useless legs would not recover for a while, so he could only pray that Kurosaki Yao would come back later.